# fields, Tools for spatial data # Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences # University Corporation for Atmospheric Research # Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html "Rad.cov" <- function(x1, x2, p = 1, m = NA, with.log = TRUE, with.constant = TRUE, C = NA, marginal = FALSE, derivative = 0) { # # mth order thin plate spline radial basis functions # in d dimensions # usually called with p 2m-d # marginal dummy argument # this should only be called within predict.se.Krig # and provides the correct calculation. Because this is # a generalized covariance the marginal variance is not really # defined. # if (marginal) { return(rep(0, nrow(x1))) } # # coerce locations to matrices, if x2 is missing use x1 if (!is.matrix(x1)) x1 <- as.matrix(x1) if (!is.matrix(x2)) x2 <- as.matrix(x2) d <- ncol(x1) n1 <- nrow(x1) n2 <- nrow(x2) if (is.na(m)) { m <- (d + p)/2 } else { p <- 2 * m - d } if (p < 0) { stop(" p is negative (m possibly too small)") } # parameter list to send to the FORTRAN par <- c(p/2, ifelse((d%%2 == 0) & (with.log), 1, 0)) # # multiply by constant if requested rbf.constant <- ifelse(with.constant, radbas.constant(m, d), 1) # compute matrix in FORTRAN if (is.na(C[1])) { temp <- .Fortran("radbas", nd = as.integer(d), x1 = as.double(x1), n1 = as.integer(n1), x2 = as.double(x2), n2 = as.integer(n2), par = as.double(par), k = as.double(rep(0, n1 * n2))) return(rbf.constant * matrix(temp$k, ncol = n2, nrow = n1)) } else { # do cross covariance matrix multiplication in FORTRAN if (derivative == 0) { # evaluate function not partial derivatives. C <- as.matrix(C) n3 <- ncol(C) temp <- .Fortran("multrb", nd = as.integer(d), x1 = as.double(x1), n1 = as.integer(n1), x2 = as.double(x2), n2 = as.integer(n2), par = as.double(par), c = as.double(C), n3 = as.integer(n3), h = as.double(rep(0, n1 * n3)), work = as.double(rep(0, n2)))$h return(rbf.constant * matrix(temp, nrow = n1, ncol = n3)) } else { if (ncol(C) > 1) { stop("Can only evaluate derivatives on one spline fit") } temp <- .Fortran("mltdrb", nd = as.integer(d), x1 = as.double(x1), n1 = as.integer(n1), x2 = as.double(x2), n2 = as.integer(n2), par = as.double(par), c = as.double(C), h = as.double(rep(0, n1 * d)), work = as.double(rep(0, n2)))$h return(rbf.constant * matrix(temp, nrow = n1, ncol = d)) } } stop("should not get here!") }