Raw File
Tip revision: 5a376d7b77d034e9bd09ce4787337ee33fda8448 authored by sonali-bioc on 30 March 2022, 16:23:33 UTC
Tip revision: 5a376d7
title: "Preparing the data"
author: "Alex Germanos, Robert A. Amezquita, Sonali Arora"
date: "Feb 24, 2022"
    toc: true
    theme: united

```{r setup}

# Introduction

In this vignette, we show all steps that went into making our final object

## Aligning the data with kallisto and creating a SIngleCellExperiment

The following code was used to process all samples using kallisto bustools.


kallisto bus -i $INDEX -o $KALLISTOBUS_OUTDIR/$SDIR -x 10xv2 -t $THREADS ${R1[$I]} ${R2[$I]}"
cd $KALLISTOBUS_OUTDIR/$SDIR; mkdir -p genecount tmp
bustools correct -w $TENX_WHITELIST -p output.bus | bustools sort -T tmp/ -t 4 -p - | bustools count -o genecount/genes -g $TXP2GENE -e -t transcripts.txt --genecounts -

In the below code chunk, we reads in the output from kallisto bustools and create a SingleCellExperiment object.

kdir <- paste0(list.files('data-raw/kallisto-bustools/', full.names = TRUE),
kname <- list.files('data-raw/kallisto-bustools/')

## Read kallisto data
.read_kallisto_bustools <- function(d, name) {
  barcodes <- read_tsv(paste0(d, '/genes.barcodes.txt'), col_names = FALSE)
  cells <- paste0(name, '.', barcodes$X1)
  genes <- read_tsv(paste0(d, '/genes.genes.txt'), col_names = FALSE)
  genes <- str_split(genes$X1, '\\.', simplify = TRUE)[, 1]
  mtx <- t(Matrix::readMM(paste0(d, '/genes.mtx')))
  colnames(mtx) <- cells
  rownames(mtx) <- genes
mtx_l <- map2(kdir, kname, .read_kallisto_bustools)
mat_filt_l = map(mtx_l, function(x) {
  ## Run emptyDrops to filter out empty droplets
  e = emptyDrops(x)
  ## NAs cause error when we subset, so we remove them
  keep = e[$FDR) == FALSE,]
  y = x[, rownames(keep)]
megamat =, mat_filt_l)
sce = SingleCellExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = megamat))

## Adding the metadata 


df = str_split(colnames(sce), '\\.', simplify = TRUE)
df =
colnames(df) <- c("sample_ID", "barcodes")

meta <- read_csv("data/sample_metadata.csv") %>% print  # Import table with metadata

sample_info <- left_join(df, meta, by = "sample_ID")   # Join sample name table with metadata table

## Add metadata slots to the SCE object
sce$sample_number = sample_info$sample_ID # unique for each sample but not informative (e.g. A12)
sce$genotype = sample_info$genotype
sce$replicate = sample_info$replicate
sce$n_mice = sample_info$n_mice

cond.rep <- paste(sce$genotype, sce$replicate, sep = "-") # Create unique label per replicate
sce$sample_id <- cond.rep # Unique for each sample and informative (e.g. WT_intact-1)

## filtering the cells 

Here we read in the annotation file, add 2 transgenes and then remove gene ids with duplicate gene names.
We also add filters for mitochondrial genes and add cutoffs for total molecules dectected within a cell and 
number of genes detected in each cell. 

grcm38 = import("Mus_musculus.GRCm38.96.gtf")
grcm38 = grcm38[which(grcm38$type=="gene"), ]
grcm38 =
colnames(grcm38)[10] = "ensgene"
grcm38 = grcm38[, c( "gene_name", "seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "gene_biotype", "ensgene")]

tmp <- left_join(data.frame(ensgene = rownames(sce)), grcm38, by = 'ensgene')
## Get rid of duplicate values
tmp <- tmp[duplicated(tmp$ensgene) == FALSE,]
tmp$strand <- ifelse(tmp$strand == -1, '-', '+')
## We replace NAs with gene names and description for our transgenes
tmp[1,2] = "Cre"
tmp[1,3] = 0
tmp[1,4] = 1362
tmp[1,5] = 2393
tmp[1,6] = "+"
tmp[1,7] = "transgene"

tmp[2,2] = "rtTA_eGFP"
tmp[2,3] = 0
tmp[2,4] = 1
tmp[2,5] = 1361
tmp[2,6] = "+"
tmp[2,7] = "transgene"

tmp_discard <- which(duplicated(tmp$gene_name))
tmp_clean = tmp[-c(tmp_discard), ]

sce <- sce[tmp_clean$ensgene,]
rowranges <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(tmp_clean, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)

## We just use the dataframe to create metadata slots without converting 
## to a GRanges object
rowData(sce) <- rowranges

## Change gene names to gene symbols for readability
rownames(sce) <- rowData(sce)$gene_name

is.mito.alt <- grep("^mt", rowData(sce)$gene_name)
df <- perCellQCMetrics(sce, subsets=list(Mito=is.mito.alt))
qc.lib <- isOutlier(log(df$sum), nmads=3, type="lower", batch = sce$sample_id)
qc.nexprs <- isOutlier(log(df$detected), nmads=3,
                       type="lower", batch = sce$sample_id)
qc.mito <- isOutlier(df$subsets_Mito_percent, nmads=3, type="higher", batch = sce$sample_id)

## Look at the thresholds set by previous operations
attr(qc.lib, "thresholds")
attr(qc.nexprs, "thresholds")
attr(qc.mito, "thresholds")

## Discard cells that were outliers
df$discard <- qc.lib | qc.nexprs | qc.mito
colData(sce) <- cbind(colData(sce), df)

sce <- sce[,!df$discard]

## No cell with fewer than 500 UMIs or more than 25000 UMIs
keep1 = between(sce$sum, 500, 25000)
## No cell with fewer than 200 genes or more than 5000 genes
keep2 = between(sce$detected, 200, 5000)

sce = sce[, keep1 ]
sce = sce[, keep2]

# Also remove cells with 0 count genes.
gene.counts <- rowSums(counts(sce))
sce <- sce[gene.counts >0, ]

## Quality control plots

We make some quality control plots at both the sample and genotype level, to check that our filtering 
worked as expected.


plot_df =
p1 = ggplot(plot_df, aes( sum, factor(genotype))) +
  geom_violin( aes(fill = factor(genotype))) +
  theme_bw() + xlab("total counts") + ylab("Genotype") +
  ggtitle("Violin Plot showing total counts by Genotype")

p2 = ggplot(plot_df, aes( sum, factor(sample_id))) +
  geom_violin( aes(fill = factor(sample_id))) +
  theme_bw() + xlab("total counts") + ylab("Sample") +
  ggtitle("Violin Plot showing total counts by Sample")

p3= ggplot(plot_df, aes( detected, factor(genotype))) +
  geom_violin( aes(fill = factor(genotype))) +
  theme_bw() + xlab("total counts") + ylab("Genotype") +
  ggtitle("Violin Plot showing genes detected by Genotype")

p4 = ggplot(plot_df, aes( detected, factor(sample_id))) +
  geom_violin( aes(fill = factor(sample_id))) +
  theme_bw() + xlab("Genes detected") + ylab("Sample") +
  ggtitle("Violin Plot showing genes detected by Sample")

pdf(file.path(resdir, "qc_plots.pdf"), height = 10)


## Save the filtered SCE 

Finally , we save the final object for further processing.

saveRDS(sce, file.path(resdir, "filtered_sce.rds"))

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