% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/clustCoDa.R \name{clustCoDa} \alias{clustCoDa} \alias{plot.clustCoDa} \title{Cluster analysis for compositional data} \usage{ clustCoDa( x, k = NULL, method = "Mclust", scale = "robust", transformation = "pivotCoord", distMethod = NULL, iter.max = 100, vals = TRUE, alt = NULL, bic = NULL, verbose = TRUE ) \method{plot}{clustCoDa}( x, y, ..., normalized = FALSE, which.plot = "clusterMeans", measure = "silwidths" ) } \arguments{ \item{x}{compositional data represented as a data.frame} \item{k}{number of clusters} \item{method}{clustering method. One of Mclust, cmeans, kmeansHartigan, cmeansUfcl, pam, clara, fanny, ward.D2, single, hclustComplete, average, mcquitty, median, centroid} \item{scale}{if orthonormal coordinates should be normalized.} \item{transformation}{default are the isometric logratio coordinates. Can only used when distMethod is not Aitchison.} \item{distMethod}{Distance measure to be used. If \dQuote{Aitchison}, then transformation should be \dQuote{identity}.} \item{iter.max}{parameter if kmeans is chosen. The maximum number of iterations allowed} \item{vals}{if cluster validity measures should be calculated} \item{alt}{a known partitioning can be provided (for special cluster validity measures)} \item{bic}{if TRUE then the BIC criteria is evaluated for each single cluster as validity measure} \item{verbose}{if TRUE additional print output is provided} \item{y}{the y coordinates of points in the plot, optional if x is an appropriate structure.} \item{...}{additional parameters for print method passed through} \item{normalized}{results gets normalized before plotting. Normalization is done by z-transformation applied on each variable.} \item{which.plot}{currently the only plot. Plot of cluster centers.} \item{measure}{cluster validity measure to be considered for which.plot equals \dQuote{partMeans}} } \value{ all relevant information such as cluster centers, cluster memberships, and cluster statistics. } \description{ Clustering in orthonormal coordinates or by using the Aitchison distance } \details{ The compositional data set is either internally represented by orthonormal coordiantes before a cluster algorithm is applied, or - depending on the choice of parameters - the Aitchison distance is used. } \examples{ data(expenditures) x <- expenditures rr <- clustCoDa(x, k=6, scale = "robust", transformation = "pivotCoord") rr2 <- clustCoDa(x, k=6, distMethod = "Aitchison", scale = "none", transformation = "identity") rr3 <- clustCoDa(x, k=6, distMethod = "Aitchison", method = "single", transformation = "identity", scale = "none") \dontrun{ require(reshape2) plot(rr) plot(rr, normalized = TRUE) plot(rr, normalized = TRUE, which.plot = "partMeans") } } \references{ M. Templ, P. Filzmoser, C. Reimann. Cluster analysis applied to regional geochemical data: Problems and possibilities. \emph{Applied Geochemistry}, \strong{23} (8), 2198--2213, 2008 Templ, M., Filzmoser, P., Reimann, C. (2008) \emph{Cluster analysis applied to regional geochemical data: Problems and possibilities}, Applied Geochemistry, 23 (2008), pages 2198 - 2213. } \author{ Matthias Templ (accessing the basic features of hclust, Mclust, kmeans, etc. that are all written by others) } \keyword{multivariate}