# extract module strings from README.rst import sys, re import subprocess from datetime import datetime from align_string_proportional import word_wrap from rbf_read import extent_func, rbf_init_font rbf_init_font("../../data/fonts/argnor23.rbf") def run(cmd): try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = p.communicate() if p.returncode or out[1]: print >> sys.stderr, cmd print >> sys.stderr, out[0] print >> sys.stderr, out[1] exit(1) return out[0] except: print >> sys.stderr, sys.exc_info() exit(1) # see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37506 for how to place some strings in a custom section # (you must declare all strings as variables, not only the pointers) def c_repr(name): if "\n" in name: s = "\n" for l in name.split("\n"): s += " %s\n" % ('"%s\\n"' % l.replace('"', r'\"')) return s else: return '"%s"' % name.replace('"', r'\"') strings = [] def add_string(name, value): a = chr(ord('a') + len(strings)) print "static char __module_string_%s_name [] MODULE_STRINGS_SECTION = %s;" % (a, c_repr(name)) print "static char __module_string_%s_value[] MODULE_STRINGS_SECTION = %s;" % (a, c_repr(value)) strings.append((name, value)) def declare_string_section(): print print('MODULE_STRINGS_START()') for i, s in enumerate(strings): a = chr(ord('a') + i) print " MODULE_STRING(__module_string_%s_name, __module_string_%s_value)" % (a, a) print('MODULE_STRINGS_END()') def is_command_available(name): """Check if command `name` is on PATH.""" from distutils.spawn import find_executable return find_executable(name) is not None # return the first command of the list that can be found on the OS def get_command_of(commands): """Return the first command of the list `commands` that can be found on the OS.""" for command in commands: if is_command_available(command) == True: return command inp = open("README.rst").read().replace("\r\n", "\n") lines = inp.strip("\n").split("\n") title = lines[0] used_lines = [] for l in lines[2:]: if l.startswith("..") or l.strip().startswith(":"): continue used_lines.append(l) inp = "\n".join(used_lines) inp = inp.split("\n\n") add_string("Name", title) # extract user metadata from RST meta tags tags = {} for l in lines[2:]: l = l.strip() m = re.match("^:([^:]+):(.+)$", l) if m: name = m.groups()[0].strip() value = m.groups()[1].strip() if value.startswith("<") and value.endswith(">"): continue add_string(name, value) tags[name] = value if "Author" not in tags and "Authors" not in tags: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: 'Author/Authors' tag is missing. You should tell the world who wrote your module ;)" if "License" not in tags: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: 'License' tag is missing. Under what conditions we can use your module? Can we publish modified versions?" if "Summary" not in tags: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: 'Summary' tag is missing. It should be displayed as help in the Modules tab." # extract readme body: # intro -> "Description" tag; # each section will become "Help page 1", "Help page 2" and so on # possible available commands to check rst2htmlCommands = ["rst2html", "rst2html5", "rst2html.py", "rst2html5.py"] rst2htmlCommand = get_command_of(rst2htmlCommands) # render the RST as html -> txt without the metadata tags # sed command at end is because Windows inserts CR characters all over the place. Removing them should be benign on other platforms. txt = run('cat README.rst | grep -v -E "^:([^:])+:.+$" | ' + rst2htmlCommand + ' | python ../html2text.py -b 700 | sed "s/\r$//"') desc = "" last_str = "Description" help_page_num = 0 lines_per_page = 0 for p in txt.strip("\n").split("\n")[2:]: if p.startswith("# "): # new section help_page_num += 1 add_string(last_str, desc) desc = "" last_str = "Help page %d" % help_page_num print >> sys.stderr, "Help page %d: %s" % (help_page_num, p.strip('# ')) lines_per_page = 0 p = p[2:].strip() desc += "%s\n" % p lines_per_page += 1 if lines_per_page > 18: print >> sys.stderr, "Too many lines per page\n" exit(1) add_string(last_str, desc) # extract version info # (prints the latest changeset that affected this module) last_change_info = run("sh ../last_change_info.sh") if len(last_change_info): last_change_date, last_changeset, author, commit_msg = last_change_info.split("\n") split = last_change_date.split(" ") seconds = float(split[0]) last_change_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(seconds).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") # trim changeset to 7 chars, like Bitbucket does last_changeset = last_changeset[:7] # trim commit msg to 700px size = extent_func(commit_msg)[0] if size > 700: new_size = 0 new_msg = "" for c in commit_msg: new_size += extent_func(c)[0] if new_size > 700: break new_msg += c commit_msg = new_msg + "..." add_string("Last update", "%s on %s by %s:\n%s" % (last_changeset, last_change_date, author, commit_msg)) build_date = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC") # echo called from python in Windows behaves differently, better to avoid it. if sys.platform == 'win32': build_user = run('whoami').replace("\n", "") + "@" + run('hostname').replace("\n", "") else: build_user = run("echo `whoami`@`hostname`") add_string("Build date", build_date) add_string("Build user", build_user) declare_string_section()