\name{emplik-internal} \alias{Wdataclean2} \alias{Wdataclean3} \alias{Wdataclean5} \alias{DnR} \alias{logelr} \alias{logwelr} \alias{gradf} \alias{llog} \alias{llogp} \alias{llogpp} \alias{solve3.QP} \alias{WKM} \alias{el.test.wt3} \alias{LTRC} \alias{iter} \alias{redistF} \alias{gradf2} \alias{gradf3} \title{Internal emplik functions} \usage{ logelr(x,mu,lam) logwelr(x,mu,wt,lam) gradf(z,wt,lam) llog(z, eps) llogp(z, eps) llogpp(z, eps) Wdataclean2(z,d,wt=rep(1,length(z))) Wdataclean3(z,d,zc=rep(1, length(z)),wt=rep(1,length(z))) Wdataclean5(z,d,zc=rep(1, length(z)),wt=rep(1,length(z)),xmat) DnR(x,d,w,y=rep(-Inf,length(x))) solve3.QP(D, d, A, b, meq, factorized=FALSE) WKM(x,d,zc=rep(1,length(d)),w=rep(1,length(d))) LTRC(x,d,w=rep(1, length(d)),y=rep(-Inf, length(x))) el.test.wt3(x,wt,mu,maxit,gradtol,Hessian,svdtol,itertrace) iter(x, y, delta, beta) redistF(y, d, Fdist) gradf2(lam, funt1, evt1, rsk1, funt2, evt2, rsk2, K, n) gradf3(lam, funt1, evt1, rsk1, funt2, evt2, rsk2, K, n) } \description{ Internal emplik functions } \details{ These are not intended to be called by the user. \code{Wdataclean2} and \code{DnR} are used by the functions \code{emplikH1.test}, \code{emplikH2.test} and \code{emplikdisc.test}. It is also used by \code{LTRC}. \code{logelr}, \code{llog}, \code{llogp} and \code{llogpp} are used by function \code{el.test}. \code{Wdataclean2}, \code{WKM} and \code{solve3.QP} are used by function \code{el.cen.test}. \code{Wdataclean2} is used by \code{el.cen.EM}. \code{LTRC} is for Left Truncated and Right Censored data. \code{gradf3} is used by the function emplikHs.test2. \code{el.test.wt3} are similar to \code{el.test.wt} and \code{el.test.wt2}, but can take vector mean as constraint. \code{llog}, \code{llogp} and \code{llogpp} are used by both \code{el.test.wt3} and \code{el.test.wt2}. In addition \code{logwelr} is used by \code{el.test.wt3}. \code{iter} is for perform one iteration of EM in the Buckley-James censored regression estimation. \code{redistF} is for redistribution of probability, according to Fdist. } \keyword{internal}