""" This is a private module that manages GPflow configuration. The module provides functions to modify default settings of GPflow, such as: - the standard float precision and integer type - the type of positive transformation - a value for a minimum shift from zero for the positive transformation - an output format for `gpflow.utilities.print_summary` The module holds global configuration :class:`Config` variable that stores all setting values. Environment variables are an alternative way for changing the default GPflow configuration. .. warning:: The user has to set environment variables before running python interpreter to modify the configuration. Full set of environment variables and available options: * ``GPFLOW_INT``: "int16", "int32", or "int64" * ``GPFLOW_FLOAT``: "float16", "float32", or "float64" * ``GPFLOW_POSITIVE_BIJECTOR``: "exp" or "softplus" * ``GPFLOW_POSITIVE_MINIMUM``: Any positive float number * ``GPFLOW_SUMMARY_FMT``: "notebook" or any other format that :mod:`tabulate` can handle. * ``GPFLOW_JITTER``: Any positive float number The user can also change the GPflow configuration temporarily with a context manager :func:`as_context`: >>> config = Config(jitter=1e-5) >>> with as_context(config): >>> # ...code here sees new config """ import contextlib import enum import os from dataclasses import dataclass, field, replace from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Type, Any import numpy as np import tabulate import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp __all__ = [ "Config", "as_context", "config", "set_config", "default_float", "set_default_float", "default_int", "set_default_int", "default_jitter", "set_default_jitter", "default_positive_bijector", "set_default_positive_bijector", "default_positive_minimum", "set_default_positive_minimum", "default_summary_fmt", "set_default_summary_fmt", "positive_bijector_type_map", ] class _Values(enum.Enum): """Setting's names collection with default values. The `name` method returns name of the environment variable. E.g. for `SUMMARY_FMT` field the environment variable will be `GPFLOW_SUMMARY_FMT`.""" INT = np.int32 FLOAT = np.float64 POSITIVE_BIJECTOR = "softplus" POSITIVE_MINIMUM = 0.0 SUMMARY_FMT = "fancy_grid" JITTER = 1e-6 @property def name(self) -> str: return f"GPFLOW_{super().name}" # todo str should be typing.AnyStr to account for other encodings? def _default(value: _Values) -> Union[str, Type[Any], float]: """Checks if value is set in the environment.""" return os.getenv(value.name, default=value.value) def _default_numeric_type_factory( valid_types: Dict[str, str], enum_key: _Values, type_name: str ) -> str: value = _default(enum_key) if value in valid_types.values(): return value if value not in valid_types: raise TypeError(f"Config cannot recognize {type_name} type.") return valid_types[value] def _default_int_factory(): valid_types = dict(int16=np.int16, int32=np.int32, int64=np.int64) return _default_numeric_type_factory(valid_types, _Values.INT, "int") def _default_float_factory(): valid_types = dict(float16=np.float16, float32=np.float32, float64=np.float64) return _default_numeric_type_factory(valid_types, _Values.FLOAT, "float") def _default_jitter_factory(): value = _default(_Values.JITTER) try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise TypeError("Config cannot set the jitter value with non float type.") return value def _default_positive_bijector_factory(): bijector_type = _default(_Values.POSITIVE_BIJECTOR) if bijector_type not in positive_bijector_type_map().keys(): raise TypeError( "Config cannot set the passed value as a default positive bijector." f"Available options: {set(positive_bijector_type_map().keys())}" ) return bijector_type def _default_positive_minimum_factory(): value = _default(_Values.POSITIVE_MINIMUM) try: value = float(value) except ValueError: raise TypeError("Config cannot set the positive_minimum value with non float type.") return value def _default_summary_fmt_factory(): return _default(_Values.SUMMARY_FMT) # The following type alias is for the Config class, to help a static analyser distinguish # between the built-in 'float' type and the 'float' type defined in the that class. Float = Union[float] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Config: """ Immutable object for storing global GPflow settings Args: int: Integer data type, int32 or int64. float: Float data type, float32 or float64 jitter: Jitter value. Mainly used for for making badly conditioned matrices more stable. Default value is `1e-6`. positive_bijector: Method for positive bijector, either "softplus" or "exp". Default is "softplus". positive_minimum: Lower bound for the positive transformation. summary_fmt: Summary format for module printing. """ int: type = field(default_factory=_default_int_factory) float: type = field(default_factory=_default_float_factory) jitter: Float = field(default_factory=_default_jitter_factory) positive_bijector: str = field(default_factory=_default_positive_bijector_factory) positive_minimum: Float = field(default_factory=_default_positive_minimum_factory) summary_fmt: str = field(default_factory=_default_summary_fmt_factory) __config = Optional[Config] def config() -> Config: """Returns current active config.""" return __config def default_int(): """Returns default integer type""" return config().int def default_float(): """Returns default float type""" return config().float def default_jitter(): """ The jitter is a constant that GPflow adds to the diagonal of matrices to achieve numerical stability of the system when the condition number of the associated matrices is large, and therefore the matrices nearly singular. """ return config().jitter def default_positive_bijector(): """Type of bijector used for positive constraints: exp or softplus.""" return config().positive_bijector def default_positive_minimum(): """Shift constant that GPflow adds to all positive constraints.""" return config().positive_minimum def default_summary_fmt(): """Summary printing format as understood by :mod:`tabulate` or a special case "notebook".""" return config().summary_fmt def set_config(new_config: Config): """Update GPflow config with new settings from `new_config`.""" global __config __config = new_config def set_default_int(value_type): """ Sets default integer type. Available options are ``np.int16``, ``np.int32``, or ``np.int64``. """ try: tf_dtype = tf.as_dtype(value_type) # Test that it's a tensorflow-valid dtype except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not a valid tf or np dtype") if not tf_dtype.is_integer: raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not an integer dtype") set_config(replace(config(), int=tf_dtype.as_numpy_dtype)) def set_default_float(value_type): """ Sets default float type. Available options are `np.float16`, `np.float32`, or `np.float64`. """ try: tf_dtype = tf.as_dtype(value_type) # Test that it's a tensorflow-valid dtype except TypeError: raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not a valid tf or np dtype") if not tf_dtype.is_floating: raise TypeError(f"{value_type} is not a float dtype") set_config(replace(config(), float=tf_dtype.as_numpy_dtype)) def set_default_jitter(value: float): """ Sets constant jitter value. The jitter is a constant that GPflow adds to the diagonal of matrices to achieve numerical stability of the system when the condition number of the associated matrices is large, and therefore the matrices nearly singular. """ if not ( isinstance(value, (tf.Tensor, np.ndarray)) and len(value.shape) == 0 ) and not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError("Expected float32 or float64 scalar value") if value < 0: raise ValueError("Jitter must be non-negative") set_config(replace(config(), jitter=value)) def set_default_positive_bijector(value: str): """ Sets positive bijector type. There are currently two options implemented: "exp" and "softplus". """ type_map = positive_bijector_type_map() if isinstance(value, str): value = value.lower() if value not in type_map: raise ValueError(f"`{value}` not in set of valid bijectors: {sorted(type_map)}") set_config(replace(config(), positive_bijector=value)) def set_default_positive_minimum(value: float): """Sets shift constant for positive transformation.""" if not ( isinstance(value, (tf.Tensor, np.ndarray)) and len(value.shape) == 0 ) and not isinstance(value, float): raise TypeError("Expected float32 or float64 scalar value") if value < 0: raise ValueError("Positive minimum must be non-negative") set_config(replace(config(), positive_minimum=value)) def set_default_summary_fmt(value: str): formats = tabulate.tabulate_formats + ["notebook", None] if value not in formats: raise ValueError(f"Summary does not support '{value}' format") set_config(replace(config(), summary_fmt=value)) def positive_bijector_type_map() -> Dict[str, type]: return { "exp": tfp.bijectors.Exp, "softplus": tfp.bijectors.Softplus, } @contextlib.contextmanager def as_context(temporary_config: Optional[Config] = None): """Ensure that global configs defaults, with a context manager. Useful for testing.""" current_config = config() temporary_config = replace(current_config) if temporary_config is None else temporary_config try: set_config(temporary_config) yield finally: set_config(current_config) # Set global config. set_config(Config())