Raw File
% This file is part of NS2DDV.                                                      %
%                                                                                   %
% Copyright(C) 2011-2018    C. Calgaro  (caterina.calgaro@math.univ-lille1.fr)      %
%                           E. Creusé   (emmanuel.creuse@math.univ-lille1.fr)       %
%                           T. Goudon   (thierry.goudon@inria.fr)                   %
%                           A. Mouton   (alexandre.mouton@math.univ-lille1.fr)      %
%                                                                                   %
% NS2DDV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms %
% of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,   %
% either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.           %
%                                                                                   %
% NS2DDV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY         %
% WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   %
% PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          %
%                                                                                   %
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      %
% NS2DDV. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                               %
function[usrbuf] = build_FEBCbuf(answers)

	usrbuf = {};
	l = 1;

	% Boundary condition parameters
	usrbuf{l} = '';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition parameters for velocity';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''DIRICHLET''  Use Dirichlet boundary condition on the specified part of the boundary';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, {'RTIN', 'DROP', 'POIS', 'EXACNEU', 'NONA'})) == 1)
		usrbuf{l} = '% ''NEUMANN''    Use Neumann boundary condition on the specified part of the boundary';
		l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, {'POIS', 'NONA'})) == 1)
		usrbuf{l} = '% ''NATURAL''    Use transparent boundary condition on the specified part of the boundary';
		l = l+1;
	switch answers.GEOM
		case {'RECTANGLE'}
			switch answers.TESTCASE
				case {'RTIN', 'DROP'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''SYMMETRY'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''SYMMETRY'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''SYMMETRY'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''SYMMETRY'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''SYMMETRY'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''SYMMETRY'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''SYMMETRY'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''SYMMETRY'';';
					l = l+1;

				case {'CAEN', 'EXAC'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;

				case {'POIS'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;

				case {'EXACNEU'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;

				case {'NONA'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;

				case {'GTPSI'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;

					error('Unknown value of TESTCASE');

		case {'DIHEDRON'}
			switch answers.TESTCASE
				case {'NONA'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;

				case {'EXAC'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;

					error('Unknown value of TESTCASE');

		case {'STEP'}
			switch answers.TESTCASE
				case {'NONA', 'POIS'}
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the bottom bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_BOTTOM_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the top bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_TOP_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for ux (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UX = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the left bound for uy (allowed values: ''DIRICHLET'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_LEFT_UY = ''DIRICHLET'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for ux (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UX = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = '% Boundary condition on the right bound for uy (allowed values: ''NEUMANN'', ''NATURAL'', ''STRESS_BALANCE'')';
					l = l+1;
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_RIGHT_UY = ''NEUMANN'';';
					l = l+1;
					error('Unknown value of TESTCASE');

		case {'CIRCLE'}
			switch answers.TESTCASE
				case {'EXAC'}

					error('Unknown value of TESTCASE');

		case {'FROM_FILE'}

			error('Unknown value for GEOM');

	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, {'POIS', 'NONA', 'GTPSI'})) == 1)
		usrbuf{l} = '% Non-linear term splitting parameters for ''NATURAL'' boundary conditions';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.ALPHA1 = 0.5;';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.ALPHA2 = 1.;';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.ALPHA3 = 1.;';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = '% Amplitude of the correction in ''NATURAL'' boundary conditions (recommended values: 0, 1, or 2; must be positive)';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BETA = 1.;';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = '% Extension of Dirichlet boundary conditions to the open boundary';
		l = l+1;
		switch answers.TESTCASE
			case {'NONA'}
				usrbuf{l} = '% Allowed values: ''BLASIUS'' (default), ''COUETTE''';
				l = l+1;
				usrbuf{l} = '% ''BLASIUS''  Use a barotropic Blasius profile';
				l = l+1;
				usrbuf{l} = '% ''COUETTE''  Use a barotropic Couette profile';
				l = l+1;
				l = l+1;
			case {'POIS'}
				usrbuf{l} = '% Allowed values: ''POIS'' (default)';
				l = l+1;
				usrbuf{l} = '% ''POIS''  Use a Poiseuille profile';
				l = l+1;
				usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_EXTENSIONREF = ''POIS'';';
				l = l+1;
			case {'GTPSI'}
				usrbuf{l} = '% Allowed values: ''GTPSI'' (default)';
				l = l+1;
				usrbuf{l} = '% ''GTPSI''  Use the same kind of velocity profile as for the inlet velocity';
				l = l+1;
				l = l+1;
				error('Problem in build_FEBCbuf.m');

		usrbuf{l} = '% Sharpness of the smoothed step function - should be close to 0 (only for ''STRESS_BALANCE'' boundary conditions)';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.FE.BC_DELTA = 0.05;';
		l = l+1;

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