% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/performKmeans.R \name{performKmeans} \alias{performKmeans} \title{K-means clusterisation.} \usage{ performKmeans(es, columns = c(), rows = c(), k, replacena = "mean") } \arguments{ \item{es}{ExpressionSet object.} \item{columns}{List of specified columns' indices (optional), indices start from 0} \item{rows}{List of specified rows' indices (optional), indices start from 0} \item{k}{Expected number of clusters.} \item{replacena}{Method for replacing NA values in series matrix (mean by default)} } \value{ Vector of corresponding clusters, serialized to JSON. } \description{ \code{performKmeans} returns a vector of corresponding clusters for each gene from a given ExpressionSet. } \examples{ \dontrun{ data(es) performKmeans(es, k = 2) } }