Raw File
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>  // for dump to file
#include <sstream>
#include <unordered_set>

#include "CSE.h"
#include "CodeGen_GPU_Dev.h"
#include "CodeGen_Internal.h"
#include "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev.h"
#include "Debug.h"
#include "Deinterleave.h"
#include "FindIntrinsics.h"
#include "IROperator.h"
#include "IRPrinter.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "Simplify.h"
#include "SpirvIR.h"
#include "Target.h"


namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

namespace {  // anonymous

// --

class CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev : public CodeGen_GPU_Dev {
    CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev(Target target);

    /** Compile a GPU kernel into the module. This may be called many times
     * with different kernels, which will all be accumulated into a single
     * source module shared by a given Halide pipeline. */
    void add_kernel(Stmt stmt,
                    const std::string &name,
                    const std::vector<DeviceArgument> &args) override;

    /** (Re)initialize the GPU kernel module. This is separate from compile,
     * since a GPU device module will often have many kernels compiled into it
     * for a single pipeline. */
    void init_module() override;

    std::vector<char> compile_to_src() override;

    std::string get_current_kernel_name() override;

    void dump() override;

    std::string print_gpu_name(const std::string &name) override;

    std::string api_unique_name() override {
        return "vulkan";

    class SPIRV_Emitter : public IRVisitor {

        SPIRV_Emitter(Target t);

        using IRVisitor::visit;

        void visit(const IntImm *) override;
        void visit(const UIntImm *) override;
        void visit(const FloatImm *) override;
        void visit(const StringImm *) override;
        void visit(const Cast *) override;
        void visit(const Reinterpret *) override;
        void visit(const Variable *) override;
        void visit(const Add *) override;
        void visit(const Sub *) override;
        void visit(const Mul *) override;
        void visit(const Div *) override;
        void visit(const Mod *) override;
        void visit(const Min *) override;
        void visit(const Max *) override;
        void visit(const EQ *) override;
        void visit(const NE *) override;
        void visit(const LT *) override;
        void visit(const LE *) override;
        void visit(const GT *) override;
        void visit(const GE *) override;
        void visit(const And *) override;
        void visit(const Or *) override;
        void visit(const Not *) override;
        void visit(const Select *) override;
        void visit(const Load *) override;
        void visit(const Ramp *) override;
        void visit(const Broadcast *) override;
        void visit(const Call *) override;
        void visit(const Let *) override;
        void visit(const LetStmt *) override;
        void visit(const AssertStmt *) override;
        void visit(const For *) override;
        void visit(const Store *) override;
        void visit(const Provide *) override;
        void visit(const Allocate *) override;
        void visit(const Free *) override;
        void visit(const Realize *) override;
        void visit(const ProducerConsumer *op) override;
        void visit(const IfThenElse *) override;
        void visit(const Evaluate *) override;
        void visit(const Shuffle *) override;
        void visit(const VectorReduce *) override;
        void visit(const Prefetch *) override;
        void visit(const Fork *) override;
        void visit(const Acquire *) override;
        void visit(const Atomic *) override;

        void reset();

        // Top-level function for adding kernels
        void add_kernel(const Stmt &s, const std::string &name, const std::vector<DeviceArgument> &args);
        void init_module();
        void compile(std::vector<char> &binary);
        void dump() const;

        // Encode the descriptor sets into a sidecar which will be added
        // as a header to the module prior to the actual SPIR-V binary
        void encode_header(SpvBinary &spirv_header);

        // Scalarize expressions
        void scalarize(const Expr &e);
        SpvId map_type_to_pair(const Type &t);

        // Workgroup size
        void reset_workgroup_size();
        void find_workgroup_size(const Stmt &s);

        void declare_workgroup_size(SpvId kernel_func_id);
        void declare_entry_point(const Stmt &s, SpvId kernel_func_id);
        void declare_device_args(const Stmt &s, uint32_t entry_point_index, const std::string &kernel_name, const std::vector<DeviceArgument> &args);

        // Common operator visitors
        void visit_unary_op(SpvOp op_code, Type t, const Expr &a);
        void visit_binary_op(SpvOp op_code, Type t, const Expr &a, const Expr &b);
        void visit_glsl_op(SpvId glsl_op_code, Type t, const std::vector<Expr> &args);

        void load_from_scalar_index(const Load *op, SpvId index_id, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class);
        void load_from_vector_index(const Load *op, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class);

        void store_at_scalar_index(const Store *op, SpvId index_id, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class, SpvId value_id);
        void store_at_vector_index(const Store *op, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class, SpvId value_id);

        SpvFactory::Components split_vector(Type type, SpvId value_id);
        SpvId join_vector(Type type, const SpvFactory::Components &value_components);
        SpvId cast_type(Type target_type, Type value_type, SpvId value_id);
        SpvId convert_to_bool(Type target_type, Type value_type, SpvId value_id);

        // Returns Phi node inputs.
        template<typename StmtOrExpr>
        SpvFactory::BlockVariables emit_if_then_else(const Expr &condition, StmtOrExpr then_case, StmtOrExpr else_case);

        template<typename T>
        SpvId declare_constant_int(Type value_type, int64_t value);

        template<typename T>
        SpvId declare_constant_uint(Type value_type, uint64_t value);

        template<typename T>
        SpvId declare_constant_float(Type value_type, float value);

        // Map from Halide built-in names to extended GLSL intrinsics for SPIR-V
        using BuiltinMap = std::unordered_map<std::string, SpvId>;
        const BuiltinMap glsl_builtin = {
            {"acos_f16", GLSLstd450Acos},
            {"acos_f32", GLSLstd450Acos},
            {"acosh_f16", GLSLstd450Acosh},
            {"acosh_f32", GLSLstd450Acosh},
            {"asin_f16", GLSLstd450Asin},
            {"asin_f32", GLSLstd450Asin},
            {"asinh_f16", GLSLstd450Asinh},
            {"asinh_f32", GLSLstd450Asinh},
            {"atan2_f16", GLSLstd450Atan2},
            {"atan2_f32", GLSLstd450Atan2},
            {"atan_f16", GLSLstd450Atan},
            {"atan_f32", GLSLstd450Atan},
            {"atanh_f16", GLSLstd450Atanh},
            {"atanh_f32", GLSLstd450Atanh},
            {"ceil_f16", GLSLstd450Ceil},
            {"ceil_f32", GLSLstd450Ceil},
            {"cos_f16", GLSLstd450Cos},
            {"cos_f32", GLSLstd450Cos},
            {"cosh_f16", GLSLstd450Cosh},
            {"cosh_f32", GLSLstd450Cosh},
            {"exp_f16", GLSLstd450Exp},
            {"exp_f32", GLSLstd450Exp},
            {"fast_inverse_sqrt_f16", GLSLstd450InverseSqrt},
            {"fast_inverse_sqrt_f32", GLSLstd450InverseSqrt},
            {"fast_log_f16", GLSLstd450Log},
            {"fast_log_f32", GLSLstd450Log},
            {"fast_exp_f16", GLSLstd450Exp},
            {"fast_exp_f32", GLSLstd450Exp},
            {"fast_pow_f16", GLSLstd450Pow},
            {"fast_pow_f32", GLSLstd450Pow},
            {"floor_f16", GLSLstd450Floor},
            {"floor_f32", GLSLstd450Floor},
            {"log_f16", GLSLstd450Log},
            {"log_f32", GLSLstd450Log},
            {"sin_f16", GLSLstd450Sin},
            {"sin_f32", GLSLstd450Sin},
            {"sinh_f16", GLSLstd450Sinh},
            {"sinh_f32", GLSLstd450Sinh},
            {"sqrt_f16", GLSLstd450Sqrt},
            {"sqrt_f32", GLSLstd450Sqrt},
            {"tan_f16", GLSLstd450Tan},
            {"tan_f32", GLSLstd450Tan},
            {"tanh_f16", GLSLstd450Tanh},
            {"tanh_f32", GLSLstd450Tanh},
            {"trunc_f16", GLSLstd450Trunc},
            {"trunc_f32", GLSLstd450Trunc},
            {"mix", GLSLstd450FMix},

        // The SPIRV-IR builder
        SpvBuilder builder;

        // The scope contains both the symbol id and its storage class
        using SymbolIdStorageClassPair = std::pair<SpvId, SpvStorageClass>;
        using SymbolScope = Scope<SymbolIdStorageClassPair>;
        using ScopedSymbolBinding = ScopedBinding<SymbolIdStorageClassPair>;
        SymbolScope symbol_table;

        // Map from a variable ID to its corresponding storage type definition
        struct StorageAccess {
            SpvStorageClass storage_class = SpvStorageClassMax;
            uint32_t storage_array_size = 0;  // zero if not an array
            SpvId storage_type_id = SpvInvalidId;
            Type storage_type;
        using StorageAccessMap = std::unordered_map<SpvId, StorageAccess>;
        StorageAccessMap storage_access_map;

        // Defines the binding information for a specialization constant
        // that is exported by the module and can be overriden at runtime
        struct SpecializationBinding {
            SpvId constant_id = 0;
            uint32_t type_size = 0;
            std::string constant_name;
        using SpecializationConstants = std::vector<SpecializationBinding>;

        // Defines a shared memory allocation
        struct SharedMemoryAllocation {
            SpvId constant_id = 0;  // specialization constant to dynamically adjust array size (zero if not used)
            uint32_t array_size = 0;
            uint32_t type_size = 0;
            std::string variable_name;
        using SharedMemoryUsage = std::vector<SharedMemoryAllocation>;

        // Defines the specialization constants used for dynamically overiding the dispatch size
        struct WorkgroupSizeBinding {
            SpvId local_size_constant_id[3] = {0, 0, 0};  // zero if unused

        // Keep track of the descriptor sets so we can add a sidecar to the
        // module indicating which descriptor set to use for each entry point
        struct DescriptorSet {
            std::string entry_point_name;
            uint32_t uniform_buffer_count = 0;
            uint32_t storage_buffer_count = 0;
            SpecializationConstants specialization_constants;
            SharedMemoryUsage shared_memory_usage;
            WorkgroupSizeBinding workgroup_size_binding;
        using DescriptorSetTable = std::vector<DescriptorSet>;
        DescriptorSetTable descriptor_set_table;

        // The workgroup size ... this indicates the extents of the 1-3 dimensional index space
        // used as part of the kernel dispatch. It can also be used to adjust the layout for work
        // items (aka GPU threads), based on logical groupings. If a zero sized workgroup is
        // encountered during CodeGen, it is assumed that the extents are dynamic and specified
        // at runtime
        uint32_t workgroup_size[3];

        // Current index of kernel for module
        uint32_t kernel_index = 0;

        // Target for codegen
        Target target;

    } emitter;

    std::string current_kernel_name;

// Check if all loads and stores to the member 'buffer' are dense, aligned, and
// have the same number of lanes. If this is indeed the case then the 'lanes'
// member stores the number of lanes in those loads and stores.
// FIXME: Refactor this and the version in CodeGen_OpenGLCompute_Dev to a common place!
class CheckAlignedDenseVectorLoadStore : public IRVisitor {
    // True if all loads and stores from the buffer are dense, aligned, and all
    // have the same number of lanes, false otherwise.
    bool are_all_dense = true;

    // The number of lanes in the loads and stores. If the number of lanes is
    // variable, then are_all_dense is set to false regardless, and this value
    // is undefined. Initially set to -1 before any dense operation is
    // discovered.
    int lanes = -1;

    CheckAlignedDenseVectorLoadStore(std::string name)
        : buffer_name(std::move(name)) {

    // The name of the buffer to check.
    std::string buffer_name;

    using IRVisitor::visit;

    void visit(const Load *op) override {

        if (op->name != buffer_name) {

        if (op->type.is_scalar()) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        Expr ramp_base = strided_ramp_base(op->index);
        if (!ramp_base.defined()) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        if ((op->alignment.modulus % op->type.lanes() != 0) ||
            (op->alignment.remainder % op->type.lanes() != 0)) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        if (lanes != -1 && op->type.lanes() != lanes) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        lanes = op->type.lanes();

    void visit(const Store *op) override {

        if (op->name != buffer_name) {

        if (op->value.type().is_scalar()) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        Expr ramp_base = strided_ramp_base(op->index);
        if (!ramp_base.defined()) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        if ((op->alignment.modulus % op->value.type().lanes() != 0) ||
            (op->alignment.remainder % op->value.type().lanes() != 0)) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        if (lanes != -1 && op->value.type().lanes() != lanes) {
            are_all_dense = false;

        lanes = op->value.type().lanes();

struct FindWorkGroupSize : public IRVisitor {
    using IRVisitor::visit;
    void visit(const For *loop) override {
        if (!CodeGen_GPU_Dev::is_gpu_var(loop->name)) {
            return loop->body.accept(this);

        if ((loop->for_type == ForType::GPUBlock) ||
            (loop->for_type == ForType::GPUThread)) {

            // This should always be true at this point in codegen

            // Save & validate the workgroup size
            int index = thread_loop_workgroup_index(loop->name);
            if (index >= 0) {
                const IntImm *literal = loop->extent.as<IntImm>();
                if (literal != nullptr) {
                    uint32_t new_wg_size = literal->value;
                    user_assert(workgroup_size[index] == 0 || workgroup_size[index] == new_wg_size)
                        << "Vulkan requires all kernels have the same workgroup size, "
                        << "but two different sizes were encountered: "
                        << workgroup_size[index] << " and "
                        << new_wg_size << " in dimension " << index << "\n";
                    workgroup_size[index] = new_wg_size;
            debug(4) << "Thread group size for index " << index << " is " << workgroup_size[index] << "\n";

    int thread_loop_workgroup_index(const std::string &name) {
        std::string ids[] = {".__thread_id_x",
        for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(ids) / sizeof(std::string); i++) {
            if (ends_with(name, ids[i])) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    uint32_t workgroup_size[3] = {0, 0, 0};

CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::SPIRV_Emitter(Target t)
    : IRVisitor(), target(t) {
    // Empty

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::scalarize(const Expr &e) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::scalarize(): " << (Expr)e << "\n";
    internal_assert(e.type().is_vector()) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::scalarize must be called with an expression of vector type.\n";

    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(e.type());
    SpvId value_id = builder.declare_null_constant(e.type());
    SpvId result_id = value_id;
    for (int i = 0; i < e.type().lanes(); i++) {
        extract_lane(e, i).accept(this);
        SpvId extracted_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId composite_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        SpvFactory::Indices indices = {(uint32_t)i};
        builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_insert(type_id, composite_id, extracted_id, value_id, indices));
        result_id = composite_id;

SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::map_type_to_pair(const Type &t) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::map_type_to_pair(): " << t << "\n";
    SpvId base_type_id = builder.declare_type(t);
    SpvBuilder::StructMemberTypes member_type_ids = {base_type_id, base_type_id};
    const std::string struct_name = std::string("_struct_") + type_to_c_type(t, false, false) + std::string("_pair");
    SpvId struct_type_id = builder.declare_struct(struct_name, member_type_ids);
    return struct_type_id;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Variable *var) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Variable): " << var->type << " " << var->name << "\n";
    SpvId variable_id = symbol_table.get(var->name).first;
    user_assert(variable_id != SpvInvalidId) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Variable): Invalid symbol name!\n";

template<typename T>
SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::declare_constant_int(Type value_type, int64_t value) {
    const T typed_value = (T)(value);
    SpvId constant_id = builder.declare_constant(value_type, &typed_value);
    return constant_id;

template<typename T>
SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::declare_constant_uint(Type value_type, uint64_t value) {
    const T typed_value = (T)(value);
    SpvId constant_id = builder.declare_constant(value_type, &typed_value);
    return constant_id;

template<typename T>
SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::declare_constant_float(Type value_type, float value) {
    const T typed_value = (T)(value);
    SpvId constant_id = builder.declare_constant(value_type, &typed_value);
    return constant_id;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const IntImm *imm) {
    if (imm->type.bits() == 8) {
        declare_constant_int<int8_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 16) {
        declare_constant_int<int16_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 32) {
        declare_constant_int<int32_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 64) {
        declare_constant_int<int64_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else {
        internal_error << "Vulkan backend currently only supports 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit signed integers!\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const UIntImm *imm) {
    if (imm->type.bits() == 8) {
        declare_constant_uint<uint8_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 16) {
        declare_constant_uint<uint16_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 32) {
        declare_constant_uint<uint32_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 64) {
        declare_constant_uint<uint64_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else {
        internal_error << "Vulkan backend currently only supports 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit unsigned integers!\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const StringImm *imm) {
    SpvId constant_id = builder.declare_string_constant(imm->value);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const FloatImm *imm) {
    if (imm->type.bits() == 16) {
        if (imm->type.is_bfloat()) {
            declare_constant_float<bfloat16_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
        } else {
            declare_constant_float<float16_t>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 32) {
        declare_constant_float<float>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else if (imm->type.bits() == 64) {
        declare_constant_float<double>(imm->type, imm->value);
    } else {
        internal_error << "Vulkan backend currently only supports 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit floats\n";

template<typename T>
void fill_bytes_with_value(uint8_t *bytes, int count, int value) {
    T *v = reinterpret_cast<T *>(bytes);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        v[i] = (T)value;

SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::convert_to_bool(Type target_type, Type value_type, SpvId value_id) {
    if (!value_type.is_bool()) {
        value_id = cast_type(Bool(), value_type, value_id);

    const int true_value = 1;
    const int false_value = 0;

    std::vector<uint8_t> true_data(target_type.bytes(), (uint8_t)0);
    std::vector<uint8_t> false_data(target_type.bytes(), (uint8_t)0);

    if (target_type.is_int_or_uint() && target_type.bits() == 8) {
        fill_bytes_with_value<int8_t>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
        fill_bytes_with_value<int8_t>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else if (target_type.is_int_or_uint() && target_type.bits() == 16) {
        fill_bytes_with_value<int16_t>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
        fill_bytes_with_value<int16_t>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else if (target_type.is_int_or_uint() && target_type.bits() == 32) {
        fill_bytes_with_value<int32_t>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
        fill_bytes_with_value<int32_t>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else if (target_type.is_int_or_uint() && target_type.bits() == 64) {
        fill_bytes_with_value<int64_t>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
        fill_bytes_with_value<int64_t>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else if (target_type.is_float() && target_type.bits() == 16) {
        if (target_type.is_bfloat()) {
            fill_bytes_with_value<bfloat16_t>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
            fill_bytes_with_value<bfloat16_t>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
        } else {
            fill_bytes_with_value<float16_t>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
            fill_bytes_with_value<float16_t>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else if (target_type.is_float() && target_type.bits() == 32) {
        fill_bytes_with_value<float>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
        fill_bytes_with_value<float>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else if (target_type.is_float() && target_type.bits() == 64) {
        fill_bytes_with_value<double>(&true_data[0], target_type.lanes(), true_value);
        fill_bytes_with_value<double>(&false_data[0], target_type.lanes(), false_value);
    } else {
        user_error << "Unhandled type cast from value type '" << value_type << "' to target type '" << target_type << "'!";

    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    SpvId target_type_id = builder.declare_type(target_type);
    SpvId true_value_id = builder.declare_constant(target_type, &true_data);
    SpvId false_value_id = builder.declare_constant(target_type, &false_data);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::select(target_type_id, result_id, value_id, true_value_id, false_value_id));
    return result_id;

SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::cast_type(Type target_type, Type value_type, SpvId value_id) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::cast_type(): casting from value type '"
             << value_type << "' to target type '" << target_type << "'!\n";

    if (value_type == target_type) {
        return value_id;

    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (value_type.is_float()) {
        if (target_type.is_float()) {
            op_code = SpvOpFConvert;
        } else if (target_type.is_bool()) {
            op_code = SpvOpSelect;
        } else if (target_type.is_uint()) {
            op_code = SpvOpConvertFToU;
        } else if (target_type.is_int()) {
            op_code = SpvOpConvertFToS;
    } else if (value_type.is_bool()) {
        op_code = SpvOpSelect;
    } else if (value_type.is_uint()) {
        if (target_type.is_float()) {
            op_code = SpvOpConvertUToF;
        } else if (target_type.is_bool()) {
            op_code = SpvOpSelect;
        } else if (target_type.is_int_or_uint()) {
            op_code = SpvOpUConvert;
    } else if (value_type.is_int()) {
        if (target_type.is_float()) {
            op_code = SpvOpConvertSToF;
        } else if (target_type.is_bool()) {
            op_code = SpvOpSelect;
        } else if (target_type.is_int_or_uint()) {
            op_code = SpvOpSConvert;

    // If none of the explicit conversions matched, do a direct bitcast if the total
    // size of both types is the same
    if (op_code == SpvOpNop) {
        if (target_type.bytes() == value_type.bytes()) {
            op_code = SpvOpBitcast;

    // Error If we still didn't find a suitable cast ...
    if (op_code == SpvOpNop) {
        user_error << "Unhandled type cast from value type '" << value_type << "' to target type '" << target_type << "'!";
        return SpvInvalidId;

    SpvId result_id = SpvInvalidId;
    SpvId target_type_id = builder.declare_type(target_type);
    if (op_code == SpvOpBitcast) {
        result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::bitcast(target_type_id, result_id, value_id));
    } else if (op_code == SpvOpSelect) {
        result_id = convert_to_bool(target_type, value_type, value_id);
    } else if (op_code == SpvOpUConvert && target_type.is_int()) {
        // SPIR-V requires both value and target types to be unsigned and of
        // different component bit widths in order to be compatible with UConvert
        // ... so do the conversion to an equivalent unsigned type then bitcast this
        // result into the target type
        Type unsigned_type = target_type.with_code(halide_type_uint);
        if (unsigned_type.bytes() != value_type.bytes()) {
            SpvId unsigned_type_id = builder.declare_type(unsigned_type);
            SpvId unsigned_value_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::convert(op_code, unsigned_type_id, unsigned_value_id, value_id));
            value_id = unsigned_value_id;
        result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::bitcast(target_type_id, result_id, value_id));
    } else if (op_code == SpvOpSConvert && target_type.is_uint()) {
        // Same as above but for SConvert
        Type signed_type = target_type.with_code(halide_type_int);
        if (signed_type.bytes() != value_type.bytes()) {
            SpvId signed_type_id = builder.declare_type(signed_type);
            SpvId signed_value_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::convert(op_code, signed_type_id, signed_value_id, value_id));
            value_id = signed_value_id;
        result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::bitcast(target_type_id, result_id, value_id));
    } else {
        result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::convert(op_code, target_type_id, result_id, value_id));
    return result_id;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Cast *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Cast): " << op->value.type() << " to " << op->type << "\n";

    Type value_type = op->value.type();
    Type target_type = op->type;

    SpvId value_id = builder.current_id();

    if ((value_type.is_vector() && target_type.is_vector())) {
        if (value_type.lanes() == target_type.lanes()) {
            SpvId result_id = cast_type(target_type, value_type, value_id);
        } else {
            user_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Cast):  unhandled case " << op->value.type() << " to " << op->type << " (incompatible lanes)\n";
    } else if (value_type.is_scalar() && target_type.is_scalar()) {
        debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Cast): scalar type (cast)\n";
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(target_type, value_type, value_id);
    } else if (value_type.bytes() == target_type.bytes()) {
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(target_type, value_type, value_id);
    } else {
        user_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Cast):  unhandled case " << op->value.type() << " to " << op->type << "\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Reinterpret *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Reinterpret): " << op->value.type() << " to " << op->type << "\n";
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
    SpvId src_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::bitcast(type_id, result_id, src_id));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Add *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Add): " << op->type << " ((" << op->a << ") + (" << op->b << "))\n";
    visit_binary_op(op->type.is_float() ? SpvOpFAdd : SpvOpIAdd, op->type, op->a, op->b);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Sub *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Sub): " << op->type << " ((" << op->a << ") - (" << op->b << "))\n";
    visit_binary_op(op->type.is_float() ? SpvOpFSub : SpvOpISub, op->type, op->a, op->b);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Mul *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Mul): " << op->type << " ((" << op->a << ") * (" << op->b << "))\n";
    visit_binary_op(op->type.is_float() ? SpvOpFMul : SpvOpIMul, op->type, op->a, op->b);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Div *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Div): " << op->type << " ((" << op->a << ") / (" << op->b << "))\n";
    user_assert(!is_const_zero(op->b)) << "Division by constant zero in expression: " << Expr(op) << "\n";
    if (op->type.is_int()) {
        Expr e = lower_euclidean_div(op->a, op->b);
    } else if (op->type.is_uint()) {
        visit_binary_op(SpvOpUDiv, op->type, op->a, op->b);
    } else if (op->type.is_float()) {
        visit_binary_op(SpvOpFDiv, op->type, op->a, op->b);
    } else {
        internal_error << "Failed to find a suitable Div operator for type: " << op->type << "\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Mod *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Mod): " << op->type << " ((" << op->a << ") % (" << op->b << "))\n";
    int bits = 0;
    if (is_const_power_of_two_integer(op->b, &bits) && op->type.is_int_or_uint()) {
        SpvId src_a_id = builder.current_id();

        int bitwise_value = ((1 << bits) - 1);
        Expr expr = make_const(op->type, bitwise_value);
        SpvId src_b_id = builder.current_id();

        SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
        SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::binary_op(SpvOpBitwiseAnd, type_id, result_id, src_a_id, src_b_id));
    } else if (op->type.is_int() || op->type.is_uint()) {
        // Just exploit the Euclidean identity
        Expr zero = make_zero(op->type);
        Expr equiv = select(op->a == zero, zero,
                            op->a - (op->a / op->b) * op->b);
        equiv = common_subexpression_elimination(equiv);
    } else if (op->type.is_float()) {
        // SPIR-V FMod is strangely not what we want .. FRem does what we need
        visit_binary_op(SpvOpFRem, op->type, op->a, op->b);
    } else {
        internal_error << "Failed to find a suitable Mod operator for type: " << op->type << "\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Max *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Max): " << op->type << " Max((" << op->a << "), (" << op->b << "))\n";
    SpvId op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->type.is_float()) {
        op_code = GLSLstd450FMax;
    } else if (op->type.is_int()) {
        op_code = GLSLstd450SMax;
    } else if (op->type.is_uint()) {
        op_code = GLSLstd450UMax;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Max *op): unhandled type: " << op->type << "\n";

    std::vector<Expr> args;
    if (op->type.is_vector()) {
        if (op->a.type().is_scalar()) {
            Expr a_vector = Broadcast::make(op->a, op->type.lanes());
        } else {
        if (op->b.type().is_scalar()) {
            Expr b_vector = Broadcast::make(op->b, op->type.lanes());
        } else {
    } else {
    visit_glsl_op(op_code, op->type, args);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Min *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Min): " << op->type << " Min((" << op->a << "), (" << op->b << "))\n";
    SpvId op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->type.is_float()) {
        op_code = GLSLstd450FMin;
    } else if (op->type.is_int()) {
        op_code = GLSLstd450SMin;
    } else if (op->type.is_uint()) {
        op_code = GLSLstd450UMin;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Min *op): unhandled type: " << op->type << "\n";

    std::vector<Expr> args;
    if (op->type.is_vector()) {
        if (op->a.type().is_scalar()) {
            Expr a_vector = Broadcast::make(op->a, op->type.lanes());
        } else {
        if (op->b.type().is_scalar()) {
            Expr b_vector = Broadcast::make(op->b, op->type.lanes());
        } else {
    } else {
    visit_glsl_op(op_code, op->type, args);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const EQ *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(EQ): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") == (" << op->b << ")\n";
    if (op->a.type() != op->b.type()) {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const EQ *op): Mismatched operand types: " << op->a.type() << " != " << op->b.type() << "\n";
    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->a.type().is_float()) {
        op_code = SpvOpFOrdEqual;
    } else {
        op_code = SpvOpIEqual;
    Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
    visit_binary_op(op_code, bool_type, op->a, op->b);
    if (!op->type.is_bool()) {
        SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, bool_type, current_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const NE *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(NE): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") != (" << op->b << ")\n";
    if (op->a.type() != op->b.type()) {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const NE *op): Mismatched operand types: " << op->a.type() << " != " << op->b.type() << "\n";
    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->a.type().is_float()) {
        op_code = SpvOpFOrdNotEqual;
    } else {
        op_code = SpvOpINotEqual;
    Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
    visit_binary_op(op_code, bool_type, op->a, op->b);
    if (!op->type.is_bool()) {
        Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
        SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, bool_type, current_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LT *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(LT): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") < (" << op->b << ")\n";
    if (op->a.type() != op->b.type()) {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LT *op): Mismatched operand types: " << op->a.type() << " != " << op->b.type() << "\n";
    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->a.type().is_float()) {
        op_code = SpvOpFOrdLessThan;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_int()) {
        op_code = SpvOpSLessThan;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_uint()) {
        op_code = SpvOpULessThan;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LT *op): unhandled type: " << op->a.type() << "\n";
    Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
    visit_binary_op(op_code, bool_type, op->a, op->b);
    if (!op->type.is_bool()) {
        Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
        SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, bool_type, current_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LE *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(LE): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") <= (" << op->b << ")\n";
    if (op->a.type() != op->b.type()) {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LE *op): Mismatched operand types: " << op->a.type() << " != " << op->b.type() << "\n";
    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->a.type().is_float()) {
        op_code = SpvOpFOrdLessThanEqual;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_int()) {
        op_code = SpvOpSLessThanEqual;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_uint()) {
        op_code = SpvOpULessThanEqual;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LE *op): unhandled type: " << op->a.type() << "\n";
    Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
    visit_binary_op(op_code, bool_type, op->a, op->b);
    if (!op->type.is_bool()) {
        Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
        SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, bool_type, current_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const GT *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(GT): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") > (" << op->b << ")\n";
    if (op->a.type() != op->b.type()) {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const GT *op): Mismatched operand types: " << op->a.type() << " != " << op->b.type() << "\n";
    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->a.type().is_float()) {
        op_code = SpvOpFOrdGreaterThan;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_int()) {
        op_code = SpvOpSGreaterThan;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_uint()) {
        op_code = SpvOpUGreaterThan;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const GT *op): unhandled type: " << op->a.type() << "\n";
    Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
    visit_binary_op(op_code, bool_type, op->a, op->b);
    if (!op->type.is_bool()) {
        Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
        SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, bool_type, current_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const GE *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(GE): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") >= (" << op->b << ")\n";
    if (op->a.type() != op->b.type()) {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LE *op): Mismatched operand types: " << op->a.type() << " != " << op->b.type() << "\n";
    SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
    if (op->a.type().is_float()) {
        op_code = SpvOpFOrdGreaterThanEqual;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_int()) {
        op_code = SpvOpSGreaterThanEqual;
    } else if (op->a.type().is_uint()) {
        op_code = SpvOpUGreaterThanEqual;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const GE *op): unhandled type: " << op->a.type() << "\n";
    Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
    visit_binary_op(op_code, bool_type, op->a, op->b);
    if (!op->type.is_bool()) {
        Type bool_type = UInt(1, op->type.lanes());
        SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, bool_type, current_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const And *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(And): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") && (" << op->b << ")\n";
    visit_binary_op(SpvOpLogicalAnd, op->type, op->a, op->b);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Or *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Or): " << op->type << " (" << op->a << ") || (" << op->b << ")\n";
    visit_binary_op(SpvOpLogicalOr, op->type, op->a, op->b);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Not *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Not): " << op->type << " !(" << op->a << ")\n";
    visit_unary_op(SpvOpLogicalNot, op->type, op->a);
void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const ProducerConsumer *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(ProducerConsumer): name=" << op->name << " is_producer=" << (op->is_producer ? "true" : "false") << "\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Call *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Call): " << op->type << " " << op->name << " args=" << (uint32_t)op->args.size() << "\n";

    if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::gpu_thread_barrier)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1) << "gpu_thread_barrier() intrinsic must specify memory fence type.\n";

        const auto *fence_type_ptr = as_const_int(op->args[0]);
        internal_assert(fence_type_ptr) << "gpu_thread_barrier() parameter is not a constant integer.\n";
        auto fence_type = *fence_type_ptr;

        // Follow GLSL semantics for GLCompute ...
        // barrier() -> control_barrier(Workgroup, Workgroup, AcquireRelease | WorkgroupMemory)
        uint32_t execution_scope = SpvWorkgroupScope;
        uint32_t memory_scope = SpvWorkgroupScope;
        uint32_t control_mask = (SpvMemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseMask | SpvMemorySemanticsWorkgroupMemoryMask);
        SpvId exec_scope_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &execution_scope);
        SpvId memory_scope_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &memory_scope);
        SpvId control_mask_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &control_mask);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::control_barrier(exec_scope_id, memory_scope_id, control_mask_id));

        if ((fence_type & CodeGen_GPU_Dev::MemoryFenceType::Device) ||
            (fence_type & CodeGen_GPU_Dev::MemoryFenceType::Shared)) {

            // groupMemoryBarrier() -> memory_barrier(Workgroup, AcquireRelease | UniformMemory | WorkgroupMemory | ImageMemory)
            uint32_t memory_mask = (SpvMemorySemanticsAcquireReleaseMask |
                                    SpvMemorySemanticsUniformMemoryMask |
                                    SpvMemorySemanticsWorkgroupMemoryMask |
            SpvId memory_mask_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &memory_mask);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::memory_barrier(memory_scope_id, memory_mask_id));
        SpvId result_id = builder.declare_null_constant(op->type);

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::abs)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);

        SpvId op_code = SpvInvalidId;
        if (op->type.is_float()) {
            op_code = GLSLstd450FAbs;
        } else {
            op_code = GLSLstd450SAbs;
        visit_glsl_op(op_code, op->type, op->args);

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::IntrinsicOp::round)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);

        // GLSL RoundEven matches Halide's implementation
        visit_glsl_op(GLSLstd450RoundEven, op->type, op->args);

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::absd)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        Expr a = op->args[0];
        Expr b = op->args[1];
        Expr e = cast(op->type, select(a < b, b - a, a - b));

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::return_second)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        // Simply discard the first argument, which is generally a call to
        // 'halide_printf'.
        if (op->args[1].defined()) {
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::bitwise_and)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        visit_binary_op(SpvOpBitwiseAnd, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::bitwise_xor)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        visit_binary_op(SpvOpBitwiseXor, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::bitwise_or)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        visit_binary_op(SpvOpBitwiseOr, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::bitwise_not)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);
        visit_unary_op(SpvOpNot, op->type, op->args[0]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::if_then_else)) {
        Expr cond = op->args[0];
        if (const Broadcast *b = cond.as<Broadcast>()) {
            cond = b->value;
        if (cond.type().is_vector()) {
        } else {
            // Generate Phi node if used as an expression.
            internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2 || op->args.size() == 3);
            Expr else_expr;
            if (op->args.size() == 3) {
                else_expr = op->args[2];
            SpvFactory::BlockVariables block_vars = emit_if_then_else(op->args[0], op->args[1], else_expr);
            SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
            SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::phi(type_id, result_id, block_vars));
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::IntrinsicOp::div_round_to_zero)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        // See if we can rewrite it to something faster (e.g. a shift)
        Expr e = lower_int_uint_div(op->args[0], op->args[1], /** round to zero */ true);
        if (!e.as<Call>()) {

        SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
        if (op->type.is_float()) {
            op_code = SpvOpFDiv;
        } else if (op->type.is_int()) {
            op_code = SpvOpSDiv;
        } else if (op->type.is_uint()) {
            op_code = SpvOpUDiv;
        } else {
            internal_error << "div_round_to_zero of unhandled type.\n";
        visit_binary_op(op_code, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::IntrinsicOp::mod_round_to_zero)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        SpvOp op_code = SpvOpNop;
        if (op->type.is_float()) {
            op_code = SpvOpFRem;  // NOTE: FRem matches the fmod we expect
        } else if (op->type.is_int()) {
            op_code = SpvOpSMod;
        } else if (op->type.is_uint()) {
            op_code = SpvOpUMod;
        } else {
            internal_error << "mod_round_to_zero of unhandled type.\n";
        visit_binary_op(op_code, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::shift_right)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        if (op->type.is_uint() || (op->args[1].type().is_uint())) {
            visit_binary_op(SpvOpShiftRightLogical, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);
        } else {
            Expr e = lower_signed_shift_right(op->args[0], op->args[1]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::shift_left)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        if (op->type.is_uint() || (op->args[1].type().is_uint())) {
            visit_binary_op(SpvOpShiftLeftLogical, op->type, op->args[0], op->args[1]);
        } else {
            Expr e = lower_signed_shift_left(op->args[0], op->args[1]);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::strict_float)) {
        // TODO: Enable/Disable RelaxedPrecision flags?
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::IntrinsicOp::sorted_avg)) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        // b > a, so the following works without widening:
        // a + (b - a)/2
        Expr e = op->args[0] + (op->args[1] - op->args[0]) / 2;
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::lerp)) {

        // Implement lerp using GLSL's mix() function, which always uses
        // floating point arithmetic.
        Expr zero_val = op->args[0];
        Expr one_val = op->args[1];
        Expr weight = op->args[2];

        internal_assert(weight.type().is_uint() || weight.type().is_float());
        if (weight.type().is_uint()) {
            // Normalize integer weights to [0.0f, 1.0f] range.
            internal_assert(weight.type().bits() < 32);
            weight = Div::make(Cast::make(Float(32), weight),
                               Cast::make(Float(32), weight.type().max()));
        } else if (op->type.is_uint()) {
            // Round float weights down to next multiple of (1/op->type.imax())
            // to give same results as lerp based on integer arithmetic.
            internal_assert(op->type.bits() < 32);
            weight = floor(weight * op->type.max()) / op->type.max();

        Type result_type = Float(32, op->type.lanes());
        Expr e = Call::make(result_type, "mix", {zero_val, one_val, weight}, Call::Extern);

        if (!op->type.is_float()) {
            // Mirror rounding implementation of Halide's integer lerp.
            e = Cast::make(op->type, floor(e + 0.5f));

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::mux)) {
        Expr e = lower_mux(op);
    } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::saturating_cast)) {
        Expr e = lower_intrinsic(op);

    } else if (op->is_intrinsic()) {
        Expr lowered = lower_intrinsic(op);
        if (lowered.defined()) {
        } else {
            internal_error << "Unhandled intrinsic in Vulkan backend: " << op->name << "\n";

    } else if (op->call_type == Call::PureExtern && starts_with(op->name, "pow_f")) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 2);
        if (can_prove(op->args[0] > 0)) {
            visit_glsl_op(GLSLstd450Pow, op->type, op->args);
        } else {
            Expr x = op->args[0];
            Expr y = op->args[1];
            Halide::Expr abs_x_pow_y = Internal::halide_exp(Internal::halide_log(abs(x)) * y);
            Halide::Expr nan_expr = Call::make(x.type(), "nan_f32", {}, Call::PureExtern);
            Expr iy = floor(y);
            Expr one = make_one(x.type());
            Expr zero = make_zero(x.type());
            Expr e = select(x > 0, abs_x_pow_y,        // Strictly positive x
                            y == 0.0f, one,            // x^0 == 1
                            x == 0.0f, zero,           // 0^y == 0
                            y != iy, nan_expr,         // negative x to a non-integer power
                            iy % 2 == 0, abs_x_pow_y,  // negative x to an even power
                            -abs_x_pow_y);             // negative x to an odd power
            e = common_subexpression_elimination(e);
    } else if (starts_with(op->name, "fast_inverse_f")) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);

        if (op->type.lanes() > 1) {
            user_error << "Vulkan: Expected scalar value for fast_inverse!\n";

        SpvId arg_value_id = builder.current_id();

        SpvId one_constant_id = SpvInvalidId;
        SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
        if (op->type.is_float() && op->type.bits() == 16) {
            if (op->type.is_bfloat()) {
                bfloat16_t one_value = bfloat16_t(1.0f);
                one_constant_id = builder.declare_constant(op->type, &one_value);
            } else {
                float16_t one_value = float16_t(1.0f);
                one_constant_id = builder.declare_constant(op->type, &one_value);
        } else if (op->type.is_float() && op->type.bits() == 32) {
            float one_value = float(1.0f);
            one_constant_id = builder.declare_constant(op->type, &one_value);
        } else if (op->type.is_float() && op->type.bits() == 64) {
            double one_value = double(1.0);
            one_constant_id = builder.declare_constant(op->type, &one_value);
        } else {
            internal_error << "Vulkan: Unhandled float type in fast_inverse intrinsic!\n";
        internal_assert(one_constant_id != SpvInvalidId);
        SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::binary_op(SpvOpFDiv, type_id, result_id, one_constant_id, arg_value_id));
    } else if (op->name == "nan_f32") {
        float value = NAN;
        SpvId result_id = builder.declare_constant(Float(32), &value);
    } else if (op->name == "inf_f32") {
        float value = INFINITY;
        SpvId result_id = builder.declare_constant(Float(32), &value);
    } else if (op->name == "neg_inf_f32") {
        float value = -INFINITY;
        SpvId result_id = builder.declare_constant(Float(32), &value);
    } else if (starts_with(op->name, "is_nan_f")) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);
        visit_unary_op((SpvOp)SpvOpIsNan, op->type, op->args[0]);
    } else if (starts_with(op->name, "is_inf_f")) {
        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);
        visit_unary_op((SpvOp)SpvOpIsInf, op->type, op->args[0]);
    } else if (starts_with(op->name, "is_finite_f")) {

        internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);
        visit_unary_op((SpvOp)SpvOpIsInf, op->type, op->args[0]);
        SpvId is_inf_id = builder.current_id();
        visit_unary_op((SpvOp)SpvOpIsNan, op->type, op->args[0]);
        SpvId is_nan_id = builder.current_id();

        SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
        SpvId not_is_nan_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::logical_not(type_id, not_is_nan_id, is_nan_id));
        SpvId not_is_inf_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::logical_not(type_id, not_is_inf_id, is_inf_id));
        SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::logical_and(type_id, result_id, not_is_inf_id, not_is_nan_id));

    } else {

        // If its not a standard SPIR-V built-in, see if there's a GLSL extended builtin
        BuiltinMap::const_iterator glsl_it = glsl_builtin.find(op->name);
        if (glsl_it == glsl_builtin.end()) {
            user_error << "Vulkan: unhandled SPIR-V GLSL builtin function '" << op->name << "' encountered.\n";

        // Call the GLSL extended built-in
        SpvId glsl_op_code = glsl_it->second;
        visit_glsl_op(glsl_op_code, op->type, op->args);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Select *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Select): " << op->type << " (" << op->condition << ") ? (" << op->true_value << ") : (" << op->false_value << ")\n";
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
    SpvId cond_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId true_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId false_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::select(type_id, result_id, cond_id, true_id, false_id));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::load_from_scalar_index(const Load *op, SpvId index_id, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::load_from_scalar_index(): "
             << "index_id=" << index_id << " "
             << "variable_id=" << variable_id << " "
             << "value_type=" << value_type << " "
             << "storage_type=" << storage_type << " "
             << "storage_class=" << storage_class << "\n";

    // determine the base type id for the source value
    SpvId base_type_id = builder.type_of(variable_id);
    if (builder.is_pointer_type(base_type_id)) {
        base_type_id = builder.lookup_base_type(base_type_id);

    SpvId storage_type_id = builder.declare_type(storage_type);
    SpvId ptr_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(storage_type, storage_class);

    uint32_t zero = 0;
    SpvId src_id = SpvInvalidId;
    SpvId src_index_id = index_id;
    if (storage_class == SpvStorageClassUniform) {
        if (builder.is_struct_type(base_type_id)) {
            SpvId zero_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &zero);
            SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {zero_id, src_index_id};
            src_id = builder.declare_access_chain(ptr_type_id, variable_id, access_indices);
        } else {
            SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {src_index_id};
            src_id = builder.declare_access_chain(ptr_type_id, variable_id, access_indices);
    } else if ((storage_class == SpvStorageClassWorkgroup) || (storage_class == SpvStorageClassFunction)) {
        if (builder.is_array_type(base_type_id)) {
            SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {src_index_id};
            src_id = builder.declare_access_chain(ptr_type_id, variable_id, access_indices);
        } else {
            src_id = variable_id;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Load): unhandled storage class encountered on op: " << storage_class << "\n";
    internal_assert(src_id != SpvInvalidId);

    SpvId value_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::load(storage_type_id, value_id, src_id));

    // if the value type doesn't match the base for the pointer type, cast it accordingly
    SpvId result_id = value_id;
    if (storage_type != value_type) {
        result_id = cast_type(value_type, storage_type, result_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::load_from_vector_index(const Load *op, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::load_from_vector_index(): "
             << "variable_id=" << variable_id << " "
             << "value_type=" << value_type << " "
             << "storage_type=" << storage_type << " "
             << "storage_class=" << storage_class << "\n";


    // If the runtime array is a vector type, then attempt to do a
    // dense vector load by using the base of the ramp divided by
    // the number of lanes.
    StorageAccessMap::const_iterator it = storage_access_map.find(variable_id);
    if (it != storage_access_map.end()) {
        storage_type = it->second.storage_type;  // use the storage type for the runtime array
        SpvId storage_type_id = it->second.storage_type_id;
        if (builder.is_vector_type(storage_type_id)) {
            Expr ramp_base = strided_ramp_base(op->index);
            if (ramp_base.defined()) {
                Expr ramp_index = (ramp_base / op->type.lanes());
                SpvId index_id = builder.current_id();
                load_from_scalar_index(op, index_id, variable_id, value_type, storage_type, storage_class);

    SpvId index_id = builder.current_id();

    // Gather vector elements.
    SpvFactory::Components loaded_values;
    Type scalar_value_type = value_type.with_lanes(1);
    SpvFactory::Components index_components = split_vector(op->index.type(), index_id);
    for (SpvId scalar_index : index_components) {
        load_from_scalar_index(op, scalar_index, variable_id, scalar_value_type, storage_type, storage_class);
        SpvId value_component_id = builder.current_id();

    // Create a composite vector from the individual loads
    if (loaded_values.size() > 1) {
        SpvId result_id = join_vector(value_type, loaded_values);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::store_at_scalar_index(const Store *op, SpvId index_id, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class, SpvId value_id) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::store_at_scalar_index(): "
             << "index_id=" << index_id << " "
             << "variable_id=" << variable_id << " "
             << "value_type=" << value_type << " "
             << "storage_type=" << storage_type << " "
             << "storage_class=" << storage_class << " "
             << "value_id=" << value_id << "\n";

    // determine the base type id for the source value
    SpvId base_type_id = builder.type_of(variable_id);
    if (builder.is_pointer_type(base_type_id)) {
        base_type_id = builder.lookup_base_type(base_type_id);

    uint32_t zero = 0;
    SpvId dst_id = SpvInvalidId;
    SpvId dst_index_id = index_id;

    SpvId ptr_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(storage_type, storage_class);
    if (storage_class == SpvStorageClassUniform) {
        if (builder.is_struct_type(base_type_id)) {
            SpvId zero_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &zero);
            SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {zero_id, dst_index_id};
            dst_id = builder.declare_access_chain(ptr_type_id, variable_id, access_indices);
        } else {
            SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {dst_index_id};
            dst_id = builder.declare_access_chain(ptr_type_id, variable_id, access_indices);
    } else if ((storage_class == SpvStorageClassWorkgroup) || (storage_class == SpvStorageClassFunction)) {
        if (builder.is_array_type(base_type_id)) {
            SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {dst_index_id};
            dst_id = builder.declare_access_chain(ptr_type_id, variable_id, access_indices);
        } else {
            dst_id = variable_id;
    } else {
        internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Store): unhandled storage class encountered on op: " << storage_class << "\n";
    internal_assert(dst_id != SpvInvalidId);

    // if the value type doesn't match the base for the pointer type, cast it accordingly
    if (storage_type != value_type) {
        value_id = cast_type(storage_type, value_type, value_id);

    builder.append(SpvFactory::store(dst_id, value_id));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::store_at_vector_index(const Store *op, SpvId variable_id, Type value_type, Type storage_type, SpvStorageClass storage_class, SpvId value_id) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::store_at_vector_index(): "
             << "variable_id=" << variable_id << " "
             << "value_type=" << value_type << " "
             << "storage_type=" << storage_type << " "
             << "storage_class=" << storage_class << "\n";


    // If the runtime array is a vector type, then attempt to do a
    // dense vector store by using the base of the ramp divided by
    // the number of lanes.
    StorageAccessMap::const_iterator it = storage_access_map.find(variable_id);
    if (it != storage_access_map.end()) {
        storage_type = it->second.storage_type;
        SpvId storage_type_id = it->second.storage_type_id;
        if (builder.is_vector_type(storage_type_id)) {
            Expr ramp_base = strided_ramp_base(op->index);
            if (ramp_base.defined()) {
                Expr ramp_index = (ramp_base / op->value.type().lanes());
                SpvId index_id = builder.current_id();
                store_at_scalar_index(op, index_id, variable_id, value_type, storage_type, storage_class, value_id);

    SpvId index_id = builder.current_id();

    // Split vector value into components
    internal_assert(op->index.type().lanes() <= op->value.type().lanes());
    SpvFactory::Components value_components = split_vector(op->value.type(), value_id);
    SpvFactory::Components index_components = split_vector(op->index.type(), index_id);

    // Scatter vector elements.
    Type scalar_value_type = op->value.type().with_lanes(1);
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < index_components.size(); i++) {
        SpvId index_component_id = index_components[i];
        SpvId value_component_id = value_components[i];
        store_at_scalar_index(op, index_component_id, variable_id, scalar_value_type, storage_type, storage_class, value_component_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Load *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Load): " << op->type << " " << op->name << "[" << op->index << "]\n";
    user_assert(is_const_one(op->predicate)) << "Predicated loads not supported by SPIR-V codegen\n";

    // Construct the pointer to read from
    SymbolIdStorageClassPair id_and_storage_class = symbol_table.get(op->name);
    SpvId variable_id = id_and_storage_class.first;
    SpvStorageClass storage_class = id_and_storage_class.second;
    internal_assert(variable_id != SpvInvalidId);
    internal_assert(((uint32_t)storage_class) < ((uint32_t)SpvStorageClassMax));

    // If this is a load from a buffer block (mapped to a halide buffer) or
    // GPU shared memory, the pointer type must match the declared storage
    // type for the runtime array.
    Type value_type = op->type;
    Type storage_type = value_type;
    StorageAccessMap::const_iterator it = storage_access_map.find(variable_id);
    if (it != storage_access_map.end()) {
        storage_type = it->second.storage_type;

    debug(2) << "    value_type=" << op->type << " storage_type=" << storage_type << "\n";
    debug(2) << "    index_type=" << op->index.type() << " index=" << op->index << "\n";

    if (op->index.type().is_scalar()) {
        SpvId index_id = builder.current_id();
        load_from_scalar_index(op, index_id, variable_id, value_type, storage_type, storage_class);
    } else {
        load_from_vector_index(op, variable_id, value_type, storage_type, storage_class);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Store *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Store): " << op->name << "[" << op->index << "] = (" << op->value << ")\n";
    user_assert(is_const_one(op->predicate)) << "Predicated stores not supported by SPIR-V codegen!\n";

    debug(2) << "    value_type=" << op->value.type() << " value=" << op->value << "\n";
    SpvId value_id = builder.current_id();

    SymbolIdStorageClassPair id_and_storage_class = symbol_table.get(op->name);
    SpvId variable_id = id_and_storage_class.first;
    SpvStorageClass storage_class = id_and_storage_class.second;
    internal_assert(variable_id != SpvInvalidId);
    internal_assert(((uint32_t)storage_class) < ((uint32_t)SpvStorageClassMax));

    Type value_type = op->value.type();
    Type storage_type = value_type;

    // If this is a store to a buffer block (mapped to a halide buffer) or
    // GPU shared memory, the pointer type must match the declared storage
    // type for the runtime array
    StorageAccessMap::const_iterator it = storage_access_map.find(variable_id);
    if (it != storage_access_map.end()) {
        storage_type = it->second.storage_type;

    debug(2) << "    value_type=" << value_type << " storage_type=" << storage_type << "\n";
    debug(2) << "    index_type=" << op->index.type() << " index=" << op->index << "\n";
    if (op->index.type().is_scalar()) {
        SpvId index_id = builder.current_id();
        store_at_scalar_index(op, index_id, variable_id, value_type, storage_type, storage_class, value_id);
    } else {
        store_at_vector_index(op, variable_id, value_type, storage_type, storage_class, value_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Let *let) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Let): " << (Expr)let << "\n";
    SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
    ScopedSymbolBinding binding(symbol_table, let->name, {current_id, SpvStorageClassFunction});

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const LetStmt *let) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(LetStmt): " << let->name << "\n";
    SpvId current_id = builder.current_id();
    ScopedSymbolBinding binding(symbol_table, let->name, {current_id, SpvStorageClassFunction});

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const AssertStmt *stmt) {
    // TODO: Fill this in.
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(AssertStmt): "
             << "condition=" << stmt->condition << " "
             << "message=" << stmt->message << "\n";

namespace {
std::pair<std::string, uint32_t> simt_intrinsic(const std::string &name) {
    if (ends_with(name, ".__thread_id_x")) {
        return {"LocalInvocationId", 0};
    } else if (ends_with(name, ".__thread_id_y")) {
        return {"LocalInvocationId", 1};
    } else if (ends_with(name, ".__thread_id_z")) {
        return {"LocalInvocationId", 2};
    } else if (ends_with(name, ".__block_id_x")) {
        return {"WorkgroupId", 0};
    } else if (ends_with(name, ".__block_id_y")) {
        return {"WorkgroupId", 1};
    } else if (ends_with(name, ".__block_id_z")) {
        return {"WorkgroupId", 2};
    } else if (ends_with(name, "id_w")) {
        user_error << "Vulkan only supports <=3 dimensions for gpu blocks";
    internal_error << "simt_intrinsic called on bad variable name: " << name << "\n";
    return {"", -1};

}  // anonymous namespace

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const For *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(For): name=" << op->name << " min=" << op->min << " extent=" << op->extent << "\n";

    if (is_gpu_var(op->name)) {
        internal_assert((op->for_type == ForType::GPUBlock) ||
                        (op->for_type == ForType::GPUThread))
            << "kernel loops must be either gpu block or gpu thread\n";

        // This should always be true at this point in codegen
        auto intrinsic = simt_intrinsic(op->name);
        const std::string intrinsic_var_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_") + intrinsic.first;

        // Intrinsics are inserted when adding the kernel
        SpvId intrinsic_id = symbol_table.get(intrinsic_var_name).first;
        SpvStorageClass storage_class = symbol_table.get(intrinsic_var_name).second;

        // extract and cast to the extent type (which is what's expected by Halide's for loops)
        Type unsigned_type = UInt(32);
        SpvId unsigned_type_id = builder.declare_type(unsigned_type);
        SpvId unsigned_value_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        SpvFactory::Indices indices = {intrinsic.second};
        builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_extract(unsigned_type_id, unsigned_value_id, intrinsic_id, indices));
        SpvId intrinsic_value_id = cast_type(op->min.type(), unsigned_type, unsigned_value_id);
            ScopedSymbolBinding binding(symbol_table, op->name, {intrinsic_value_id, storage_class});
    } else {

        debug(2) << "  (serial for loop): min=" << op->min << " extent=" << op->extent << "\n";

        internal_assert(op->for_type == ForType::Serial) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit unhandled For type: " << op->for_type << "\n";
        user_assert(op->min.type() == op->extent.type());
        user_assert(op->min.type().is_int() || op->min.type().is_uint());

        SpvId min_id = builder.current_id();
        SpvId extent_id = builder.current_id();

        // Compute max.
        Type index_type = op->min.type();
        SpvId index_type_id = builder.declare_type(index_type);
        SpvStorageClass storage_class = SpvStorageClassFunction;
        SpvId index_var_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(index_type_id, storage_class);
        SpvId max_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::integer_add(index_type_id, max_id, min_id, extent_id));

        // Declare loop var
        const std::string loop_var_name = unique_name(std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + "_loop_idx");
        debug(2) << "  loop_index=" << loop_var_name << " type=" << index_type << "\n";
        SpvId loop_var_id = builder.declare_variable(loop_var_name, index_var_type_id, storage_class);
        symbol_table.push(loop_var_name, {loop_var_id, storage_class});

        SpvId header_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
        SpvId top_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
        SpvId body_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
        SpvId continue_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
        SpvId merge_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);

        builder.append(SpvFactory::store(loop_var_id, min_id));
        SpvBlock header_block = builder.create_block(header_block_id);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::loop_merge(merge_block_id, continue_block_id, SpvLoopControlDontUnrollMask));

        SpvId loop_index_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        SpvBlock top_block = builder.create_block(top_block_id);
            SpvId loop_test_type_id = builder.declare_type(Bool());
            SpvId loop_test_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::load(index_type_id, loop_index_id, loop_var_id));
            builder.append(SpvFactory::integer_less_than(loop_test_type_id, loop_test_id, loop_index_id, max_id, index_type.is_uint()));
            builder.append(SpvFactory::conditional_branch(loop_test_id, body_block_id, merge_block_id));

        SpvBlock body_block = builder.create_block(body_block_id);
            ScopedSymbolBinding binding(symbol_table, op->name, {loop_index_id, storage_class});

        SpvBlock continue_block = builder.create_block(continue_block_id);
            // Update loop variable
            int32_t one = 1;
            SpvId next_index_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            SpvId constant_one_id = builder.declare_constant(index_type, &one);
            SpvId current_index_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::load(index_type_id, current_index_id, loop_var_id));
            builder.append(SpvFactory::integer_add(index_type_id, next_index_id, current_index_id, constant_one_id));
            builder.append(SpvFactory::store(loop_var_id, next_index_id));

        SpvBlock merge_block = builder.create_block(merge_block_id);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Ramp *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Ramp): "
             << "base=" << op->base << " "
             << "stride=" << op->stride << " "
             << "lanes=" << (uint32_t)op->lanes << "\n";

    // TODO: Is there a way to do this that doesn't require duplicating lane values?
    SpvId base_type_id = builder.declare_type(op->base.type());
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
    SpvId base_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId stride_id = builder.current_id();

    // Generate adds to make the elements of the ramp.
    SpvId prev_id = base_id;
    SpvFactory::Components constituents = {base_id};
    for (int i = 1; i < op->lanes; i++) {
        SpvId this_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        if (op->base.type().is_float()) {
            builder.append(SpvFactory::float_add(base_type_id, this_id, prev_id, stride_id));
        } else if (op->base.type().is_int_or_uint()) {
            builder.append(SpvFactory::integer_add(base_type_id, this_id, prev_id, stride_id));
        } else {
            internal_error << "SPIRV: Unhandled base type encountered in ramp!\n";
        prev_id = this_id;

    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_construct(type_id, result_id, constituents));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Broadcast *op) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Broadcast): "
             << "type=" << op->type << " "
             << "value=" << op->value << "\n";

    // TODO: Is there a way to do this that doesn't require duplicating lane values?
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
    SpvId value_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);

    SpvFactory::Components constituents;
    constituents.insert(constituents.end(), op->lanes, value_id);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_construct(type_id, result_id, constituents));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Provide *) {
    internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Provide *): Provide encountered during codegen\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Allocate *op) {

    SpvId storage_type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
    SpvId array_type_id = SpvInvalidId;
    SpvId variable_id = SpvInvalidId;
    uint32_t array_size = 0;

    SpvStorageClass storage_class = SpvStorageClassGeneric;
    if (op->memory_type == MemoryType::GPUShared) {

        // Allocation of shared memory must be declared at global scope
        storage_class = SpvStorageClassWorkgroup;  // shared across workgroup
        std::string variable_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_") + op->name;
        uint32_t type_size = op->type.bytes();
        uint32_t constant_id = 0;

        // static fixed size allocation
        if (op->extents.size() == 1 && is_const(op->extents[0])) {
            array_size = op->constant_allocation_size();
            array_type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type, array_size);
            builder.add_symbol(variable_name + "_array_type", array_type_id, builder.current_module().id());
            debug(2) << "Vulkan: Allocate (fixed-size) " << op->name << " type=" << op->type << " array_size=" << (uint32_t)array_size << " in shared memory on device in global scope\n";

        } else {
            // dynamic allocation with unknown size at compile time ...

            // declare the array size as a specialization constant (which will get overridden at runtime)
            Type array_size_type = UInt(32);
            array_size = std::max(workgroup_size[0], uint32_t(1));  // use one item per workgroup as an initial guess
            SpvId array_size_id = builder.declare_specialization_constant(array_size_type, &array_size);
            array_type_id = builder.add_array_with_default_size(storage_type_id, array_size_id);
            builder.add_symbol(variable_name + "_array_type", array_type_id, builder.current_module().id());

            debug(2) << "Vulkan: Allocate (dynamic size) " << op->name << " type=" << op->type << " default_size=" << (uint32_t)array_size << " in shared memory on device in global scope\n";

            // bind the specialization constant to the next slot
            std::string constant_name = variable_name + "_array_size";
            constant_id = (uint32_t)(descriptor_set_table.back().specialization_constants.size() + 1);
            SpvBuilder::Literals spec_id = {constant_id};
            builder.add_annotation(array_size_id, SpvDecorationSpecId, spec_id);
            builder.add_symbol(constant_name, array_size_id, builder.current_module().id());

            // update the descriptor set with the specialization binding
            SpecializationBinding spec_binding = {constant_id, (uint32_t)array_size_type.bytes(), constant_name};

        // add the shared memory allocation to the descriptor set
        SharedMemoryAllocation shared_mem_allocation = {constant_id, array_size, type_size, variable_name};

        // declare the variable
        SpvId ptr_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(array_type_id, storage_class);
        variable_id = builder.declare_global_variable(variable_name, ptr_type_id, storage_class);

    } else {

        // Allocation is not a shared memory allocation, just make a local declaration.
        array_size = op->constant_allocation_size();

        // It must have a constant size.
        user_assert(array_size > 0)
            << "Allocation " << op->name << " has a dynamic size. "
            << "Only fixed-size local allocations are supported with Vulkan.";

        debug(2) << "Vulkan: Allocate " << op->name << " type=" << op->type << " size=" << (uint32_t)array_size << " on device in function scope\n";

        array_type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type, array_size);
        storage_class = SpvStorageClassFunction;  // function scope
        std::string variable_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_") + op->name;
        SpvId ptr_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(array_type_id, storage_class);
        variable_id = builder.declare_variable(variable_name, ptr_type_id, storage_class);

    StorageAccess access;
    access.storage_class = storage_class;
    access.storage_array_size = array_size;
    access.storage_type_id = storage_type_id;
    access.storage_type = op->type;
    storage_access_map[variable_id] = access;

    debug(3) << "Vulkan: Pushing allocation called " << op->name << " onto the symbol table\n";
    symbol_table.push(op->name, {variable_id, storage_class});

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Free *op) {
    debug(3) << "Vulkan: Popping allocation called " << op->name << " off the symbol table\n";
    SpvId variable_id = symbol_table.get(op->name).first;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Realize *) {
    internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Realize *): Realize encountered during codegen\n";

template<typename StmtOrExpr>
CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::emit_if_then_else(const Expr &condition,
                                                     StmtOrExpr then_case, StmtOrExpr else_case) {

    SpvId merge_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
    SpvId if_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
    SpvId then_block_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId);
    SpvId else_block_id = else_case.defined() ? builder.reserve_id(SpvBlockId) : merge_block_id;

    SpvFactory::BlockVariables block_vars;

    // If block
    debug(2) << "Vulkan: If => (" << condition << " )\n";
    SpvBlock if_block = builder.create_block(if_block_id);
        SpvId cond_id = builder.current_id();
        builder.append(SpvFactory::selection_merge(merge_block_id, SpvSelectionControlMaskNone));
        builder.append(SpvFactory::conditional_branch(cond_id, then_block_id, else_block_id));

    // Then block
    debug(2) << "Vulkan: Then =>\n"
             << then_case << "\n";
    SpvBlock then_block = builder.create_block(then_block_id);
        SpvId then_id = builder.current_id();
        block_vars.emplace_back(then_id, then_block_id);

    // Else block (optional)
    if (else_case.defined()) {
        debug(2) << "Vulkan: Else =>\n"
                 << else_case << "\n";
        SpvBlock else_block = builder.create_block(else_block_id);
            SpvId else_id = builder.current_id();
            block_vars.emplace_back(else_id, else_block_id);

    // Merge block
    SpvBlock merge_block = builder.create_block(merge_block_id);
    return block_vars;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const IfThenElse *op) {
    if (!builder.current_function().is_defined()) {
        user_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const IfThenElse *op): No active function for building!!\n";
    emit_if_then_else(op->condition, op->then_case, op->else_case);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Evaluate *op) {

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Shuffle *op) {
    std::cout << " CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Shuffle): "
              << "type=" << op->type << " "
              << "vectors=" << (uint32_t)op->vectors.size() << " "
              << "is_interleave=" << (op->is_interleave() ? "true" : "false") << " "
              << "is_extract_element=" << (op->is_extract_element() ? "true" : "false") << "\n";

    // Traverse all the arg vectors
    uint32_t arg_idx = 0;
    SpvFactory::Operands arg_ids;
    for (const Expr &e : op->vectors) {
        debug(2) << " CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(Shuffle): Arg[" << arg_idx++ << "] => " << e << "\n";

    if (op->is_interleave()) {
        int op_lanes = op->type.lanes();
        int arg_lanes = op->vectors[0].type().lanes();

        std::cout << "    vector interleave x" << (uint32_t)op->vectors.size() << " : ";
        for (int idx : op->indices) {
            std::cout << idx << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";

        if (arg_ids.size() == 1) {

            // 1 argument, just do a simple assignment via a cast
            SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, op->vectors[0].type(), arg_ids[0]);

        } else if (arg_ids.size() == 2) {

            // 2 arguments, use a composite insert to update even and odd indices
            uint32_t even_idx = 0;
            uint32_t odd_idx = 1;
            SpvFactory::Indices even_indices;
            SpvFactory::Indices odd_indices;
            for (int i = 0; i < op_lanes; ++i) {
                even_idx += 2;
                odd_idx += 2;

            SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
            SpvId value_id = builder.declare_null_constant(op->type);
            SpvId partial_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_insert(type_id, partial_id, arg_ids[0], value_id, even_indices));
            builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_insert(type_id, result_id, arg_ids[1], partial_id, odd_indices));

        } else {
            // 3+ arguments, shuffle via a vector literal
            // selecting the appropriate elements of the vectors
            int num_vectors = (int)op->vectors.size();
            std::vector<SpvFactory::Components> vector_component_ids(num_vectors);
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)arg_ids.size(); ++i) {
                if (op->vectors[i].type().is_vector()) {
                    vector_component_ids[i] = split_vector(op->vectors[i].type(), arg_ids[i]);
                } else {
                    vector_component_ids[i] = {arg_ids[i]};

            SpvFactory::Components result_component_ids(op_lanes);
            for (int i = 0; i < op_lanes; i++) {
                int arg = i % num_vectors;
                int arg_idx = i / num_vectors;
                internal_assert(arg_idx <= arg_lanes);
                result_component_ids[i] = vector_component_ids[arg][arg_idx];

            SpvId result_id = join_vector(op->type, result_component_ids);
    } else if (op->is_extract_element()) {
        int idx = op->indices[0];
        internal_assert(idx >= 0);
        internal_assert(idx <= op->vectors[0].type().lanes());
        if (op->vectors[0].type().is_vector()) {
            SpvFactory::Indices indices = {(uint32_t)idx};
            SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
            SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_extract(type_id, result_id, arg_ids[0], indices));
        } else {
            SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, op->vectors[0].type(), arg_ids[0]);
    } else if (op->type.is_scalar()) {
        // Deduce which vector we need. Apparently it's not required
        // that all vectors have identical lanes, so a loop is required.
        // Since idx of -1 means "don't care", we'll treat it as 0 to simplify.
        SpvId result_id = SpvInvalidId;
        int idx = std::max(0, op->indices[0]);
        for (size_t vec_idx = 0; vec_idx < op->vectors.size(); vec_idx++) {
            const int vec_lanes = op->vectors[vec_idx].type().lanes();
            if (idx < vec_lanes) {
                if (op->vectors[vec_idx].type().is_vector()) {
                    SpvFactory::Indices indices = {(uint32_t)idx};
                    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
                    result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
                    builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_extract(type_id, result_id, arg_ids[vec_idx], indices));
                } else {
                    result_id = arg_ids[vec_idx];
            idx -= vec_lanes;

    } else {

        // vector shuffle ... not interleaving
        int op_lanes = op->type.lanes();
        int num_vectors = (int)op->vectors.size();

        std::cout << "    vector shuffle x" << num_vectors << " : ";
        for (int idx : op->indices) {
            std::cout << idx << " ";
        std::cout << "\n";

        if (num_vectors == 1) {
            // 1 argument, just do a simple assignment via a cast
            SpvId result_id = cast_type(op->type, op->vectors[0].type(), arg_ids[0]);

        } else if (num_vectors == 2) {

            // 2 arguments, use the builtin vector shuffle that takes a pair of vectors
            SpvFactory::Indices indices;
            indices.insert(indices.end(), op->indices.begin(), op->indices.end());
            SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(op->type);
            SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
            builder.append(SpvFactory::vector_shuffle(type_id, result_id, arg_ids[0], arg_ids[1], indices));
        } else {
            std::vector<SpvFactory::Components> vector_component_ids(num_vectors);
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)arg_ids.size(); ++i) {
                if (op->vectors[i].type().is_vector()) {
                    vector_component_ids[i] = split_vector(op->vectors[i].type(), arg_ids[i]);
                } else {
                    vector_component_ids[i] = {arg_ids[i]};

            SpvFactory::Components result_component_ids(op_lanes);
            for (int i = 0; i < op_lanes && i < (int)op->indices.size(); i++) {
                int idx = op->indices[i];
                int arg = idx % num_vectors;
                int arg_idx = idx / num_vectors;
                internal_assert(arg_idx <= (int)vector_component_ids[arg].size());
                result_component_ids[i] = vector_component_ids[arg][arg_idx];

            SpvId result_id = join_vector(op->type, result_component_ids);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const VectorReduce *) {
    internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const VectorReduce *): VectorReduce not implemented for codegen\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Prefetch *) {
    internal_error << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Prefetch *): Prefetch not implemented for codegen\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Fork *) {
    internal_error << "void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Fork *): Fork not implemented for codegen";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Acquire *) {
    internal_error << "void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Acquire *): Acquire not implemented for codegen";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Atomic *) {
    internal_error << "void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit(const Atomic *): Atomic not implemented for codegen";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit_unary_op(SpvOp op_code, Type t, const Expr &a) {
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(t);
    SpvId src_a_id = builder.current_id();

    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::unary_op(op_code, type_id, result_id, src_a_id));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit_binary_op(SpvOp op_code, Type t, const Expr &a, const Expr &b) {
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(t);
    SpvId src_a_id = builder.current_id();
    SpvId src_b_id = builder.current_id();

    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::binary_op(op_code, type_id, result_id, src_a_id, src_b_id));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::visit_glsl_op(SpvId glsl_op_code, Type type, const std::vector<Expr> &args) {
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(type);

    SpvFactory::Operands operands;
    for (const Expr &e : args) {
        SpvId arg_value_id = builder.current_id();
        if (builder.type_of(arg_value_id) != type_id) {
            SpvId casted_value_id = cast_type(type, e.type(), arg_value_id);  // all GLSL args must match return type
        } else {

    // sanity check the expected number of operands
    internal_assert(glsl_operand_count(glsl_op_code) == operands.size());

    SpvId inst_set_id = builder.import_glsl_intrinsics();
    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::extended(inst_set_id, glsl_op_code, type_id, result_id, operands));

SpvFactory::Components CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::split_vector(Type type, SpvId value_id) {
    SpvFactory::Components value_components;
    SpvId scalar_value_type_id = builder.declare_type(type.with_lanes(1));
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (uint32_t)type.lanes(); i++) {
        SpvFactory::Indices extract_indices = {i};
        SpvId value_component_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
        builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_extract(scalar_value_type_id, value_component_id, value_id, extract_indices));
    return value_components;

SpvId CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::join_vector(Type type, const SpvFactory::Components &value_components) {
    SpvId type_id = builder.declare_type(type);
    SpvId result_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
    builder.append(SpvFactory::composite_construct(type_id, result_id, value_components));
    return result_id;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::reset() {
    kernel_index = 0;
    SymbolScope empty;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::init_module() {

    if (target.has_feature(Target::VulkanV13)) {
        // Encode to SPIR-V v1.2 to allow dynamic dispatching (if needed)
    } else {
        // Encode to SPIR-V v1.0 (which is the only format supported by Vulkan v1.0)

    // NOTE: Source language is irrelevant. We encode the binary directly

    // TODO: Should we autodetect and/or force 32bit or 64bit?

    // TODO: Should we autodetect the VulkanMemoryModel extension and use that instead?

    // NOTE: Execution model for Vulkan must be GLCompute which requires Shader support

    // NOTE: Extensions are handled in finalize

namespace {

std::vector<char> encode_header_string(const std::string &str) {
    uint32_t padded_word_count = (str.length() / 4) + 1;  // add an extra entry to ensure strings are terminated
    uint32_t padded_str_length = padded_word_count * 4;
    std::vector<char> encoded_string(padded_str_length, '\0');
    for (uint32_t c = 0; c < str.length(); c++) {
        encoded_string[c] = str[c];
    return encoded_string;

}  // namespace

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::encode_header(SpvBinary &spirv_header) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::encode_header\n";

    // Encode a sidecar for the module that lists the descriptor sets
    // corresponding to each entry point contained in the module.
    // This metadata will be used at runtime to define the shader bindings
    // needed for all buffers, constants, shared memory, and workgroup sizes
    // that are required for execution.
    // Like the SPIR-V code module, each entry is one word (1x uint32_t).
    // Variable length sections are prefixed with their length (ie number of entries).
    // [0] Header word count (total length of header)
    // [1] Number of descriptor sets
    // ... For each descriptor set ...
    // ... [0] Length of entry point name (padded to nearest word size)
    // ....... [*] Entry point string data (padded with null chars)
    // ... [1] Number of uniform buffers for this descriptor set
    // ... [2] Number of storage buffers for this descriptor set
    // ... [3] Number of specialization constants for this descriptor set
    // ....... For each specialization constant ...
    // ....... [0] Length of constant name string (padded to nearest word size)
    // ........... [*] Constant name string data (padded with null chars)
    // ....... [1] Constant id (as used in VkSpecializationMapEntry for binding)
    // ....... [2] Size of data type (in bytes)
    // ... [4] Number of shared memory allocations for this descriptor set
    // ....... For each allocation ...
    // ....... [0] Length of variable name string (padded to nearest word size)
    // ........... [*] Variable name string data (padded with null chars)
    // ....... [1] Constant id to use for overriding array size (zero if it is not bound to a specialization constant)
    // ....... [2] Size of data type (in bytes)
    // ....... [3] Size of array (ie element count)
    // ... [4] Dynamic workgroup dimensions bound to specialization constants
    // ....... [0] Constant id to use for local_size_x (zero if it was statically declared and not bound to a specialization constant)
    // ....... [1] Constant id to use for local_size_y
    // ....... [2] Constant id ot use for local_size_z
    // NOTE: Halide's Vulkan runtime consumes this header prior to compiling.
    // Both vk_decode_shader_bindings() and vk_compile_shader_module() will
    // need to be updated if the header encoding ever changes!
    uint32_t index = 0;
    for (const DescriptorSet &ds : descriptor_set_table) {

        // encode the entry point name into an array of chars (padded to the next word entry)
        std::vector<char> entry_point_name = encode_header_string(ds.entry_point_name);
        uint32_t entry_point_name_entries = (uint32_t)(entry_point_name.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));

        debug(2) << "    [" << index << "] "
                 << "uniform_buffer_count=" << ds.uniform_buffer_count << " "
                 << "storage_buffer_count=" << ds.storage_buffer_count << " "
                 << "entry_point_name_size=" << entry_point_name.size() << " "
                 << "entry_point_name: " << (const char *)entry_point_name.data() << "\n";

        // [0] Length of entry point name (padded to nearest word size)

        // [*] Entry point string data (padded with null chars)
        spirv_header.insert(spirv_header.end(), (const uint32_t *)entry_point_name.data(), (const uint32_t *)(entry_point_name.data() + entry_point_name.size()));

        // [1] Number of uniform buffers for this descriptor set

        // [2] Number of storage buffers for this descriptor set

        // [3] Number of specialization constants for this descriptor set
        debug(2) << "     specialization_count=" << (uint32_t)ds.specialization_constants.size() << "\n";

        // For each specialization constant ...
        for (const SpecializationBinding &spec_binding : ds.specialization_constants) {

            // encode the constant name into an array of chars (padded to the next word entry)
            std::vector<char> constant_name = encode_header_string(spec_binding.constant_name);
            uint32_t constant_name_entries = (uint32_t)(constant_name.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));

            debug(2) << "     [" << spec_binding.constant_id << "] "
                     << "constant_name=" << (const char *)constant_name.data() << " "
                     << "type_size=" << spec_binding.type_size << "\n";

            // [0] Length of constant name string (padded to nearest word size)

            // [*] Constant name string data (padded with null chars)
            spirv_header.insert(spirv_header.end(), (const uint32_t *)constant_name.data(), (const uint32_t *)(constant_name.data() + constant_name.size()));

            // [1] Constant id (as used in VkSpecializationMapEntry for binding)

            // [2] Size of data type (in bytes)

        // [4] Number of shared memory allocations for this descriptor set
        debug(2) << "     shared_memory_allocations=" << (uint32_t)ds.shared_memory_usage.size() << "\n";

        // For each allocation ...
        uint32_t shm_index = 0;
        for (const SharedMemoryAllocation &shared_mem_alloc : ds.shared_memory_usage) {

            // encode the variable name into an array of chars (padded to the next word entry)
            std::vector<char> variable_name = encode_header_string(shared_mem_alloc.variable_name);
            uint32_t variable_name_entries = (uint32_t)(variable_name.size() / sizeof(uint32_t));

            debug(2) << "     [" << shm_index++ << "] "
                     << "variable_name=" << (const char *)variable_name.data() << " "
                     << "constant_id=" << shared_mem_alloc.constant_id << " "
                     << "type_size=" << shared_mem_alloc.type_size << " "
                     << "array_size=" << shared_mem_alloc.array_size << "\n";

            // [0] Length of variable name string (padded to nearest word size)

            // [*] Variable name string data (padded with null chars)
            spirv_header.insert(spirv_header.end(), (const uint32_t *)variable_name.data(), (const uint32_t *)(variable_name.data() + variable_name.size()));

            // [1] Constant id to use for overriding array size (zero if it is not bound to a specialization constant)

            // [2] Size of data type (in bytes)

            // [3] Size of array (ie element count)

        // [4] Dynamic workgroup dimensions bound to specialization constants
    uint32_t header_word_count = spirv_header.size();
    spirv_header.insert(spirv_header.begin(), header_word_count + 1);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::reset_workgroup_size() {
    workgroup_size[0] = 0;
    workgroup_size[1] = 0;
    workgroup_size[2] = 0;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::find_workgroup_size(const Stmt &s) {
    FindWorkGroupSize fwgs;

    workgroup_size[0] = fwgs.workgroup_size[0];
    workgroup_size[1] = fwgs.workgroup_size[1];
    workgroup_size[2] = fwgs.workgroup_size[2];

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::declare_workgroup_size(SpvId kernel_func_id) {

    if (workgroup_size[0] == 0) {

        // workgroup size is dynamic ...
        if (!target.has_feature(Target::VulkanV13)) {
            user_error << "Vulkan: Dynamic workgroup sizes require Vulkan v1.3+ support! "
                       << "Either enable the target feature, or adjust the pipeline's schedule "
                       << "to use static workgroup sizes!";

        // declare the workgroup local size as a specialization constant (which will get overridden at runtime)
        Type local_size_type = UInt(32);

        uint32_t local_size_x = std::max(workgroup_size[0], (uint32_t)1);  // use a minimum of 1 for the default value
        uint32_t local_size_y = std::max(workgroup_size[1], (uint32_t)1);
        uint32_t local_size_z = std::max(workgroup_size[2], (uint32_t)1);

        SpvId local_size_x_id = builder.declare_specialization_constant(local_size_type, &local_size_x);
        SpvId local_size_y_id = builder.declare_specialization_constant(local_size_type, &local_size_y);
        SpvId local_size_z_id = builder.declare_specialization_constant(local_size_type, &local_size_z);

        SpvId local_size_ids[3] = {

        const char *local_size_names[3] = {

        debug(1) << "Vulkan: Using dynamic workgroup local size with default of [" << local_size_x << ", " << local_size_y << ", " << local_size_z << "]...\n";

        // annotate each local size with a corresponding specialization constant
        for (uint32_t dim = 0; dim < 3; dim++) {
            SpvId constant_id = (uint32_t)(descriptor_set_table.back().specialization_constants.size() + 1);
            SpvBuilder::Literals spec_id = {constant_id};
            builder.add_annotation(local_size_ids[dim], SpvDecorationSpecId, spec_id);
            builder.add_symbol(local_size_names[dim], local_size_ids[dim], builder.current_module().id());
            SpecializationBinding spec_binding = {constant_id, (uint32_t)sizeof(uint32_t), local_size_names[dim]};
            descriptor_set_table.back().workgroup_size_binding.local_size_constant_id[dim] = constant_id;

        // Add workgroup size to execution mode
        SpvInstruction exec_mode_inst = SpvFactory::exec_mode_local_size_id(kernel_func_id, local_size_x_id, local_size_y_id, local_size_z_id);

    } else {

        // workgroup size is static ...
        workgroup_size[0] = std::max(workgroup_size[0], (uint32_t)1);
        workgroup_size[1] = std::max(workgroup_size[1], (uint32_t)1);
        workgroup_size[2] = std::max(workgroup_size[2], (uint32_t)1);

        debug(1) << "Vulkan: Using static workgroup local size [" << workgroup_size[0] << ", " << workgroup_size[1] << ", " << workgroup_size[2] << "]...\n";

        // Add workgroup size to execution mode
        SpvInstruction exec_mode_inst = SpvFactory::exec_mode_local_size(kernel_func_id, workgroup_size[0], workgroup_size[1], workgroup_size[2]);

namespace {

// Locate all the unique GPU variables used as SIMT intrinsics
class FindIntrinsicsUsed : public IRVisitor {
    using IRVisitor::visit;
    void visit(const For *op) override {
        if (CodeGen_GPU_Dev::is_gpu_var(op->name)) {
            auto intrinsic = simt_intrinsic(op->name);
    void visit(const Variable *op) override {
        if (CodeGen_GPU_Dev::is_gpu_var(op->name)) {
            auto intrinsic = simt_intrinsic(op->name);

    std::unordered_set<std::string> intrinsics_used;
    FindIntrinsicsUsed() = default;

// Map the SPIR-V builtin intrinsic name to its corresponding enum value
SpvBuiltIn map_simt_builtin(const std::string &intrinsic_name) {
    if (starts_with(intrinsic_name, "Workgroup")) {
        return SpvBuiltInWorkgroupId;
    } else if (starts_with(intrinsic_name, "Local")) {
        return SpvBuiltInLocalInvocationId;
    internal_error << "map_simt_builtin called on bad variable name: " << intrinsic_name << "\n";
    return SpvBuiltInMax;

}  // namespace

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::declare_entry_point(const Stmt &s, SpvId kernel_func_id) {

    // Locate all simt intrinsics
    FindIntrinsicsUsed find_intrinsics;

    SpvFactory::Variables entry_point_variables;
    for (const std::string &intrinsic_name : find_intrinsics.intrinsics_used) {

        // The builtins are pointers to vec3
        SpvStorageClass storage_class = SpvStorageClassInput;
        SpvId intrinsic_type_id = builder.declare_type(Type(Type::UInt, 32, 3));
        SpvId intrinsic_ptr_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(intrinsic_type_id, storage_class);
        const std::string intrinsic_var_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_") + intrinsic_name;
        SpvId intrinsic_var_id = builder.declare_global_variable(intrinsic_var_name, intrinsic_ptr_type_id, storage_class);
        SpvId intrinsic_loaded_id = builder.reserve_id();
        builder.append(SpvFactory::load(intrinsic_type_id, intrinsic_loaded_id, intrinsic_var_id));
        symbol_table.push(intrinsic_var_name, {intrinsic_loaded_id, storage_class});

        // Annotate that this is the specific builtin
        SpvBuiltIn built_in_kind = map_simt_builtin(intrinsic_name);
        SpvBuilder::Literals annotation_literals = {(uint32_t)built_in_kind};
        builder.add_annotation(intrinsic_var_id, SpvDecorationBuiltIn, annotation_literals);

        // Add the builtin to the interface

    // Add the entry point with the appropriate execution model
    // NOTE: exec_model must be GLCompute to work with Vulkan ... Kernel is only supported in OpenCL
    builder.add_entry_point(kernel_func_id, SpvExecutionModelGLCompute, entry_point_variables);

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::declare_device_args(const Stmt &s, uint32_t entry_point_index,
                                                            const std::string &entry_point_name,
                                                            const std::vector<DeviceArgument> &args) {

    // Keep track of the descriptor set needed to bind this kernel's inputs / outputs
    DescriptorSet descriptor_set;
    descriptor_set.entry_point_name = entry_point_name;

    // Add required extension support for storage types which are necessary to
    // use smaller bit-width types for any halide buffer *or* device argument
    // (passed as a runtime array)
    for (const auto &arg : args) {
        if (arg.type.is_int_or_uint()) {
            if (arg.type.bits() == 8) {
            } else if (arg.type.bits() == 16) {

    // GLSL-style: each input buffer is a runtime array in a buffer struct
    // All other params get passed in as a single uniform block
    // First, need to count scalar parameters to construct the uniform struct
    SpvBuilder::StructMemberTypes param_struct_members;
    for (const auto &arg : args) {
        if (!arg.is_buffer) {
            // Add required access capability for smaller bit-width types used as runtime arrays
            if (arg.type.bits() == 8) {
            } else if (arg.type.bits() == 16) {

            SpvId arg_type_id = builder.declare_type(arg.type);

    // Add a binding for a uniform buffer packed with all scalar args
    uint32_t binding_counter = 0;
    if (!param_struct_members.empty()) {

        const std::string struct_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_args_struct");
        SpvId param_struct_type_id = builder.declare_struct(struct_name, param_struct_members);

        // Add a decoration describing the offset for each parameter struct member
        uint32_t param_member_index = 0;
        uint32_t param_member_offset = 0;
        for (const auto &arg : args) {
            if (!arg.is_buffer) {
                SpvBuilder::Literals param_offset_literals = {param_member_offset};
                builder.add_struct_annotation(param_struct_type_id, param_member_index, SpvDecorationOffset, param_offset_literals);
                param_member_offset += arg.type.bytes();

        // Add a Block decoration for the parameter pack itself
        builder.add_annotation(param_struct_type_id, SpvDecorationBlock);

        // Add a variable for the parameter pack
        const std::string param_pack_var_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_args_var");
        SpvId param_pack_ptr_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(param_struct_type_id, SpvStorageClassUniform);
        SpvId param_pack_var_id = builder.declare_global_variable(param_pack_var_name, param_pack_ptr_type_id, SpvStorageClassUniform);

        // We always pass in the parameter pack as the first binding
        SpvBuilder::Literals binding_index = {0};
        SpvBuilder::Literals dset_index = {entry_point_index};
        builder.add_annotation(param_pack_var_id, SpvDecorationDescriptorSet, dset_index);
        builder.add_annotation(param_pack_var_id, SpvDecorationBinding, binding_index);

        // Declare all the args with appropriate offsets into the parameter struct
        uint32_t scalar_index = 0;
        for (const auto &arg : args) {
            if (!arg.is_buffer) {

                SpvId arg_type_id = builder.declare_type(arg.type);
                SpvId access_index_id = builder.declare_constant(UInt(32), &scalar_index);
                SpvId pointer_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(arg_type_id, SpvStorageClassUniform);
                SpvFactory::Indices access_indices = {access_index_id};
                SpvId access_chain_id = builder.declare_access_chain(pointer_type_id, param_pack_var_id, access_indices);

                SpvId param_id = builder.reserve_id(SpvResultId);
                builder.append(SpvFactory::load(arg_type_id, param_id, access_chain_id));
                symbol_table.push(arg.name, {param_id, SpvStorageClassUniform});

    // Add bindings for all device buffers declared as GLSL-style buffer blocks in uniform storage
    for (const auto &arg : args) {
        if (arg.is_buffer) {

            // Check for dense loads & stores to determine the widest vector
            // width we can safely index
            CheckAlignedDenseVectorLoadStore check_dense(arg.name);
            int lanes = check_dense.are_all_dense ? check_dense.lanes : 1;

            // Declare the runtime array (which maps directly to the Halide device buffer)
            Type array_element_type = arg.type.with_lanes(lanes);
            SpvId array_element_type_id = builder.declare_type(array_element_type);
            SpvId runtime_arr_type_id = builder.add_runtime_array(array_element_type_id);

            // Annotate the array with its stride
            SpvBuilder::Literals array_stride = {(uint32_t)(arg.type.bytes())};
            builder.add_annotation(runtime_arr_type_id, SpvDecorationArrayStride, array_stride);

            // Wrap the runtime array in a struct (required with SPIR-V buffer block semantics)
            SpvBuilder::StructMemberTypes struct_member_types = {runtime_arr_type_id};
            const std::string struct_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_buffer_block") + std::to_string(binding_counter);
            SpvId struct_type_id = builder.declare_struct(struct_name, struct_member_types);

            // Declare a pointer to the struct as a global variable
            SpvStorageClass storage_class = SpvStorageClassUniform;
            SpvId ptr_struct_type_id = builder.declare_pointer_type(struct_type_id, storage_class);
            const std::string buffer_block_var_name = std::string("k") + std::to_string(kernel_index) + std::string("_") + arg.name;
            SpvId buffer_block_var_id = builder.declare_global_variable(buffer_block_var_name, ptr_struct_type_id, storage_class);

            // Annotate the struct to indicate it's passed in a GLSL-style buffer block
            builder.add_annotation(struct_type_id, SpvDecorationBufferBlock);

            // Annotate the offset for the array
            SpvBuilder::Literals zero_literal = {uint32_t(0)};
            builder.add_struct_annotation(struct_type_id, 0, SpvDecorationOffset, zero_literal);

            // Set descriptor set and binding indices
            SpvBuilder::Literals dset_index = {entry_point_index};
            SpvBuilder::Literals binding_index = {uint32_t(binding_counter++)};
            builder.add_annotation(buffer_block_var_id, SpvDecorationDescriptorSet, dset_index);
            builder.add_annotation(buffer_block_var_id, SpvDecorationBinding, binding_index);
            symbol_table.push(arg.name, {buffer_block_var_id, storage_class});

            StorageAccess access;
            access.storage_type_id = array_element_type_id;
            access.storage_type = array_element_type;
            access.storage_class = storage_class;
            storage_access_map[buffer_block_var_id] = access;

    // Save the descriptor set (so we can output the binding information as a header to the code module)

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::compile(std::vector<char> &module) {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::compile\n";

    // First encode the descriptor set bindings for each entry point
    // as a sidecar which we will add as a preamble header to the actual
    // SPIR-V binary so the runtime can know which descriptor set to use
    // for each entry point
    SpvBinary spirv_header;

    // Finalize the SPIR-V module

    // Validate the SPIR-V for the target
    if (builder.is_capability_required(SpvCapabilityInt8) && !target.has_feature(Target::VulkanInt8)) {
        user_error << "Vulkan: Code requires 8-bit integer support (which is not enabled in the target features)! "
                   << "Either enable the target feature, or adjust the algorithm to avoid using this data type!";

    if (builder.is_capability_required(SpvCapabilityInt16) && !target.has_feature(Target::VulkanInt16)) {
        user_error << "Vulkan: Code requires 16-bit integer support (which is not enabled in the target features)! "
                   << "Either enable the target feature, or adjust the algorithm to avoid using this data type!";

    if (builder.is_capability_required(SpvCapabilityInt64) && !target.has_feature(Target::VulkanInt64)) {
        user_error << "Vulkan: Code requires 64-bit integer support (which is not enabled in the target features)! "
                   << "Either enable the target feature, or adjust the algorithm to avoid using this data type!";

    if (builder.is_capability_required(SpvCapabilityFloat16) && !target.has_feature(Target::VulkanFloat16)) {
        user_error << "Vulkan: Code requires 16-bit floating-point support (which is not enabled in the target features)! "
                   << "Either enable the target feature, or adjust the algorithm to avoid using this data type!";

    if (builder.is_capability_required(SpvCapabilityFloat64) && !target.has_feature(Target::VulkanFloat64)) {
        user_error << "Vulkan: Code requires 64-bit floating-point support (which is not enabled in the target features)! "
                   << "Either enable the target feature, or adjust the algorithm to avoid using this data type!";

    // Encode the SPIR-V into a compliant binary
    SpvBinary spirv_binary;

    size_t header_bytes = spirv_header.size() * sizeof(uint32_t);
    size_t binary_bytes = spirv_binary.size() * sizeof(uint32_t);

    debug(2) << "    encoding module ("
             << "header_size: " << (uint32_t)(header_bytes) << ", "
             << "binary_size: " << (uint32_t)(binary_bytes) << ")\n";

    // Combine the header and binary into the module
    module.reserve(header_bytes + binary_bytes);
    module.insert(module.end(), (const char *)spirv_header.data(), (const char *)(spirv_header.data() + spirv_header.size()));
    module.insert(module.end(), (const char *)spirv_binary.data(), (const char *)(spirv_binary.data() + spirv_binary.size()));

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::add_kernel(const Stmt &s,
                                                   const std::string &kernel_name,
                                                   const std::vector<DeviceArgument> &args) {
    debug(2) << "Adding Vulkan kernel " << kernel_name << "\n";

    // Add function definition
    // TODO: can we use one of the function control annotations?
    // https://github.com/halide/Halide/issues/7533

    // Discover the workgroup size

    // Update the kernel index for the module

    // Declare the kernel function
    SpvId void_type_id = builder.declare_void_type();
    SpvId kernel_func_id = builder.add_function(kernel_name, void_type_id);
    SpvFunction kernel_func = builder.lookup_function(kernel_func_id);
    uint32_t entry_point_index = builder.current_module().entry_point_count();

    // Declare the entry point and input intrinsics for the kernel func
    declare_entry_point(s, kernel_func_id);

    // Declare all parameters -- scalar args and device buffers
    declare_device_args(s, entry_point_index, kernel_name, args);

    // Traverse

    // Insert return statement end delimiter

    // Declare the workgroup size for the kernel

    // Pop scope
    for (const auto &arg : args) {

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::dump() const {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::SPIRV_Emitter::dump()\n";
    std::cerr << builder.current_module();

CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev(Target t)
    : emitter(t) {
    // Empty

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::init_module() {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::init_module\n";

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::add_kernel(Stmt stmt,
                                    const std::string &name,
                                    const std::vector<DeviceArgument> &args) {

    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::add_kernel " << name << "\n";

    // We need to scalarize/de-predicate any loads/stores, since Vulkan does not support predication.
    stmt = scalarize_predicated_loads_stores(stmt);

    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev: after removing predication: \n"
             << stmt;

    current_kernel_name = name;
    emitter.add_kernel(stmt, name, args);

    // dump the SPIRV file if requested
    if (getenv("HL_SPIRV_DUMP_FILE")) {

std::vector<char> CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::compile_to_src() {
    debug(2) << "CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::compile_to_src\n";
    std::vector<char> module;
    return module;

std::string CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::get_current_kernel_name() {
    return current_kernel_name;

std::string CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::print_gpu_name(const std::string &name) {
    return name;

void CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev::dump() {
    std::vector<char> module = compile_to_src();

    // Print the contents of the compiled SPIR-V module

    // Skip the header and only output the SPIR-V binary
    const uint32_t *decode = (const uint32_t *)(module.data());
    uint32_t header_word_count = decode[0];
    size_t header_size = header_word_count * sizeof(uint32_t);
    const uint32_t *binary_ptr = (decode + header_word_count);
    size_t binary_size = (module.size() - header_size);

    const char *filename = getenv("HL_SPIRV_DUMP_FILE") ? getenv("HL_SPIRV_DUMP_FILE") : "out.spv";
    debug(1) << "Vulkan: Dumping SPIRV module to file: '" << filename << "'\n";
    std::ofstream f(filename, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
    f.write((const char *)(binary_ptr), binary_size);

}  // namespace

std::unique_ptr<CodeGen_GPU_Dev> new_CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev(const Target &target) {
    return std::make_unique<CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev>(target);

}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide

#else  // WITH_SPIRV

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

std::unique_ptr<CodeGen_GPU_Dev> new_CodeGen_Vulkan_Dev(const Target &target) {
    return nullptr;

}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide

#endif  // WITH_SPIRV
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