Tip revision: 8e752c3563eebfe216c354c584c8976292199767 authored by Sudipta Basak on 31 May 2021, 23:51:08 UTC
orbital independent correction] reuse network method correction for independent method
orbital independent correction] reuse network method correction for independent method
Tip revision: 8e752c3
# This Python module is part of the PyRate software package.
# Copyright 2020 Geoscience Australia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This Python module contains utilities to validate user input parameters
parsed in a PyRate configuration file.
import re
from configparser import ConfigParser
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import Union
import pyrate.constants as C
from pyrate.constants import NO_OF_PARALLEL_PROCESSES, sixteen_digits_pattern, twelve_digits_pattern, ORB_ERROR_DIR, \
from pyrate.core import ifgconstants as ifg
from pyrate.default_parameters import PYRATE_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION
from pyrate.core.algorithm import factorise_integer
from pyrate.core.shared import extract_epochs_from_filename, InputTypes, get_tiles
def set_parameter_value(data_type, input_value, default_value, required, input_name):
if len(input_value) < 1:
input_value = None
if required: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("A required parameter is missing value in input configuration file: " + str(input_name))
if input_value is not None:
if str(data_type) in "path":
return Path(input_value)
return data_type(input_value)
return default_value
def validate_parameter_value(input_name, input_value, min_value=None, max_value=None, possible_values=None):
if isinstance(input_value, PurePath):
if not Path.exists(input_value): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Given path: " + str(input_value) + " does not exist.")
if input_value is not None:
if min_value is not None:
if input_value < min_value: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value for " + str(input_name) + " supplied: " + str(
input_value) + ". Provide a value greater than or equal to " + str(min_value) + ".")
if input_value is not None:
if max_value is not None:
if input_value > max_value: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value for " + str(input_name) + " supplied: " + str(
input_value) + ". Provide a value less than or equal to " + str(max_value) + ".")
if possible_values is not None:
if input_value not in possible_values: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
"Invalid value for " + str(input_name) + " supplied: " + str(
input_value) + ". Provide one of these values: " + str(possible_values) + ".")
return True
def validate_file_list_values(file_list, no_of_epochs):
if file_list is None: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("No value supplied for input file list: " + str(file_list))
files = parse_namelist(file_list)
for f in files:
if not Path(f).exists(): # pragma: no cover
raise ConfigException(f"{f} does not exist")
matches = extract_epochs_from_filename(filename_with_epochs=f)
if len(matches) < no_of_epochs: # pragma: no cover
raise ConfigException(f"the number of epochs in {f} names are less the required number: {no_of_epochs}")
class MultiplePaths:
def __init__(self, file_name: str, params: dict, input_type: InputTypes = InputTypes.IFG):
self.input_type = input_type
out_dir = params[C.OUT_DIR]
tempdir = params[C.TEMP_MLOOKED_DIR]
if isinstance(tempdir, str):
tempdir = Path(tempdir)
b = Path(file_name)
if input_type in [InputTypes.IFG, InputTypes.COH]:
d =, b.stem)
if d is None: # could be 6 digit epoch dates
d =, b.stem)
if d is None:
raise ValueError(f"{input_type.value} filename does not contain two 8- or 6-digit date strings")
filestr = + '_'
filestr = ''
dir_exists = input_type.value in InputTypes.dir_map.value.keys()
anchoring_dir = Path(out_dir).joinpath(InputTypes.dir_map.value[input_type.value]) \
if dir_exists else Path(out_dir)
if b.suffix == ".tif":
self.unwrapped_path = None
converted_path = b # original file
self.sampled_path = anchoring_dir.joinpath(filestr + input_type.value + '.tif')
self.unwrapped_path = b.as_posix()
converted_path = anchoring_dir.joinpath(b.stem.split('.')[0] + '_' + b.suffix[1:]).with_suffix('.tif')
self.sampled_path = converted_path.with_name(filestr + input_type.value + '.tif')
# tmp_sampled_paths are used after prepifg, during correct steps
self.tmp_sampled_path = tempdir.joinpath(
self.converted_path = converted_path.as_posix()
self.sampled_path = self.sampled_path.as_posix()
def orb_error_path(ifg_path: Union[str, Path], params) -> Path:
if isinstance(ifg_path, str):
ifg_path = Path(ifg_path)
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR], C.ORB_ERROR_DIR,
ifg_path.stem + '_' +
str(params[C.ORBITAL_FIT_LOOKS_Y])]) +
def dem_error_path(ifg_path: Union[str, Path], params) -> Path:
if isinstance(ifg_path, str):
ifg_path = Path(ifg_path)
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR], C.DEM_ERROR_DIR,
ifg_path.stem + '_' + str(params[C.DE_PTHR]) + '_dem_error.npy')
def aps_error_path(ifg_path: Union[str, Path], params) -> Path:
if isinstance(ifg_path, str):
ifg_path = Path(ifg_path)
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR], C.APS_ERROR_DIR,
ifg_path.stem + '_' +
'_'.join([str(x) for x in [
]) + '_aps_error.npy')
def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover
st = ""
if self.unwrapped_path is not None:
st += """\nunwrapped_path = """ + self.unwrapped_path
st += """\nunwrapped_path = None"""
st += """
converted_path = """ + self.converted_path + """
sampled_path = """ + self.sampled_path + """
tmp_sampled_path = """ + self.tmp_sampled_path + """
return st
class Configuration:
def __init__(self, config_file_path):
parser = ConfigParser()
parser.optionxform = str
# mimic header to fulfil the requirement for configparser
with open(config_file_path) as stream:
parser.read_string("[root]\n" +
for key, value in parser["root"].items():
self.__dict__[key] = value
# make output path, if not provided will error
Path(self.outdir).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# custom correct sequence if 'correct' section is provided in config
if 'correct' in parser and 'steps' in parser['correct']:
self.__dict__['correct'] = list(filter(None, parser['correct'].get('steps').splitlines()))
self.__dict__['correct'] = [
# Validate required parameters exist.
required = {k for k, v in PYRATE_DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION.items() if v['Required']}
if not required.issubset(self.__dict__): # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("Required configuration parameters: " + str(
required.difference(self.__dict__)) + " are missing from input config file.")
# handle control parameters
param_value = self.__dict__[parameter_name] if parameter_name in required or \
parameter_name in self.__dict__ else ''
self.__dict__[parameter_name] = set_parameter_value(
validate_parameter_value(parameter_name, self.__dict__[parameter_name],
# bespoke parameter validation
if self.refchipsize % 2 != 1: # pragma: no cover
if self.refchipsize - 1 > 1:
# Configuration parameters refchipsize must be odd
# values too large (>101) will slow down the process without significant gains in results.
self.refchipsize = self.refchipsize - 1
# calculate rows and cols if not supplied
if hasattr(self, 'rows') and hasattr(self, 'cols'):
self.rows, self.cols = int(self.rows), int(self.cols)
if NO_OF_PARALLEL_PROCESSES > 1: # i.e. mpirun
self.rows, self.cols = [int(num) for num in factorise_integer(NO_OF_PARALLEL_PROCESSES)]
if self.parallel: # i.e. joblib parallelism
self.rows, self.cols = [int(num) for num in factorise_integer(self.processes)]
else: # i.e. serial
self.rows, self.cols = 1, 1
# force offset = 1 for both method options. This adds the required intercept term to the design matrix
self.orbfitoffset = 1
# force orbfit scale = 1 for independent network correction method
self.orbfitscale = 1
# create a temporary directory if not supplied
if not hasattr(self, 'tmpdir'):
self.tmpdir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath("tmpdir")
self.tmpdir = Path(self.tmpdir)
self.tmpdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# create orbfit error dir
self.orb_error_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(ORB_ERROR_DIR)
self.orb_error_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.interferogram_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.INTERFEROGRAM_DIR)
self.interferogram_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# create DEM error dir
self.dem_error_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(DEM_ERROR_DIR)
self.dem_error_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# create aps error dir
self.aps_error_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.APS_ERROR_DIR)
self.aps_error_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# create mst dir
self.mst_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.MST_DIR)
self.mst_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.phase_closure_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.PHASE_CLOSURE_DIR)
self.phase_closure_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.coherence_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.COHERENCE_DIR)
self.coherence_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.geometry_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.GEOMETRY_DIR)
self.geometry_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.timeseries_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.TIMESERIES_DIR)
self.timeseries_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.velocity_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(C.VELOCITY_DIR)
self.velocity_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
# create temp multilooked files dir
self.temp_mlooked_dir = Path(self.outdir).joinpath(TEMP_MLOOKED_DIR)
self.temp_mlooked_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self.ref_pixel_file = self.ref_pixel_path(self.__dict__)
# var no longer used
self.apscorrect = 0
self.apsmethod = 0
self.elevationmap = None
self.incidencemap = None
# define parallel processes that will run
# Validate file names supplied in list exist and contain correct epochs in file names
if self.cohfilelist is not None:
# if self.processor != 0: # not roipac
validate_file_list_values(self.cohfilelist, 1)
self.coherence_file_paths = self.__get_files_from_attr('cohfilelist', input_type=InputTypes.COH)
if self.basefilelist is not None:
# if self.processor != 0: # not roipac
validate_file_list_values(self.basefilelist, 1)
self.baseline_file_paths = self.__get_files_from_attr('basefilelist', input_type=InputTypes.BASE)
self.header_file_paths = self.__get_files_from_attr('hdrfilelist', input_type=InputTypes.HEADER)
self.interferogram_files = self.__get_files_from_attr('ifgfilelist')
self.dem_file = MultiplePaths(self.demfile, self.__dict__, input_type=InputTypes.DEM)
# backward compatibility for string paths
for key in self.__dict__:
if isinstance(self.__dict__[key], PurePath):
self.__dict__[key] = str(self.__dict__[key])
def ref_pixel_path(params):
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR]).joinpath(
[str(x) for x in [
'ref_pixel', params[C.REFX], params[C.REFY], params[
C.REFNX], params[C.REFNY],
params[C.REF_CHIP_SIZE], params[C.REF_MIN_FRAC], '.npy'
def mst_path(params, index) -> Path:
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR], C.MST_DIR).joinpath(f'mst_mat_{index}.npy')
def preread_ifgs(params: dict) -> Path:
return Path(params[C.TMPDIR], '')
def vcmt_path(params):
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR], C.VCMT).with_suffix('.npy')
def phase_closure_filtered_ifgs_list(params):
return Path(params[C.TEMP_MLOOKED_DIR]).joinpath('phase_closure_filtered_ifgs_list')
def refresh_ifg_list(self, params): # update params dict
filtered_ifgs_list = self.phase_closure_filtered_ifgs_list(params)
files = parse_namelist(filtered_ifgs_list.as_posix())
params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES] = [MultiplePaths(p, self.__dict__, input_type=InputTypes.IFG) for p in files]
return params
def ref_phs_file(params):
ref_pixel_path = Configuration.ref_pixel_path(params)
# add ref pixel path as when ref pixel changes - ref phs path should also change
return Path(params[C.OUT_DIR]).joinpath(
ref_pixel_path.stem + '_' +
'_'.join(['ref_phs', str(params[C.REF_EST_METHOD]), '.npy'])
def get_tiles(params):
ifg_path = params[C.INTERFEROGRAM_FILES][0].sampled_path
rows, cols = params['rows'], params['cols']
return get_tiles(ifg_path, rows, cols)
def __get_files_from_attr(self, attr, input_type=InputTypes.IFG):
val = self.__getattribute__(attr)
files = parse_namelist(val)
return [MultiplePaths(p, self.__dict__, input_type=input_type) for p in files]
def closure(self):
closure_d = Path(self.phase_closure_dir)
class Closure:
def __init__(self):
self.closure = closure_d.joinpath('closure.npy')
self.ifgs_breach_count = closure_d.joinpath('ifgs_breach_count.npy')
self.num_occurences_each_ifg = closure_d.joinpath('num_occurrences_each_ifg.npy')
self.loops = closure_d.joinpath('loops.npy')
return Closure()
def coherence_stats(params):
coh_d = Path(params[C.COHERENCE_DIR])
return {k: coh_d.joinpath(k.lower() + '.tif').as_posix() for k in [ifg.COH_MEDIAN, ifg.COH_MEAN, ifg.COH_STD]}
def geometry_files(params):
geom_dir = Path(params[C.GEOMETRY_DIR])
return {k: geom_dir.joinpath(k.lower() + '.tif').as_posix() for k in C.GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPES}
def write_config_parser_file(conf: ConfigParser, output_conf_file: Union[str, Path]):
"""replacement function for write_config_file which uses dict instead of a ConfigParser instance"""
with open(output_conf_file, 'w') as configfile:
def write_config_file(params, output_conf_file):
Takes a param object and writes the config file. Reverse of get_conf_params.
:param dict params: parameter dictionary
:param str output_conf_file: output file name
:return: config file
:rtype: list
with open(output_conf_file, 'w') as f:
for k, v in params.items():
if v is not None:
if k == 'correct':
f.write(''.join(['[', k, ']' ':\t', '', '\n']))
f.write(''.join(['steps = ', '\n']))
for vv in v:
f.write(''.join(['\t' + str(vv), '\n']))
elif isinstance(v, list):
if isinstance(v, MultiplePaths):
if v.unwrapped_path is None:
vv = v.converted_path
vv = v.unwrapped_path
vv = v
f.write(''.join([k, ':\t', str(vv), '\n']))
f.write(''.join([k, ':\t', '', '\n']))
def parse_namelist(nml):
Parses name list file into array of paths
:param str nml: interferogram file list
:return: list of interferogram file names
:rtype: list
with open(nml) as f_in:
lines = [line.rstrip() for line in f_in]
return filter(None, lines)
class ConfigException(Exception):
Default exception class for configuration errors.