\name{normest} \alias{normest} \alias{normest2} \title{ Estimated Matrix Norm } \description{ Estimate the 2-norm of a real (or complex-valued) matrix. 2-norm is also the maximum absolute eigenvalue of M, computed here using the power method. } \usage{ normest(M, maxiter = 100, tol = .Machine$double.eps^(1/2)) } \arguments{ \item{M}{Numeric matrix; vectors will be considered as column vectors.} \item{maxiter}{Maximum number of iterations allowed; default: 100.} \item{tol}{Tolerance used for stopping the iteration.} } \details{ Estimate the 2-norm of the matrix \code{M}, typically used for large or sparse matrices, where the cost of calculating the \code{norm (A)} is prohibitive and an approximation to the 2-norm is acceptable. Theoretically, the 2-norm of a matrix \eqn{M} is defined as \eqn{||M||_2 = max \frac{||M*x||_2}{||x||_2}} for all \eqn{x \neq 0} where \eqn{||.||_2} is the Euclidean/Frobenius norm. } \value{ 2-norm of the matrix as a positive real number. } \references{ Trefethen, L. N., and D. Bau III. (1997). Numerical Linear Algebra. SIAM, Philadelphia. } \note{ If feasible, an accurate value of the 2-norm would simply be calculated as the maximum of the singular values (which are all positive): \code{max(svd(M)\$d)} } \seealso{ \code{\link{cond}}, \code{\link{svd}} } \examples{ normest(magic(5)) == max(svd(magic(5))$d) # TRUE normest(magic(100)) # 500050 } \keyword{ array }