#' Q-mode cluster analysis for compositional parts #' #' Clustering using the variation matrix of compositional parts #' #' @aliases clustCoDa_qmode plot.clustCoDa_qmode #' @param x compositional data represented as a data.frame #' @param method hclust method #' @return a hclust object #' @author Matthias Templ (accessing the basic features of hclust that #' are all written by other authors) #' @export #' @references Filzmoser, P., Hron, K. Templ, M. (2018) #' \emph{Applied Compositional Data Analysis}, #' Springer, Cham. #' #' @keywords multivariate #' @importFrom stats hclust #' @examples #' data(expenditures) #' x <- expenditures #' cl <- clustCoDa_qmode(x) #' plot(cl) #' cl2 <- clustCoDa_qmode(x, method = "single") #' plot(cl2) clustCoDa_qmode <- function(x, method="ward.D2"){ d <- as.dist(variation(x)) clust <- hclust(d, method) return(clust) }