#include "Sampler.h"
Sampler::Sampler(SurfaceMesh::Model * srcMesh, SamplingMethod samplingMethod)
if(srcMesh == NULL)
mesh = srcMesh;
method = samplingMethod;
SurfaceMeshHelper h(mesh);
farea = h.computeFaceAreas();
points = h.getVector3VertexProperty(VPOINT);
FaceBarycenterHelper fh(mesh);
fcenter = fh.compute();
fnormal = mesh->get_face_property<Vector3>(FNORMAL);
// Sample based on method selected
if( method == RANDOM_BARYCENTRIC )
// Compute all faces area
fprobability = mesh->face_property<Scalar>("f:probability", 0);
this->totalMeshArea = 0;
Surface_mesh::Face_iterator fit, fend = mesh->faces_end();
for (fit = mesh->faces_begin(); fit != fend; ++fit)
totalMeshArea += farea[fit];
for (fit = mesh->faces_begin(); fit != fend; ++fit)
fprobability[fit] = farea[fit] / totalMeshArea;
interval = std::vector<AreaFace>(mesh->n_faces() + 1);
interval[0] = AreaFace(0.0, Surface_mesh::Face(0));
int i = 0;
// Compute mesh area in a cumulative manner
foreach(Face f, mesh->faces())
interval[f.idx()+1] = AreaFace(interval[i].area + fprobability[f], f);
else if( method == FACE_CENTER )
// No preparations needed..
SamplePoint Sampler::getSample(double weight)
SamplePoint sp;
double r;
double b[3];
if( method == RANDOM_BARYCENTRIC )
// r, random point in the area
r = uniform();
// Find corresponding face
std::vector<AreaFace>::iterator it = lower_bound(interval.begin(), interval.end(), AreaFace(qMin(r,interval.back().area)));
Surface_mesh::Face f = it->f;
// Add sample from that face
sp = SamplePoint( getBaryFace(f, b[0], b[1]), fnormal[f], weight, f.idx(), b[0], b[1]);
else if( method == FACE_CENTER )
int fcount = mesh->n_faces();
int randTriIndex = (int) (fcount * (((double)rand()) / (double)RAND_MAX)) ;
if( randTriIndex >= fcount )
randTriIndex = fcount - 1;
Surface_mesh::Face f(randTriIndex);
// Get triangle center and normal
sp = SamplePoint(fcenter[f], fnormal[f], farea[f], f.idx(), 1 / 3.0, 1 / 3.0);
return sp;
std::vector<SamplePoint> Sampler::getSamples(int numberSamples, double weight)
std::vector<SamplePoint> samples(numberSamples);
for(int i = 0; i < numberSamples; i++)
samples[i] = getSample(weight);
return samples;
Vector3 Sampler::getBaryFace( Surface_mesh::Face f, double U, double V )
QVector<Vector3> v;
Surface_mesh::Vertex_around_face_circulator vit = mesh->vertices(f),vend=vit;
do{ v.push_back(points[vit]); } while(++vit != vend);
if(U == 1.0) return v[1];
if(V == 1.0) return v[2];
double b1 = U;
double b2 = V;
double b3 = 1.0 - (U + V);
Vector3 p;
p.x() = (b1 * v[0].x()) + (b2 * v[1].x()) + (b3 * v[2].x());
p.y() = (b1 * v[0].y()) + (b2 * v[1].y()) + (b3 * v[2].y());
p.z() = (b1 * v[0].z()) + (b2 * v[1].z()) + (b3 * v[2].z());
return p;