Julia v1.11 Release Notes ======================== New language features --------------------- * `public` is a new keyword. Symbols marked with `public` are considered public API. Symbols marked with `export` are now also treated as public API. The difference between `public` and `export` is that `public` names do not become available when `using` a package/module. ([#50105]) * `ScopedValue` implement dynamic scope with inheritance across tasks ([#50958]). Language changes ---------------- Compiler/Runtime improvements ----------------------------- * Updated GC heuristics to count allocated pages instead of individual objects ([#50144]). * A new `LazyLibrary` type is exported from `Libdl` for use in building chained lazy library loads, primarily to be used within JLLs ([#50074]). Command-line option changes --------------------------- Multi-threading changes ----------------------- Build system changes -------------------- New library functions --------------------- * `copyuntil(out, io, delim)` and `copyline(out, io)` copy data into an `out::IO` stream ([#48273]). New library features -------------------- * `replace(string, pattern...)` now supports an optional `IO` argument to write the output to a stream rather than returning a string ([#48625]). Standard library changes ------------------------ * `pmap` now defaults to using a `CachingPool` ([#33892]). #### Package Manager #### LinearAlgebra #### Printf #### Profile #### Random #### REPL * Tab complete hints now show in lighter text while typing in the repl. To disable set `Base.active_repl.options.hint_tab_completes = false` ([#51229]) #### SuiteSparse #### SparseArrays #### Test #### Dates #### Statistics * Statistics is now an upgradeable standard library.([#46501]) #### Distributed #### Unicode #### DelimitedFiles #### InteractiveUtils Deprecated or removed --------------------- External dependencies --------------------- * `tput` is no longer called to check terminal capabilities, it has been replaced with a pure-Julia terminfo parser. Tooling Improvements --------------------