using RecursiveArrayTools # for bifurcation point handling import Base: show ############################################################################################### # Structure to hold result @with_kw struct ContResult{T, vectype, eigenvectype} # this vector is used to hold (param, printsolution(u), Newton iterations, ds) branch::VectorOfArray{T, 2, Array{Vector{T}, 1}} = VectorOfArray([zeros(T, 4)]) # the following holds the eigen elements at the index of the point along the curve. This index is the last element of eig[1] (for example). Recording this index is useful for storing only some eigenelements and not all of them along the curve eig::Vector{Tuple{Array{Complex{T}, 1}, eigenvectype, Int64}} # the following holds information about the detected bifurcation points like # [(:none, step, printsolution(u), u, tau, eigenvalue_index)] where tau is the tangent along the curve and eigenvalue_index is the index of the eigenvalue in eig (see above) which change stability bifpoint::Vector{Tuple{Symbol, Int64, T, T, vectype, vectype, Int64}} # whether the associated point is linearly stable stability::Vector{Bool} = [false] # number of eigenvalues with positive real part and non zero imaginary part n_imag::Vector{Int64} # number of eigenvalues with positive real part n_unstable::Vector{Int64} end function show(io::IO, br::PseudoArcLengthContinuation.ContResult) println(io, "Branch number of points: ", length(br.branch)) if length(br.bifpoint) >0 println(io, "Bifurcation points:") for ii in eachindex(br.bifpoint) bp = br.bifpoint[ii] println(io, "- $ii, ", bp[1], " point, at p = ", bp[3]) end end end ############################################################################################### function displayIteration(i, funceval, residual, itlinear = 0) (i == 0) && println("\n Newton Iterations \n Iterations Func-count f(x) Linear-Iterations\n") if length(itlinear)==1 @printf("%9d %16d %14.4e %9d\n", i, funceval, residual, itlinear); else @printf("%9d %16d %14.4e (%6d, %6d)\n", i, funceval, residual, itlinear[1], itlinear[2]); end end ############################################################################################### """ Plot the continued branch of solutions """ function plotBranchCont(contres::ContResult{T}, sol::M, contparms, plotuserfunction) where {T, vectype, M<:BorderedVector{vectype, T}} colorbif = Dict(:fold => :black, :hopf => :red, :bp => :blue, :nd => :magenta) branch = contres.branch if contparms.computeEigenValues == false l = Plots.@layout [a{0.5w} b{0.5w}; c d] else l = Plots.@layout [a{0.5w} b{0.5w}; c d;e] end Plots.plot(layout=l) # plot the branch of solutions plotBranch!(contres, xlabel="p", ylabel="|x|", label="", subplot=1 ) plot!(branch[1, :], xlabel="s", ylabel="p", label="", subplot=2) plot!(branch[2, :], xlabel="it", ylabel="|x|", label="", subplot=3) # add the bifurcation points along the branch if length(contres.bifpoint)>1 scatter!(map(x->x[2],contres.bifpoint[2:end]), map(x->x[4],contres.bifpoint[2:end]), label="", color = map(x->colorbif[x[1]],contres.bifpoint[2:end]), markersize=3, markerstrokewidth=0, subplot=3) |> display end if contparms.computeEigenValues for ii=1:length(contres.eig) scatter!(real.(contres.eig[ii][1]), imag.(contres.eig[ii][1]), subplot=5, label="", markersize = 1, color=:black) end end plotuserfunction(sol.u) display(title!("")) end """ Plot the branch of solutions from a `ContResult`. You can also pass parameters like `plotBranch(br, marker = :dot)`. For the continuation diagram, the legend is as follows `(:fold => :black, :hopf => :red, :bp => :blue, :nd => :magenta, :none => :yellow)` """ function plotBranch(contres::ContResult; kwargs...) plot([],[],label="") plotBranch!(contres; kwargs...) end """ Plot all the branches contained in `brs` in a single figure. Convenient when many bifurcation diagram have been computed. """ function plotBranch(brs::Vector; kwargs...) plotBranch(brs[1]; kwargs...) for ii=2:length(brs) plotBranch!(brs[ii]; kwargs...) |> display end end """ Append to the current plot the plot of the branch of solutions from a `ContResult`. You can also pass parameters like `plotBranch!(br, marker = :dot)` """ function plotBranch!(contres::ContResult; kwargs...) colorbif = Dict(:fold => :black, :hopf => :red, :bp => :blue, :nd => :magenta, :none => :yellow) branch = contres.branch if length(contres.stability) > 2 plot!(branch[1, :], branch[2, :], linewidth = 1 .+ 3contres.stability ; kwargs...) else plot!(branch[1, :], branch[2, :]; kwargs...) end # add the bifurcation points along the branch if length(contres.bifpoint)>=1 id = 1 contres.bifpoint[1][1] == :none ? id = 2 : id = 1 scatter!(map(x->x[3],contres.bifpoint[id:end]), map(x->x[4],contres.bifpoint[id:end]), label="", color = map(x->colorbif[x[1]],contres.bifpoint[id:end]), markersize=3, markerstrokewidth=0 ; kwargs...) |> display end end ############################################################################################### function detectBifucation(contparams, contResult, z, tau, printsolution, verbosity) branch = contResult.branch # Fold point detection based on continuation parameter monotony if contparams.detect_fold && size(branch)[2] > 2 && (branch[1, end] - branch[1, end-1])* (branch[1, end-1] - branch[1, end-2]) < 0 (verbosity > 1) && printstyled(color=:red, "Fold bifurcation point!! between $(branch[1, end-1]) and $(branch[1, end]) \n") push!(contResult.bifpoint, (:fold, length(branch)-1, branch[1, end-1], printsolution(z.u), copy(z.u), copy(tau.u) / norm(tau.u), 0)) end # update number of unstable eigenvalues n_unstable = mapreduce(x -> round(real(x), digits=6) > 0, +, contResult.eig[end][1]) push!(contResult.n_unstable, n_unstable) # update number of unstable eigenvalues with nonzero imaginary part n_imag = mapreduce(x -> (abs(round(imag(x), digits = 6)) > 0) * (round(real(x), digits = 6) > 0), +, contResult.eig[end][1]) push!(contResult.n_imag, n_imag) # computation of the index of the bifurcating eigenvalue ind_bif = n_unstable if n_unstable < contResult.n_unstable[end-1] ind_bif += 1 end # Hopf / BP bifurcation point detection based on eigenvalue distribution if size(branch)[2] > 1 if abs(contResult.n_unstable[end] - contResult.n_unstable[end-1]) == 1 push!(contResult.bifpoint, (:bp, length(branch)-1, branch[1, end-1], printsolution(z.u), z.u, tau.u ./ norm(tau.u), ind_bif)) elseif abs(contResult.n_unstable[end] - contResult.n_unstable[end-1]) == 2 if abs(contResult.n_imag[end] - contResult.n_imag[end-1]) == 2 push!(contResult.bifpoint, (:hopf, length(branch)-1, branch[1, end-1], printsolution(z.u), copy(z.u), 0tau.u, ind_bif)) else push!(contResult.bifpoint, (:bp, length(branch)-1, branch[1, end-1], printsolution(z.u), copy(z.u), copy(tau.u) / norm(tau.u), n_unstable)) end elseif abs(contResult.n_unstable[end] - contResult.n_unstable[end-1]) >2 push!(contResult.bifpoint, (:nd, length(branch)-1, branch[1, end-1], printsolution(z.u), copy(z.u), copy(tau.u) / norm(tau.u), ind_bif)) end end end ############################################################################################### """ Compute Jacobian by Finite Differences """ function finiteDifferences(F, x::AbstractVector) f = F(x) epsi = 1e-9 N = length(x) J = zeros(N, N) x1 = copy(x) for i=1:N x1[i] += epsi J[:, i] .= (F(x1) .- F(x)) / epsi x1[i] -= epsi end return J end ############################################################################################### """ Save solution / data in JLD2 file - `filename` is for example "example.jld2" - `sol` is the solution - `p` is the parameter - `i` is the index of the solution to be saved """ function saveSolution(filename, sol, p, i::Int64, br::ContResult, contParam) # create a group in the JLD format jldopen(filename*".jld2", "a+") do file mygroup = JLD2.Group(file, "sol-$i") mygroup["sol"] = sol mygroup["param"] = p end jldopen(filename*"-branch.jld2", "w") do file file["branch"] = br file["contParam"] = contParam end end ############################################################################################### # this trick is extracted from KrylovKit. It allows for the Jacobian to be specified as a matrix (sparse / dense) or as a function. apply(A::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector) = A * x apply(f, x) = f(x) apply!(y::AbstractVector, A::AbstractMatrix, x::AbstractVector) = mul!(y, A, x) apply!(y, f, x) = copyto!(y, f(x))