# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license catcmd = `cat` if is_windows() try # use busybox-w32 on windows success(`busybox`) catcmd = `busybox cat` end end let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --precompiled=yes --startup-file=no` # --version let v = split(readstring(`$exename -v`), "julia version ")[end] @test Base.VERSION_STRING == chomp(v) end @test readstring(`$exename -v`) == readstring(`$exename --version`) # --help let header = "julia [switches] -- [programfile] [args...]" @test startswith(readstring(`$exename -h`), header) @test startswith(readstring(`$exename --help`), header) end # --quiet # This flag is indirectly tested in test/repl.jl # --home @test success(`$exename -H $JULIA_HOME`) @test success(`$exename --home=$JULIA_HOME`) # --eval @test success(`$exename -e "exit(0)"`) @test !success(`$exename -e "exit(1)"`) @test success(`$exename --eval="exit(0)"`) @test !success(`$exename --eval="exit(1)"`) @test !success(`$exename -e`) @test !success(`$exename --eval`) # --eval --interactive (replaced --post-boot) @test success(`$exename -i -e "exit(0)"`) @test !success(`$exename -i -e "exit(1)"`) # --print @test readstring(`$exename -E "1+1"`) == "2\n" @test readstring(`$exename --print="1+1"`) == "2\n" @test !success(`$exename -E`) @test !success(`$exename --print`) # --load let testfile = tempname() try write(testfile, "testvar = :test\n") @test split(readchomp(`$exename -i --load=$testfile -e "println(testvar)"`), '\n')[end] == "test" @test split(readchomp(`$exename -i -e "println(testvar)" -L $testfile`), '\n')[end] == "test" finally rm(testfile) end end # -L, --load requires an argument @test !success(`$exename -L`) @test !success(`$exename --load`) # --cpu-target # NOTE: this test only holds true if image_file is a shared library. if Libdl.dlopen_e(unsafe_string(Base.JLOptions().image_file)) != C_NULL @test !success(`$exename -C invalidtarget --precompiled=yes`) @test !success(`$exename --cpu-target=invalidtarget --precompiled=yes`) else warn("--cpu-target test not runnable") end # --procs @test readchomp(`$exename -q -p 2 -e "println(nworkers())"`) == "2" @test !success(`$exename -p 0`) @test !success(`$exename --procs=1.0`) # --machinefile # this does not check that machinefile works, # only that the filename gets correctly passed to the option struct let fname = tempname() touch(fname) fname = realpath(fname) try @test readchomp(`$exename --machinefile $fname -e "println(unsafe_string(Base.JLOptions().machinefile))"`) == fname finally rm(fname) end end # -i, isinteractive @test readchomp(`$exename -E "isinteractive()"`) == "false" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "isinteractive()" -i`) == "true" # --color @test readchomp(`$exename --color=yes -E "Base.have_color"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --color=no -E "Base.have_color"`) == "false" @test !success(`$exename --color=false`) # --history-file @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().historyfile)" --history-file=yes`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().historyfile)" --history-file=no`) == "false" @test !success(`$exename --history-file=false`) # --code-coverage @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().code_coverage)"`) == "false" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().code_coverage)" --code-coverage=none`) == "false" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().code_coverage)" --code-coverage`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().code_coverage)" --code-coverage=user`) == "true" # --track-allocation @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().malloc_log)"`) == "false" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().malloc_log)" --track-allocation=none`) == "false" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().malloc_log)" --track-allocation`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().malloc_log)" --track-allocation=user`) == "true" # --optimize @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().opt_level"`) == "2" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().opt_level" -O`) == "3" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().opt_level" --optimize`) == "3" @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().opt_level" -O0`) == "0" # -g @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().debug_level" -g`) == "2" let code = readstring(`$exename -g0 -e "code_llvm(STDOUT, +, (Int64, Int64), false, true)"`) @test contains(code, "llvm.module.flags") @test !contains(code, "llvm.dbg.cu") @test !contains(code, "int.jl") @test !contains(code, "Int64") end let code = readstring(`$exename -g1 -e "code_llvm(STDOUT, +, (Int64, Int64), false, true)"`) @test contains(code, "llvm.module.flags") @test contains(code, "llvm.dbg.cu") @test contains(code, "int.jl") @test !contains(code, "Int64") end let code = readstring(`$exename -g2 -e "code_llvm(STDOUT, +, (Int64, Int64), false, true)"`) @test contains(code, "llvm.module.flags") @test contains(code, "llvm.dbg.cu") @test contains(code, "int.jl") @test contains(code, "\"Int64\"") end # --check-bounds let JL_OPTIONS_CHECK_BOUNDS_DEFAULT = 0, JL_OPTIONS_CHECK_BOUNDS_ON = 1, JL_OPTIONS_CHECK_BOUNDS_OFF = 2 @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().check_bounds)"`)) == JL_OPTIONS_CHECK_BOUNDS_DEFAULT @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().check_bounds)" --check-bounds=yes`)) == JL_OPTIONS_CHECK_BOUNDS_ON @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().check_bounds)" --check-bounds=no`)) == JL_OPTIONS_CHECK_BOUNDS_OFF end # check-bounds takes yes/no as argument @test !success(`$exename -E "exit(0)" --check-bounds=false`) # --depwarn @test readchomp(`$exename --depwarn=no -E "Base.syntax_deprecation_warnings(true)"`) == "false" @test readchomp(`$exename --depwarn=yes -E "Base.syntax_deprecation_warnings(false)"`) == "true" @test !success(`$exename --depwarn=false`) # test deprecated syntax @test !success(`$exename -e "foo (x::Int) = x * x" --depwarn=error`) # test deprecated method @test !success(`$exename -e " foo() = :foo; bar() = :bar @deprecate foo() bar() foo() " --depwarn=error`) # test deprecated bindings, #13269 let code = """ module Foo import Base: @deprecate_binding const NotDeprecated = true @deprecate_binding Deprecated NotDeprecated end Foo.Deprecated """ @test !success(`$exename -E "$code" --depwarn=error`) let out = Pipe(), proc = spawn(pipeline(`$exename -E "$code" --depwarn=yes`, stderr=out)), output = @async readchomp(out) close(out.in) wait(proc) @test success(proc) @test wait(output) == "WARNING: Foo.Deprecated is deprecated.\n likely near no file:5" end let out = Pipe(), proc = spawn(pipeline(`$exename -E "$code" --depwarn=no`, stderr=out)) output = @async readstring(out) wait(proc) close(out.in) @test success(proc) @test wait(output) == "" end end # --inline @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().can_inline)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --inline=yes -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().can_inline)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --inline=no -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().can_inline)"`) == "false" # --inline takes yes/no as argument @test !success(`$exename --inline=false`) # --polly @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().polly)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --polly=yes -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().polly)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --polly=no -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().polly)"`) == "false" # --polly takes yes/no as argument @test !success(`$exename --polly=false`) # --fast-math let JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_DEFAULT = 0, JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_ON = 1, JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_OFF = 2 @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().fast_math)"`)) == JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_DEFAULT @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename --math-mode=user -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().fast_math)"`)) == JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_DEFAULT @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename --math-mode=ieee -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().fast_math)"`)) == JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_OFF @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename --math-mode=fast -E "Int(Base.JLOptions().fast_math)"`)) == JL_OPTIONS_FAST_MATH_ON end # --worker takes default / custom as argument (default/custom arguments # tested in test/parallel.jl, test/examples.jl) @test !success(`$exename --worker=true`) escape(str) = replace(str, "\\", "\\\\") # test passing arguments let testfile = tempname() try # write a julia source file that just prints ARGS to STDOUT write(testfile, """ println(ARGS) """) @test readchomp(`$exename $testfile foo -bar --baz`) == "String[\"foo\", \"-bar\", \"--baz\"]" @test readchomp(`$exename $testfile -- foo -bar --baz`) == "String[\"foo\", \"-bar\", \"--baz\"]" @test readchomp(`$exename -L $testfile -e 'exit(0)' -- foo -bar --baz`) == "String[\"foo\", \"-bar\", \"--baz\"]" @test split(readchomp(`$exename -L $testfile $testfile`), '\n') == ["String[\"$(escape(testfile))\"]", "String[]"] @test !success(`$exename --foo $testfile`) @test readchomp(`$exename -L $testfile -e 'exit(0)' -- foo -bar -- baz`) == "String[\"foo\", \"-bar\", \"--\", \"baz\"]" finally rm(testfile) end end # test the script name let a = tempname(), b = tempname() try write(a, """ println(@__FILE__) println(PROGRAM_FILE) println(length(ARGS)) include(\"$(escape(b))\") """) write(b, """ println(@__FILE__) println(PROGRAM_FILE) println(length(ARGS)) """) @test split(readchomp(`$exename $a`), '\n') == ["$a", "$a", "0", "$b", "$a", "0"] @test split(readchomp(`$exename -L $b -e 'exit(0)'`), '\n') == ["$(realpath(b))", "", "0"] @test split(readchomp(`$exename -L $b $a`), '\n') == ["$(realpath(b))", "", "1", "$a", "$a", "0", "$b", "$a", "0"] finally rm(a) rm(b) end end # issue #10562 @test readchomp(`$exename -e 'println(ARGS);' ''`) == "String[\"\"]" # issue #12679 @test readchomp(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$exename --startup-file=no --compile=yes -ioo`), stderr=catcmd)) == "ERROR: unknown option `-o`" @test readchomp(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$exename --startup-file=no -p`), stderr=catcmd)) == "ERROR: option `-p/--procs` is missing an argument" @test readchomp(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$exename --startup-file=no --inline`), stderr=catcmd)) == "ERROR: option `--inline` is missing an argument" @test readchomp(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$exename --startup-file=no -e "@show ARGS" -now -- julia RUN.jl`), stderr=catcmd)) == "ERROR: unknown option `-n`" # --compilecache={yes|no} @test readchomp(`$exename -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_compilecache)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --compilecache=yes -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_compilecache)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --compilecache=no -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_compilecache)"`) == "false" @test !success(`$exename --compilecache=foo -e "exit(0)"`) # issue #12671, starting from a non-directory # rm(dir) fails on windows with Permission denied # and was an upstream bug in llvm <= v3.3 if !is_windows() && VersionNumber(Base.libllvm_version) > v"3.3" testdir = mktempdir() cd(testdir) do rm(testdir) @test success(`$exename -e "exit(0)"`) end end end # Find the path of libjulia (or libjulia-debug, as the case may be) # to use as a dummy shlib to open libjulia = abspath(Libdl.dlpath((ccall(:jl_is_debugbuild, Cint, ()) != 0) ? "libjulia-debug" : "libjulia")) # test error handling code paths of running --sysimage let exename = joinpath(JULIA_HOME, Base.julia_exename()), sysname = unsafe_string(Base.JLOptions().image_file) for nonexist_image in ( joinpath(@__DIR__, "nonexistent"), "$sysname.nonexistent", ) let stderr = Pipe(), p = spawn(pipeline(`$exename --sysimage=$nonexist_image`, stderr=stderr)) close(stderr.in) let s = readstring(stderr) @test contains(s, "ERROR: could not load library \"$nonexist_image\"\n") @test !contains(s, "Segmentation fault") @test !contains(s, "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION") end @test !success(p) @test !Base.process_signaled(p) @test p.exitcode == 1 end end let stderr = Pipe(), p = spawn(pipeline(`$exename --sysimage=$libjulia`, stderr=stderr)) close(stderr.in) let s = readstring(stderr) @test s == "ERROR: System image file failed consistency check: maybe opened the wrong version?\n" end @test !success(p) @test !Base.process_signaled(p) @test p.exitcode == 1 end end let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --precompiled=yes` # --startup-file let JL_OPTIONS_STARTUPFILE_ON = 1, JL_OPTIONS_STARTUPFILE_OFF = 2 # `HOME=$tmpdir` to avoid errors in the user .juliarc.jl, which hangs the tests. Issue #17642 mktempdir() do tmpdir withenv("HOME"=>tmpdir) do @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().startupfile" --startup-file=yes`)) == JL_OPTIONS_STARTUPFILE_ON end end @test parse(Int,readchomp(`$exename -E "Base.JLOptions().startupfile" --startup-file=no`)) == JL_OPTIONS_STARTUPFILE_OFF end @test !success(`$exename --startup-file=false`) end # Make sure `julia --lisp` doesn't break run(pipeline(DevNull, `$(joinpath(JULIA_HOME, Base.julia_exename())) --lisp`, DevNull)) # Test that `julia [some other option] --lisp` is disallowed @test_throws ErrorException run(pipeline(DevNull, pipeline(`$(joinpath(JULIA_HOME, Base.julia_exename())) -Cnative --lisp`, stderr=DevNull), DevNull)) # --precompiled={yes|no} let exename = `$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no` @test readchomp(`$exename --precompiled=yes -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_precompiled)"`) == "true" @test readchomp(`$exename --precompiled=no -E "Bool(Base.JLOptions().use_precompiled)"`) == "false" end # backtrace contains type and line number info (esp. on windows #17179) for precomp in ("yes", "no") bt = readstring(pipeline(ignorestatus(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no --precompiled=$precomp -E 'include("____nonexistent_file")'`), stderr=catcmd)) @test contains(bt, "include_from_node1") if is_windows() && Sys.WORD_SIZE == 32 && precomp == "yes" # fixme, issue #17251 @test_broken contains(bt, "include_from_node1(::String) at $(joinpath(".","loading.jl"))") else @test contains(bt, "include_from_node1(::String) at $(joinpath(".","loading.jl"))") end lno = match(r"at \.[\/\\]loading\.jl:(\d+)", bt) @test length(lno.captures) == 1 @test parse(Int, lno.captures[1]) > 0 end