Tip revision: af9863621ad2e9f8042207ff0463fe04d9485b6e authored by David Hofmeyr on 22 November 2017, 09:14:29 UTC
version 0.1.0
version 0.1.0
Tip revision: af98636
### function tree_prune allows a user to modify an existing hierarchical clustering solution by
### pruning a subtree arising from a specified node.
## arguments:
# sol = clustering solution arising from one of the clustering algorithms in the package
# node = either the node number (based on the order of addition to the model), or a vector specifying the
# location of the node in the tree (c(depth, position at depth))
## output is a clustering solution after modification. This solution has the same form and type as the original solution
tree_prune <- function(sol, node){
# if node is specified by location, determine its node number
for(i in 1:length(sol$Nodes)){
node <- i
if(length(node)>1) stop('You must specify a node location within the given hierarchy')
is.leaf = 1-sum((sol$model[,1]==(sol$model[node,1]+1))*(sol$model[,2]==(2*sol$model[node,2])))
if(is.leaf) stop('pruning from a leaf node will have no effect')
# find the nodes in the subtree arising from the specified node
upper <- lower <- sol$model[node,2]
depth <- sol$model[node,1]
rows <- c()
for(i in (depth+1):max(sol$model[,1])){
upper <- 2*upper
lower <- 2*lower - 1
add.rows <- (sol$model[,1]==i)*(sol$model[,2]>=lower)*(sol$model[,2]<=upper)
rows <- c(rows, which(add.rows==1))
# remove the subtree subtended by the specified node and update the cluster assignment vector
sol$Nodes <- sol$Nodes[-rows]
sol$model <- sol$model[-rows,]
sol$Parent <- sol$Parent[-rows]
loci <- sol$model
for(i in 1:max(sol$model[,1])){
rows <- which(sol$model[,1]==i)
loci[rows,2] <- rank(sol$model[rows,2])
for(i in 1:length(sol$Nodes)){
sol$Nodes[[i]]$location <- loci[i,]
sol$Nodes[[i]]$node <- sol$model[i,]
sol$cluster <- numeric(length(sol$cluster))
for(i in 1:((length(sol$Nodes)+1)/2)) sol$cluster[sol$Nodes[[2*i-1]]$ixs] = i
### function tree_split allows a user to modify an existing clustering solution by further splitting
### a specified leaf node in an existing hierarchical model arising from one of the algorithms in the package.
## arguments:
# sol = clustering solution arising from one of the methods implemented in the package
# node = the node to be further split. Can be either the node number (based on the order of addition
# of nodes to the model) or a vector describing the location of the node in the hierarchy
# c(depth, position at depth)
## output is the updated clustering solution, which has the same form and type as the original solution
tree_split <- function(sol, node, ...){
# store new parameter settings
control <- list(...)
# if location of node is given, find its node number
for(i in 1:length(sol$Nodes)){
node <- i
if(length(node)>1) stop('You must specify a node location within the given hierarchy')
# only leaf nodes can be further split. If an internal node is undesirable, and should be split
# in a different way, then first prune the tree at that node, and then split it again using
# split_leaf, with modified parameters
is.leaf = 1-sum((sol$model[,1]==(sol$model[node,1]+1))*(sol$model[,2]==(2*sol$model[node,2])))
if(!is.leaf) stop('only leaf nodes can be split within an existing hierarchy')
# add the split at the specified node and find the details of the new child nodes. Then update
# all of the structures contained in the solutio. Using the
# same method as in the clustering algorithms themselves.
# if new parameters were given, then modify the node being split before applying the partition
args_split <- sol$args
if(!is.null(control$minsize)) args_split$minsize <- control$minsize
if(!is.null(control$v0)) args_split$v0 <- control$v0
if(!is.null(control$maxit)) args_split$maxit <- control$maxit
if(!is.null(control$ftol)) args_split$ftol <- control$ftol
c.split <- mch(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs,], v0 = args_split$v0, minsize = args_split$minsize, maxit = args_split$maxit, ftol = args_split$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.max(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$fval)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$Nodes[[node]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[node]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[node]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[node]]$params <- c.split$params
pass <- which(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs,]%*%sol$Nodes[[node]]$v<sol$Nodes[[node]]$b)
n.clust <- length(sol$Nodes)
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]] <- list(ixs = sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs[pass])
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]] <- list(ixs = sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs[-pass])
sol$Parent <- c(sol$Parent, node, node)
c.split <- mch(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$ixs,], v0 = sol$args$v0, minsize = sol$args$minsize, maxit = sol$args$maxit, ftol = sol$args$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.max(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$fval)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$model <- rbind(sol$model, c(sol$model[node,1]+1, 2*sol$model[node,2]-1))
sol$model <- rbind(sol$model, c(sol$model[node,1]+1, 2*sol$model[node,2]))
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$node <- sol$model[n.clust+1,]
c.split <- mch(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$ixs,], v0 = sol$args$v0, minsize = sol$args$minsize, maxit = sol$args$maxit, ftol = sol$args$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.max(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$fval)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$node <- sol$model[n.clust+2,]
loci <- sol$model
for(i in 1:max(sol$model[,1])){
rows <- which(sol$model[,1]==i)
loci[rows,2] <- rank(sol$model[rows,2])
sol$cluster <- numeric(length(sol$cluster))
for(i in 1:((length(sol$Nodes)+1)/2)) sol$cluster[sol$Nodes[[2*i-1]]$ixs] = i
for(i in 1:length(sol$Nodes)) sol$Nodes[[i]]$location <- loci[i,]
else if(sol$method=='MDH'){
# if new parameters were given, then modify the node being split before applying the partition
args_split <- sol$args
if(!is.null(control$minsize)) args_split$minsize <- control$minsize
if(!is.null(control$v0)) args_split$v0 <- control$v0
if(!is.null(control$bandwidth)) args_split$bandwidth <- control$bandwidth
if(!is.null(control$alphamin)) args_split$alphamin <- control$alphamin
if(!is.null(control$alphamax)) args_split$alphamax <- control$alphamax
if(!is.null(control$maxit)) args_split$maxit <- control$maxit
if(!is.null(control$ftol)) args_split$ftol <- control$ftol
c.split <- mdh(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs,], v0 = args_split$v0, minsize = args_split$minsize, bandwidth = args_split$bandwidth, alphamin = args_split$alphamin, alphamax = args_split$alphamax, maxit = args_split$maxit, ftol = args_split$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.max(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$rel.dep)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$Nodes[[node]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[node]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[node]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[node]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[node]]$rel.dep <- c.split$rel.dep
pass <- which(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs,]%*%sol$Nodes[[node]]$v<sol$Nodes[[node]]$b)
params = list()
n <- nrow(sol$data)
d <- ncol(sol$data)
n.clust <- length(sol$Nodes)
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]] <- list(ixs = sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs[pass])
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]] <- list(ixs = sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs[-pass])
sol$Parent <- c(sol$Parent, node, node)
c.split <- mdh(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$ixs,], v0 = sol$args$v0, minsize = sol$args$minsize, bandwidth = sol$args$bandwidth, alphamin = sol$args$alphamin, alphamax = sol$args$alphamax, maxit = sol$args$maxit, ftol = sol$args$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.max(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$rel.dep)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$model <- rbind(sol$model, c(sol$model[node,1]+1, 2*sol$model[node,2]-1))
sol$model <- rbind(sol$model, c(sol$model[node,1]+1, 2*sol$model[node,2]))
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$rel.dep <- c.split$rel.dep
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$node <- sol$model[n.clust+1,]
c.split <- mdh(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$ixs,], v0 = sol$args$v0, minsize = sol$args$minsize, bandwidth = sol$args$bandwidth, alphamin = sol$args$alphamin, alphamax = sol$args$alphamax, maxit = sol$args$maxit, ftol = sol$args$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.max(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$rel.dep)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$rel.dep <- c.split$rel.dep
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$node <- sol$model[n.clust+2,]
loci <- sol$model
for(i in 1:max(sol$model[,1])){
rows <- which(sol$model[,1]==i)
loci[rows,2] <- rank(sol$model[rows,2])
sol$cluster <- numeric(length(sol$cluster))
for(i in 1:((length(sol$Nodes)+1)/2)) sol$cluster[sol$Nodes[[2*i-1]]$ixs] = i
for(i in 1:length(sol$Nodes)) sol$Nodes[[i]]$location <- loci[i,]
else if(sol$method=='NCutH'){
# if new parameters were given, then modify the node being split before applying the partition
args_split <- sol$args
if(!is.null(control$minsize)) args_split$minsize <- control$minsize
if(!is.null(control$v0)) args_split$v0 <- control$v0
if(!is.null(control$s)) args_split$s <- control$s
if(!is.null(control$maxit)) args_split$maxit <- control$maxit
if(!is.null(control$ftol)) args_split$ftol <- control$ftol
c.split <- ncuth(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs,], v0 = args_split$v0, s = args_split$s, minsize = args_split$minsize, maxit = args_split$maxit, ftol = args_split$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.min(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$fval)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$Nodes[[node]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[node]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[node]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[node]]$params <- c.split$params
pass <- which(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs,]%*%sol$Nodes[[node]]$v<sol$Nodes[[node]]$b)
n.clust <- length(sol$Nodes)
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]] <- list(ixs = sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs[pass])
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]] <- list(ixs = sol$Nodes[[node]]$ixs[-pass])
sol$Parent <- c(sol$Parent, node, node)
c.split <- ncuth(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$ixs,], v0 = sol$args$v0, s = sol$args$s, minsize = sol$args$minsize, maxit = sol$args$maxit, ftol = sol$args$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.min(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$fval)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$model <- rbind(sol$model, c(sol$model[node,1]+1, 2*sol$model[node,2]-1))
sol$model <- rbind(sol$model, c(sol$model[node,1]+1, 2*sol$model[node,2]))
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+1]]$node <- sol$model[n.clust+1,]
c.split <- ncuth(sol$data[sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$ixs,], v0 = sol$args$v0, s = sol$args$s, minsize = sol$args$minsize, maxit = sol$args$maxit, ftol = sol$args$ftol)
ix.opt <- which.min(unlist(lapply(c.split, function(sol) sol$fval)))
c.split <- c.split[[ix.opt]]
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$v <- c.split$v
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$b <- c.split$b
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$fval <- c.split$fval
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$params <- c.split$params
sol$Nodes[[n.clust+2]]$node <- sol$model[n.clust+2,]
loci <- sol$model
for(i in 1:max(sol$model[,1])){
rows <- which(sol$model[,1]==i)
loci[rows,2] <- rank(sol$model[rows,2])
sol$cluster <- numeric(length(sol$cluster))
for(i in 1:((length(sol$Nodes)+1)/2)) sol$cluster[sol$Nodes[[2*i-1]]$ixs] = i
for(i in 1:length(sol$Nodes)) sol$Nodes[[i]]$location <- loci[i,]