% fields, Tools for spatial data % Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences % University Corporation for Atmospheric Research % Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html \name{vgram.matrix} \alias{vgram.matrix} \alias{plot.vgram.matrix} \title{ Computes a variogram from an image } \description{ Computes a variogram for an image taking into account different directions and returning summary information about the differences in each of these directions. } \usage{ vgram.matrix(dat, R=5, dx = 1,dy = 1 ) plot.vgram.matrix(x,...) } \arguments{ \item{dat}{ A matrix spacing of rows and columns are assumed to have the same distance. } \item{R}{ Maximum radius for finding variogram differences assuming that the grid points are spaced one unit a part. Default is go out to a radius of 5. } \item{dx}{ The spacing of grid points on the X axis. This is used to calculate the correct distance between grid points. If dx is not equal to dy then the collapse argument must be FALSE. } \item{dy}{ The spacing of grid points on the Y axis. See additional notes for dx.} \item{x}{ Returned list from vgram.matrix} \item{\dots}{ Arguments for image.plot} } \value{ A list with the following components: d, a vector of distances for the differences, and vgram, the variogram values. This is the traditional variogram ignoring direction. d.full, a vector of distances for all possible shifts up distance R, ind, a two column matrix giving the x and y increment used to compute the shifts, and vgram.full, the variogram at each of these separations. Also computed is vgram.robust, Cressie's version of a robust variogram statistic. Also returned is the component N the number of differences found for each separation csae. } \details{ For the "full" case the statistics can summarize departures from isotropy by separating the variogram differences according to orientation. For small R this runs efficiently because the differences are found by sub-setting the image matrix. For example, suppose that a row of the ind matrix is (2,3). The variogram value associated with this row is the mean of the differences (1/2)*(X(i,j)- X( i+2,j+3))**2 for all i and j. (Here X(.,.) are the values for the spatial field.) In this example d= sqrt(13) and there will be another entry with the same distance but corresponding to the direction (3,2). plot.vgram.matrix attempts to organize all the different directions into a coherent image plot. } \seealso{ \code{\link{vgram}} } \examples{ # variogram for Lennon image. data(lennon) out<-vgram.matrix( lennon) plot( out$d, out$vgram, xlab="separation distance", ylab="variogram") # image plot of vgram values by direction. # look at different directions out<-vgram.matrix( lennon, R=8) plot( out$d, out$vgram) # add in different orientations points( out$d.full, out$vgram.full, col="red") #image plot of variogram values for different directions. set.panel(1,1) plot.vgram.matrix( out) # John Lennon appears remarkably isotropic! } \keyword{spatial} % docclass is function % Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.