// Geometric Tools, LLC
// Copyright (c) 1998-2012
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
#pragma once
#include "NURBSGlobal.h"
namespace NURBS
template <typename Real>
class BSplineBasis
// Default constructor. The number of control points is n+1 and the
// indices i for the control points satisfy 0 <= i <= n. The degree of
// the curve is d. The knot array has n+d+2 elements. Whether uniform
// or nonuniform knots, it is required that
// knot[i] = 0, 0 <= i <= d
// knot[i] = 1, n+1 <= i <= n+d+1
// BSplineBasis enforces these conditions by not exposing SetKnot for the
// relevant values of i.
BSplineBasis ();
// Open uniform or periodic uniform. The knot array is internally
// generated with equally spaced elements. It is required that
// knot[i] = (i-d)/(n+1-d), d+1 <= i <= n
// BSplineBasis enforces these conditions by not exposing SetKnot for the
// relevant values of i. GetKnot(j) will return knot[i] for i = j+d+1.
BSplineBasis (int numCtrlPoints, int degree, bool open);
void Create (int numCtrlPoints, int degree, bool open);
// Open nonuniform. The interiorKnot array must have n-d nondecreasing
// elements in the interval [0,1]. The values are
// knot[i] = interiorKnot[j]
// with 0 <= j <= n-d-1 and i = j+d+1, so d+1 <= i <= n. The caller is
// responsible for interiorKnot if it was dynamically allocated. An
// internal copy is made, so to dynamically change knots you must use
// the SetKnot(j,*) function.
BSplineBasis (int numCtrlPoints, int degree, const Real* interiorKnot);
void Create (int numCtrlPoints, int degree, const Real* interiorKnot);
int GetNumCtrlPoints () const;
int GetDegree () const;
bool IsOpen () const;
bool IsUniform () const;
// For a nonuniform spline, the knot[i] are modified by SetKnot(j,value)
// for j = i+d+1. That is, you specify j with 0 <= j <= n-d-1, i = j+d+1,
// and knot[i] = value. SetKnot(j,value) does nothing for indices outside
// the j-range or for uniform splines. GetKnot(j) returns knot[i]
// regardless of whether the spline is uniform or nonuniform.
void SetKnot (int j, Real knot);
Real GetKnot (int j) const;
// Access basis functions and their derivatives.
Real GetD0 (int i) const;
Real GetD1 (int i) const;
Real GetD2 (int i) const;
Real GetD3 (int i) const;
// Evaluate basis functions and their derivatives.
void Compute (Real t, unsigned int order, int& minIndex, int& maxIndex);
int Initialize (int numCtrlPoints, int degree, bool open);
Array2D_Real Allocate();
static Array1D_Real uniformKnotVector(int num_ctrl_points, int degree = 3);
// Determine knot index i for which knot[i] <= rfTime < knot[i+1].
int GetKey (Real& t) const;
// Storage for the basis functions and their derivatives first three
// derivatives. The basis array is always allocated by the constructor
// calls. A derivative basis array is allocated on the first call to a
// derivative member function.
Array2D_Real mBD0; // bd0[d+1][n+d+1]
Array2D_Real mBD1; // bd1[d+1][n+d+1]
Array2D_Real mBD2; // bd2[d+1][n+d+1]
Array2D_Real mBD3; // bd3[d+1][n+d+1]
Array1D_Real mKnot; // knot[n+d+2]
int mNumCtrlPoints; // n+1
int mDegree; // d
bool mOpen, mUniform;
typedef BSplineBasis<float> BSplineBasisf;
typedef BSplineBasis<double> BSplineBasisd;