##***************************************************************************** ## Functions which extend Snow usage or implement some higher level usage. ## Wrappers for Snow functions are in snowWrappers.R ## ## Functions: ## sfLoadLib - Load library in cluster (path conversion, flags...) ## sfSource - Load source (path conversion...) ## ## sfExport - Export local and global objects to cluster ## sfExportAll - Export all global objects (with given exception list) ## sfRemove - Remove objects from nodes ## sfRemoveAll - Remove all objects from nodes (with given excpetion list) ## ## sfCat - Cat something on cluster ## sfPrint - Print something on cluster ##***************************************************************************** ##***************************************************************************** ## Load a library depending on sequential or parallel execution. ## ## Should behave most likely the build-in library() function. ## ## Running in sequential mode: normal "library()" command. ## Running in parallel mode: the library is loaded on ALL nodes. ## ## PARAMETERS: ## RETURN: Logical TRUE/FALSE on success. On failure, if noStopOnError is not ## set, stop immidiately. ##***************************************************************************** sfLibrary <- function( package, pos = 2, lib.loc = NULL, character.only = FALSE, warn.conflicts = TRUE, # keep.source is removed in R3, but kept here for back-compatible API # keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs"), keep.source = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"), version, stopOnError = TRUE ) { sfCheck(); ## Generate (global) names list with all parameters. # setVar( ".sfPars", list() ) sfPars <- list() ## Help does not make sense. ## if( !missing( help ) ) ## stop( "Help is not allowed in sfLibrary. Use 'library' instead." ) if( !missing( package ) ) { if( character.only ) { if( is.character( package ) ) sfPars$package <- package else stop( paste( "Package", package, "is no character string." ) ) } else sfPars$package <- deparse( substitute( package ) ) } ## package is now a string in any case. sfPars$character.only <- TRUE sfPars$pos <- pos sfPars$lib.loc <- lib.loc sfPars$warn.conflicts <- warn.conflicts # Raw quickfix for R 3: simply remove argument if we are on version 3. # But keep it to not break R 2.x (although default argument changed # there). if( as.integer(R.version$major) < 3 ) { # As new default for keep source is "NULL" (from 1.84-2), we need # to rebuild the old default behavior of the functions arguments. if( is.null( keep.source ) ) keep.source = getOption("keep.source.pkgs") sfPars$keep.source <- keep.source } sfPars$verbose <- verbose ## All libraries are loaded internally with logical.return. sfPars$logical.return <- TRUE if( !missing( version ) ) sfPars$version <- version if( sfParallel() ) { ## On Nodes load location with absolute path. if( !is.null( sfPars$lib.loc ) ) sfPars$lib.loc <- absFilePath( sfPars$lib.loc ) ## Export to namespace. setVar( ".sfPars", sfPars ) ## Weird enough ".sfPars" need to be exorted (else it would not be found ## on slave, although it is a parameter) sfExport( ".sfPars", local=FALSE, namespace="snowfall" ) ## Load libs using require as Exception on nodes doesn't help us here. ## @todo Check on correct execution via logical.return ## @todo Exporting of .sfPars needed? ## CHANGE FOR R-3: attribute 'keep-source' is removed. result <- try( sfClusterEval( do.call( "library", .sfPars ) ) ) # result <- try( sfClusterEval( do.call( "library", .sfPars ) ) ) if( inherits( result, "try-error" ) || ( length( result ) != sfCpus() ) || !all( checkTryErrorAny( result ) ) || !all( unlist( result ) ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Stop: error loading library on slave(s):", .sfPars$package ) ) else { warning( paste( "Error loading library on slave(s):", package ) ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } } else { ## Load message in slave logs. sfCat( paste( "Library", .sfPars$package, "loaded.\n" ) ) ## Message in masterlog. message( paste( "Library", .sfPars$package, "loaded in cluster.\n" ) ) } } result <- try( do.call( "library", sfPars ) ) ## Remove global var from cluster (and local). ## Do before exception checks, as there might by a stop. sfRemove( ".sfPars" ) if( inherits( result, "try-error" ) || !result ) { if( stopOnError ) { warning( paste( "Unable to load library:", package ) ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } else stop( paste( "Unable to load library:", package ) ) } else { if( verbose ) message( paste( "Library", package, "loaded.\n" ) ) ## If logical return is requested here it comes. ## In clustermode the programm immidiately stops it a library couldn't be ## load on a slave. In sequentially mode it behaves like library(). return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } } ##***************************************************************************** ## Include a source file. ## @todo Include complete source() parameter list. ## ## Should behave most likely the build-in source() function. ## ## Running in sequential mode: normal "source()" command (relative path) ## Running in parallel mode: the sourcefile is loaded on ALL nodes ## (abs. path and no echo). ## ## PARAMETERS: filename ## RETURN: Logical true on success, false else. is stopOnError=TRUE => stop ##***************************************************************************** sfSource <- function( file, encoding = getOption("encoding"), stopOnError = TRUE ) { sfCheck(); absFile <- absFilePath( file ) if( file.exists( absFile ) ) { if( sfParallel() ) { ## Load source on all nodes (with globalized arguments) success <- sfClusterCall( source, file=absFile, encoding=encoding, echo=FALSE, local=FALSE, chdir=FALSE ) if( inherits( success, "try-error" ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Try error on cluster source call: 'source ", absFile, "'", sep="" ) ) else { message( paste( "Try error on cluster source call: 'source ", absFile, "'", sep="" ) ) return( FALSE ) } } else { sfCat( paste( "Source", file, "loaded.\n" ) ) message( paste( "Source", file, "loaded in cluster.\n" ) ) } } ## Same as in sfLibrary(): include file on master as well (with ## original filename and echo setting). res <- try( source( file=absFile, encoding=encoding, echo=TRUE, local=FALSE, chdir=FALSE ) ) if( inherits( res, "try-error" ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Try error loading on master: '", file, "'", sep="" ) ) else { message( paste( "Try error loading on master: '", file, "'", sep="" ) ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } } return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } ## File not found? else { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "File does not exist:", file ) ) else { message( paste( "File does not exist:", file ) ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } } } ##**************************************************************************** ## Export a single variable. ## On slaves, ALL exported variables are global! ## From the master, either global or local variables can be exported. ## ## PARAMETERS: ... - Names or Variables ## local - if TRUE, local vars will be exported ## namespace - also exports from namespace ## debug - with local=TRUE, prints where vars are found ## list - List of variable names (like snows clusterExport) ## RETURN: - ##**************************************************************************** sfExport <- function( ..., list=NULL, local=TRUE, namespace=NULL, debug=FALSE, stopOnError=TRUE ) { sfCheck(); ## Export is only done if running parallel, on master all vars are visible. ## @TODO: Although all vars are visible, they are not surely in global env! ## => export to global env. ## Test if global object of this name exists. If yes: warning, ## if not: assign in global space. if( !sfParallel() ) { warning( "sfExport() writes to global environment in sequential mode.\n" ) ## return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } ## List of given names in dot arguments. names <- fetchNames( ... ) ## If extra list is given (calling style of clusterExport()), just add this ## list. if( !is.null( list ) ) { ## Test from rm, see fetchNames for details. if( !length( list ) || !all( sapply( list, function(x) is.symbol(x) || is.character(x) ) ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( "'list' must contain names or character strings" ) else { warning( "Error in sfExport: 'list' must contain names or character strings" ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } } names <- c( names, list ) } for( name in names ) { ## Also examine namespace (from snowfall package?). Only needed for internal ## functions. if( !is.null( namespace ) && is.character( namespace ) ) { ## On some strange behavior, this only works with given error ## function. Else errors on not found objects are not caught. val <- tryCatch( getFromNamespace( name, namespace ), ##, pos=-1 error = function(x) { NULL } ) if( !is.null( val ) && !inherits( val, "try-error" ) ) { res <- sfClusterCall( assign, name, val, env = globalenv(), stopOnError = FALSE ) ## Error on export? if( is.null( res ) || !all( checkTryErrorAny( res ) ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Error exporting '", name, "': ", geterrmessage(), sep="" ) ) else { warning( paste( "Error exporting '", name, "': ", geterrmessage(), sep="" ) ) return( invisible(FALSE) ) } } ## Skip local tests. next } } ## Check if exists before exporting. if( local ) { found <- FALSE # Traverse back through scopes (get() with inherit only finds # global presence of variables). # sys.nframe() at least 1 at this point, globalenv() to check last. for( pframe in seq( 1, sys.nframe() ) ) { ## Var exists in this frame? if( exists( name, inherits=FALSE, envir=sys.frame( -pframe ) ) ) { found <- TRUE ## If debug Messages are wanted, print these (especially for local ## mode with nested functions important, to locate probably ## overwriting variables. if( debug ) { definedIn <- gsub( "\n", "|", as.character( sys.call( -pframe ) ) ) cat( "Export '", name, "' defined in '", definedIn, "'", "\n", sep="" ) print( get( name, envir=sys.frame( -pframe ) ) ) } ## Export it. ## Direct call to assign is far slower as a call to a function ## doing it (however...) # res <- sfClusterCall( simpleAssign, name, # get( name, # envir=sys.frame( -pframe ) ), # stopOnError = FALSE ) ## <= 1.70 res <- sfClusterCall( assign, name, get( name, envir=sys.frame( -pframe ) ), env = globalenv(), stopOnError = FALSE ) ## Error on export? ## 1.84: object can be null if source variable was null, too. if( ( is.null( res ) && !is.null( get( name, envir=sys.frame( -pframe ) ) ) ) || !all( checkTryErrorAny( res ) ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Error exporting '", name, "': ", geterrmessage(), sep="" ) ) else { message( paste( "Error exporting '", name, "': ", geterrmessage(), sep="" ) ) return( invisible(FALSE) ) } } break } } ## If variable to export is not found. if( !found ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Unknown/unfound variable ", name, " in export. (local=", local, ")", sep="" ) ) else { message( paste( "Unknown/unfound variable ", name, " in export. (local=", local, ")", sep="" ) ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } } } ## Global export only. else { ## 1.84-3 typo if( exists( name, inherits=FALSE, envir=globalenv() ) ) { # res <- sfClusterCall( simpleAssign, name, # get( name, inherit=FALSE, # envir=globalenv() ), # stopOnError = FALSE ) ## <= 1.70 ## 1.84-3 typo res <- sfClusterCall( assign, name, get( name, inherits=FALSE, envir=globalenv() ), env = globalenv(), stopOnError = FALSE ) if( is.null( res ) || !all( checkTryErrorAny( res ) ) ) { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Error exporting global '", name, "': ", geterrmessage(), sep="" ) ) else { warning( paste( "Error exporting global '", name, "': ", geterrmessage(), sep="" ) ) return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } } } else { if( stopOnError ) stop( paste( "Unknown variable ", name, " in export." ) ) else { warning( paste( "Unknown variable ", name, " in export." ) ) return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } } } } invisible( TRUE ) } ##**************************************************************************** ## Export all GLOBAL variables and functions to the whole cluster. ## Aware of memory usage. ## ## PARAMETERS: [Vector/List Names or variables NOT to export] ## RETURN: Logical Success ##**************************************************************************** sfExportAll <- function( except=NULL, debug=FALSE ) { sfCheck(); if( sfParallel() ) { ## Vector with all global variables. expList <- as.list( objects( pos = globalenv() ) ) ## Now remove all variables which are listed in list except from ## parameters. if( !is.null( except ) ) { if( is.list( except ) ) except <- unlist( except ) if( !is.vector( except ) ) { warning( "sfExportAll: except is not a vector.\n" ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } ## Remove those elements which are included in except. ## Reverse matches for correct indices after removing of ## single elements (start removing on right border). ## for( i in rev( match( except, expList ) ) ) ## expList <- expList[-i] ## Nicer version, proposal Greggory Jefferis (1.7.2) ## na.omit is not a must here though. expList <- expList[-na.omit(match(except, expList))] } ## Exporting mode with explicit global mode. sfExport( list=expList, local=FALSE ) if( debug ) { message( "sfExportAll: Following variables are exported:" ) message( paste( expList, collapse=", " ) ) } } else { message( "sfExportAll() ignored in sequential mode.\n" ) return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } invisible( TRUE ) } ##**************************************************************************** ## Remove objects from global environment (on whole cluster cluster) ## or at least from master (sequentially mode). ## ## PARAMETERS: List with Names(!) of the variables. ## RETURN: - ##**************************************************************************** sfRemove <- function( ..., list=NULL, master=FALSE, debug=FALSE ) { sfCheck(); ## List of given names in dot arguments. .sfNames <- fetchNames( ... ) ## If extra list is given (calling style of clusterExport()), just add this ## list. if( !is.null( list ) ) { ## Test from rm, see fetchNames for details. if( !length( list ) || !all( sapply( list, function(x) is.symbol(x) || is.character(x) ) ) ) stop( "list must contain names or character strings" ) .sfNames <- c( .sfNames, list ) } ## If running parallel, remove objects from slaves. if( sfParallel() ) { if( debug ) for( name in .sfNames ) cat( "REMOVE:", name, "\n" ) sfExport( ".sfNames", local=TRUE ) sfClusterEval( rm( list=.sfNames, pos=globalenv() ) ) sfClusterEval( rm( .sfNames, pos=globalenv() ) ) } ## Remove on master as well? if( master ) rm( list=.sfNames, pos=globalenv() ) invisible( NULL ) } ##**************************************************************************** ## Remove all variables from nodes (important: only global vars from nodes ## - NOT the master R process - are deleted). ## To delete on master as well, use sfRemove(). ## ## PARAMETERS: [Vector/List Names of objects NOT to remove]. ## RETURN: Boolean Success (invisible) ##**************************************************************************** sfRemoveAll <- function( except=NULL, debug=FALSE, hidden=TRUE ) { sfCheck(); if( sfParallel() ) { ## @TODO Also hidden vars? if( hidden ) sfTmpAll <- sfClusterEval( ls( pos=globalenv(), all.names=TRUE ) ) else sfTmpAll <- sfClusterEval( ls( pos=globalenv(), all.names=FALSE ) ) if( length( sfTmpAll ) == 0 ) { message( "sfRemoveAll: problems fetching variables from nodes (or none existant)...\n" ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } ## Only take result from one node. ## We assume all nodes have exactly the same variables in global space. ## It may be the case, that there are different variables on each node ## (like a node-routine writes different vars on different cases). ## Take that node with the most variables in object space. ## @todo: Merge result lists from all nodes. sfTmp <- sfTmpAll[[which.max(sapply(sfTmpAll,length))]] ## If there are any variables on nodes. if( length( sfTmp ) > 0 ) { ## Now remove all variables which are listed in list except from ## parameters. if( !is.null( except ) ) { if( is.list( except ) ) except <- unlist( except ) if( !is.vector( except ) ) { warning( "sfRemoveAll: except is not a vector.\n" ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } ## Remove those elements which are included in except. ## Not very elegant... However. ## Bugfix see sfExportAll for( i in match( except, sfTmp ) ) sfTmp[i] <- NA ## sfTmp <- sfTmp[-i] would fail for multiple removals ## Remove NAs sfTmp <- sort( sfTmp, na.last = NA ) } ## Create a new namespace vector (temporary). # setVar( ".sfTmpList", sfTmp ) if( debug ) { message( "sfRemoveAll: Remove variables from nodes:" ) message( paste( sfTmp, collapse=", " ) ) } ## Export the list to cluster. sfExport( "sfTmp", local=TRUE ) ## Delete all variables in the list. sfClusterEval( rm( list=sfTmp, pos=globalenv() ) ) sfClusterEval( rm( "sfTmp", pos=globalenv() ) ) } else { message( "sfRemoveAll: no variables on nodes.\n" ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } ## In sequential mode nothing is done and it counts as success ;) else { message( "sfRemoveAll() ignored in sequential mode.\n" ) return( invisible( TRUE ) ) } } ##**************************************************************************** ## Fast messages on the cluster (all nodes!). ## For testing proposes mainly. ## ## PARAMETER: Vector x Objects to print, ## String sep Separator ## Boolean master Print on master as well ##**************************************************************************** sfCat <- function( ..., sep=" ", master=TRUE ) { sfCheck(); .sfTmpX <- c( ... ) .sfTmpSEP <- sep if( length( .sfTmpX ) == 0 ) return( invisible( NULL ) ) ## ...it's unbelievable... if( sfParallel() ) { sfExport( ".sfTmpSEP", ".sfTmpX", local=TRUE ) sfClusterCall( cat, .sfTmpX, sep=.sfTmpSEP ) sfRemove( ".sfTmpX", ".sfTmpSEP", master=FALSE ) } ## Master&sequential mode. if( master ) cat( .sfTmpX, sep=.sfTmpSEP ) invisible( TRUE ) } ##**************************************************************************** ## Mainly an parallised lapply with intermediate result savings and restore ## on later callback. ## Resultfiles are saved on each step, where a step is defined by the amount ## of CPUs given (e.g. 4 cpus, 100 steps => 25 savings). ## ## Characteristic of the called functions: they are not allowed to return NULL ## values, as these indicate uncalculated potions in the result file. Please ## use NA or any other marker for undefined values. ## ## Files are saved under directory .sfOption$RESTDIR with the form: ## SAVE_file_name ## ## where file : name of current R-file or "DEFAULT" in interactive mode ## name : usergiven name for this current calculation (default: "default") ## If a program uses more than one call to sfClusterApplySR(), ## then name MUST be set! ## ## As this function itself calls sfLappy(), there is no explicit sequential form ## here. ## ## To disable printing of progress, set perupdate to 100. ## ## PARAMETERS: List x, \ Like lapply ## Function fun, | ## ... / ## [String name Name for this call of sfClusterApplySR], ## [perupdate int Percent Update frequency for process report], ## [Logical restore: restore previous results or don't restore] ## RETURN: List ##**************************************************************************** sfClusterApplySR <- function( x, fun, ..., name="default", perUpdate=NULL, restore=sfRestore() ) { sfCheck(); checkFunction( fun ) ## If none or no regular update frequency is given. if( is.null( perUpdate ) || !is.numeric( perUpdate ) || ( perUpdate < 0 ) || ( perUpdate > 100 ) ) perUpdate <- .sfOption$RESTOREUPDATE ## Ensure destination directory's existing, if not: create. if( !file.exists( .sfOption$RESTDIR ) ) dirCreateStop( .sfOption$RESTDIR ) ## No R-file given? if( is.null( .sfOption$CURRENT ) ) setOption( "CURRENT", "DEFAULT" ) ## Abs. file path file <- file.path( .sfOption$RESTDIR, paste( "SAVE_", .sfOption$CURRENT, "_", name, sep="" ) ) ## Mark this file for deletion on (regular) cluster stop - even if the file ## itself does not exist atm. addRestoreFile( file ) ## Resultfile is present: try to load it, check if variable result is included ## and check how many results are present in the file. ## If it seems that the results are ok, take them and continue at their end. if( file.exists( file ) && restore ) { ## Temp global var for saving possible loading errors (in namespace). setVar( ".sfLoadError", "" ) ## Load in current environment. tryCatch( load( file ), error=function( x ) { setVar( ".sfLoadError", x ) } ) if( .sfLoadError != "" ) stop( paste( "Loading error:", .sfLoadError ) ) cat( "Restoring previous made results from file:", file, "\n" ) errMsg <- "\nPlease remove file manually.\n" ## First check the contents of the file. ## If these don't match, do NOT remove file or overwrite it automatically, ## as (due to the weak filenames) mistakes could be done. ## Commit removal to user (with message). ## Variable "result" is loaded? if( length( ls( pattern="^result$" ) ) == 0 ) stop( paste( "Result variable not found in datafile:", file, errMsg ) ) ## Check if variable result is present. if( !is.list( result ) ) stop( paste( "Variable result is no list in datafile:", file, errMsg ) ) ## Check if variable result has correct length. if( length( result ) != length( x ) ) stop( paste( "Variable result from resultfile has different length to data:", length( result ), "<->", length( x ), errMsg ) ) ## Set marker to NA. startIndex <- NA ## Fetch the last non-NULL value in result (which declares the last result ## value which does not have to be recalculated). for( index in seq( length( result ), 1 ) ) { if( !is.null( result[[index]] ) ) { ## Flip to first NULL value => means the first unprocessed value. startIndex <- index + 1 break } } ## Complete unprocessed resultset found? Then start at first element. if( is.na( startIndex ) ) { startIndex <- 1 perCent <- 0 } ## At least some parts in the resultset are given. else { ## Complete processed result? Can happen in programs with more than one ## parallised call. if( startIndex >= length( result ) ) { return( result ) } ## Message for user where restore begins. perCent <- ( ( startIndex - 1 ) * 100 ) / length( result ) cat( "Starting calculation at ", round( perCent, 1 ), "% (", startIndex, "/", length( result ), ")\n" ) } } ## No resultfile given/present: generate clear result with all NULL fields. else { if( !restore ) message( "Restore is not active! No results are loaded." ) message( paste( "Saving results to: ", file, "\n" ) ) ## Resultlist: init with NULL in any element. result <- lapply( 1:length( x ), function( x ) NULL ) startIndex <- 1 # Start at the beginning perCent <- 0 # Nothing done yet } lastPrintPercent <- 0 ## Calculating list parts in cluster. for( sIndex in seq( startIndex, length( x ), by=sfCpus() ) ) { ## Endindex. eIndex <- sIndex + sfCpus() - 1 ## End out of bounds? if( eIndex > length( x ) ) eIndex <- length( x ) ## cat( "Calculating Indizes: ", sIndex, eIndex, "\n" ) newResult <- sfLapply( x[sIndex:eIndex], fun, ... ) ## Fill cells with new results. result[sIndex:eIndex] <- newResult[1:length( newResult )] ## Intermediate save of current results. save( result, file=file ) ## Calculated percentage. perCent <- eIndex * 100 / length( result ) ## If message about process is wanted, print it (also is a connector for ## sfCluster to show the calculation process). ## Also catch the case where mod rarely matches (if amount of CPUs is ## bigger than perUpdate). if( ( ( round( perCent, 0 ) - round( sIndex * 100 / length( result ), 0 ) ) >= perUpdate ) || ( ( ( round( perCent, 0 ) %% perUpdate ) == 0 ) && ( ( round( perCent, 0 ) - lastPrintPercent ) >= perUpdate ) ) ) { cat( "SR '", name, "' processed: ", round( perCent, 1 ), "%\n", sep="" ) lastPrintPercent <- round( perCent, 0 ) } ## cat( "Finished Indizes: ", sIndex, eIndex, "\n" ) } return( result ) } ##**************************************************************************** ## Complete "unit test" or most of the buildin functions. ## Mainly integrated for development, but can be used for testing the ## R functionality on all nodes, too. ## ## PARAMETER: - ## RETURN: Int amount of errors (0: everything is ok). ##**************************************************************************** sfTest <- function() { sfCheck(); if( !sfParallel() ) { message( "Tests only work in parallel mode." ) return( invisible( FALSE ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Basic checks for Calls/Evals. ##*************************************************************************** checkResultBasic <- function( result ) { if( is.null( result ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Result was NULL" ) ) if( !is.list( result ) ) return( c( FALSE, "No proper return type (no list)." ) ) if( length( result ) != sfCpus() ) return( c( FALSE, "No proper return type (wrong length)." ) ) if( inherits( result, "try-error" ) ) return( c( FALSE, "TRY-ERROR raised on result." ) ) if( !all( sapply( result, function( x ) if( inherits( x, "try-error" ) ) return( FALSE ) else return( TRUE ) ) ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Result elements raised TRY-ERROR(s)." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Checks if each element of a given list is equal to a certain value != ## NA/NULL). ##*************************************************************************** checkAllEqual <- function( result, equal ) { if( !all( sapply( unlist( result ), function( x ) return( x == equal ) ) ) ) return( FALSE ) return( TRUE ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Test a list of lists against a vector (each sublist must be equal to the ## given list). ##*************************************************************************** checkAllEqualList <- function( result, equal ) { if( is.list( equal ) ) equal <- sort( unlist( equal ) ) else equal <- sort( equal ) for( res in result ) { ## res <- sort( res ) if( ( length( res ) != length( equal ) ) || ( length( which( sort( res ) == equal ) ) < length( equal ) ) ) return( FALSE ) ## i <- 1 ## while( i <= length( res ) ) { ## if( res[i] != equal[i] ) ## return( FALSE ) ## i <- i + 1 ## } } return( TRUE ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Compare vectors. ##*************************************************************************** checkVecCmp <- function( x, y ) { if( length( x ) != length( y ) ) return( FALSE ) for( i in seq( 1, length( x ) ) ) { ## If NULL or NA, nothing is to compare. But only if both vals are NA/NULL ## If not, compare (throws exception/stop) if( ( is.na( x[i] ) && is.na( y[i] ) ) || ( is.null( x[i] ) && is.null( y[i] ) ) ) next if( x[i] != y[i] ) return( FALSE ) } return( TRUE ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Testing sfLibrary. ##*************************************************************************** testLib <- function() { ## Package always be installed. if( !sfLibrary( "boot", character.only=TRUE, stopOnError=FALSE ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Unable to load library 'tools'" ) ) ## calcium is a dataframe. result <- sfClusterEval( as.matrix( get('calcium') )[,2] ) ## Compare if all nodes delivered the same data for variable "calcium" ## get needed to avoid R CMD check warnings. for( res in result ) if( !checkVecCmp( res, as.matrix( get( "calcium" ) )[,2] ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong data delivered..." ) ) ## Load surely uninstalled package to test if lib call fail safely. if( try( sfLibrary( "xxxyyyzzz", character.only=TRUE, stopOnError=FALSE ), silent=TRUE ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Irregular return on loading inexisting library." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## testing sfSource. ##*************************************************************************** testSource <- function() { sfRemoveAll() ## Find path of the installed snowfall Package. res <- NULL res <- try( find.package( "snowfall" ) ) if( inherits( res, "try-error" ) ) return( c( FALSE, paste( "Exception: cannot locate package snowfall.", geterrmessage() ) ) ) if( is.null( res ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Cannot locate package snowfall." ) ) res <- file.path( res, "data", "test.R" ) cat( "PACKAGE...: ", res, "\n" ) con <- file( res, "r", blocking=FALSE ) a <- readLines( con, n=-1 ) debug( "test.R content:" ) debug( a ) result <- sfSource( res, stopOnError=FALSE ) if( inherits( result, "try-error" ) ) return( c( FALSE, paste( "Exception: cannot source on slaves.", geterrmessage() ) ) ) ## get to satisfy R CMD check result <- sfClusterEval( get("f1")(), stopOnError=FALSE ) resBasic <- checkResultBasic( result ) if( resBasic[1] == FALSE ) return( resBasic ) if( !checkAllEqual( result, 999 ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sourced function f1." ) ) ## get to satisfy R CMD check result <- sfClusterEval( get("f2")( 99, 1 ), stopOnError=FALSE ) resBasic <- checkResultBasic( result ) if( resBasic[1] == FALSE ) return( resBasic ) if( !checkAllEqual( result, 100 ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sourced function f2." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Testing sfClusterCall. Allways first test. ##*************************************************************************** testCall <- function() { # Test 1 on Call result <- sfClusterCall( paste, "a", "b", "c", sep="", stopOnError=FALSE ) resBasic <- checkResultBasic( result ) if( resBasic[1] == FALSE ) return( resBasic ) if( !checkAllEqual( result, "abc" ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on paste." ) ) # Test 2 on Call sums <- c( 99, 7, 3.4 ) result <- sfClusterCall( sum, sums, stopOnError=FALSE ) if( !checkAllEqual( result, sum( sums ) ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong result on sum." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Testing sfClusterEval ##*************************************************************************** testEval <- function() { # Test 1 on Eval result <- sfClusterEval( sum( sapply( 1:10, exp ) ) ) resBasic <- checkResultBasic( result ) if( resBasic[1] == FALSE ) return( resBasic ) if( !checkAllEqual( result, sum( sapply( 1:10, exp ) ) ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sum." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Testing Export Funktion ##*************************************************************************** ## testExport <- function() { ## ## Needed to have a clean comparison global env. ## sfRemoveAll( hidden=TRUE ) ## ## vars <- sfClusterEval( ls( all.names=TRUE, envir=globalenv() ) ) ## ## print( vars ) ## ## if( length( vars ) != 0 ) ## if( !all( sapply( vars, ## function( x ) return( length( x ) == 0 ) ) ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "sfRemoveAll() didn't kill everything" ) ) ## ## Setting global variable via assign, as <<- invokes warnings on ## ## package check. ## assign( "var1", 99, pos=globalenv() ) ## assign( "var2", 101, pos=globalenv() ) ## # var1 <<- 99 # Global ## # var2 <<- 101 ## var3 <- 103 # Local ## var4 <- 7 ## ## Setting var in namespace ("snowfall"). ## setVar( ".sfTestVar5", 77 ) ## if( getVar( ".sfTestVar5" ) != 77 ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Access to namespace failed." ) ) ## iTest <- function() { ## var3 <- 88 ## res <- FALSE ## res <- sfExport( "var1", "var2", ".sfTestVar5", ## list=list( "var3", "var4" ), ## local=TRUE, namespace="snowfall", stopOnError=FALSE ) ## if( inherits( res, "try-error" ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Exception on export." ) ) ## if( !res ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Unexpected Exception on export." ) ) ## print( "GLOBALENV..." ) ## print( sfClusterCall( ls, envir=globalenv() ) ) ## if( !checkAllEqualList( sfClusterCall( ls, all.names=TRUE, ## envir=globalenv() ), ## c( "var1", "var3", "var2", "var4", ## ".sfTestVar5" ) ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Not all vars exported." ) ) ## ## get to satisfy R CMD check ## if( !checkAllEqual( sfClusterEval( get("var1") ), 99 ) || ## !checkAllEqual( sfClusterEval( get("var2") ), 101 ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Error exporting global var." ) ) ## ## get to satisfy R CMD check ## if( !checkAllEqual( sfClusterEval( get("var3") ), 88 ) || ## !checkAllEqual( sfClusterEval( get("var4") ), 7 ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Error exporting local var." ) ) ## if( !checkAllEqual( sfClusterEval( get(".sfTestVar5") ), 77 ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Error exporting namespace var." ) ) ## ## Test removeAll with Exception-List ## sfRemoveAll( except=list( "var2", "var3" ) ) ## if( !checkAllEqualList( sfClusterCall( ls, envir=globalenv() ), ## list( "var2", "var3" ) ) ) ## return( c( FALSE, "Error on removeAll except-list." ) ) ## sfRemoveAll() ## return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) ## } ## return( iTest() ) ## } ##*************************************************************************** ## Testing Calculation Function Part 1 ##*************************************************************************** testCalc1 <- function() { size <- 50 mat <- matrix( 0, size, size ) for( var in 1:nrow( mat ) ) mat[var,] = runif( nrow( mat ) ) rSum <- function( row, mat ) { s <- 0 for( col in 1:ncol( mat ) ) s <- s + mat[row,col] return( s ) } cmp <- unlist( lapply( seq( 1, ncol( mat ) ), rSum, mat ) ) sfExport( "rSum", local=TRUE, debug=TRUE ) # Test 1 on Eval result <- sfLapply( seq( 1, ncol( mat ) ), rSum, mat ) ## cat( "FINISHED...\n" ) ## print( result ) if( !checkVecCmp( unlist( result ), cmp ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sfLapply." ) ) ## Testing sfClusterApplyLB result <- sfClusterApplyLB( seq( 1, ncol( mat ) ), rSum, mat ) if( !checkVecCmp( unlist( result ), cmp ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sfClusterApplyLB." ) ) ## Testing sfClusterApplySR result <- sfClusterApplySR( seq( 1, ncol( mat ) ), rSum, mat, name="TEST", restore=FALSE, perUpdate=100 ) if( !checkVecCmp( unlist( result ), cmp ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sfClusterApplySR." ) ) ## As clusterApply only works for #nodes samples, reduce data size depending ## on it. result <- sfClusterApply( seq( 1, min( sfCpus(), ncol( mat ) ) ), rSum, mat ) if( !checkVecCmp( unlist( result ), unlist( lapply( seq( 1, min( sfCpus(), ncol( mat ) ) ), rSum, mat ) ) ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sfClusterLapply." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Testing Calculation Function Part 2 ## Further snow Wrappers. ##*************************************************************************** testCalc2 <- function() { size <- 50 mat1 <- matrix( 0, size, size ) mat2 <- matrix( 0, size, size ) for( var in 1:nrow( mat1 ) ) mat1[var,] = runif( nrow( mat1 ) ) for( var in 1:nrow( mat2 ) ) mat2[var,] = runif( nrow( mat2 ) ) matRes1 <- sfMM( mat1, mat2 ) matRes2 <- mat1 %*% mat2 for( row in seq( 1, size ) ) if( !checkVecCmp( matRes1[row,], matRes2[row,] ) ) return( c( FALSE, "Wrong results on sfParMM." ) ) return( c( TRUE, "ok" ) ) } ##*************************************************************************** ## Run single test (with given functionname) ##*************************************************************************** runTest <- function( fun ) { cat( "Run test: ", fun, "\n" ) res <- c( NA, "" ) res <- try( do.call( fun, list() ) ) if( inherits( res, "try-error" ) ) return( c( FALSE, paste( "TRY-ERROR on testCall()", geterrmessage() ) ) ) if( is.null( res ) || !is.vector( res ) || is.na( res[1] ) ) return( c( FALSE, paste( "Hidden exception on test.", geterrmessage() ) ) ) return( res ) } complete <- list( errors=0, warnings=0 ) ## @todo - Bibliotheken / Source ## @todo - anderen Applies / parMM ## @todo - exportAll ## testExport removed because of a R 3.0.0 warning (not error!) tests <- c( "testCall", "testEval", ## "testExport", "testCalc1", "testCalc2", "testLib", "testSource" ) ## Run tests. for( test in tests ) complete[[test]] <- runTest( test ) ## Print results. cat( "\n\nRESULTS ON TEST:\n\n" ) errors <- 0 for( test in tests ) { ## Align names to same length. if( as.logical( complete[[test]][1] ) ) cat( test, sapply( seq( 1, 13 - nchar( test ) ), function( x ) return( " " ) ), ": ok", "\n", sep="" ) else { cat( test, sapply( seq( 1, 13 - nchar( test ) ), function( x ) return( " " ) ), ": FAILED! (", complete[[test]][2], ")\n", sep="" ) errors <- errors + 1 } } cat( "\n----------------------------\n", errors, "tests failed.\n\n" ) return( invisible( errors ) ) }