# Cookbook 5: Subduction Models with Trench Rollback [CitcomS] steps = 1100 ; number of time steps [CitcomS.controller] monitoringFrequency = 100 ; how often outputs are created [CitcomS.solver] datafile = cookbook5 datadir_old = ./ic datafile_old = cookbook5 rayleigh = 4.07e+08 [CitcomS.solver.bc] topvbc = 1 [CitcomS.solver.param] file_vbcs = on start_age = 55 # Since the starting age is set to 55 Ma, there will be 57 velocity # files, one for each Ma (bvel.dat0, bvel.dat1, ... bvel.dat56). vel_bound_file = ./velocity/bvel.dat [CitcomS.solver.ic] tic_method = -1 solution_cycles_init = 0 [CitcomS.solver.mesher] coor = 1 coor_file = ./coor.dat nprocx = 1 nprocy = 2 nprocz = 1 nodex = 17 nodey = 65 nodez = 33 [CitcomS.solver.tsolver] finetunedt = 0.75 monitor_max_T = on [CitcomS.solver.visc] num_mat = 4 visc0 = 100,0.003,1,2 TDEPV = on viscE = 24,24,24,24 viscT = 0.182,0.182,0.182,0.182 VMIN = on visc_min = 0.01 VMAX = on visc_max = 100.0