Tip revision: 5e711137e20a881936ff80269c89b0aa857748aa authored by Marie Gosme on 03 October 2024, 13:31:29 UTC
remove crop from criteria in shadetreeadvice
remove crop from criteria in shadetreeadvice
Tip revision: 5e71113
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# this will just take the user to the desired tab, with the desired language
# this triggers a modal dialog to download a txt file with the species scores for this particular set of conditions
query <- parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
if (!is.null(query[['in_language']])) {
updateRadioButtons(session, "in_language", selected = query[['in_language']])
desiredmodel <- query$model
if(is.null(input$sidemenu) || !is.null(desiredmodel) && desiredmodel != input$sidemenu){
freezeReactiveValue(input, "sidemenu")
updateTabItems(session, "sidemenu", selected = "tool")
freezeReactiveValue(input, "toolsTabset")
updateTabsetPanel(session, "toolsTabset", selected = desiredmodel)
allotherparameters<-setdiff(names(query), c("in_language", "model"))
if(length(allotherparameters)>0){ #we passed parameters by URL = we want to get the results as csv
queryinputs<-unlist(query[allotherparameters]) #icicicic todo : check that all necessary inputs are provided before sending to the suitability function
print(paste("computing suitability of model", desiredmodel))
resultdf<"compute_suitability_", desiredmodel, sep=""), list(
database=get(paste("data", desiredmodel, sep="")),
interface=get(paste("interface", desiredmodel, sep="")))
# Define a function to generate and return the CSV content
generatetxtContent <- function(df) {
m <- as.matrix(df)
# add column headers
m <- rbind(dimnames(m)[[2]], m)
m<-apply(m, 1, paste, collapse="\t")
preview_table <- head(resultdf, n = 5)
# Display data preview in the modal
output$dataPreview <- renderUI({
output$previewTable <- renderTable({
# Handle the download button within the modal
output$modalDownload <- downloadHandler(
filename = function() {
content = function(file) {
txt_content <- generatetxtContent(resultdf)
writeLines(txt_content, file)
title = "Download txt file",
htmlOutput("dataPreview"), # Display data preview
footer = tagList(
downloadButton("modalDownload", "Download")
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE
}) #end managing URL queries
# Reactive expression for the selected language
language <- reactive({
# Czech tree advice ----
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "Czech",
language= language,
data=dataCzech, interface=interfaceCzech, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_Czech, compactobjectives=FALSE)
# Flanders tree advice ----
moduleTabInterface_Server( # nom de la fonction server du module
id = "DENTRO", # Attention à bien donner le même id que dans ui !
language= language,
data = dataDENTRO, interface= interfaceDENTRO, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_DENTRO, compactobjectives=TRUE )
# Shade tree advice ----
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "STA",
language= language,
data=dataSTA, interface=interfaceSTA, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_STA, compactobjectives=FALSE)
# Deciduous ----
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "DECIDUOUS",
language= language,
data=dataDECIDUOUS, interface=interfaceDECIDUOUS, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_DECIDUOUS, compactobjectives=FALSE)
# Species Climate Suitability Model ----
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "SCSM",
language= language,
data=dataSCSM, interface=interfaceSCSM, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_SCSM, compactobjectives=FALSE)
# Juiste Boom op de Juiste Plek ----
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "JBOJP",
language= language,
data=dataJBOJP, interface=interfaceJBOJP, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_JBOJP, compactobjectives=FALSE)
# German Hedgerow manager
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "DEHM",
language= language,
data=dataDEHM, interface=interfaceDEHM, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_DEHM, compactobjectives=FALSE)
#Finnish tree suitability
moduleTabInterface_Server(id = "SUOMI",
language= language,
data=dataSUOMI, interface=interfaceSUOMI, functionSuitability=compute_suitability_SUOMI, compactobjectives=FALSE)