# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # This type must be kept in sync with the C struct in src/gc.h struct GC_Num allocd ::Int64 # GC internal deferred_alloc::Int64 # GC internal freed ::Int64 # GC internal malloc ::UInt64 realloc ::UInt64 poolalloc ::UInt64 bigalloc ::UInt64 freecall ::UInt64 total_time ::UInt64 total_allocd::UInt64 # GC internal since_sweep ::UInt64 # GC internal collect ::Csize_t # GC internal pause ::Cint full_sweep ::Cint end gc_num() = ccall(:jl_gc_num, GC_Num, ()) # This type is to represent differences in the counters, so fields may be negative struct GC_Diff allocd ::Int64 # Bytes allocated malloc ::Int64 # Number of GC aware malloc() realloc ::Int64 # Number of GC aware realloc() poolalloc ::Int64 # Number of pool allocation bigalloc ::Int64 # Number of big (non-pool) allocation freecall ::Int64 # Number of GC aware free() total_time ::Int64 # Time spent in garbage collection pause ::Int64 # Number of GC pauses full_sweep ::Int64 # Number of GC full collection end gc_total_bytes(gc_num::GC_Num) = (gc_num.allocd + gc_num.deferred_alloc + Int64(gc_num.collect) + Int64(gc_num.total_allocd)) function GC_Diff(new::GC_Num, old::GC_Num) # logic from `src/gc.c:jl_gc_total_bytes` old_allocd = gc_total_bytes(old) new_allocd = gc_total_bytes(new) return GC_Diff(new_allocd - old_allocd, Int64(new.malloc - old.malloc), Int64(new.realloc - old.realloc), Int64(new.poolalloc - old.poolalloc), Int64(new.bigalloc - old.bigalloc), Int64(new.freecall - old.freecall), Int64(new.total_time - old.total_time), new.pause - old.pause, new.full_sweep - old.full_sweep) end function gc_alloc_count(diff::GC_Diff) diff.malloc + diff.realloc + diff.poolalloc + diff.bigalloc end # total time spend in garbage collection, in nanoseconds gc_time_ns() = ccall(:jl_gc_total_hrtime, UInt64, ()) # total number of bytes allocated so far gc_bytes() = ccall(:jl_gc_total_bytes, Int64, ()) # print elapsed time, return expression value const _mem_units = ["byte", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"] const _cnt_units = ["", " k", " M", " G", " T", " P"] function prettyprint_getunits(value, numunits, factor) if value == 0 || value == 1 return (value, 1) end unit = ceil(Int, log(value) / log(factor)) unit = min(numunits, unit) number = value/factor^(unit-1) return number, unit end function padded_nonzero_print(value,str) if value != 0 blanks = " "[1:18-length(str)] println("$str:$blanks$value") end end function format_bytes(bytes) bytes, mb = prettyprint_getunits(bytes, length(_mem_units), Int64(1024)) if mb == 1 Printf.@sprintf("%d %s%s", bytes, _mem_units[mb], bytes==1 ? "" : "s") else Printf.@sprintf("%.3f %s", bytes, _mem_units[mb]) end end function time_print(elapsedtime, bytes=0, gctime=0, allocs=0) Printf.@printf("%10.6f seconds", elapsedtime/1e9) if bytes != 0 || allocs != 0 allocs, ma = prettyprint_getunits(allocs, length(_cnt_units), Int64(1000)) if ma == 1 Printf.@printf(" (%d%s allocation%s: ", allocs, _cnt_units[ma], allocs==1 ? "" : "s") else Printf.@printf(" (%.2f%s allocations: ", allocs, _cnt_units[ma]) end print(format_bytes(bytes)) if gctime > 0 Printf.@printf(", %.2f%% gc time", 100*gctime/elapsedtime) end print(")") elseif gctime > 0 Printf.@printf(", %.2f%% gc time", 100*gctime/elapsedtime) end end function timev_print(elapsedtime, diff::GC_Diff) allocs = gc_alloc_count(diff) time_print(elapsedtime, diff.allocd, diff.total_time, allocs) print("\nelapsed time (ns): $elapsedtime\n") padded_nonzero_print(diff.total_time, "gc time (ns)") padded_nonzero_print(diff.allocd, "bytes allocated") padded_nonzero_print(diff.poolalloc, "pool allocs") padded_nonzero_print(diff.bigalloc, "non-pool GC allocs") padded_nonzero_print(diff.malloc, "malloc() calls") padded_nonzero_print(diff.realloc, "realloc() calls") padded_nonzero_print(diff.freecall, "free() calls") padded_nonzero_print(diff.pause, "GC pauses") padded_nonzero_print(diff.full_sweep, "full collections") end """ @time A macro to execute an expression, printing the time it took to execute, the number of allocations, and the total number of bytes its execution caused to be allocated, before returning the value of the expression. See also [`@timev`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), [`@elapsed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @time rand(10^6); 0.001525 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MiB) julia> @time begin sleep(0.3) 1+1 end 0.301395 seconds (8 allocations: 336 bytes) 2 ``` """ macro time(ex) quote local stats = gc_num() local elapsedtime = time_ns() local val = $(esc(ex)) elapsedtime = time_ns() - elapsedtime local diff = GC_Diff(gc_num(), stats) time_print(elapsedtime, diff.allocd, diff.total_time, gc_alloc_count(diff)) println() val end end """ @timev This is a verbose version of the `@time` macro. It first prints the same information as `@time`, then any non-zero memory allocation counters, and then returns the value of the expression. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), [`@elapsed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @timev rand(10^6); 0.001006 seconds (7 allocations: 7.630 MiB) elapsed time (ns): 1005567 bytes allocated: 8000256 pool allocs: 6 malloc() calls: 1 ``` """ macro timev(ex) quote local stats = gc_num() local elapsedtime = time_ns() local val = $(esc(ex)) elapsedtime = time_ns() - elapsedtime timev_print(elapsedtime, GC_Diff(gc_num(), stats)) val end end """ @elapsed A macro to evaluate an expression, discarding the resulting value, instead returning the number of seconds it took to execute as a floating-point number. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @elapsed sleep(0.3) 0.301391426 ``` """ macro elapsed(ex) quote local t0 = time_ns() local val = $(esc(ex)) (time_ns()-t0)/1e9 end end # measure bytes allocated without *most* contamination from compilation # Note: This reports a different value from the @time macros, because # it wraps the call in a function, however, this means that things # like: @allocated y = foo() # will not work correctly, because it will set y in the context of # the local function made by the macro, not the current function """ @allocated A macro to evaluate an expression, discarding the resulting value, instead returning the total number of bytes allocated during evaluation of the expression. Note: the expression is evaluated inside a local function, instead of the current context, in order to eliminate the effects of compilation, however, there still may be some allocations due to JIT compilation. This also makes the results inconsistent with the `@time` macros, which do not try to adjust for the effects of compilation. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), and [`@elapsed`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @allocated rand(10^6) 8000080 ``` """ macro allocated(ex) quote let local f function f() b0 = gc_bytes() $(esc(ex)) gc_bytes() - b0 end f() end end end """ @timed A macro to execute an expression, and return the value of the expression, elapsed time, total bytes allocated, garbage collection time, and an object with various memory allocation counters. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@elapsed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> val, t, bytes, gctime, memallocs = @timed rand(10^6); julia> t 0.006634834 julia> bytes 8000256 julia> gctime 0.0055765 julia> fieldnames(typeof(memallocs)) (:allocd, :malloc, :realloc, :poolalloc, :bigalloc, :freecall, :total_time, :pause, :full_sweep) julia> memallocs.total_time 5576500 ``` """ macro timed(ex) quote local stats = gc_num() local elapsedtime = time_ns() local val = $(esc(ex)) elapsedtime = time_ns() - elapsedtime local diff = GC_Diff(gc_num(), stats) val, elapsedtime/1e9, diff.allocd, diff.total_time/1e9, diff end end ## printing with color ## const text_colors = AnyDict( :black => "\033[30m", :red => "\033[31m", :green => "\033[32m", :yellow => "\033[33m", :blue => "\033[34m", :magenta => "\033[35m", :cyan => "\033[36m", :white => "\033[37m", :light_black => "\033[90m", # gray :light_red => "\033[91m", :light_green => "\033[92m", :light_yellow => "\033[93m", :light_blue => "\033[94m", :light_magenta => "\033[95m", :light_cyan => "\033[96m", :normal => "\033[0m", :default => "\033[39m", :bold => "\033[1m", :underline => "\033[4m", :blink => "\033[5m", :reverse => "\033[7m", :hidden => "\033[8m", :nothing => "", ) for i in 0:255 text_colors[i] = "\033[38;5;$(i)m" end const disable_text_style = AnyDict( :bold => "\033[22m", :underline => "\033[24m", :blink => "\033[25m", :reverse => "\033[27m", :hidden => "\033[28m", :normal => "", :default => "", :nothing => "", ) # Create a docstring with an automatically generated list # of colors. available_text_colors = collect(Iterators.filter(x -> !isa(x, Integer), keys(text_colors))) const possible_formatting_symbols = [:normal, :bold, :default] available_text_colors = cat( sort!(intersect(available_text_colors, possible_formatting_symbols), rev=true), sort!(setdiff( available_text_colors, possible_formatting_symbols)); dims=1) const available_text_colors_docstring = string(join([string("`:", key,"`") for key in available_text_colors], ",\n", ", or \n")) """Dictionary of color codes for the terminal. Available colors are: $available_text_colors_docstring as well as the integers 0 to 255 inclusive. The color `:default` will print text in the default color while the color `:normal` will print text with all text properties (like boldness) reset. Printing with the color `:nothing` will print the string without modifications. """ text_colors function with_output_color(f::Function, color::Union{Int, Symbol}, io::IO, args...; bold::Bool = false) buf = IOBuffer() iscolor = get(io, :color, false) try f(IOContext(buf, io), args...) finally str = String(take!(buf)) if !iscolor print(io, str) else bold && color == :bold && (color = :nothing) enable_ansi = get(text_colors, color, text_colors[:default]) * (bold ? text_colors[:bold] : "") disable_ansi = (bold ? disable_text_style[:bold] : "") * get(disable_text_style, color, text_colors[:default]) first = true for line in split(str, '\n') first || print(buf, '\n') first = false isempty(line) && continue print(buf, enable_ansi, line, disable_ansi) end print(io, String(take!(buf))) end end end """ printstyled([io], xs...; bold::Bool=false, color::Union{Symbol,Int}=:normal) Print `xs` in a color specified as a symbol or integer, optionally in bold. `color` may take any of the values $(Base.available_text_colors_docstring) or an integer between 0 and 255 inclusive. Note that not all terminals support 256 colors. If the keyword `bold` is given as `true`, the result will be printed in bold. """ printstyled(io::IO, msg...; bold::Bool=false, color::Union{Int,Symbol}=:normal) = with_output_color(print, color, io, msg...; bold=bold) printstyled(msg...; bold::Bool=false, color::Union{Int,Symbol}=:normal) = printstyled(stdout, msg...; bold=bold, color=color) function julia_cmd(julia=joinpath(Sys.BINDIR::String, julia_exename())) opts = JLOptions() cpu_target = unsafe_string(opts.cpu_target) image_file = unsafe_string(opts.image_file) compile = if opts.compile_enabled == 0 "no" elseif opts.compile_enabled == 2 "all" elseif opts.compile_enabled == 3 "min" else "yes" end depwarn = if opts.depwarn == 0 "no" elseif opts.depwarn == 2 "error" else "yes" end `$julia -C$cpu_target -J$image_file --compile=$compile --depwarn=$depwarn` end function julia_exename() if ccall(:jl_is_debugbuild, Cint, ()) == 0 return @static Sys.iswindows() ? "julia.exe" : "julia" else return @static Sys.iswindows() ? "julia-debug.exe" : "julia-debug" end end """ securezero!(o) `securezero!` fills the memory associated with an object `o` with zeros. Unlike `fill!(o,0)` and similar code, which might be optimized away by the compiler for objects about to be discarded, the `securezero!` function will always be called. """ function securezero! end @noinline securezero!(a::AbstractArray{<:Number}) = fill!(a, 0) @noinline unsafe_securezero!(p::Ptr{T}, len::Integer=1) where {T} = ccall(:memset, Ptr{T}, (Ptr{T}, Cint, Csize_t), p, 0, len*sizeof(T)) unsafe_securezero!(p::Ptr{Cvoid}, len::Integer=1) = Ptr{Cvoid}(unsafe_securezero!(Ptr{UInt8}(p), len)) """ Base.getpass(message::AbstractString) -> Base.SecretBuffer Display a message and wait for the user to input a secret, returning an `IO` object containing the secret. Note that on Windows, the secret might be displayed as it is typed; see `Base.winprompt` for securely retrieving username/password pairs from a graphical interface. """ function getpass end if Sys.iswindows() function getpass(input::TTY, output::IO, prompt::AbstractString) input === stdin || throw(ArgumentError("getpass only works for stdin")) print(output, prompt, ": ") flush(output) s = SecretBuffer() plen = 0 while true c = UInt8(ccall(:_getch, Cint, ())) if c == 0xff || c == UInt8('\n') || c == UInt8('\r') break # EOF or return elseif c == 0x00 || c == 0xe0 ccall(:_getch, Cint, ()) # ignore function/arrow keys elseif c == UInt8('\b') && plen > 0 plen -= 1 # delete last character on backspace elseif !iscntrl(Char(c)) && plen < 128 write(s, c) end end return seekstart(s) end else function getpass(input::TTY, output::IO, prompt::AbstractString) (input === stdin && output === stdout) || throw(ArgumentError("getpass only works for stdin")) msg = string(prompt, ": ") unsafe_SecretBuffer!(ccall(:getpass, Cstring, (Cstring,), msg)) end end # allow new getpass methods to be defined if stdin has been # redirected to some custom stream, e.g. in IJulia. getpass(prompt::AbstractString) = getpass(stdin, stdout, prompt) """ prompt(message; default="") -> Union{String, Nothing} Displays the `message` then waits for user input. Input is terminated when a newline (\\n) is encountered or EOF (^D) character is entered on a blank line. If a `default` is provided then the user can enter just a newline character to select the `default`. See also `Base.getpass` and `Base.winprompt` for secure entry of passwords. """ function prompt(input::IO, output::IO, message::AbstractString; default::AbstractString="") msg = !isempty(default) ? "$message [$default]: " : "$message: " print(output, msg) uinput = readline(input, keep=true) isempty(uinput) && return nothing # Encountered an EOF uinput = chomp(uinput) isempty(uinput) ? default : uinput end # allow new prompt methods to be defined if stdin has been # redirected to some custom stream, e.g. in IJulia. prompt(message::AbstractString; default::AbstractString="") = prompt(stdin, stdout, message, default=default) # Windows authentication prompt if Sys.iswindows() struct CREDUI_INFO cbSize::UInt32 parent::Ptr{Cvoid} pszMessageText::Ptr{UInt16} pszCaptionText::Ptr{UInt16} banner::Ptr{Cvoid} end const CREDUIWIN_GENERIC = 0x0001 const CREDUIWIN_IN_CRED_ONLY = 0x0020 const CREDUIWIN_ENUMERATE_CURRENT_USER = 0x0200 const CRED_PACK_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS = 0x0004 const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0x0000 const ERROR_CANCELLED = 0x04c7 function winprompt(message, caption, default_username; prompt_username = true) # Step 1: Create an encrypted username/password bundle that will be used to set # the default username (in theory could also provide a default password) credbuf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 1024) credbufsize = Ref{UInt32}(sizeof(credbuf)) succeeded = ccall((:CredPackAuthenticationBufferW, "credui.dll"), stdcall, Bool, (UInt32, Cwstring, Cwstring, Ptr{UInt8}, Ptr{UInt32}), CRED_PACK_GENERIC_CREDENTIALS, default_username, "", credbuf, credbufsize) @assert succeeded # Step 2: Create the actual dialog # 2.1: Set up the window messageArr = Base.cwstring(message) captionArr = Base.cwstring(caption) pfSave = Ref{Bool}(false) cred = Ref{CREDUI_INFO}(CREDUI_INFO(sizeof(CREDUI_INFO), C_NULL, pointer(messageArr), pointer(captionArr), C_NULL)) dwflags = CREDUIWIN_GENERIC | CREDUIWIN_ENUMERATE_CURRENT_USER if !prompt_username # Disable setting anything other than default_username dwflags |= CREDUIWIN_IN_CRED_ONLY end authPackage = Ref{Culong}(0) outbuf_data = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}(C_NULL) outbuf_size = Ref{Culong}(0) # 2.2: Do the actual request code = ccall((:CredUIPromptForWindowsCredentialsW, "credui.dll"), stdcall, UInt32, (Ptr{CREDUI_INFO}, UInt32, Ptr{Culong}, Ptr{Cvoid}, Culong, Ptr{Ptr{Cvoid}}, Ptr{Culong}, Ptr{Bool}, UInt32), cred, 0, authPackage, credbuf, credbufsize[], outbuf_data, outbuf_size, pfSave, dwflags) # 2.3: If that failed for any reason other than the user canceling, error out. # If the user canceled, just return nothing if code == ERROR_CANCELLED return nothing elseif code != ERROR_SUCCESS error(Base.Libc.FormatMessage(code)) end # Step 3: Convert encrypted credentials back to plain text passbuf = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 1024) passlen = Ref{UInt32}(length(passbuf)) usernamebuf = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 1024) usernamelen = Ref{UInt32}(length(usernamebuf)) # Need valid buffers for domain, even though we don't care dummybuf = Vector{UInt16}(undef, 1024) succeeded = ccall((:CredUnPackAuthenticationBufferW, "credui.dll"), Bool, (UInt32, Ptr{Cvoid}, UInt32, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt32}, Ptr{UInt16}, Ptr{UInt32}), 0, outbuf_data[], outbuf_size[], usernamebuf, usernamelen, dummybuf, Ref{UInt32}(1024), passbuf, passlen) if !succeeded error(Base.Libc.FormatMessage()) end # Step 4: Free the encrypted buffer # ccall(:SecureZeroMemory, Ptr{Cvoid}, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t), outbuf_data[], outbuf_size[]) - not an actual function unsafe_securezero!(outbuf_data[], outbuf_size[]) ccall((:CoTaskMemFree, "ole32.dll"), Cvoid, (Ptr{Cvoid},), outbuf_data[]) # Done. passbuf_ = passbuf[1:passlen[]-1] result = (String(transcode(UInt8, usernamebuf[1:usernamelen[]-1])), SecretBuffer!(transcode(UInt8, passbuf_))) securezero!(passbuf_) securezero!(passbuf) return result end end unsafe_crc32c(a, n, crc) = ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Ptr{UInt8}, Csize_t), crc, a, n) _crc32c(a::Union{Array{UInt8},FastContiguousSubArray{UInt8,N,<:Array{UInt8}} where N}, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = unsafe_crc32c(a, length(a) % Csize_t, crc) _crc32c(s::String, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = unsafe_crc32c(s, sizeof(s) % Csize_t, crc) function _crc32c(io::IO, nb::Integer, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) nb < 0 && throw(ArgumentError("number of bytes to checksum must be ≥ 0")) # use block size 24576=8192*3, since that is the threshold for # 3-way parallel SIMD code in the underlying jl_crc32c C function. buf = Vector{UInt8}(undef, min(nb, 24576)) while !eof(io) && nb > 24576 n = readbytes!(io, buf) crc = unsafe_crc32c(buf, n, crc) nb -= n end return unsafe_crc32c(buf, readbytes!(io, buf, min(nb, length(buf))), crc) end _crc32c(io::IO, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = _crc32c(io, typemax(Int64), crc) _crc32c(io::IOStream, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = _crc32c(io, filesize(io)-position(io), crc) _crc32c(uuid::UUID, crc::UInt32=0x00000000) = ccall(:jl_crc32c, UInt32, (UInt32, Ref{UInt128}, Csize_t), crc, uuid.value, 16) """ @kwdef typedef This is a helper macro that automatically defines a keyword-based constructor for the type declared in the expression `typedef`, which must be a `struct` or `mutable struct` expression. The default argument is supplied by declaring fields of the form `field::T = default` or `field = default`. If no default is provided then the keyword argument becomes a required keyword argument in the resulting type constructor. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Base.@kwdef struct Foo a::Int = 1 # specified default b::String # required keyword end Foo julia> Foo(b="hi") Foo(1, "hi") julia> Foo() ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument b not assigned Stacktrace: [...] ``` """ macro kwdef(expr) expr = macroexpand(__module__, expr) # to expand @static T = expr.args[2] params_ex = Expr(:parameters) call_ex = Expr(:call, T) _kwdef!(expr.args[3], params_ex, call_ex) ret = quote Base.@__doc__($(esc(expr))) end # Only define a constructor if the type has fields, otherwise we'll get a stack # overflow on construction if !isempty(params_ex.args) push!(ret.args, :($(esc(Expr(:call, T, params_ex))) = $(esc(call_ex)))) end ret end # @kwdef helper function # mutates arguments inplace function _kwdef!(blk, params_ex, call_ex) for i in eachindex(blk.args) ei = blk.args[i] if isa(ei, Symbol) push!(params_ex.args, ei) push!(call_ex.args, ei) elseif !isa(ei, Expr) continue elseif ei.head == :(=) # var::Typ = defexpr dec = ei.args[1] # var::Typ if isa(dec, Expr) && dec.head == :(::) var = dec.args[1] else var = dec end def = ei.args[2] # defexpr push!(params_ex.args, Expr(:kw, var, def)) push!(call_ex.args, var) blk.args[i] = dec elseif ei.head == :(::) dec = ei # var::Typ var = dec.args[1] # var push!(params_ex.args, var) push!(call_ex.args, var) elseif ei.head == :block # can arise with use of @static inside type decl _kwdef!(ei, params_ex, call_ex) end end blk end # testing """ Base.runtests(tests=["all"]; ncores=ceil(Int, Sys.CPU_THREADS / 2), exit_on_error=false, [seed]) Run the Julia unit tests listed in `tests`, which can be either a string or an array of strings, using `ncores` processors. If `exit_on_error` is `false`, when one test fails, all remaining tests in other files will still be run; they are otherwise discarded, when `exit_on_error == true`. If a seed is provided via the keyword argument, it is used to seed the global RNG in the context where the tests are run; otherwise the seed is chosen randomly. """ function runtests(tests = ["all"]; ncores = ceil(Int, Sys.CPU_THREADS / 2), exit_on_error=false, seed::Union{BitInteger,Nothing}=nothing) if isa(tests,AbstractString) tests = split(tests) end exit_on_error && push!(tests, "--exit-on-error") seed != nothing && push!(tests, "--seed=0x$(string(seed % UInt128, base=16))") # cast to UInt128 to avoid a minus sign ENV2 = copy(ENV) ENV2["JULIA_CPU_THREADS"] = "$ncores" try run(setenv(`$(julia_cmd()) $(joinpath(Sys.BINDIR::String, Base.DATAROOTDIR, "julia", "test", "runtests.jl")) $tests`, ENV2)) catch buf = PipeBuffer() Base.require(Base, :InteractiveUtils).versioninfo(buf) error("A test has failed. Please submit a bug report (https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues)\n" * "including error messages above and the output of versioninfo():\n$(read(buf, String))") end end