## Copyright (C) 2010 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software ## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later ## version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS ## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more ## details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with ## this program; if not, see . #### Implementation of function evaluations and random number generation for #### nested Archimedean copulas ##' Returns the copula value at a certain vector u ##' @param x nacopula ##' @param u argument of the copula x ##' @return x(u) ##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler ## FIXME: maybe make this applicable to a matrix of u's? pnacopula <- function(x,u) { stopifnot(is.numeric(u), 0 <= u, u <= 1, length(u) >= dim(x)) # can be larger C <- x@copula th <- C@theta ## use u[j] for the direct components 'comp': C@psi(sum(unlist(lapply(u[x@comp], C@psiInv, theta=th)), C@psiInv(unlist(lapply(x@childCops, pnacopula, u = u)), theta=th)), theta=th) } ##' Compute the probability P[l < U <= u] where U ~ copula x. ##' @param x outer nested archimedean copula ##' @param l d-vector of lower "integration" limits ##' @param u d-vector of upper "integration" limits ##' @return the probability that a random vector following the given copula ##' falls in the hypercube with lower and upper corner l and u, respectively. ##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler setGeneric("prob", function(x, l, u) standardGeneric("prob")) setMethod("prob", signature(x ="outer_nacopula"), function(x, l,u) { d <- dim(x) ## TODO: maybe allow l & u to be k x d matrices ## --> return vector of probabilities of length k stopifnot(is.numeric(l), is.numeric(u), length(u) == d, d == length(l), 0 <= l, l <= u, u <= 1) if(d > 30) stop("prob() for copula dimensions > 30 are not supported (yet)") D <- 2^d m <- 0:(D - 1) ## digitsBase() from package 'sfsmisc' {slightly simplified} : ## Purpose: Use binary representation of 0:N ## Author: Martin Maechler, Date: Wed Dec 4 14:10:27 1991 II <- matrix(0, nrow = D, ncol = d) for (i in d:1L) { II[,i] <- m %% 2L + 1L if (i > 1) m <- m %/% 2L } ## Sign: the ("u","u",...,"u") case has +1; = c(2,2,...,2) Sign <- c(1,-1)[1L + (- rowSums(II)) %% 2] U <- array(cbind(l,u)[cbind(c(col(II)), c(II))], dim = dim(II)) sum(Sign * apply(U, 1, pnacopula, x=x)) }) ##' Returns (n x d)-matrix of random variates ##' @param n number of vectors of random variates to generate ##' @param x outer_nacopula ##' @return matrix of random variates ##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler rnacopula <- function(n, x, ...) { Cp <- x@copula # outer copula theta <- Cp@theta # theta for outer copula V0 <- Cp@V0(n,theta) # generate V0's childL <- lapply(x@childCops, rnchild, # <-- start recursion theta0=theta,V0=V0,...) dns <- length(x@comp) # dimension of the non-sectorial part r <- matrix(rexp(n*dns), n, dns) # generate the non-sectorial part ## put pieces together mat <- Cp@psi(r/V0, theta=theta) # transform mat <- cbind(mat, do.call(cbind,lapply(childL, `[[`, "U"))) ## get correct sorting order: j <- c(x@comp, unlist(lapply(childL, `[[`, "indCol"))) ## extra checks TODO: comment stopifnot(length(j) == ncol(mat)) m <- mat[,order(j)] # permute data and return ## extra checks TODO: comment stopifnot(length(dm <- dim(m)) == 2, dm == dim(mat)) m } ##' Returns a list with an (n x d)-matrix of random variates and a vector of ##' indices. ##' @param x nacopula ##' @param n number of vectors of random variates to generate ##' @param theta0 parameter theta0 ##' @param V0 vector of V0's ##' @return list(U = matrix(*,n,d), indCol = vector of length d) ##' @author Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler rnchild <- function(x, theta0, V0,...) { n <- length(V0) Cp <- x@copula # inner copula ## Consistency checks -- for now {comment later} : stopifnot(is(Cp, "acopula"), is.numeric(n), n == as.integer(n), is.numeric(V0), length(V0) == n, is.numeric(theta0)) theta1 <- Cp@theta # theta_1 for inner copula ## generate V01's (only for one sector since the ## recursion in rnacopula() takes care of all sectors): V01 <- Cp@V01(V0, theta0,theta1,...) childL <- lapply(x@childCops, rnchild, # <-- recursion theta0=theta1, V0=V01,...) dns <- length(x@comp) # dimension of the non-sectorial part r <- matrix(rexp(n*dns), n, dns) # generate the non-sectorial part ## put pieces together: first own comp.s, then the children's : mat <- Cp@psi(r/V01, theta1) # transform mat <- cbind(mat, do.call(cbind, lapply(childL, `[[`, "U"))) ## get correct sorting order: j <- c(x@comp, unlist(lapply(childL, `[[`, "indCol"))) list(U = mat, indCol = j) # get list and return } if(FALSE) { # evaluate the following into your R session if you need debugging: trace(rnacopula, browser, exit=browser, signature=signature(x ="outer_nacopula")) debug(rnchild) } ##' Constructor for outer_nacopula ##' @param family either character string (short or longer form of ##' copula family name) or an "acopula" family object ##' @param nacStructure a "formula" of the form C(th, comp, list(C(..), C(..))) ##' @return a valid outer_nacopula object ##' @author Martin Maechler onacopula <- function(family, nacStructure) { nacl <- substitute(nacStructure) stopifnot(identical(nacl[[1]], as.symbol("C"))) COP <- getAcop(family) nacl[[1]] <- as.symbol("oC") mkC <- function(cClass, a,b,c) { if(missing(b) || length(b) == 0) b <- integer() if(missing(c) || length(c) == 0) c <- list() else if(length(c) == 1 && !is.list(c)) c <- list(c) else stopifnot(is.list(c)) stopifnot(is.numeric(a), length(a) == 1, is.numeric(b)) if(any(sapply(c, class) != "nacopula")) stop("third entry of 'nacStructure' must be NULL or list of 'C(..)' terms") new(cClass, copula = setTheta(COP, a), comp = as.integer(b), childCops = c) } C <- function(a,b,c) mkC("nacopula", a,b,c) oC <- function(a,b,c) mkC("outer_nacopula", a,b,c) eval(nacl) } ##' @title Constructor for outer_nacopula - with list() input and *recursively* ##' @param family ##' @param nacList ##' @return ##' @author Martin Maechler onacopulaL <- function(family, nacList) { COP <- getAcop(family) mkC <- function(cClass, abc) { stopifnot(is.list(abc), 2 <= (nL <- length(abc))) if(nL == 2) abc[[3]] <- list() else if(nL > 3) stop("nacLists must be of length 3 (or 2)") new(cClass, copula = setTheta(COP, abc[[1]]), comp = as.integer(abc[[2]]), childCops = lapply(abc[[3]], function(.) mkC("nacopula", .))) } mkC("outer_nacopula", nacList) }