## Copyright (C) 2010 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <>.
##' Call C implementation of the sinc function.
##' @param x argument
##' @return sinc(x)
sinc <- function(x) .Call(sinc_c, x)
##' Call C implementation of Zolotarev's function to the power 1-alpha.
##' @param x argument in [0,pi]
##' @param alpha parameter in (0,1]
##' @return sin(alpha*x)^alpha * sin((1-alpha)*x)^(1-alpha) / sin(x)
##' @author Martin Maechler
A..Z <- function(x, alpha, I.alpha = 1 - alpha)
.Call(nacopula:::A__c, x, alpha, I.alpha)
##' tan(pi*x), exact for integer x
##' @param x numeric vector
##' @return numeric vector of values tan(pi*x)
##' @author Martin Maechler
tanpi <- function(x) {
r <- x
if(any(i <- x == round(x)))
r[i] <- 0
io <- which(!i)
r[io] <- tan(pi* x[io])
##' cos(pi/2 * x), exact for integer x
##' @param x numeric vector
##' @return numeric vector of values cos(pi/2 *x)
##' @author Martin Maechler
cospi2 <- function(x) {
r <- x
if(any(i <- x == round(x))) {
xi.4 <- x[i] %% 4
r[xi.4 == 0 ] <- 1
r[xi.4 == 2 ] <- -1
r[xi.4 %% 2 != 0] <- 0
io <- which(!i)
r[io] <- cos(pi/2 * x[io])
##' Sample S ~ S(alpha, beta, gamma, delta; pm), see Diethelm Wuertz's code
##' in fBasics for the parameterization.
##' @param n number of random variates to be generated
##' @param alpha, see code in fBasics
##' @param beta, see code in fBasics
##' @param gamma, see code in fBasics
##' @param delta, see code in fBasics
##' @param pm in {0,1} parameterization, see code in fBasics
##' @return vector of variates S
##' @author Martin Maechler, based on Diethelm Wuertz's code in fBasics
rstable1R <- function(n, alpha, beta, gamma = 1, delta = 0, pm = 1)
stopifnot((la <- length(alpha)) >= 1, (lb <- length(beta)) >= 1,
length(gamma) >= 1, length(delta) >= 1,
0 < alpha, alpha <= 2, abs(beta) <= 1,
length(pm) == 1, pm %in% 0:1)
p2 <- pi/2
## Special case (a,b) = (1,0):
if (all(alpha == 1) && all(beta == 0)) {
Z <- rcauchy(n)
else {
## MM: Nolan(2009) "chapt1.pdf", p.21 has "Theorem 1.19"
## -- and attributes that to 'Chambers et al. (1976)'
## Calculate uniform and exponential distributed random numbers:
Theta <- pi * (runif(n)-1/2)
W <- rexp(n)
## ^^^^^^ was "-log(runif(n))"
## rexp() is faster, giving different numbers <- (la > 1) # alpha is "vector" (not scalar)
if( {
## if alpha is not scalar, make sure that lengths of
## alpha, beta, Theta, W are all equal (== n)
alpha <- rep(alpha, length.out = n)
beta <- rep(beta, length.out = n)
norm <- alpha != 1 ## TODO: abs(alpha - 1) > eps.alpha1
## FIXME(2): ditto for | alpha - 1 | << 1
Z <- numeric(n)
if(any(norm)) { ## alpha != 1
alp <- alpha[norm]; Thet <- Theta[norm] <- beta[norm]*tanpi(alp/2)
th0 <- atan( / alp ## == \theta_0
## Now, from Nolan/Chambers' formula, we replace
## 1/(\cos(\alpha\theta_0) \cos\Theta)^{1/\alpha} with
## c / (\cos\Theta)^{1/\alpha} where
## c := (1 + (\beta*\tan(\pi\alpha/2))^2)^{1/{2\alpha}}
## need to show that c = 1/(\cos(\alpha\theta_0))^{1/\alpha}
## <==> 1 + (\beta*\tan(\pi\alpha/2))^2 = 1
## / (\cos(\alpha\theta_0))^2 and that's true, as
## 1 + (tan(y))^2 = 1 / (cos(y))^2 for
## y = \alpha\theta_0 = \arc\tan(\beta*\tan(\pi\alpha/2))
c. <- (1 +^2)^(1/(2*alp))
a.tht <- alp*(Thet+th0)
Z[norm] <-
sin(a.tht) * c. / cos(Thet)^(1/alp) *
## {note that logicals vectorize, indices do *not* so easily}
if(any(a1 <- !norm)) { ## alpha == 1
bet <- beta[a1]; Thet <- Theta[a1] <- p2 + bet*Thet
Z[a1] <- (*tan(Thet) - bet*log((p2*W[a1]*cos(Thet))/
if(pm == 0)
## delta_1 := delta_0 - .. [Nolan, chapt.1, (1.7)],
## since above 1-parametr.
delta <- delta - gamma * {
if( {
d.of <- numeric(n)
d.of[norm] <-
d.of[a1 ] <- beta * log(gamma)/p2
else { ## alpha is scalar
if(norm) else beta * log(gamma)/p2
## Result: Location - Scale trafo -- only now using (gamma, delta):
Z * gamma + delta
##' Sample S ~ S(alpha, beta, gamma, delta; pm), see Diethelm Wuertz's code
##' in fBasics for the parameterization. For beta == 1 and pm == 1, the fast
##' C implementation is used.
##' @param n number of random variates to be generated
##' @param alpha, see code in fBasics
##' @param beta, see code in fBasics
##' @param gamma, see code in fBasics
##' @param delta, see code in fBasics
##' @param pm in {0,1} parameterization, see code in fBasics
##' @return vector of variates S
##' @author Martin Maechler
rstable1C <- function(n, alpha, beta, gamma = 1, delta = 0, pm = 1)
stopifnot((la <- length(alpha)) >= 1, (lb <- length(beta)) >= 1,
length(gamma) >= 1, length(delta) >= 1,
0 < alpha, alpha <= 2, abs(beta) <= 1, gamma >= 0,
length(pm) == 1, pm %in% 0:1)
if(beta == 1 && pm == 1)
.Call(rstable_c, n, alpha) * gamma + delta
else rstable1R(n, alpha=alpha, beta=beta,
gamma=gamma, delta=delta, pm=pm)
## Now works (but gains almost no speed !)
rstable1 <- rstable1C