0.3-7 - addTA now handles logical vectors or logical xtsible objects by drawing bands on chart window - addTA can now draw on or under any window via 'on=' arg - chartSeries now cleanly handles series without volume automatically - addVo has new log.scale option 0.3-6 MODIFICATIONS - Delt (and functions that call) now defaults to 'arithmetic' (discrete) calculations vs. the previous behavior of 'log' (continuous) calculation. This is more inline with expected behavior - NEW FUNCTIONALITY - addTA and newTA allow for dynamic indicator additions with little coding 0.3-2 BUG FIXES - matched broken TTR calls, aligned arguments between packages - 'name' of chart was being evaluated somewhere in the process, resulting in the object becoming a string. Fixed in this release. MODIFICATIONS - continuing the move of time-series functionality to the 'xts' package - added new TTR functions to addTA. - added underlay charting to main area (BBands) as well as much more advanced shading and labeling. - chartSeries converts incoming 'x' argument to xts object for more universal handling. Not fully sorted out - but better than before. - new subset argument to allow for xts-style subsetting NEW FUNCTIONALITY - new TTR functions - ATR, CCI, CMF, CMO, DPO, Lines, Momentum, TRIX 0.3-1 *********************************************************************** BUG FIXES - new depends - on CRAN and R-Forge package xts for time-series handling internally - options.expiry and futures.expiry now use universal %w to check weekdays - Rmetrics change resulted in as.timeSeries moving to fSeries. New suggest and assoc. changes MODIFICATIONS - Added ability to plot series with missing values (like those in a 'ts' series) Volume with missing obs. is still broken - to be fixed in 0.3-2 0.3-0 ********************************************************************** BUG FIXES - Fixed factor bug in getSymbols.FRED. Thanks to Josh Ulrich - Fixed bug in [.quantmod.OHLC method when i/j was missing, also now returns quantmod.OHLC object consistently MODIFICATIONS - Added high frequency data handling - to.minutes, to.hourly, to.daily. Additional work done to accomodate within rest of framework - getSymbols downloads now to temp file - instead of directly to memory. Fixed R issue in certain Windows installations - getSymbols now returns a character array of symbol names written to environment. - getSymbols includes new arg - auto.assign. If set to FALSE will behave like standard R functions and simply return loaded object. Requires user assignment via '<-' - Better handling of timeSeries, ts, its within entire package NEW FUNCTIONALITY - chartSeries rewrite. Now manages charting with S4 objects stored quietly in memory. Allowing for dynamic redraws used in applying technical indicators and overlays - addTA functions. New charting tools to add technicals to charts dynamically. More on the way - listTA, setTA, unsetTA to handle default TA args - chartTheme function to customize chart 'look' - last/first functions now take character strings to describe in words the subsetting to do. Also negative value support for opposite behavior. Additional _keep_ arg will assign removed data to an attribute _keep_ with the object - getSymbols.SQLite support. Still very clunky - though that is SQLite. - getFX and getMetals for direct download of those types - getQuote downloads Last,Change,Open,High,Low,Volume from Yahoo - added documentation and fixed documentation