\name{C_06_update.trellis} \alias{update.trellis} \alias{[.trellis} \alias{t.trellis} \alias{trellis.last.object} \title{Retrieve and Update Trellis Object} \description{ Update method for objects of class \code{"trellis"}, and a way to retrieve the last printed trellis object (that was saved). } \usage{ \method{update}{trellis}(object, panel, aspect, as.table, between, key, auto.key, legend, layout, main, page, par.strip.text, prepanel, scales, skip, strip, strip.left, sub, xlab, ylab, xlab.top, ylab.right, xlim, ylim, xscale.components, yscale.components, axis, par.settings, plot.args, lattice.options, index.cond, perm.cond, \dots) \method{t}{trellis}(x) \method{[}{trellis}(x, i, j, \dots, drop = FALSE) trellis.last.object(\dots, prefix) } \arguments{ \item{object, x}{ The object to be updated, of class \code{"trellis"}. } \item{i, j}{ indices to be used. Names are not currently allowed. } \item{drop}{ logical, whether dimensions with only one level are to be dropped. Currently ignored, behaves as if it were \code{FALSE}. } % \item{warn}{ % logical, whether to warn when no plot is saved. % } \item{panel, aspect, as.table, between, key, auto.key, legend, layout, main, page, par.strip.text, prepanel, scales, skip, strip, strip.left, sub, xlab, ylab, xlab.top, ylab.right, xlim, ylim, xscale.components, yscale.components, axis, par.settings, plot.args, lattice.options, index.cond, perm.cond, \dots}{ arguments that will be used to update \code{object}. See details below. } \item{prefix}{ A character string acting as a prefix identifying the plot of a \code{"trellis"} object. Only relevant when a particular page is occupied by more than one plot. Defaults to the value appropriate for the last \code{"trellis"} object printed. See \code{\link{trellis.focus}}. } } \details{ All high level lattice functions such as \code{xyplot} produce an object of (S3) class \code{"trellis"}, which is usually displayed by its \code{print} method. However, the object itself can be manipulated and modified to a large extent using the \code{update} method, and then re-displayed as needed. Most arguments to high level functions can also be supplied to the \code{update} method as well, with some exceptions. Generally speaking, anything that would needs to change the data within each panel is a no-no (this includes the \code{formula, data, groups, subscripts} and \code{subset}). Everything else is technically game, though might not be implemented yet. If you find something missing that you wish to have, feel free to make a request. Not all arguments accepted by a Lattice function are processed by \code{update}, but the ones listed above should work. The purpose of these arguments are described in the help page for \code{\link{xyplot}}. Any other argument is added to the list of arguments to be passed to the \code{panel} function. Because of their somewhat special nature, updates to objects produced by \code{cloud} and \code{wireframe} do not work very well yet. The \code{"["} method is a convenient shortcut for updating \code{index.cond}. The \code{t} method is a convenient shortcut for updating \code{perm.cond} in the special (but frequent) case where there are exactly two conditioning variables, when it has the effect of switching (\sQuote{transposing}) their order. The print method for \code{"trellis"} objects optionally saves the object after printing it. If this feature is enabled, \code{trellis.last.object} can retrieve it. By default, the last object plotted is retrieved, but if multiple objects are plotted on the current page, then others can be retrieved using the appropriate \code{prefix} argument. If \code{\link{trellis.last.object}} is called with arguments, these are used to update the retrieved object before returning it. } % WAS: \dontrun{ % trellis.last.object(xlab = "Year") % } \examples{ spots <- by(sunspots, gl(235, 12, labels = 1749:1983), mean) old.options <- lattice.options(save.object = TRUE) xyplot(spots ~ 1749:1983, xlab = "", type = "l", scales = list(x = list(alternating = 2)), main = "Average Yearly Sunspots") update(trellis.last.object(), aspect = "xy") trellis.last.object(xlab = "Year") lattice.options(old.options) } \value{ An object of class \code{trellis}, by default plotted by \code{print.trellis}. \code{trellis.last.object} returns \code{NULL} is no saved object is available. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org}} \seealso{ \code{\link{trellis.object}}, \code{\link{Lattice}}, \code{\link{xyplot}} } \keyword{dplot}