use warnings;
use strict;
# Author: Meng Wu, the Gordon Lab, Washington University in St. Louis #
# #
# File: #
# Date: 2014-09-05 #
# Version: 1.30 #
# #
# Usage: #
# see Usage in the code #
# #
# Contact: #
#Take the bowtie output with the parameter as "-m 1 -l 17 -n 1 -a --best --strata"
if (!@ARGV) {
print "\nUsage: perl $0 <bowtie_output_file> \n";
open IN, "$ARGV[0]";
my $total_count=0;
my $count;
my $insertion_F;
my $insertion_R;
my %sites; #$sites{sampleID} = number of insertion locations for that sample
my $chromosome;
while (my $line=<IN>) {
if ($line !~/^#/){
my @data = split (/\t/, $line);
my $length=length $data[4];
my $site;
if ($data[1] eq "+"){ #set insertion location of "T" in "TA" top-strand dinucleotide
$site = $data[3]+$length-1;
#add read to count of forward reads for that site in that sample
if ($data[1] eq "-"){
my $coverage;
my $sites;
my $sample;
foreach my $key (keys %$insertion_F){ #for each sample in %insertion_F
if ($key=~m/(.*)/){
open OUT, ">$ARGV[0]_processed.txt_".$1;
foreach my $location (keys %{$insertion_F->{$key}}) {
push @{$sites{$key}},$location;
print OUT ">$key\t$location\t$insertion_F->{$key}->{$location}\t";
my $sum = $insertion_F->{$key}->{$location};
if (exists ($insertion_R->{$key}->{$location})){
print OUT "$insertion_R->{$key}->{$location}\t";
$sum = $sum + $insertion_R->{$key}->{$location};
delete $insertion_R->{$key}->{$location};
} else {
print OUT "0\t";
print OUT "$sum\n";
foreach my $key (keys %$insertion_R){
if ($key=~m/(.*)/){
open OUT, ">>$ARGV[0]_processed.txt_".$1;
foreach my $location (keys %{$insertion_R->{$key}}) {
push @{$sites{$key}},$location;
print OUT ">$key\t$location\t0\t$insertion_R->{$key}->{$location}\t$insertion_R->{$key}->{$location}\n";