/* * wrksp.c logo workspace management module dvb * * Copyright (C) 1993 by the Regents of the University of California * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #ifdef HAVE_WX #define fgets wx_fgets #endif #ifdef WIN32 #include #endif #define WANT_EVAL_REGS 1 #include "logo.h" #include "globals.h" #ifdef HAVE_WX int wxEditFile(char *); #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef ibm #include "process.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H #ifdef HAVE_WX #include #else #include #endif #else #ifdef HAVE_SGTTY_H #include #endif #endif #ifdef OBJECTS extern NODE* get_var(NODE*, NODE*); extern NODE* get_proc(NODE*, NODE*); extern NODE* set_proc(NODE*, NODE*, NODE*); #endif char *editor, *editorname, *tempdir; int to_pending = 0; NODE *make_procnode(NODE *lst, NODE *wrds, int min, int df, int max) { return(cons_list(0, lst, wrds, make_intnode((FIXNUM)min), make_intnode((FIXNUM)df), make_intnode((FIXNUM)max), END_OF_LIST)); } NODE *get_bodywords(NODE *pproc, NODE *name) { NODE *val = bodywords__procnode(pproc); NODE *head = NIL, *tail = NIL; if (val != NIL) return(val); name = intern(name); head = cons_list(0, (is_macro(name) ? theName(Name_macro) : theName(Name_to)), name, END_OF_LIST); tail = cdr(head); val = formals__procnode(pproc); while (val != NIL) { if (is_list(car(val))) setcdr(tail, cons(cons(make_colon(caar(val)), cdar(val)), NIL)); else if (nodetype(car(val)) == INT) setcdr(tail, cons(car(val),NIL)); else setcdr(tail, cons(make_colon(car(val)),NIL)); tail = cdr(tail); val = cdr(val); } head = cons(head, NIL); tail = head; val = bodylist__procnode(pproc); while (val != NIL) { setcdr(tail, cons(runparse(car(val)), NIL)); tail = cdr(tail); val = cdr(val); } setcdr(tail, cons(cons(theName(Name_end), NIL), NIL)); /* setbodywords__procnode(pproc,head); */ /* confuses copydef */ return(head); } NODE *name_arg(NODE *args) { while (aggregate(car(args)) && NOT_THROWING) setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args))); return car(args); } NODE *proc_name_arg(NODE *args) { while ((aggregate(car(args)) || numberp(car(args))) && NOT_THROWING) setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args))); return car(args); } NODE *ltext(NODE *args) { NODE *name, *val = UNBOUND; name = proc_name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { name=intern(name); check_library(name); val = procnode__caseobj(name); if (val == UNDEFINED) { err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC,name); return UNBOUND; } else if (is_prim(val)) { err_logo(IS_PRIM,name); return UNBOUND; } else return text__procnode(val); } return UNBOUND; } NODE *lfulltext(NODE *args) { NODE *name, *val = UNBOUND; name = proc_name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { name=intern(name); check_library(name); val = procnode__caseobj(name); if (val == UNDEFINED) { err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC,name); return UNBOUND; } else if (is_prim(val)) { err_logo(IS_PRIM,name); return UNBOUND; } else return get_bodywords(val,name); } return UNBOUND; } BOOLEAN all_lists(NODE *val) { if (val == NIL) return TRUE; if (!is_list(car(val))) return FALSE; return all_lists(cdr(val)); } #ifdef OBJECTS BOOLEAN proc_exists(NODE *name) { return get_proc(name, current_object) != UNDEFINED; // if (current_object == logo_object) // return procnode__caseobj(name) != UNDEFINED; // else // return assoc(name, getprocs(current_object)) != NIL; } BOOLEAN prim_exists(NODE *name) { NODE *proc_node = get_proc(name, current_object); return (proc_node == UNDEFINED ? FALSE : is_prim(proc_node)); // if (current_object == logo_object) // return is_prim(procnode__caseobj(name)); // else // binding = assoc(name, getprocs(current_object)); // return (binding==NIL ? FALSE : is_prim(getobject(binding))); } int find_old_default(NODE *name) { NODE *p; if (flag__caseobj(name, MIXED_ARITY)) return -2; p = procValue(name); if (p == UNDEFINED) return -1; return (is_prim(p) ? getprimdflt(p) : getint(dfltargs__procnode(p))); } #endif /* OBJECTS */ NODE *define_helper(NODE *args, BOOLEAN macro_flag) { /* macro_flag is -1 for anonymous function */ NODE *name = NIL, *val = NIL, *arg = NIL; int minimum = 0, deflt = 0, maximum = 0, old_default = -1; int redef = (varTrue(Redefp)); if (macro_flag >= 0) { name = proc_name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { name = intern(name); val = procnode__caseobj(name); if (!redef && is_prim(val)) { err_logo(IS_PRIM,name); return UNBOUND; } else if (val != UNDEFINED) { old_default = (is_prim(val) ? getprimdflt(val) : getint(dfltargs__procnode(val))); } } if (NOT_THROWING) { val = cadr(args); while ((val == NIL || !is_list(val) || !all_lists(val)) && NOT_THROWING) { setcar(cdr(args), err_logo(BAD_DATA, val)); val = cadr(args); } if (NOT_THROWING) val = deep_copy(val); /* 5.4 fixes bug about defined procedures sharing tree form */ } } else { /* lambda */ val = args; } if (NOT_THROWING) { args = car(val); if (args != NIL) { make_runparse(args); args = parsed__runparse(args); } setcar(val, args); while (args != NIL) { arg = car(args); if (arg != NIL && is_list(arg) && maximum != -1) { make_runparse(arg); arg = parsed__runparse(arg); setcar(args, arg); setcar(arg, intern(car(arg))); /* fixes crash for # as arg */ maximum++; if (arg == NIL || !is_word(car(arg))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg); break; } if (cdr(arg) == NIL) maximum = -1; } else if (nodetype(arg) == INT) { if ((unsigned)getint(arg) <= (unsigned) maximum && getint(arg) >= minimum) { deflt = getint(arg); } else { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg); break; } } else if (is_word(arg) && maximum == minimum) { minimum++; maximum++; deflt++; } else { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg); break; } args = cdr(args); if (check_throwing) break; } } if (macro_flag < 0) { return make_procnode(val, NIL, minimum, deflt, maximum); } else if (NOT_THROWING) { setprocnode__caseobj(name, make_procnode(val, NIL, minimum, deflt, maximum)); if (macro_flag) setflag__caseobj(name, PROC_MACRO); else clearflag__caseobj(name, PROC_MACRO); if (deflt != old_default && old_default >= 0) { the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL); } need_save = 1; } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *ldefine(NODE *args) { return define_helper(args, FALSE); } NODE *ldefmacro(NODE *args) { return define_helper(args, TRUE); } NODE *anonymous_function(NODE *text) { return define_helper(text, -1); } char *strncasestr(char *big, char *little, FIXNUM len) { char *p, *q, pc, qc; FIXNUM i; while (*big != '\0') { while ((pc = *big++) != '\0' && tolower(pc) != tolower(*little)) ; if (pc == '\0') return NULL; p = big; q = little+1; i = len; while (--i > 0 && (qc = *q++) != '\0') { if ((pc = *p++) == '\0') return NULL; if (pc == '~') { while ((pc = *p++) != '\0' && pc != '\n') ; if (pc == '\0') return NULL; pc = *p++; } if (tolower(pc) != tolower(qc)) break; } if (i == 0) return big-1; } return NULL; /* not reached, I think */ } NODE *find_to(NODE *line) { char *lp = getstrptr(line); NODE *funn = cnv_node_to_strnode(fun); char *fp = getstrptr(funn); FIXNUM len = getstrlen(funn); char *p, c; p = lp; while (p != NULL) { p = strncasestr(p, fp, len); if (p == NULL) return(line); /* punt */ if ((c = *(p+len)) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') { if (p == lp || ((c = *(p-1)) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n')) return make_strnode(p, getstrhead(line), getstrlen(line)-(p-lp), nodetype(line), strcpy); if (c == '[') return make_strnode(p, getstrhead(line), strchr(p, ']')-p, nodetype(line), strcpy); } p++; } return line; } NODE *to_helper(NODE *args, BOOLEAN macro_flag) { NODE *arg = NIL, *tnode = NIL, *proc_name, *forms = NIL, *lastnode = NIL, *body_words, *lastnode2, *body_list; int minimum = 0, deflt = 0, maximum = 0, old_default = -1; if (ufun != NIL && loadstream == stdin) { err_logo(NOT_INSIDE,NIL); return(UNBOUND); } if (args == NIL) { err_logo(NOT_ENOUGH,NIL); return(UNBOUND); } deepend_proc_name = proc_name = car(args); args = cdr(args); if (nodetype(proc_name) != CASEOBJ) err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, proc_name); #ifdef OBJECTS else if ((proc_exists(proc_name) && loadstream == stdin) || prim_exists(proc_name)) #else /* OBJECTS */ else if ((procnode__caseobj(proc_name) != UNDEFINED && loadstream == stdin) || is_prim(procnode__caseobj(proc_name))) #endif /* OBJECTS */ err_logo(ALREADY_DEFINED, proc_name); else { #ifdef OBJECTS old_default = find_old_default(proc_name); #else /* OBJECTS */ NODE *old_proc = procnode__caseobj(proc_name); if (old_proc != UNDEFINED) { old_default = (is_prim(old_proc) ? getprimdflt(old_proc) : getint(dfltargs__procnode(old_proc))); } #endif /* OBJECTS */ while (args != NIL) { arg = car(args); args = cdr(args); if (nodetype(arg) == CONS && maximum != -1) { make_runparse(arg); arg = parsed__runparse(arg); maximum++; if (arg == NIL || !is_word(car(arg))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg); break; } if (nodetype(car(arg)) == COLON) setcar(arg, node__colon(car(arg))); if (nodetype(car(arg)) == QUOTE) setcar(arg, node__quote(car(arg))); if (cdr(arg) == NIL) maximum = -1; } else if (nodetype(arg) == INT) { if ((unsigned)getint(arg) <= (unsigned) maximum && getint(arg) >= minimum) { deflt = getint(arg); } else { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg); break; } } else if (is_word(arg) && maximum == minimum) { if (nodetype(arg) == COLON) arg = node__colon(arg); if (nodetype(arg) == QUOTE) arg = node__quote(arg); minimum++; maximum++; deflt++; } else { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, arg); break; } tnode = cons(arg, NIL); if (forms == NIL) forms = tnode; else setcdr(lastnode, tnode); lastnode = tnode; } } if (NOT_THROWING) { body_words = cons(find_to(current_line), NIL); lastnode2 = body_words; body_list = cons(forms, NIL); lastnode = body_list; to_pending++; /* for int or quit signal */ while (NOT_THROWING && to_pending && (!feof(loadstream))) { tnode = cons(reader(loadstream, "> "), NIL); if ((feof(loadstream))) { tnode = cons(theName(Name_end), NIL); } setcdr(lastnode2, tnode); lastnode2 = tnode; tnode = cons(parser(car(tnode), TRUE), NIL); if (car(tnode) != NIL && isName(caar(tnode), Name_end)){ break; } else if (car(tnode) != NIL) { setcdr(lastnode, tnode); lastnode = tnode; } } if (to_pending && NOT_THROWING) { #ifdef OBJECT // proc is a hash-table entry NODE* proc_obj; proc_obj = set_proc(proc_name, make_procnode(body_list, body_words, minimum, deflt, maximum), current_object); if (macro_flag) setflag__object(proc_obj, PROC_MACRO); else clearflag__object(proc_obj, PROC_MACRO); if (deflt != old_default && old_default >= 0) { the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL); } if (loadstream == stdin || varTrue(LoadNoisily)) { ndprintf(stdout, message_texts[LOAD_DEF], proc_name); } if (loadstream != stdin && varTrue(UnburyOnEdit)) { clearflag__object(proc_obj, PROC_BURIED); } /*if (current_object != logo_object) { setprocs(current_object, cons(proc_name, getprocs(current_object))); setobject(getprocs(current_object), make_procnode(body_list, body_words, minimum, deflt, maximum)); }else{ setprocnode__caseobj(proc_name, make_procnode(body_list, body_words, minimum, deflt, maximum)); }*/ #else setprocnode__caseobj(proc_name, make_procnode(body_list, body_words, minimum, deflt, maximum)); if (macro_flag) setflag__caseobj(proc_name, PROC_MACRO); else clearflag__caseobj(proc_name, PROC_MACRO); if (deflt != old_default && old_default >= 0) { the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL); } if (loadstream == stdin || varTrue(LoadNoisily)) { ndprintf(stdout, message_texts[LOAD_DEF], proc_name); } if (loadstream != stdin && varTrue(UnburyOnEdit)) { clearflag__caseobj(proc_name, PROC_BURIED); } #endif } to_pending = 0; need_save = 1; } deepend_proc_name = NIL; return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lto(NODE *args) { return to_helper(args, FALSE); } NODE *lmacro(NODE *args) { return to_helper(args, TRUE); } #ifdef OBJECTS /* If binding found in object hierarchy and as local, flag error, same as varValue. If binding found only in object hierarchy, set it. Otherwise (including if no binding found at all) set valnode in symbol table. Need to distinguish var local to --this-- procedure from var inherited from caller. Former is allowed to conflict with object variable. */ NODE *lmake(NODE *args) { NODE *what, *object, *bindings, *binding; what = name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { what = intern(what); if (varInObjectHierarchy(what, FALSE) != (NODE *)(-1)) { if (flag__caseobj(what, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) { err_logo(LOCAL_AND_OBJ, what); return UNBOUND; } else { need_save = 1; object = varInThisObject(what, FALSE); // assertion, object should never = NIL at this point binding = get_var(what, object); /* for (bindings = getvars(object); bindings != NIL; bindings = cdr(bindings)) { if (car(bindings) == what) { setobject(bindings, cadr(args)); break; } }*/ } } else { binding = object__caseobj(what); //setvalnode__caseobj(what, cadr(args)); if (!flag__caseobj(what, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) { setflag__caseobj(what, HAS_GLOBAL_VALUE); need_save = 1; } } // at this piont we should have a hash table entry // in the binding variable setvalnode__object(binding, cadr(args)); if (flag__object(binding, VAL_TRACED)) { NODE *tvar = maybe_quote(cadr(args)); ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[TRACE_MAKE], make_quote(what), tvar); if (ufun != NIL) { ndprintf(writestream,message_texts[ERROR_IN],ufun,this_line); } new_line(writestream); } } return(UNBOUND); } #else /* OBJECTS */ NODE *lmake(NODE *args) { NODE *what; what = name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { what = intern(what); setvalnode__caseobj(what, cadr(args)); if (!flag__caseobj(what, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) { setflag__caseobj(what, HAS_GLOBAL_VALUE); need_save = 1; } if (flag__caseobj(what, VAL_TRACED)) { NODE *tvar = maybe_quote(cadr(args)); ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[TRACE_MAKE], make_quote(what), tvar); if (ufun != NIL) { ndprintf(writestream,message_texts[ERROR_IN],ufun,this_line); } new_line(writestream); } } return(UNBOUND); } #endif /* OBJECTS */ NODE *llocal(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = NIL; if (tailcall != 0) return UNBOUND; if (args==NIL) return UNBOUND; while (is_list(car(args)) && cdr(args) != NIL && NOT_THROWING) setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args))); if (is_list(car(args))) args = car(args); while (args != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { arg = car(args); while (!is_word(arg) && NOT_THROWING) { arg = err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg); setcar(args, arg); /* prevent crash in lapply */ } if (NOT_THROWING) { arg = intern(arg); setcar(args, arg); /* local [a b] faster next time */ if (not_local(arg,var_stack)) { push(arg, var_stack); if (flag__caseobj(arg, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) settype(var_stack, LOCALSAVE); setobject(var_stack, valnode__caseobj(arg)); setflag__caseobj(arg, IS_LOCAL_VALUE); } setvalnode__caseobj(arg, UNBOUND); tell_shadow(arg); args = cdr(args); } if (check_throwing) break; } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lglobal(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = NIL; if (args==NIL) return UNBOUND; while (is_list(car(args)) && cdr(args) != NIL && NOT_THROWING) setcar(args, err_logo(BAD_DATA, car(args))); if (is_list(car(args))) args = car(args); while (args != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { arg = car(args); while (!is_word(arg) && NOT_THROWING) { arg = err_logo(BAD_DATA, arg); setcar(args, arg); /* prevent crash in lapply */ } if (NOT_THROWING) { arg = intern(arg); setcar(args, arg); /* local [a b] faster next time */ setflag__caseobj(arg, HAS_GLOBAL_VALUE); args = cdr(args); } if (check_throwing) break; } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *cnt_list = NIL; NODE *cnt_last = NIL; int want_buried = 0; typedef enum {c_PROCS, c_VARS, c_PLISTS, c_PRIMS, c_PROCSnPRIMS} CNTLSTTYP; CNTLSTTYP contents_list_type; #ifdef OBJECTS //OBJECTS4 /* For ancestry lists */ typedef enum {NORMAL, ANCESTRY} LSTFORM; /* For type of list wanted */ typedef enum {ACCESSIBLE, OWNED, INHERITED} LSTTYP; void contents_map(NODE *sym); NODE *mergesrt(NODE *nd); void putname(NODE *name, NODE *obj, LSTFORM format); void special_contents_map(NODE *sym, LSTFORM format); /* Depending on the current contents_list_type, this returns the variables or procedures of the current object. Signals error if plists */ NODE *contentsListType(NODE *obj) { switch (contents_list_type) { case c_VARS: return getvars(obj); case c_PROCS: return getprocs(obj); case c_PLISTS: err_logo(BAD_DATA, make_static_strnode("objects don't have plists!")); return; } } void normal_special_contents_map(NODE *sym) { special_contents_map(sym, NORMAL); } void ancestry_special_contents_map(NODE *sym) { special_contents_map(sym, ANCESTRY); } void fmt_map_oblist(LSTFORM format) { if (format == NORMAL) map_oblist(normal_special_contents_map); else map_oblist(ancestry_special_contents_map); } /** new things **/ /* get_contents with special format and normal format */ NODE *get_special_contents(LSTFORM format, LSTTYP type) { cnt_list = NIL; cnt_last = NIL; if (current_object == logo_object) fmt_map_oblist(format); else { /* for accessible, owned, or inherited, the current object's vars/procs have to be in cnt_list */ NODE *mylist = contentsListType(current_object); /* contains vars or procs of current object */ while (mylist != NIL) { putname(caar(mylist), current_object, format); mylist = cdr(mylist); } /* do not need to add parents' vars/procs for owned, but do for accessible and inherited */ if (type == ACCESSIBLE || type == INHERITED) { /* add your parents */ NODE *parlst = parent_list(current_object); while (parlst != NIL) { if (car(parlst) == logo_object) { fmt_map_oblist(format); } else { mylist = contentsListType(car(parlst)); while (mylist != NIL) { putname(caar(mylist), car(parlst), format); /* put name of var or proc, associated with parent object */ mylist = cdr(mylist); } } parlst = cdr(parlst); } /* if accessible, then remove the shadowed vars/procs */ if (type == ACCESSIBLE) { // TODO: Find removeShadowed //cnt_list = removeShadowed(cnt_list); } } } return(cnt_list); } /* used for getting the normal plist contents */ NODE *get_plistcontents() { cnt_list = NIL; cnt_last = NIL; map_oblist(contents_map); cnt_list = mergesrt(cnt_list); return(cnt_list); } /* puts name or name with object into cnt_list */ void putname(NODE *name, NODE *obj, LSTFORM format) { NODE *newNode; if (format == NORMAL) newNode = name; else newNode = cons(name, cons(obj, NIL)); if (cnt_list == NIL) { cnt_list = cons(newNode, NIL); cnt_last = cnt_list; } else { setcdr(cnt_last, newNode); cnt_last = cdr(cnt_last); } } /* contents_map for special format */ void special_contents_map(NODE *sym, LSTFORM format) { int flag_check = PROC_BURIED; if (want_buried) flag_check = want_buried; switch(contents_list_type) { case c_PROCS: check_library(sym); if (procnode__object(sym) == UNDEFINED || is_prim(procnode__object(sym))) return; if (bck(flag__object(sym,flag_check))) return; break; case c_VARS: flag_check <<= 1; if (valnode__object(sym) == UNBOUND) return; if (bck(flag__object(sym,flag_check))) return; break; case c_PLISTS: err_logo(BAD_DATA, UNBOUND); //contents_list_type } putname(canonical__object(sym), logo_object, format); } /* checks if the car of the item is equal to the car of something in alist */ BOOLEAN carequal(NODE *item, NODE *alist) { while (alist != NIL) { if (car(item) == caar(alist)) return TRUE; alist = cdr(alist); } return FALSE; } #endif int bck(int flag) { return (want_buried ? !flag : flag); } void contents_map(NODE *sym) { int flag_check = PROC_BURIED; if (want_buried) flag_check = want_buried; switch(contents_list_type) { case c_PROCS: check_library(sym); if (procnode__object(sym) == UNDEFINED || is_prim(procnode__object(sym))) return; if (bck(flag__object(sym,flag_check))) return; break; case c_PRIMS: if (procnode__object(sym) == UNDEFINED || !is_prim(procnode__object(sym))) return; break; case c_PROCSnPRIMS: check_library(sym); if (procnode__object(sym) == UNDEFINED) return; if (bck(flag__object(sym,flag_check))) return; break; case c_VARS: flag_check <<= 1; if (valnode__object(sym) == UNBOUND) return; if (bck(flag__object(sym,flag_check))) return; break; case c_PLISTS: flag_check <<= 2; if (plist__object(sym) == NIL) return; if (bck(flag__object(sym,flag_check))) return; break; } if (cnt_list == NIL) { cnt_list = cons(canonical__object(sym), NIL); cnt_last = cnt_list; } else { setcdr(cnt_last, cons(canonical__object(sym), NIL)); cnt_last = cdr(cnt_last); } } void ms_listlist(NODE *nd) { while (nd != NIL) { setcar(nd, cons(car(nd), NIL)); nd = cdr(nd); } } NODE *merge(NODE *a, NODE *b) { NODE *ret, *tail; if (a == NIL) return(b); if (b == NIL) return(a); if (compare_node(car(a),car(b),FALSE) < 0) { ret = a; tail = a; a = cdr(a); } else { ret = b; tail = b; b = cdr(b); } while (a != NIL && b != NIL) { if (compare_node(car(a),car(b),FALSE) < 0) { setcdr(tail, a); a = cdr(a); } else { setcdr(tail, b); b = cdr(b); } tail = cdr(tail); } if (b == NIL) setcdr(tail, a); else setcdr(tail, b); return ret; } void mergepairs(NODE *nd) { while (nd != NIL && cdr(nd) != NIL) { setcar(nd, merge(car(nd), cadr(nd))); setcdr(nd, cddr(nd)); nd = cdr(nd); } } NODE *mergesrt(NODE *nd) { /* spelled funny to avoid library conflict */ if (nd == NIL) return(NIL); if (cdr(nd) == NIL) return(nd); ms_listlist(nd); while (cdr(nd) != NIL) mergepairs(nd); return car(nd); } NODE *get_contents() { cnt_list = NIL; cnt_last = NIL; map_oblist(contents_map); cnt_list = mergesrt(cnt_list); return(cnt_list); } #ifdef OBJECTS //OBJECTS4 /* calls to new special_contents */ NODE *lcontents(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_plistcontents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_special_contents(ACCESSIBLE, NORMAL), ret); contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_special_contents(ACCESSIBLE, NORMAL), ret); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lburied(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = PROC_BURIED; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_plistcontents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_special_contents(INHERITED, ANCESTRY), ret); contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_special_contents(INHERITED, ANCESTRY), ret); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *ltraced(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = PROC_TRACED; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_plistcontents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_special_contents(INHERITED, ANCESTRY), ret); /* not sure: INHERITED? */ contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_special_contents(INHERITED, ANCESTRY), ret); /* not sure: INHERITED? */ cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lstepped(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = PROC_STEPPED; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_plistcontents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_special_contents(INHERITED, ANCESTRY), ret); /* not sure: INHERITED? */ contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_special_contents(INHERITED, ANCESTRY), ret); /* not sure: INHERITED? */ cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lprocedures(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PROCS; ret = get_special_contents(ACCESSIBLE, NORMAL); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lnames(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_VARS; ret = cons(NIL, cons(get_special_contents(ACCESSIBLE, NORMAL), NIL)); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lplists(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(NIL, cons(NIL, cons(get_plistcontents(), NIL))); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } #else /* OBJECTS */ NODE *lcontents(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_contents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_contents(), ret); contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_contents(), ret); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lburied(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = PROC_BURIED; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_contents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_contents(), ret); contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_contents(), ret); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *ltraced(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = PROC_TRACED; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_contents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_contents(), ret); contents_list_type = c_PROCSnPRIMS; push(get_contents(), ret); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lstepped(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = PROC_STEPPED; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(get_contents(), NIL); contents_list_type = c_VARS; push(get_contents(), ret); contents_list_type = c_PROCS; push(get_contents(), ret); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lprocedures(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PROCS; ret = get_contents(); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lnames(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_VARS; ret = cons(NIL, cons(get_contents(), NIL)); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *lplists(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PLISTS; ret = cons(NIL, cons(NIL, cons(get_contents(), NIL))); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } #endif /* OBJECTS */ NODE *lprimitives(NODE *args) { NODE *ret; want_buried = 0; contents_list_type = c_PRIMS; ret = get_contents(); cnt_list = NIL; return(ret); } NODE *one_list(NODE *nd) { if (!is_list(nd)) return(cons(nd,NIL)); return nd; } void three_lists(NODE *arg, NODE **proclst, NODE **varlst, NODE **plistlst) { if (nodetype(car(arg)) == CONS) arg = car(arg); if (!is_list(car(arg))) *proclst = arg; else { *proclst = car(arg); if (cdr(arg) != NIL) { *varlst = one_list(cadr(arg)); if (cddr(arg) != NIL) { *plistlst = one_list(car(cddr(arg))); } } } if (!is_list(*proclst) || !is_list(*varlst) || !is_list(*plistlst)) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC,arg); *plistlst = *varlst = *proclst = NIL; } } char *expand_slash(NODE *wd) { char *result, *cp, *cp2; int i, len = getstrlen(wd), j; for (cp = getstrptr(wd), i=0, j = len; --j >= 0; ) if (getparity(*cp++)) i++; result = malloc(len+i+1); if (result == NULL) { err_logo(OUT_OF_MEM, NIL); return 0; } for (cp = getstrptr(wd), cp2 = result, j = len; --j >= 0; ) { if (getparity(*cp)) *cp2++ = '\\'; *cp2++ = clearparity(*cp++); } *cp2 = '\0'; return result; } NODE *po_helper(NODE *arg, int just_titles) { /* just_titles is -1 for EDIT, 0 for PO, 1 for HELP, 3 for POT */ NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL, *tvar = NIL; NODE *plist, *oldfullp; oldfullp = valnode__caseobj(Fullprintp); setvalnode__caseobj(Fullprintp, theName(Name_true)); three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst); while (proclst != NIL) { if (aggregate(car(proclst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst)); break; } else { check_library(intern(car(proclst))); tvar = procnode__caseobj(intern(car(proclst))); } if (tvar == UNDEFINED) { if (just_titles < 0) { ndprintf(writestream,message_texts[EMPTY_PROC],car(proclst)); } else { err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC, car(proclst)); break; } } else if (nodetype(tvar) & NT_PRIM) { err_logo(IS_PRIM, car(proclst)); break; } else { tvar = get_bodywords(tvar,car(proclst)); if (just_titles > 2) { if (is_list(car(tvar))) print_nobrak(writestream, car(tvar)); else { char *str = expand_slash(car(tvar)); ndprintf(writestream, "%t", str); free(str); } } else while (tvar != NIL) { if (is_list(car(tvar))) { if (just_titles == 2) break; print_nobrak(writestream, car(tvar)); } else { char *str = expand_slash(car(tvar)); if (just_titles == 2 && *str != ';') break; ndprintf(writestream, "%t", str); free(str); } new_line(writestream); tvar = cdr(tvar); if (just_titles == 1) just_titles++; } new_line(writestream); } proclst = cdr(proclst); if (check_throwing) break; } while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(varlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst)); break; } else tvar = maybe_quote(valnode__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)))); if (tvar == UNBOUND) { if (just_titles >= 0) { err_logo(NO_VALUE, car(varlst)); break; } } else { ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[TRACE_MAKE], make_quote(car(varlst)), tvar); new_line(writestream); } varlst = cdr(varlst); if (check_throwing) break; } while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst)); break; } else { plist = plist__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst))); if (plist != NIL && just_titles > 0) { ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[POT_PLIST], maybe_quote(car(plistlst)), plist); } else while (plist != NIL) { ndprintf(writestream, "%t %s %s %s\n", message_texts[TRACE_PPROP], maybe_quote(car(plistlst)), maybe_quote(car(plist)), maybe_quote(cadr(plist))); plist = cddr(plist); } } plistlst = cdr(plistlst); if (check_throwing) break; } setvalnode__caseobj(Fullprintp, oldfullp); return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lpo(NODE *arg) { return(po_helper(arg,0)); } NODE *lpot(NODE *arg) { return(po_helper(arg,3)); } NODE *lerase(NODE *arg) { NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL; NODE *nd, *what; int redef = (varTrue(Redefp)); three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst); if (proclst != NIL) the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL); while (proclst != NIL) { if (aggregate(car(proclst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst)); break; } nd = intern(car(proclst)); if (!redef && is_prim(procnode__caseobj(nd))) { err_logo(IS_PRIM, nd); break; } setprocnode__caseobj(nd, UNDEFINED); proclst = cdr(proclst); } while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(varlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst)); break; } what = intern(car(varlst)); setvalnode__caseobj(what, UNBOUND); if (!flag__caseobj(what, IS_LOCAL_VALUE)) clearflag__caseobj(what, HAS_GLOBAL_VALUE); varlst = cdr(varlst); } while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst)); break; } setplist__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), NIL); plistlst = cdr(plistlst); } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *erall_helper(BOOLEAN procs, BOOLEAN vals, BOOLEAN plists) { NODE *nd, *obj; int loop; int redef = (varTrue(Redefp)); for (loop = 0; loop < HASH_LEN ; loop++) { for (nd = hash_table[loop]; nd != NIL; nd = cdr(nd)) { obj = car(nd); if (procs && !flag__object(obj, PROC_BURIED) && (procnode__object(obj) != UNDEFINED) && (redef || !is_prim(procnode__object(obj)))) setprocnode__object(obj, UNDEFINED); if (vals && !flag__object(obj, VAL_BURIED)) setvalnode__object(obj, UNBOUND); if (plists && !flag__object(obj, PLIST_BURIED)) setplist__object(obj, NIL); } } return UNBOUND; } NODE *lerall(NODE *args) { return erall_helper(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE); } NODE *lerps(NODE *args) { return erall_helper(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); } NODE *lerns(NODE *args) { return erall_helper(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); } NODE *lerpls(NODE *args) { return erall_helper(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); } NODE *bury_helper(NODE *arg, BOOLEAN flag, BOOLEAN setp) { NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL; three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst); while (proclst != NIL) { if (aggregate(car(proclst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst)); break; } if (setp) setflag__caseobj(intern(car(proclst)), flag); else return torf(flag__caseobj(intern(car(proclst)), flag)); proclst = cdr(proclst); if (check_throwing) break; } flag <<= 1; while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(varlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst)); break; } if (setp) setflag__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)), flag); else return torf(flag__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)), flag)); varlst = cdr(varlst); if (check_throwing) break; } flag <<= 1; while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst)); break; } if (setp) setflag__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), flag); else return torf(flag__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), flag)); plistlst = cdr(plistlst); if (check_throwing) break; } if (!setp) err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, NIL); return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lbury(NODE *arg) { return bury_helper(arg,PROC_BURIED,TRUE); } NODE *ltrace(NODE *arg) { return bury_helper(arg,PROC_TRACED,TRUE); } NODE *lstep(NODE *arg) { return bury_helper(arg,PROC_STEPPED,TRUE); } NODE *lburiedp(NODE *arg) { return bury_helper(arg,PROC_BURIED,FALSE); } NODE *ltracedp(NODE *arg) { return bury_helper(arg,PROC_TRACED,FALSE); } NODE *lsteppedp(NODE *arg) { return bury_helper(arg,PROC_STEPPED,FALSE); } NODE *unbury_helper(NODE *arg, int flag) { NODE *proclst = NIL, *varlst = NIL, *plistlst = NIL; three_lists(arg, &proclst, &varlst, &plistlst); while (proclst != NIL) { if (aggregate(car(proclst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(proclst)); break; } clearflag__caseobj(intern(car(proclst)), flag); proclst = cdr(proclst); if (check_throwing) break; } flag <<= 1; while (varlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(varlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(varlst)); break; } clearflag__caseobj(intern(car(varlst)), flag); varlst = cdr(varlst); if (check_throwing) break; } flag <<= 1; while (plistlst != NIL && NOT_THROWING) { if (aggregate(car(plistlst))) { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(plistlst)); break; } clearflag__caseobj(intern(car(plistlst)), flag); plistlst = cdr(plistlst); if (check_throwing) break; } return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lunbury(NODE *arg) { return unbury_helper(arg,PROC_BURIED); } NODE *luntrace(NODE *arg) { return unbury_helper(arg,PROC_TRACED); } NODE *lunstep(NODE *arg) { return unbury_helper(arg,PROC_STEPPED); } char *addsep(char *path) { static char result[256]; strcpy(result, path); if (result[0]) strcat(result, separator); return result; } char tmp_filename[500] = ""; int isEditFile = 0; int setTermInfo(int type, int val); NODE *leditfile(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = cnv_node_to_strnode(car(args)); #ifdef HAVE_WX setTermInfo(EDIT_STATE, NO_INFO); isEditFile=1; #endif if (NOT_THROWING) { noparity_strnzcpy(tmp_filename, getstrptr(arg), getstrlen(arg)); return ledit(NIL); } else return UNBOUND; } NODE *ledit(NODE *args) { FILE *holdstrm; #ifdef HAVE_WX int doSave; int getTermInfo(int); #endif #ifdef unix #ifndef HAVE_UNISTD_H extern int getpid(); #endif #endif #ifdef __RZTC__ BOOLEAN was_graphics; #endif NODE *tmp_line = NIL, *exec_list = NIL; if (tmp_filename[0] == '\0' || args != NIL) { #ifndef unix sprintf(tmp_filename, "%stemp.txt", addsep(tempdir)); #else sprintf(tmp_filename, "%s/logo%d", tempdir, (int)getpid()); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_WX if(!isEditFile){ setTermInfo(EDIT_STATE,DO_LOAD); } isEditFile=0; #endif if (args != NIL) { holdstrm = writestream; writestream = fopen(tmp_filename, "w"); if (writestream != NULL) { po_helper(args,-1); fclose(writestream); writestream = holdstrm; } else { err_logo(FILE_ERROR, make_static_strnode("Could not create editor file")); writestream = holdstrm; return(UNBOUND); } } if (stopping_flag == THROWING) return(UNBOUND); #ifdef mac if (!mac_edit()) return(UNBOUND); #else /* !mac */ #ifdef HAVE_WX doSave = wxEditFile(tmp_filename); if(!doSave || getTermInfo(EDIT_STATE) != DO_LOAD) return(UNBOUND); #else #ifdef ibm #ifdef __RZTC__ was_graphics = in_graphics_mode; if (in_graphics_mode) t_screen(); zflush(); #endif /* ztc */ if (spawnlp(P_WAIT, editor, editorname, tmp_filename, NULL)) { err_logo(FILE_ERROR, make_static_strnode ("Could not launch the editor")); return(UNBOUND); } #ifdef __RZTC__ if (was_graphics) s_screen(); else lcleartext(NIL); #endif /* ztc */ #ifdef WIN32 win32_repaint_screen(); #endif #else /* !ibm (so unix) */ if (fork() == 0) { execlp(editor, editorname, tmp_filename, 0); exit(1); } wait(0); #endif /* ibm */ #endif /* wx */ #endif /* mac */ holdstrm = loadstream; tmp_line = current_line; loadstream = fopen(tmp_filename, "r"); if (loadstream != NULL) { while (!feof(loadstream) && NOT_THROWING) { current_line = reader(loadstream, ""); exec_list = parser(current_line, TRUE); if (exec_list != NIL) eval_driver(exec_list); } fclose(loadstream); } else err_logo(FILE_ERROR, make_static_strnode("Could not read editor file")); loadstream = holdstrm; current_line = tmp_line; return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lthing(NODE *args) { NODE *val = UNBOUND, *arg; arg = name_arg(args); #ifdef OBJECTS if (NOT_THROWING) val = varValue(arg); #else if (NOT_THROWING) val = valnode__caseobj(intern(arg)); #endif while (val == UNBOUND && NOT_THROWING) val = err_logo(NO_VALUE, car(args)); return(val); } NODE *lnamep(NODE *args) { NODE *arg; arg = name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) #ifdef OBJECTS return torf(varValue(arg) != UNBOUND); #else return torf(valnode__caseobj(intern(arg)) != UNBOUND); #endif return UNBOUND; } NODE *lprocedurep(NODE *args) { NODE *arg; arg = name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) { arg = intern(arg); check_library(arg); return torf(procnode__caseobj(arg) != UNDEFINED); } return UNBOUND; } NODE *lplistp(NODE *args) { NODE *arg; arg = name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) return torf(plist__caseobj(intern(arg)) != NIL); return UNBOUND; } NODE *check_proctype(NODE *args, int wanted) { NODE *arg, *cell = NIL; int isprim; arg = proc_name_arg(args); if (NOT_THROWING) check_library(intern(arg)); if (NOT_THROWING && (cell = procnode__caseobj(intern(arg))) == UNDEFINED) { return(FalseName()); } if (wanted == 2) return torf(is_macro(intern(arg))); isprim = is_prim(cell); if (NOT_THROWING) return torf((isprim != 0) == wanted); return(UNBOUND); } NODE *lprimitivep(NODE *args) { return(check_proctype(args,1)); } NODE *ldefinedp(NODE *args) { return(check_proctype(args,0)); } NODE *lmacrop(NODE *args) { return(check_proctype(args,2)); } NODE *larity(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = proc_name_arg(args); FIXNUM min; if (NOT_THROWING) { arg = intern(arg); check_library(arg); arg = procnode__caseobj(arg); if is_prim(arg) { min = getprimmin(arg); if (min == OK_NO_ARG) min = 0; return cons_list(0, make_intnode(min), make_intnode(getprimdflt(arg)), make_intnode(getprimmax(arg)), END_OF_LIST); } else if (arg == UNDEFINED) { err_logo(DK_HOW_UNREC, car(args)); return UNBOUND; } else { return cons_list(0, minargs__procnode(arg), dfltargs__procnode(arg), maxargs__procnode(arg), END_OF_LIST); } } return UNBOUND; } NODE *cpdf_newname(NODE *name, NODE*titleline) { NODE *nname=cnv_node_to_strnode(name); char *namestr=getstrptr(nname); char *titlestr=getstrptr(titleline); char buf[2000]; char *p1, *p2; p1 = titlestr+strcspn(titlestr, " \t"); p1 = p1+strspn(p1, " \t"); p2 = p1+strcspn(p1, " \t"); sprintf(buf, "%.*s%.*s%s", p1-titlestr, titlestr, getstrlen(nname), namestr, p2); return make_strnode(buf, NULL, strlen(buf), STRING, strcpy); } NODE *lcopydef(NODE *args) { NODE *arg1, *arg2; int redef = (varTrue(Redefp)); int old_default = -1, new_default; arg1 = proc_name_arg(args); arg2 = proc_name_arg(cdr(args)); if (NOT_THROWING) { arg1 = intern(arg1); arg2 = intern(arg2); check_library(arg2); } if (NOT_THROWING && procnode__caseobj(arg2) == UNDEFINED) err_logo(DK_HOW, arg2); if (NOT_THROWING && !redef && is_prim(procnode__caseobj(arg1))) err_logo(IS_PRIM, arg1); if (NOT_THROWING) { NODE *old_proc = procnode__caseobj(arg1); NODE *new_proc = procnode__caseobj(arg2); if (old_proc != UNDEFINED) { old_default = (is_prim(old_proc) ? getprimdflt(old_proc) : getint(dfltargs__procnode(old_proc))); } new_default = (is_prim(new_proc) ? getprimdflt(new_proc) : getint(dfltargs__procnode(new_proc))); if (old_default != new_default && old_default >= 0) { the_generation = cons(NIL, NIL); } if (is_prim(new_proc)) setprocnode__caseobj(arg1, new_proc); else { NODE *bwds=get_bodywords(new_proc,arg1); /* 5.5 */ setprocnode__caseobj(arg1, make_procnode(text__procnode(new_proc), cons(cpdf_newname(arg1,car(bwds)), cdr(bwds)), getint(minargs__procnode(new_proc)), getint(dfltargs__procnode(new_proc)), getint(maxargs__procnode(new_proc)))); } /* setflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_BURIED); */ if (is_macro(arg2)) setflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_MACRO); else clearflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_MACRO); if (flag__caseobj(arg2, PROC_SPECFORM)) setflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_SPECFORM); else clearflag__caseobj(arg1, PROC_SPECFORM); } return(UNBOUND); } char *fixhelp(char *ptr, int len) { static char result[32]; char *p, c; for (p = result; --len >= 0; *p++ = c) { c = *ptr++; if (c == '?') c = 'p'; else if (c == '.') c = 'd'; } *p = '\0'; return result; } char inops[] = "+-*/=<>"; NODE *lhelp(NODE *args) { NODE *arg = NIL, *pproc; char buffer[1024]; #ifndef WIN32 char junk[20]; #endif FILE *fp; int lines; #ifdef __RZTC__ size_t len; #endif if (args == NIL) { /* #ifdef WIN32 sprintf(buffer, "%sHELPCONT", addsep(helpfiles)); #else */ sprintf(buffer, "%sHELPCONTENTS", addsep(helpfiles)); /* #endif */ } else if (is_word(car(args)) && car(args) != Null_Word) { arg = llowercase(args); /* setcar(args, arg); */ if (getstrlen(arg) == 1) { char *cp = strchr(inops,*(getstrptr(arg))); if (cp != NULL) { arg=cnv_node_to_strnode(theName(Name_sum+(cp-inops))); } } if (getstrlen(arg) == 2) { if (!strncmp(getstrptr(arg), "<=", 2)) arg=cnv_node_to_strnode(theName(Name_lessequalp)); if (!strncmp(getstrptr(arg), ">=", 2)) arg=cnv_node_to_strnode(theName(Name_greaterequalp)); if (!strncmp(getstrptr(arg), "<>", 2)) arg=cnv_node_to_strnode(theName(Name_notequalp)); } //sprintf(result, "%s", fixhelp(getstrptr(arg), getstrlen(arg))); //sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", addsep(helpfiles), result); sprintf(buffer, "%s%s", addsep(helpfiles), fixhelp(getstrptr(arg), getstrlen(arg))); //printf("Buffer: %s\n", buffer); #ifdef __RZTC__ /* defined(ibm) || defined(WIN32) */ if (strlen(buffer) > (len = strlen(addsep(helpfiles))+8)) { buffer[len+5] = '\0'; buffer[len+4] = buffer[len+3]; buffer[len+3] = buffer[len+2]; buffer[len+2] = buffer[len+1]; buffer[len+1] = buffer[len]; buffer[len] = '.'; } #endif } else { err_logo(BAD_DATA_UNREC, car(args)); return UNBOUND; } fp = fopen(buffer, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { if (args == NIL) ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[NO_HELP]); else { check_library(intern(car(args))); pproc = procnode__caseobj(intern(car(args))); if (is_list(pproc)) { po_helper(args, 1); } else ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[NO_HELPON], arg); } } else { (void)ltextscreen(NIL); lines = 0; fgets(buffer, 200, fp); while (NOT_THROWING && !feof(fp)) { #ifdef HAVE_WX int getTermInfo(int val); if (interactive && writestream==stdout && ++lines >= getTermInfo(Y_MAX)) { #else if (interactive && writestream==stdout && ++lines >= y_max) { #endif ndprintf(writestream, message_texts[MORE_HELP]); input_blocking++; #ifndef TIOCSTI if (!setjmp(iblk_buf)) #endif #ifdef __RZTC__ ztc_getcr(); print_char(stdout, '\n'); #else #ifdef WIN32 (void)reader(stdin, ""); #else fgets(junk, 19, stdin); #endif #endif input_blocking = 0; update_coords('\n'); lines = 1; } ndprintf(writestream, "%t", buffer); fgets(buffer, 200, fp); } fclose(fp); } return UNBOUND; }