\name{RMmodel-class} \docType{class} \alias{RMmodel-class} \alias{show,RMmodel-method} \alias{print.RMmodel} \alias{str.RMmodel} \alias{[,RMmodel-method} \alias{[,RMmodel,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{[<-,RMmodel-method} \alias{[<-,RMmodel,ANY,ANY,ANY-method} \alias{+,RMmodel,RMmodel-method} \alias{*,RMmodel,RMmodel-method} %\alias{plot,RMmodel-method} %\alias{points.RMmodel} %\alias{lines.RMmodel} \title{Class \code{RMmodel}} \description{ Class for \pkg{RandomField}'s representation of explicit covariance models } \section{Creating Objects}{ Objects are created by calling a function of class \code{\link[=RMmodelgenerator-class]{RMmodelgenerator}} } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{call}:}{language object; the function call by which the object was generated} \item{\code{name}:}{character string; nickname of the model, name of the function by which the object was generated} \item{\code{submodels}:}{list; contains submodels (if existent)} \item{\code{par.model}:}{list; conatins model specific arguments} \item{\code{par.general}:}{list of 4; contains the four standard arguments \code{var}, \code{scale}, \code{Aniso} and \code{proj} that can be given for any model; if not specified by the user, the string \code{"RFdefault"} is inserted} } } %\section{Extends}{ %} \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{+}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: allows to sum up covariance models; internally calls \command{\link{RMplus}}.} \item{*}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: allows to multiply covariance models; internally calls \command{\link{RMmult}}.} \item{plot}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: gives a plot of the covariance function or of the variogram model, for more details see \command{\link{plot-method}}.} \item{points}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: adds a covariance plot to an existing plot, for more details see \command{\link{plot-method}}.} \item{lines}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: adds a covariance plot to an existing plot, for more details see \command{\link{plot-method}}.} \item{str}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: as the usual \code{\link[utils]{str}}-method for S4 objects but where only those entries of the 'par.general'-slot are shown that contain values different from \code{'RFdefault'}} \item{show}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: returns the structure of \code{x}} \item{print}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: identical with \command{show}-method, additional argument is \code{max.level}} \item{[}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: enables accessing the slots via the \code{"["}-operator, e.g. \code{x["par.general"]}} \item{[<-}{\code{signature(x = "RMmodel")}: enables replacing the slots via the \code{"["}-operator} } } %\section{Details}{ %} \author{Alexander Malinowski \email{malinows@math.uni-goettingen.de}} \seealso{ \code{\link[=RMmodelgenerator-class]{RMmodelgenerator}} \link{RMmodel} } \keyword{classes} \keyword{print} \keyword{hplot} \examples{ # see RMmodel for introductory examples # Compare: model <- RMexp(scale=2) + RMnugget(var=3) str(model) ## S4 object as default in version 3 of RandomFields model <- summary(model) str(model) ## list style as in version 2 of RandomFields ## see also 'spConform' in 'RFoptions' to make this style ## the default \dontshow{FinalizeExample()} }