\name{rtree} \alias{rtree} \title{Generates Random Trees} \usage{ rtree(n, br = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{n}{an integer giving the number of tips in the tree.} \item{br}{a logical specifying whether the tree should have branch lengths (default is \code{TRUE}).} } \description{ This function generates a tree by splitting randomly the edges until the specified number of tips is obtained. } \details{ If \code{br = TRUE}, branch lengths are taken from a uniform distribution on [0, 1]. This is an experimental function and is not intended to generate trees with given statistical characteristics (at least for the moment). Its present purpose is to give a tree of a specified size in an easy way. To get an ultrametric tree, one may apply the function \code{\link{chronogram}} to the tree generated by \code{rtree}. } \author{Emmanuel Paradis \email{paradis@isem.univ-montp2.fr}} \examples{ layout(matrix(1:9, 3, 3)) ### Nine random trees: for (i in 1:9) plot(rtree(20)) ### Nine random cladograms: for (i in 1:9) plot(rtree(20, FALSE), type = "c") layout(matrix(1)) } \keyword{datagen}