Tip revision: 015c96430f6bddf3c9b4b20d878ceae380a023be authored by Emanuel P. Barbosa on 21 September 2009, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.0
version 1.0
Tip revision: 015c964
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{ Update the Hotelling Control Chart for sub-group observations. }
This function is used to update the sub-group phase II control chart with new observations.
updatesub(datum2, estat, T2II, n, t, j)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{datum2}{ The data set for the phase II. Shoul be a vector. }
\item{estat}{ The values of the auxiliary statistics. Should be a list with a vector with the mean of the mean vectors, a matrix with the average of the variance-covariance matrices and a matrix with the means. }
\item{T2II}{ A vector with the value of T2 statistic for one sample. }
\item{n}{ The sub group size. }
\item{t}{ The maximum value of the x axis. }
\item{j}{ The index of the current sample. }
To use this function it is necessary to have the output given by the function T2subII. At every step you should entry with the new data set.
Add the new observation to the current Hoteliing control chart for phase II with sub-group observations.
\author{ Daniela R. Recchia, Emanuel P. Barbosa }
\seealso{ \link{T2subII} }