// Geometric Tools, LLC
// Copyright (c) 1998-2012
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#pragma once
#include "NURBSGlobal.h"
extern double CURVE_TOLERANCE;
extern int RombergIntegralOrder;
static inline bool IsFiniteNumber(double x){return (x <= DBL_MAX && x >= -DBL_MAX); }
static inline bool IsNumber(double x) {return (x == x); }
namespace NURBS
template <typename Real>
class Curve
// Abstract base class.
Curve () {}
virtual ~Curve () {}
Curve (Real tmin, Real tmax);
// Interval on which curve parameter is defined. If you are interested
// in only a subinterval of the actual domain of the curve, you may set
// that subinterval with SetTimeInterval. This function requires that
// tmin < tmax.
Real GetMinTime () ;
Real GetMaxTime () ;
void SetTimeInterval (Real tmin, Real tmax);
// Position and derivatives.
virtual Vector3 GetPosition (Real t) = 0;
virtual Vector3 GetFirstDerivative (Real t) = 0;
virtual Vector3 GetSecondDerivative (Real t) = 0;
virtual Vector3 GetThirdDerivative (Real t) = 0;
// Differential geometric quantities.
Real GetSpeed (Real t) ;
virtual Real GetLength (Real t0, Real t1) = 0;
Real GetTotalLength () ;
Vector3 GetTangent (Real t) ;
Vector3 GetNormal (Real t) ;
Vector3 GetBinormal (Real t) ;
void GetFrame (Real t, Vector3& position, Vector3& tangent, Vector3& normal, Vector3& binormal) ;
Real GetCurvature (Real t) ;
Real GetTorsion (Real t) ;
// Inverse mapping of s = Length(t) given by t = Length^{-1}(s).
virtual Real GetTime (Real length, int iterations, Real tolerance) = 0;
// Subdivision.
void SubdivideByTime (int numPoints, Array1D_Vector3& points) ;
void SubdivideByLength (int numPoints, Array1D_Vector3& points) ;
void SubdivideByLengthTime(int numPoints, std::vector<Real> ×);
// Curve parameter is t where tmin <= t <= tmax.
Real mTMin, mTMax;
typedef Curve<float> Curvef;
typedef Curve<double> Curved;