# README # **To anyone who wants to use a bleeding edge version of wradlib from this repository:** wradlib uses [Codeship](http://www.codeship.io) for Continuous Integration. This means that once new code is pushed to the wradlib repository, Codeship runs a suite of tests. In case the tests run without failure, a new documentation will be built and pushed to the [wradlib documentation website](http://wradlib.bitbucket.org/). Below you see the Codeship Status of wradlib. A red status indicates that the current revision of wradlib did not pass the tests successfully. You should be aware of that. then again, you should be aware that a green Codeship status is not a guarantee that the latest revision is bug free. It just means that our tests did not find any bugs. ## Codeship Status ## [ ![Codeship Status for wradlib/wradlib](https://www.codeship.io/projects/5d3d6180-135f-0132-d079-1e5862c1e42f/status)](https://www.codeship.io/projects/33315) ### Documentation ### For further information on wradlib (Gettings started, library reference, development setup, ...), please see our homepage: http://wradlib.bitbucket.org ### User forum ### In order to stay tuned, we recommend that you register to the [wradlib user forum and mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/wradlib-users). ### Found any bugs or want to add wishes ### Create an issue [here](https://bitbucket.org/wradlib/wradlib/issues?status=new&status=open)