Tip revision: 53c14e2d35deeae90e359b99cad0db06d573eb53 authored by Emanuel P. Barbosa on 10 March 2010, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.5
version 0.5
Tip revision: 53c14e2
Package: IQCC
Title: Improved Quality Control Charts
Version: 0.5
Date: 2010-03-10
Author: Daniela R. Recchia <>, Emanuel P.
Barbosa, Elias de Jesus Goncalves <>
Maintainer: Emanuel P. Barbosa <>
Description: Builds statistical control charts with exact limits for
univariate and multivariate cases.
License: GPL-2
Depends: qcc, MASS, micEcon
Packaged: 2010-05-19 19:08:24 UTC; emanuel
Repository: CRAN
Date/Publication: 2010-05-19 21:09:31