import os import numpy as np from typing import Dict, List, NoReturn from import pipeline from import templates from import hhsearch def mk_mock_template(seq: str) -> dict: r"""Generates mock templates that will not influence prediction Taken from ColabFold version 62d7558c91a9809712b022faf9d91d8b183c328c Parameters ---------- seq: Query sequence Returns ---------- Dictionary with blank/empty/meaningless features """ # Define constants lentype = templates.residue_constants.atom_type_num lseq = len(seq) # Since alphafold's model requires a template input # We create a blank example w/ zero input, confidence -1 aatypes = np.array( templates.residue_constants.sequence_to_onehot( "-" * lseq, templates.residue_constants.HHBLITS_AA_TO_ID ) ) return { "template_all_atom_positions": np.zeros((lseq, lentype, 3))[None], "template_all_atom_masks": np.zeros((lseq, lentype))[None], "template_sequence": [f"none".encode()], "template_aatype": aatypes[None], "template_confidence_scores": np.full(lseq, -1)[None], "template_domain_names": [f"none".encode()], "template_release_date": [f"none".encode()], } ############################### def mk_template(seq: str, a3m_lines=str, path=str) -> dict: r"""Parses templates into features Parameters ---------- seq : Query sequence a3m_lines : Lines form MMSeqs2 alignment path : Path to templates fetched using MMSeqs2 Returns ---------- Dictionary with features """ result = hhsearch.HHSearch( binary_path="hhsearch", databases=[f"{ path }/pdb70"] ).query(a3m_lines) return templates.HhsearchHitFeaturizer( mmcif_dir=path, max_template_date="2100-01-01", max_hits=20, kalign_binary_path="kalign", release_dates_path=None, obsolete_pdbs_path=None, ).get_templates(query_sequence=seq, hits=pipeline.parsers.parse_hhr(result)) ############################### def setup_features(seq: str, a3m_lines: list, tfeatures_in: dict) -> dict: r"""Set up features for alphafold Parameters ---------- seq : Sequence (string) a3m_lines : Sequence alignment lines tfeatures_in : Template features Returns ---------- Alphafold features object """ msa = pipeline.parsers.parse_a3m(a3m_lines) return { **pipeline.make_sequence_features( sequence=seq, description="none", num_res=len(seq) ), **pipeline.make_msa_features(msas=[msa]), **tfeatures_in, } def mutate_msa( a3m_lines: str, pos_res: Dict[int, str], ) -> str: r"""Mutates every position in an MSA to a residue of interest Example usage: mutate_msa( a3m_lines, { 15: "A", 155: "A" } ) This will mutate residues 15 and 155 to alanine throughout the MSA Parameters ---------- a3m_lines : Sequence alignment pos : Position to change target_res : Residue to mutate to Returns ---------- Sequence alignment (as string) """ for target_res in pos_res.values(): assert len(target_res) == 1 output = [] # Iterate over alignment lines for line in a3m_lines.split("\n"): if line.startswith(">"): output.append(line) elif len(line) > 1: line = list(line) for pos, res in pos_res.items(): if line[pos] in "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY": line[pos] = res output.append("".join(line)) else: output.append(line) return "\n".join(output) def mutate(x, y): mutate_msa(x, y) # Alias for brevity def plddt_to_bfactor(filename: str, maxval: float = 100.0) -> NoReturn: r"""Converts a pLDDT vals to a B factor This equation is derived from the following publication: "Improved protein structure refinement guided by deep learning based accuracy estimation" by Hiranuma et al 2021 Parameters ---------- filename : Name of PDB file maxval : Set to 100 if using AF2 (or 1 if RoseTTAFold) Returns ---------- None """ pdb = Bio.PDB.PDBParser().get_structure("TEMP", filename) for atom in pdb.get_atoms(): rmsf = 1.5 * np.exp(4 * (0.7 - (atom.bfactor / maxval))) atom.bfactor = (8.0 / 3.0) * (np.pi**2) * (rmsf**2) pdbio = Bio.PDB.PDBIO() pdbio.set_structure(pdb)