import pyvista as pv import numpy as np import h5py import os import re import json from matplotlib import mathtext from io import BytesIO path = 'output.d' files = [] for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path): files.extend(filenames) break data = {} regexp = re.compile('coarse_vec_(\d+)_(\d+).h5') for f in files: res = if res: i, rank = res.groups() d = data.get(rank, []) d.append(f) data[rank] = d scale = 0.5 for k, v in data.items(): ncol = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(v)))) p = pv.Plotter(shape=(ncol, ncol), off_screen=True) with open(os.path.join(path, f'properties_{k}.txt')) as json_file: prop = json.load(json_file) iplot = 0 for i in range(ncol): for j in range(ncol): # if k == '1' and iplot < 1: if iplot < len(v): h5 = h5py.File(os.path.join(path, v[iplot])) coords = h5['coordinates'] coarse_vec = h5['coarse_vec'] # la = h5['lambda'][::2] # print(la) nx = 0 dim = len(coords[:].shape) if dim == 1: coords = coords[:].copy() coords.shape = (coords.size//2, 2) xx = coords[:, 0] while xx[nx] < xx[nx + 1]: nx += 1 nx += 1 ny = coords.size//2//nx print(nx, ny) x = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # x.flat = coords[::2] #+ scale*coarse_vec[::2] x.flat = coords[:, 0] #+ scale*coarse_vec[::2] y = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # y.flat = coords[1::2] #+ scale*coarse_vec[1::2] y.flat = coords[:, 1] #+ scale*coarse_vec[1::2] # print(coords[1::2]) # print(y) # test = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # test.flat = la # print(test) scalar = np.zeros((ny, nx)) # scalar[1, :] = 1 grid = pv.StructuredGrid(x, y, np.zeros((ny, nx))) E = np.zeros((grid.n_cells)) for ic in range(grid.n_cells): cell = grid.cell_points(ic) center_y = .5*(cell[0, 1] + cell[1, 1]) # if .2 <= center_y <= 0.4 or .6 <= center_y <= 0.8: # if 1./7 <= center_y <= 2./7: # E[ic] = prop['E1'] # else: # E[ic] = prop['E2'] E[ic] = prop['E2'] # grid.add_field_array(la, 'lambda') # la.shape = (nx, ny) # grid.point_arrays.update({'lambda': test.T.flatten()}) grid.cell_arrays.update({'E': E}) # grid.x[:] += scale*np.reshape(coarse_vec[::2], (ny, nx, 1)) # grid.y[:] += scale*np.reshape(coarse_vec[1::2], (ny, nx, 1)) # import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if dim == 1: coarse_vec = coarse_vec[:].copy() coarse_vec.shape = (coarse_vec.size//2, 2) grid.x[:] += scale*np.reshape(coarse_vec[:, 0], (ny, nx, 1)) grid.y[:] += scale*np.reshape(coarse_vec[:, 1], (ny, nx, 1)) # grid.plot(scalars='force', show_edges=True, cpos="xy") p.subplot(i, j) # tex, value = prop['eigs'][iplot].split('=') # buffer = BytesIO() # mathtext.math_to_image(tex, buffer, dpi=1000, format='png') # image = # p.add_text(f'{tex}\n{value}', position='upper_edge', font_size=4) p.add_text(f"{prop['eigs'][iplot]}", position='upper_edge', font_size=4) # p.add_text(r'$\alpha$', position='upper_edge', font_size=12) p.add_mesh(grid, show_edges=True) iplot += 1'xy', screenshot=f'coarse_vec_{k}.png')