Tip revision: a34738fe34a051760b4042dc9d740231e511fec1 authored by Nico Schertler on 31 October 2020, 07:04:57 UTC
Updated access token
Updated access token
Tip revision: a34738f
#pragma once
#include "common.h"
#include "MotorcycleGraph.h"
#include "TexturePatch.h"
#include "ParametrizationData.h"
#include "ParametrizationInterfaces.h"
//Performs all necessary computations to calculate a parametrization for a given set of patches.
class Parametrization
//Instantiates the parametrization calculation.
//mesh - the underlying mesh
//graph - the underlying motorcycle graph
//patches - the set of extracted patches
//texCoords - a list of texture coordinates storage objects for each patch in which to save the result
//parametrizationErrorThreshold - determines the upper threshold of the parametrization energy above which
// parametrization is re-attempted after relaxing the system. Details depend
// on the chosen parametrization strategy
//targetlengthStrategy - the strategy to use to determine parametric target lengths
//arclengthStrategy - the strategy to use to determine parametric arc lengths
//parametrizationStrategy - the strategy to use to calculate the actual parametrization
Parametrization(const HEMesh& mesh, const MotorcycleGraph& graph, const std::vector<TexturePatch>& patches, std::vector<TextureCoordinatesStorage>& texCoords,
float parametrizationErrorThreshold, ITargetlengthStrategy* targetlengthStrategy, IArclengthStrategy* arclengthStrategy, IParameterizationStrategy* parameterizationStrategy);
//Calculates the parametrization
void run();
//Returns a list of halfarc ids that are broken (i.e. visible seams)
std::vector<size_t> BrokenHalfarcs() const;
//Sets up optimization constraints for the parametric lengths
void CalculateConstraints();
ParametrizationData optData;
ITargetlengthStrategy* targetlengthStrategy;
IArclengthStrategy* arclengthStrategy;
IParameterizationStrategy* parameterizationStrategy;
float parametrizationErrorThreshold;