Raw File
 * Attempt to intercept all Canon debug messages by overriding DebugMsg call with cache hacks
 * Usage: in Makefile.user, define one of those:
 * - CONFIG_DEBUG_INTERCEPT=y                     : from ML menu: Debug -> DebugMsg Log
 * - CONFIG_DEBUG_INTERCEPT_STARTUP=y             : intercept startup messages and save a log file after boot is complete
 * - CONFIG_DEBUG_INTERCEPT_STARTUP_BLINK=y       : intercept startup messages and blink the log file via card LED after boot is complete

/** Some local options */
//~ #define PRINT_EACH_MESSAGE  /* also print each message as soon as it's received (on the screen or via card LED) */
//~ #define PRINT_STACK /* also print the stack contents for each message */

 * - use this if there may be more than 1 second between messages (otherwise the timestamps will be incorrect)
 * - this option is incompatible with MMIO logging, but unlikely to be required in this case (since MMIO events happen very often)
 * - logs captured without SPARSE_MESSAGES can be corrected manually by adding multiples of 1.048576 seconds as needed */

#include "dm-spy.h"
#include "io_trace.h"
#include "dryos.h"
#include "bmp.h"
#include "beep.h"
#include "patch.h"
#include "blink.h"
#include "asm.h"
#include "qemu-util.h"
#include "propvalues.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "powersave.h"

#define BUF_SIZE_STATIC (16*1024)

/* the buffer is reallocated early in the boot process
 * we can't tell in advance how much free space will be eventually
#define BUF_SIZE_MALLOC (512*1024)

/* very little memory available */
#if defined(CONFIG_1100D)
#define BUF_SIZE_MALLOC (128*1024)

/* plenty of memory available */
#if defined(CONFIG_5D2) || defined(CONFIG_5D3) || defined(CONFIG_50D) || defined(CONFIG_500D) || defined(CONFIG_700D) || defined(CONFIG_650D) || defined(CONFIG_100D) || defined(CONFIG_70D)
#define BUF_SIZE_MALLOC (2048*1024)

/* large allocators available */
#define BUF_SIZE_MALLOC (8192*1024)

/* for consistency with interrupt_name from dm-spy-extra.c */
static const char * task_interrupt_name(int i)
    static char name[] = "**INT-00h**";
    int i0 = (i & 0xF);
    int i1 = (i >> 4) & 0xF;
    int i2 = (i >> 8) & 0xF;
    name[5] = i2 ? '0' + i2 : '-';
    name[6] = i1 < 10 ? '0' + i1 : 'A' + i1 - 10;
    name[7] = i0 < 10 ? '0' + i0 : 'A' + i0 - 10;
    return name;

static uint64_t unwrap_timer(uint32_t timer_20bit)
    static uint32_t initial_value = 0;
    static uint32_t prev_timer_20bit = 0;
    static uint32_t overflows = 0;

    if (timer_20bit == 0xFFFFFFFF)
        /* reset state */
        prev_timer_20bit = timer_20bit;
        return 0;

    if (prev_timer_20bit == 0xFFFFFFFF)
        /* first call with a timer value */
        prev_timer_20bit = initial_value = timer_20bit;
        overflows = timer_20bit >> 20;

    int dt = (int) timer_20bit - (int) prev_timer_20bit;
    prev_timer_20bit = timer_20bit;

    /* overflow check; leave a small tolerance for slightly out of order events */
    if (dt < -1000)

    return ((uint64_t) overflows << 20) + timer_20bit - initial_value;

int debug_format_msg(struct debug_msg * dm, char * msg, int size)
    uint32_t us = dm->us_timer;  /* already unwrapped */
    uint32_t us = unwrap_timer(dm->us_timer);

    if (!dm->task_name && !dm->pc)
        /* assume we only have a timestamped message with no context info */
        /* these logs are generally short-lived; unlikely to go beyond a few seconds */
        return snprintf(msg, size,
            (us/1000000 < 100) ? "%2d.%03d.%03d  %s\n"   /* typically used for short experiments */ 
                               :  "%d.%03d.%03d  %s\n",  /* unlikely, but %2d will just fail */
            us/1000000, (us/1000)%1000, us%1000,

    /* message coming from a regular DryOS task, or from an interrupt? */
    const char * task_name = dm->task_name;
    if (dm->interrupt & 1)
        task_name = task_interrupt_name(dm->interrupt >> 2);

    /* Canon's vsnprintf doesn't know %20s */
    char task_name_padded[11] = "           ";
    int spaces = 10 - strlen(task_name);
    if (spaces < 0) spaces = 0;
    snprintf(task_name_padded + spaces, 11 - spaces, "%s", task_name);

    char class_str[7] = "00:00:";

    if (dm->class_name)
        int class_len = strlen(dm->class_name);
        snprintf(class_str, sizeof(class_str), "%s", dm->class_name);
        class_str[6] = '\0';
        class_str[5] = ':';
        for (int i = sizeof(class_str)-3; i >= class_len; i--)
            class_str[i] = ' ';
        snprintf(class_str, sizeof(class_str), "%02x:%02x:", dm->class, dm->level);

    /* format the message */
    return snprintf(msg, size,
        (us/1000000 < 100) ? "%2d.%03d.%03d  %s:%08x:%s %s\n"   /* typically used for short experiments */ 
                           :  "%d.%03d.%03d  %s:%08x:%s %s\n",  /* unlikely, but %2d will just fail */
        us/1000000, (us/1000)%1000, us%1000,
        task_name_padded, dm->pc,
        class_str, dm->msg

static void * buf = 0;      /* will hold struct debug_msg's, but variable-sized (with inline strings) */
static int buf_size = 0;    /* variable, model-specific */
static int len = 0;         /* 32-bit aligned */

static struct debug_msg * last_block = 0;

extern void dm_spy_extra_install();
extern void dm_spy_extra_uninstall();

struct debug_msg * debug_get_last_block()
    return last_block;

void debug_log_line(const char * str)
    if (!buf) return;
    if (!buf_size) return;

    int old = cli();
    int str_len = strlen(str);
    int block_size = sizeof(struct debug_msg) + ALIGN32SUP(str_len + 1);
    if (len + block_size > buf_size) return;

    *(last_block = buf + len) = (struct debug_msg) {
        .block_size     = block_size,
        .msg            = buf + len + sizeof(struct debug_msg),
        .mmio_index     = io_trace_log_get_index() + 1,
        #ifdef SPARSE_MESSAGES
        .us_timer       = get_us_clock_value(),
        .us_timer       = io_trace_get_timer(),

    memcpy(buf + len + sizeof(struct debug_msg), str, str_len + 1);
    len += block_size;

static char line_buf[256] = {0};
static int  line_len = 0;

/* log simple strings without formatting
 * useful when we don't have snprintf / enough stack / whatever)
 * to be called with interrupts cleared (not checked) */
void debug_logstr(const char * str)
#if 0
    int old = cli();
    if ((old & 0xC0) != 0xC0)
        qprintf("fixme: cli at %s\n", str);

    int copied_chars = MIN(strlen(str), sizeof(line_buf) - line_len - 1);
    copied_chars = (copied_chars > 0) ? copied_chars : 0;
    memcpy(line_buf + line_len, str, copied_chars);
    line_len += copied_chars;
    ASSERT(line_len < (int)sizeof(line_buf));
    line_buf[line_len] = '\0';

    if (line_len > 0 && line_buf[line_len-1] == '\n')
        line_buf[line_len-1] = 0;
        line_len = 0;

/* log 32-bit integers (print as hex)
 * to be called with interrupts cleared (not checked) */
void debug_loghex2(uint32_t x, int digits)
    int max_len = sizeof(line_buf) - 1;
    for (int i = (digits-1) * 4; i >= 0 && line_len < max_len; i -= 4)
        uint32_t c = (x >> i) & 0xF;
        line_buf[line_len++] = c + ((c <= 9) ? '0' : 'A' - 10);
    ASSERT(line_len < (int)sizeof(line_buf));
    line_buf[line_len] = '\0';

/* log 32-bit integers (print as hex with 8 digits)
 * to be called with interrupts cleared (not checked) */
void debug_loghex(uint32_t x)
    return debug_loghex2(x, 8);

static void draw_bar(int p, int y1, int y2)
    p = COERCE(p, 0, 718);

    const int colors[4] = { COLOR_GREEN1, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_ORANGE, COLOR_RED };

    draw_line(0, y1, 719, y1, COLOR_BLACK);

    for (int y = y1+1; y < y2; y++)
        draw_line(0, y, p, y, colors[p / 180]);
        draw_line(p+1, y, 719, y, COLOR_BLACK);

    draw_line(0, y2, 719, y2, COLOR_BLACK);

static void debug_show_progress()
    extern int ml_started;
    if (!ml_started) return;
    if (!DISPLAY_IS_ON) return;

    /* only print progress from regular tasks */
    uint32_t interrupt_active = MEM((uintptr_t)&current_task + 4);
    if (interrupt_active) return;

    /* update the screen at most 10 times per second */
    static int last = 0;
    if (!should_run_polling_action(100, &last)) return;

    /* regular progress bar (for debug messages) */
    int p = (uint64_t) len * 720ull / buf_size;
    int y0 = lv ? 40 : 24;
    draw_bar(p, y0, y0 + 3);

    /* MMIO progress bar */
    p = (uint64_t) io_trace_log_get_index() * 720ull / io_trace_log_get_nmax();
    draw_bar(p, y0 + 3, y0 + 6);

static void my_DebugMsg(int class, int level, char* fmt, ...)
    uintptr_t lr = read_lr();

    /* if this message is omitted for any reason, we shouldn't be able to override older messages any more
     * (overriding is done for the last message only, but guest code may not know whether that last message
     * was actually logged or not, as it's calling Canon's DebugMsg; instead, it finds out from debug_get_last_block) */
    last_block = 0;

    if (!buf) return;
    if (len + (int) sizeof(struct debug_msg) >= buf_size - 1) {

    if (class == 21) // engio, lots of messages

    #ifdef CONFIG_7D
    if (class == 0x3E) // IPC, causes ERR70

    #ifdef CONFIG_1100D
    if (class || level)                 // skip all Canon messages
        return;                         // log size is way too small
    if ((class || level) && level < 3)  // skip "unimportant" messages
        return;                         // to keep MPU messages only, as in build #2: if (class || level) return;

    /* only log messages from LiveView tasks until the buffer is half-full
     * (these are very verbose) */
    if (lv && len > buf_size / 2)
        if (streq(current_task->name, "Evf") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "Epp") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "AeWb") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "LVFACE") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "LVC_FACE") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "CLR_CALC") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "DisplayMgr") ||
            streq(current_task->name, "LiveViewMgr") ||


    uint32_t old = cli();

    char * msg = fmt;
    uint32_t block_size = sizeof(struct debug_msg);

    if (strchr(fmt, '%'))
        /* formatted message? */
        /* todo: format later if CPU usage becomes an issue? */
        char * dm = buf + len + block_size;
        int dm_size = buf_size - len - block_size - 1;
        ASSERT(dm_size > 0);
        va_list ap;
        va_start( ap, fmt );
        block_size += vsnprintf( dm, dm_size, fmt, ap ) + 1;
        va_end( ap );
        msg = dm;
    else if (((uint32_t) fmt & 0xF0000000) != 0xF0000000)
        /* unformatted string in RAM? copy it */
        char * dm = buf + len + block_size;
        int dm_size = buf_size - len - block_size - 1;
        int copied = MIN(dm_size, strlen(fmt));
        memcpy(dm, fmt, copied);
        dm[copied] = '\0';
        block_size += copied + 1;
        msg = dm;
        /* unformatted string in ROM? just link to it */

    block_size = ALIGN32SUP(block_size);

    *(last_block = buf + len) = (struct debug_msg) {
        .block_size     = block_size,
        .msg            = msg,
        .class          = class,
        .level          = level,
        .pc             = lr - 4,               /* where we got called from */
        .task_name      = current_task->name,
        .interrupt      = current_interrupt | MEM((uintptr_t)&current_task + 4),
        .mmio_index     = io_trace_log_get_index() + 1,
        #ifdef SPARSE_MESSAGES
        .us_timer       = get_us_clock_value(),
        .us_timer       = io_trace_get_timer(),
      //.edmac_index    = ... (TODO, edmac.mo) */

    len += block_size;


int debug_intercept_running()
    return (buf != 0);

/* use a small buffer until the memory backend gets initialized */
static char staticbuf[BUF_SIZE_STATIC] = {0};

void debug_realloc()
    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "(*) Reallocating logging buffer...");

    extern void * _AllocateMemory(size_t size);
    extern void * _malloc(size_t size);

    int new_buf_size = BUF_SIZE_MALLOC;
    void * new_buf = _AllocateMemory(new_buf_size);

    DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "(*) New buffer: %x, size=%d.", new_buf, new_buf_size);

    if (new_buf)
        uint32_t old = cli();

        /* switch to the new buffer */
        void * old_buf = buf;
        int old_buf_size = buf_size;
        buf = new_buf;
        buf_size = new_buf_size;
        /* copy old contents */
        memcpy(buf, old_buf, len);


        DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "(*) Buffer reallocated (%d -> %d).", old_buf_size, buf_size);

        /* check for overflow */
        if (len >= old_buf_size - 50)
            DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "(*) Old buffer full, some lines may be lost.");

        /* old buffer remains allocated; any real reason to free it? */
        DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "(*) malloc error!");
        /* if it fails, you can either try _malloc, reduce buffer size,
         * or look for unused memory areas in RscMgr */

void debug_intercept()
    uint32_t DebugMsg_addr = (uint32_t)&DryosDebugMsg;
    if (!buf) // first call, intercept debug messages
        buf = staticbuf;                                /* malloc not working yet, use a static buffer instead */
        buf_size = BUF_SIZE_STATIC;
        buf = malloc(BUF_SIZE_MALLOC);                  /* allocate memory for our log (it's huge) */
        buf_size = BUF_SIZE_MALLOC;

        #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE

        /* interrupts are cleared to make sure "Logging started"
         * is going to be the first message in the log file
         * in other words, no other tasks/interrupts will run
         * until we finish installing all our hooks */
        int int_status = cli();

        #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE


        int err = patch_instruction(
            DebugMsg_addr,                              /* hook on the first instruction in DebugMsg */
            MEM(DebugMsg_addr),                         /* do not do any checks; on 5D2 it would be e92d000f, not sure if portable */
            B_INSTR(DebugMsg_addr, my_DebugMsg),        /* replace all calls to DebugMsg with our own function (no need to call the original) */
            "dm-spy: log all DebugMsg calls"

        DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "Logging started.");


        if (err) {
            NotifyBox(2000, "Could not hack DebugMsg (%x)", err);
        } else {
            NotifyBox(2000, "Now logging... ALL DebugMsg's :)");
    else // subsequent call, uninstall the hook and save log to file
        ASSERT(len <= buf_size);

        printf("[dm-spy] stop logging...\n");
        /* stop the loggers */
        #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE
        int mmio_index = io_trace_log_get_index();
        printf("[MMIO] captured %d events (%s)\n", mmio_index, format_memory_size(mmio_index * 8 * 4));

        int int_status = cli();
        DryosDebugMsg(0, 0, "Logging finished.");

        int lv_was_paused = 0;
        if (lv)
            /* faster that way */
            lv_was_paused = 1;

        printf("[dm-spy] captured %s of messages\n", format_memory_size(len));
        NotifyBox(10000, "Pretty-printing... (%s)", format_memory_size(len));

        /* assume we've got large malloc by now */
        /* we don't know in advance how big the formatted buffer will be
         * allocate the largest contiguous block from shoot_malloc - should be large enough */
        /* edit: no, it's not (8MB binary log + 16MB MMIO log => ~ 40MB formatted log) */
        struct memSuite * msg_suite = shoot_malloc_suite_contig(0);
        if (!msg_suite)
            NotifyBox(2000, "malloc error");

        char * msg_buf = GetMemoryAddressOfMemoryChunk(GetFirstChunkFromSuite(msg_suite));
        int msg_max_size = GetSizeOfMemoryChunk(GetFirstChunkFromSuite(msg_suite));
        printf("[dm-spy] output buffer: %s\n", format_memory_size(msg_max_size));
        int msg_len = 0;

        /* create the log file */
        uint32_t written = 0;
        char log_filename[100];
        get_numbered_file_name("dm-%04d.log", 9999, log_filename, sizeof(log_filename));
        FILE * log_file = FIO_CreateFile(log_filename);
        if (!log_file)
            NotifyBox(2000, "fcreate error");

        /* reset timer unwrap state (our log will start at 0) */

        #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE
        uint32_t mmio_idx = 0;

        static int prev_s = 0; int s = 0;

        /* format all our messages */
        for (struct debug_msg * dm = buf;
            (void *) dm < buf + len;
            dm = (void *) dm + dm->block_size)
            if ((s = get_seconds_clock()) != prev_s)
                /* progress indicator - this may take a few seconds */
                int remain = len - ((void *) dm - buf);
                printf("[dm-spy] pretty-printing: %s left\n", format_memory_size(remain));
                NotifyBox(10000, "Pretty-printing... (%s left)", format_memory_size(remain));
                prev_s = s;

            #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE
            /* any pending MMIO messages? */
            if (dm->mmio_index)
                for ( ; mmio_idx < dm->mmio_index - 1; mmio_idx++)
                    msg_len += io_trace_log_message(mmio_idx, msg_buf + msg_len, msg_max_size - msg_len);

            /* any pending EDMAC messages? */
            if (dm->edmac_index)
                /* TODO */

            /* format our message */
            msg_len += debug_format_msg(dm, msg_buf + msg_len, msg_max_size - msg_len);

            if (msg_len >= msg_max_size - 1000)
                printf("[dm-spy] output full after %s", format_memory_size((void*) dm - buf));
                printf(" out of %s\n", format_memory_size(len));
                written += FIO_WriteFile(log_file, msg_buf, msg_len);
                msg_len = 0;

        printf("[dm-spy] pretty-printing complete (%s)\n", format_memory_size(msg_len));
        #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE
        printf("[MMIO] saved %d events (%s) out of %d.\n", mmio_idx, format_memory_size(mmio_idx * 8 * 4), mmio_index);

        /* can we free the binary buffer? */
        buf = 0;
        len = 0;

        #ifdef CONFIG_MMIO_TRACE


        /* output by blinking? */

        /* output to file? */
        written += FIO_WriteFile(log_file, msg_buf, msg_len);
        NotifyBox(2000, "%s: saved %d bytes.", log_filename, written);
        printf("%s: saved %d bytes.\n", log_filename, written);

        /* cleanup */
        msg_buf = 0;
        msg_len = 0;

        if (lv_was_paused && LV_PAUSED)

    /* finished! */
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