#' Overlap Coefficient #' #' A method to calculate the overlap coefficient between two empirical distributions (that can be used as a measure of similarity between two samples). #' #' @param x Vector of x values. #' @param y Vector of x values. #' @param method_auc Area Under the Curve (AUC) estimation method. See \code{\link{area_under_curve}}. #' @param method_density Density estimation method. See \code{\link{estimate_density}}. #' @inheritParams estimate_density #' #' @examples #' library(bayestestR) #' #' x <- distribution_normal(1000, 2, 0.5) #' y <- distribution_normal(1000, 0, 1) #' #' overlap(x, y) #' plot(overlap(x, y)) #' @export overlap <- function(x, y, method_density = "kernel", method_auc = "trapezoid", precision = 2^10, extend = TRUE, extend_scale = 0.1, ...) { # Generate densities dx <- estimate_density(x, method = method_density, precision = precision, extend = extend, extend_scale = extend_scale, ...) dy <- estimate_density(y, method = method_density, precision = precision, extend = extend, extend_scale = extend_scale, ...) # Create density estimation functions fx <- stats::approxfun(dx$x, dx$y, method = "linear", rule = 2) fy <- stats::approxfun(dy$x, dy$y, method = "linear", rule = 2) x_axis <- seq(min(c(dx$x, dy$x)), max(c(dx$x, dy$x)), length.out = precision) data <- data.frame(x = x_axis, y1 = fx(x_axis), y2 = fy(x_axis)) # calculate intersection densities data$intersection <- pmin(data$y1, data$y2) data$exclusion <- pmax(data$y1, data$y2) # integrate areas under curves area_intersection <- area_under_curve(data$x, data$intersection, method = method_auc) # area_exclusion <- area_under_curve(data$x, data$exclusion, method = method_auc) # compute overlap coefficient overlap <- area_intersection attr(overlap, "data") <- data class(overlap) <- c("overlap", class(overlap)) overlap } #' @export print.overlap <- function(x, ...) { insight::print_color("# Overlap\n\n", "blue") cat(sprintf("%.2f", as.numeric(x))) } #' @export plot.overlap <- function(x, ...) { # Can be improved through see data <- attributes(x)$data plot(data$x, data$exclusion, type = "l") graphics::polygon(data$x, data$intersection, col = "red") }