Raw File
\title{K function of a model}
  Returns the theoretical \eqn{K} function or the pair correlation function
  of a point process model.
   Kmodel(model, \dots)
   pcfmodel(model, \dots)
   \method{Kmodel}{kppm}(model, \dots)
   \method{pcfmodel}{kppm}(model, \dots)
    A fitted cluster point process model, typically obtained from
    the model-fitting algorithm \code{\link{kppm}}. An object of
    class \code{"kppm"}.
  A \code{function} in the \R language,
  which takes one argument \code{r}.
  For certain types of point process models, it is possible to
  write down a mathematical expression for the \eqn{K} function
  or the pair correlation function of the model. In particular this
  is possible for a fitted cluster point process model (object of
  class \code{"kppm"} obtained from \code{\link{kppm}}).
  The functions \code{Kmodel} and \code{pcfmodel} are generic.
  Currently the only method is for the class \code{"kppm"}.
  The return value is a \code{function} in the \R language,
  which takes one argument \code{r}.
  Evaluation of this function, on a numeric vector \code{r},
  yields values of the desired \eqn{K} function or pair correlation
  function at these distance values.
  fit <- kppm(redwood, ~x, "MatClust")
  K <- Kmodel(fit)
  K(c(0.1, 0.2))
  curve(K(x), from=0, to=0.25)
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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