Raw File
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Tests for UVFITS object.

import os

import pytest
import numpy as np
import astropy
from astropy.io import fits

from pyuvdata import UVData
import pyuvdata.utils as uvutils
import pyuvdata.tests as uvtest
from pyuvdata.data import DATA_PATH

casa_tutorial_uvfits = os.path.join(
    DATA_PATH, "day2_TDEM0003_10s_norx_1src_1spw.uvfits"

paper_uvfits = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "zen.2456865.60537.xy.uvcRREAAM.uvfits")

def uvfits_nospw_main():
    uv_in = UVData()
    # This file has a crazy epoch (2291.34057617) which breaks the uvw_antpos check
    # Since it's a PAPER file, I think this is a bug in the file, not in the check.
    uv_in.read(paper_uvfits, run_check_acceptability=False)

    return uv_in

def uvfits_nospw(uvfits_nospw_main):
    return uvfits_nospw_main.copy()

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_read_nrao(casa_uvfits):
    """Test reading in a CASA tutorial uvfits file."""
    uvobj = casa_uvfits
    expected_extra_keywords = ["OBSERVER", "SORTORD", "SPECSYS", "RESTFREQ", "ORIGIN"]
    assert expected_extra_keywords.sort() == list(uvobj.extra_keywords.keys()).sort()

    # test reading metadata only
    uvobj2 = UVData()
    uvobj2.read(casa_tutorial_uvfits, read_data=False)

    assert expected_extra_keywords.sort() == list(uvobj2.extra_keywords.keys()).sort()
    assert uvobj2.check()

    uvobj3 = uvobj.copy(metadata_only=True)
    assert uvobj2 == uvobj3

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_break_read_uvfits():
    """Test errors on reading in a uvfits file with subarrays and other problems."""
    uvobj = UVData()
    multi_subarray_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "multi_subarray.uvfits")
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="This file appears to have multiple subarray"):

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_source_group_params(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    # make a file with a single source to test that it works
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")
    write_file2 = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa2.uvfits")

    with fits.open(write_file, memmap=True) as hdu_list:
        hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(hdu_list)
        vis_hdu = hdu_list[0]
        vis_hdr = vis_hdu.header.copy()
        raw_data_array = vis_hdu.data.data

        par_names = vis_hdu.data.parnames
        group_parameter_list = []

        lst_ind = 0
        for index, name in enumerate(par_names):
            par_value = vis_hdu.data.par(name)
            # lst_array needs to be split in 2 parts to get high enough accuracy
            if name.lower() == "lst":
                if lst_ind == 0:
                    # first lst entry, par_value has full lst value
                    # (astropy adds the 2 values)
                    lst_array_1 = np.float32(par_value)
                    lst_array_2 = np.float32(par_value - np.float64(lst_array_1))
                    par_value = lst_array_1
                    lst_ind = 1
                    par_value = lst_array_2

            # need to account for PZERO values
            group_parameter_list.append(par_value - vis_hdr["PZERO" + str(index + 1)])

        source_array = np.ones_like(vis_hdu.data.par("BASELINE"))

        vis_hdu = fits.GroupData(
            raw_data_array, parnames=par_names, pardata=group_parameter_list, bitpix=-32
        vis_hdu = fits.GroupsHDU(vis_hdu)
        vis_hdu.header = vis_hdr
        ant_hdu = hdu_list[hdunames["AIPS AN"]]

        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus=[vis_hdu, ant_hdu])
        hdulist.writeto(write_file2, overwrite=True)

    uv_out = UVData()
    assert uv_in == uv_out

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_multisource_error(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    # make a file with multiple sources to test error condition
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")
    write_file2 = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa2.uvfits")

    with fits.open(write_file, memmap=True) as hdu_list:
        hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(hdu_list)
        vis_hdu = hdu_list[0]
        vis_hdr = vis_hdu.header.copy()
        raw_data_array = vis_hdu.data.data

        par_names = vis_hdu.data.parnames
        group_parameter_list = []

        lst_ind = 0
        for index, name in enumerate(par_names):
            par_value = vis_hdu.data.par(name)
            # lst_array needs to be split in 2 parts to get high enough accuracy
            if name.lower() == "lst":
                if lst_ind == 0:
                    # first lst entry, par_value has full lst value
                    # (astropy adds the 2 values)
                    lst_array_1 = np.float32(par_value)
                    lst_array_2 = np.float32(par_value - np.float64(lst_array_1))
                    par_value = lst_array_1
                    lst_ind = 1
                    par_value = lst_array_2

            # need to account for PZERO values
            group_parameter_list.append(par_value - vis_hdr["PZERO" + str(index + 1)])

        source_array = np.ones_like(vis_hdu.data.par("BASELINE"))
        mid_index = source_array.shape[0] // 2
        source_array[mid_index:] = source_array[mid_index:] * 2

        vis_hdu = fits.GroupData(
            raw_data_array, parnames=par_names, pardata=group_parameter_list, bitpix=-32
        vis_hdu = fits.GroupsHDU(vis_hdu)
        vis_hdu.header = vis_hdr
        ant_hdu = hdu_list[hdunames["AIPS AN"]]

        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus=[vis_hdu, ant_hdu])
        hdulist.writeto(write_file2, overwrite=True)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:
    assert str(cm.value).startswith("This file has multiple sources")

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_spwsupported():
    """Test reading in a uvfits file with multiple spws."""
    uvobj = UVData()
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "day2_TDEM0003_10s_norx_1scan.uvfits")

    # We know this file has two spws
    assert uvobj.Nspws == 2

    # Verify that the data array has the right shape
    assert np.size(uvobj.data_array, axis=1) == 1
    assert np.size(uvobj.data_array, axis=2) == uvobj.Nfreqs

    # Verify that the freq array has the right shape
    assert np.size(uvobj.freq_array, axis=0) == 1
    assert np.size(uvobj.freq_array, axis=1) == uvobj.Nfreqs

    # Verift thaat the spw_array is the right length
    assert len(uvobj.spw_array) == uvobj.Nspws

def test_casa_nonascii_bytes_antenna_names():
    """Test that nonascii bytes in antenna names are handled properly."""
    uv1 = UVData()
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "corrected2_zen.2458106.28114.ant012.HH.uvfits")
    # this file has issues with the telescope location so turn checking off
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
        UserWarning, "Telescope mock-HERA is not in known_telescopes."
        uv1.read(testfile, run_check=False)
    # fmt: off
    expected_ant_names = [
        'HH0', 'HH1', 'HH2', 'H2', 'H2', 'H2', 'H2', 'H2', 'H2', 'H2',
        'H2', 'HH11', 'HH12', 'HH13', 'HH14', 'H14', 'H14', 'H14', 'H14',
        'H14', 'H14', 'H14', 'H14', 'HH23', 'HH24', 'HH25', 'HH26', 'HH27',
        'H27', 'H27', 'H27', 'H27', 'H27', 'H27', 'H27', 'H27', 'HH36',
        'HH37', 'HH38', 'HH39', 'HH40', 'HH41', 'H41', 'H41', 'H41', 'H41',
        'H41', 'H41', 'H41', 'H41', 'HH50', 'HH51', 'HH52', 'HH53', 'HH54',
        'HH55', 'H55', 'H55', 'H55', 'H55', 'H55', 'H55', 'H55', 'H55',
        'H55', 'HH65', 'HH66', 'HH67', 'HH68', 'HH69', 'HH70', 'HH71',
        'H71', 'H71', 'H71', 'H71', 'H71', 'H71', 'H71', 'H71', 'H71',
        'H71', 'HH82', 'HH83', 'HH84', 'HH85', 'HH86', 'HH87', 'HH88',
        'H88', 'H88', 'H88', 'H88', 'H88', 'H88', 'H88', 'H88', 'H88',
        'HH98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98',
        'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98',
        'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'H98', 'HH120', 'HH121', 'HH122', 'HH123',
        'HH124', 'H124', 'H124', 'H124', 'H124', 'H124', 'H124', 'H124',
        'H124', 'H124', 'H124', 'H124', 'HH136', 'HH137', 'HH138', 'HH139',
        'HH140', 'HH141', 'HH142', 'HH143']
    # fmt: on
    assert uv1.antenna_names == expected_ant_names

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    CASA tutorial uvfits loopback test.

    Read in uvfits file, write out new uvfits file, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    assert uv_in == uv_out


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_no_lst(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    # test that it works with write_lst = False
    uv_in.write_uvfits(write_file, write_lst=False)
    assert uv_in == uv_out


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_x_orientation(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    # check that if x_orientation is set, it's read back out properly
    uv_in.x_orientation = "east"
    assert uv_in == uv_out


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_antenna_diameters(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    # check that if antenna_diameters is set, it's read back out properly
    uv_in.antenna_diameters = np.zeros((uv_in.Nants_telescope,), dtype=np.float) + 14.0
    assert uv_in == uv_out


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_large_antnums(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    # check that if antenna_numbers are > 256 everything works
    uv_in.antenna_numbers = uv_in.antenna_numbers + 256
    uv_in.ant_1_array = uv_in.ant_1_array + 256
    uv_in.ant_2_array = uv_in.ant_2_array + 256
    uv_in.baseline_array = uv_in.antnums_to_baseline(
        uv_in.ant_1_array, uv_in.ant_2_array
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the antenna "
            "antnums_to_baseline: found > 256 antennas, using 2048 baseline",
    assert uv_in == uv_out


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_missing_info(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")
    write_file2 = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa2.uvfits")

    # check missing telescope_name, timesys vs timsys spelling, xyz_telescope_frame=????
    with fits.open(write_file, memmap=True) as hdu_list:
        hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(hdu_list)
        vis_hdu = hdu_list[0]
        vis_hdr = vis_hdu.header.copy()


        vis_hdu.header = vis_hdr

        ant_hdu = hdu_list[hdunames["AIPS AN"]]
        ant_hdr = ant_hdu.header.copy()

        time_sys = ant_hdr.pop("TIMSYS")
        ant_hdr["TIMESYS"] = time_sys
        ant_hdr["FRAME"] = "????"

        ant_hdu.header = ant_hdr

        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus=[vis_hdu, ant_hdu])
        hdulist.writeto(write_file2, overwrite=True)

    assert uv_out.telescope_name == "EVLA"
    assert uv_out.timesys == time_sys


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_error_timesys(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    # check error if timesys is 'IAT'
    uv_in.timesys = "IAT"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:
    assert str(cm.value).startswith(
        "This file has a time system IAT. " 'Only "UTC" time system files are supported'


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_error_single_time(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")
    write_file2 = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa2.uvfits")

    # check error if one time & no inttime specified
    uv_singlet = uv_in.select(times=uv_in.time_array[0], inplace=False)

    with fits.open(write_file, memmap=True) as hdu_list:
        hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(hdu_list)
        vis_hdu = hdu_list[0]
        vis_hdr = vis_hdu.header.copy()
        raw_data_array = vis_hdu.data.data

        par_names = np.array(vis_hdu.data.parnames)
        pars_use = np.where(par_names != "INTTIM")[0]
        par_names = par_names[pars_use].tolist()

        group_parameter_list = [vis_hdu.data.par(name) for name in par_names]

        vis_hdu = fits.GroupData(
            raw_data_array, parnames=par_names, pardata=group_parameter_list, bitpix=-32
        vis_hdu = fits.GroupsHDU(vis_hdu)
        vis_hdu.header = vis_hdr

        ant_hdu = hdu_list[hdunames["AIPS AN"]]

        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus=[vis_hdu, ant_hdu])
        hdulist.writeto(write_file2, overwrite=True)

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:
        with uvtest.check_warnings(
                "Telescope EVLA is not",
                'ERFA function "utcut1" yielded 1 of "dubious year (Note 3)"',
                'ERFA function "utctai" yielded 1 of "dubious year (Note 3)"',
                "LST values stored in this file are not self-consistent",

    assert str(cm.value).startswith(
        "integration time not specified and only one time present"


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_readwriteread_unflagged_data_warnings(tmp_path, casa_uvfits):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    # check that unflagged data with nsample = 0 will cause warnings
    uv_in.nsample_array[list(range(11, 22))] = 0
    uv_in.flag_array[list(range(11, 22))] = False
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the antenna "
            "Some unflagged data has nsample = 0",


@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
            {"testkey": 23},
            "testdict in extra_keywords is a list, array or dict",
            "Extra keyword testdict is of <class 'dict'>",
            [12, 14, 90],
            "testlist in extra_keywords is a list, array or dict",
            "Extra keyword testlist is of <class 'list'>",
            np.array([12, 14, 90]),
            "testarr in extra_keywords is a list, array or dict",
            "Extra keyword testarr is of <class 'numpy.ndarray'>",
            "key test_long_key in extra_keywords is longer than 8 characters",
def test_extra_keywords_errors(
    casa_uvfits, tmp_path, kwd_name, kwd_value, warnstr, errstr
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    testfile = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    uvw_warn_str = "The uvw_array does not match the expected values"
    # check for warnings & errors with extra_keywords that are dicts, lists or arrays
    uv_in.extra_keywords[kwd_name] = kwd_value
    if warnstr is None:
        warnstr_list = [uvw_warn_str]
        warnstr_list = [warnstr, uvw_warn_str]

    with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, match=warnstr_list):

    if errstr is not None:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=errstr):
            uv_in.write_uvfits(testfile, run_check=False)
        with uvtest.check_warnings(UserWarning, match=warnstr):
            uv_in.write_uvfits(testfile, run_check=False)

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
        [["bool", "bool2"], [True, False]],
        [["int1", "int2"], [np.int(5), 7]],
        [["float1", "float2"], [np.int64(5.3), 6.9]],
        [["complex1", "complex2"], [np.complex64(5.3 + 1.2j), 6.9 + 4.6j]],
            ["str", "comment"],
                "this is a very long comment that will be broken into several "
                "lines\nif everything works properly.",
def test_extra_keywords(casa_uvfits, tmp_path, kwd_names, kwd_values):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    testfile = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")

    for name, value in zip(kwd_names, kwd_values):
        uv_in.extra_keywords[name] = value

    assert uv_in == uv_out

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_roundtrip_blt_order(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    uv_in = casa_uvfits
    uv_out = UVData()
    write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")


    assert uv_in == uv_out

    # test with bda as well (single entry in tuple)

    assert uv_in == uv_out

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
        {"antenna_nums": np.array([0, 19, 11, 24, 3, 23, 1, 20, 21])},
        {"freq_chans": np.arange(12, 22)},
        {"freq_chans": [0]},
        {"polarizations": [-1, -2]},
        {"time_inds": np.array([0, 1])},
            "antenna_nums": np.array([0, 19, 11, 24, 3, 23, 1, 20, 21]),
            "freq_chans": np.arange(12, 22),
            "polarizations": [-1, -2],
            "antenna_nums": np.array([0, 1]),
            "freq_chans": np.arange(12, 22),
            "polarizations": [-1, -2],
            "antenna_nums": np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]),
            "freq_chans": np.arange(12, 64),
            "polarizations": [-1, -2],
def test_select_read(casa_uvfits, tmp_path, select_kwargs):
    uvfits_uv = UVData()
    uvfits_uv2 = UVData()

    uvfits_uv2 = casa_uvfits
    if "time_inds" in select_kwargs.keys():
        time_inds = select_kwargs.pop("time_inds")
        unique_times = np.unique(uvfits_uv2.time_array)
        select_kwargs["time_range"] = unique_times[time_inds]

    uvfits_uv.read(casa_tutorial_uvfits, **select_kwargs)
    assert uvfits_uv == uvfits_uv2

    testfile = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")
    assert uvfits_uv == uvfits_uv2

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Required Antenna frame keyword")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:telescope_location is not set")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
    [{"antenna_nums": np.array([2, 4, 5])}, {"freq_chans": np.arange(4, 8)}],
def test_select_read_nospw(uvfits_nospw, tmp_path, select_kwargs):
    uvfits_uv2 = uvfits_nospw

    uvfits_uv = UVData()
    # This file has a crazy epoch (2291.34057617) which breaks the uvw_antpos check
    # Since it's a PAPER file, I think this is a bug in the file, not in the check.
    uvfits_uv.read(paper_uvfits, run_check_acceptability=False, **select_kwargs)

    uvfits_uv2.select(run_check_acceptability=False, **select_kwargs)
    assert uvfits_uv == uvfits_uv2

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
def test_select_read_nospw_pol(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    # this requires writing a new file because the no spw file we have has only 1 pol

    with fits.open(casa_tutorial_uvfits, memmap=True) as hdu_list:
        hdunames = uvutils._fits_indexhdus(hdu_list)
        vis_hdu = hdu_list[0]
        vis_hdr = vis_hdu.header.copy()
        raw_data_array = vis_hdu.data.data
        raw_data_array = raw_data_array[:, :, :, 0, :, :, :]

        vis_hdr["NAXIS"] = 6

        vis_hdr["NAXIS5"] = vis_hdr["NAXIS6"]
        vis_hdr["CTYPE5"] = vis_hdr["CTYPE6"]
        vis_hdr["CRVAL5"] = vis_hdr["CRVAL6"]
        vis_hdr["CDELT5"] = vis_hdr["CDELT6"]
        vis_hdr["CRPIX5"] = vis_hdr["CRPIX6"]
        vis_hdr["CROTA5"] = vis_hdr["CROTA6"]

        vis_hdr["NAXIS6"] = vis_hdr["NAXIS7"]
        vis_hdr["CTYPE6"] = vis_hdr["CTYPE7"]
        vis_hdr["CRVAL6"] = vis_hdr["CRVAL7"]
        vis_hdr["CDELT6"] = vis_hdr["CDELT7"]
        vis_hdr["CRPIX6"] = vis_hdr["CRPIX7"]
        vis_hdr["CROTA6"] = vis_hdr["CROTA7"]


        par_names = vis_hdu.data.parnames

        group_parameter_list = [vis_hdu.data.par(ind) for ind in range(len(par_names))]

        vis_hdu = fits.GroupData(
            raw_data_array, parnames=par_names, pardata=group_parameter_list, bitpix=-32
        vis_hdu = fits.GroupsHDU(vis_hdu)
        vis_hdu.header = vis_hdr

        ant_hdu = hdu_list[hdunames["AIPS AN"]]

        write_file = str(tmp_path / "outtest_casa.uvfits")
        hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdus=[vis_hdu, ant_hdu])
        hdulist.writeto(write_file, overwrite=True)

    pols_to_keep = [-1, -2]
    uvfits_uv = UVData()
    uvfits_uv.read(write_file, polarizations=pols_to_keep)
    uvfits_uv2 = casa_uvfits
    assert uvfits_uv == uvfits_uv2

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_read_uvfits_write_miriad(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    read uvfits, write miriad test.
    Read in uvfits file, write out as miriad, read back in and check for
    object equality.
    uvfits_uv = casa_uvfits
    miriad_uv = UVData()
    testfile = str(tmp_path / "outtest_miriad")
    uvfits_uv.write_miriad(testfile, clobber=True)

    assert miriad_uv == uvfits_uv

    # check that setting the phase_type keyword also works
    miriad_uv.read_miriad(testfile, phase_type="phased")

    # check that setting the phase_type to drift raises an error
    with pytest.raises(
        ValueError, match='phase_type is "drift" but the RA values are constant.'
        miriad_uv.read_miriad(testfile, phase_type="drift")

    # check that setting it works after selecting a single time
    uvfits_uv.write_miriad(testfile, clobber=True)

    assert miriad_uv == uvfits_uv

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
def test_multi_files(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    Reading multiple files at once.
    uv_full = casa_uvfits
    testfile1 = str(tmp_path / "uv1.uvfits")
    testfile2 = str(tmp_path / "uv2.uvfits")
    uv1 = uv_full.copy()
    uv2 = uv_full.copy()
    uv1.select(freq_chans=np.arange(0, 32))
    uv2.select(freq_chans=np.arange(32, 64))
    uv1.read(np.array([testfile1, testfile2]), file_type="uvfits")

    # Check history is correct, before replacing and doing a full object check
    assert uvutils._check_histories(
        uv_full.history + "  Downselected to "
        "specific frequencies using pyuvdata. "
        "Combined data along frequency axis "
        "using pyuvdata.",

    uv1.history = uv_full.history
    assert uv1 == uv_full

    # again, setting axis
    uv1.read([testfile1, testfile2], axis="freq")
    # Check history is correct, before replacing and doing a full object check
    assert uvutils._check_histories(
        uv_full.history + "  Downselected to "
        "specific frequencies using pyuvdata. "
        "Combined data along frequency axis "
        "using pyuvdata.",

    uv1.history = uv_full.history
    assert uv1 == uv_full

    # check with metadata_only
    uv_full = uv_full.copy(metadata_only=True)
    uv1 = UVData()
    uv1.read([testfile1, testfile2], read_data=False)

    # Check history is correct, before replacing and doing a full object check
    assert uvutils._check_histories(
        uv_full.history + "  Downselected to "
        "specific frequencies using pyuvdata. "
        "Combined data along frequency axis "
        "using pyuvdata.",

    uv1.history = uv_full.history
    assert uv1 == uv_full

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The xyz array in ENU_from_ECEF")
def test_multi_unphase_on_read(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    uv_full = casa_uvfits
    uv_full2 = UVData()
    testfile1 = str(tmp_path / "uv1.uvfits")
    testfile2 = str(tmp_path / "uv2.uvfits")
    uv1 = uv_full.copy()
    uv2 = uv_full.copy()
    uv1.select(freq_chans=np.arange(0, 32))
    uv2.select(freq_chans=np.arange(32, 64))
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "Telescope EVLA is not",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "Telescope EVLA is not",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "Unphasing this UVData object to drift",
            "Unphasing other UVData object to drift",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
        uv1.read(np.array([testfile1, testfile2]), unphase_to_drift=True)

    # Check history is correct, before replacing and doing a full object check
    assert uvutils._check_histories(
        uv_full.history + "  Downselected to "
        "specific frequencies using pyuvdata. "
        "Combined data along frequency axis "
        "using pyuvdata.",


    uv1.history = uv_full.history
    assert uv1 == uv_full

    # check unphasing when reading only one file
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "Telescope EVLA is not",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "Unphasing this UVData object to drift",
        uv_full2.read(casa_tutorial_uvfits, unphase_to_drift=True)
    assert uv_full2 == uv_full

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The xyz array in ENU_from_ECEF")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The enu array in ECEF_from_ENU")
def test_multi_phase_on_read(casa_uvfits, tmp_path):
    uv_full = casa_uvfits
    uv_full2 = UVData()
    testfile1 = str(tmp_path / "uv1.uvfits")
    testfile2 = str(tmp_path / "uv2.uvfits")
    phase_center_radec = [
        uv_full.phase_center_ra + 0.01,
        uv_full.phase_center_dec + 0.01,
    uv1 = uv_full.copy()
    uv2 = uv_full.copy()
    uv1.select(freq_chans=np.arange(0, 32))
    uv2.select(freq_chans=np.arange(32, 64))
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "Telescope EVLA is not",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "Telescope EVLA is not",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "Phasing this UVData object to phase_center_radec",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            "Phasing this UVData object to phase_center_radec",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the "
            "antenna positions.",
            np.array([testfile1, testfile2]), phase_center_radec=phase_center_radec

    # Check history is correct, before replacing and doing a full object check
    assert uvutils._check_histories(
        uv_full.history + "  Downselected to "
        "specific frequencies using pyuvdata. "
        "Combined data along frequency axis "
        "using pyuvdata.",

    uv1.history = uv_full.history
    assert uv1 == uv_full

    # check phasing when reading only one file
    with uvtest.check_warnings(
            "Telescope EVLA is not",
            "The uvw_array does not match the expected values given the antenna "
            "Phasing this UVData object to phase_center_radec",
        uv_full2.read(casa_tutorial_uvfits, phase_center_radec=phase_center_radec)
    assert uv_full2 == uv_full

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as cm:
        uv_full2.read(casa_tutorial_uvfits, phase_center_radec=phase_center_radec[0])
    assert str(cm.value).startswith("phase_center_radec should have length 2.")

@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:The uvw_array does not match the expected values")
@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:Telescope EVLA is not")
def test_read_ms_write_uvfits_casa_history(tmp_path):
    read in .ms file.
    Write to a uvfits file, read back in and check for casa_history parameter
    ms_uv = UVData()
    uvfits_uv = UVData()
    ms_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "day2_TDEM0003_10s_norx_1src_1spw.ms")
    testfile = str(tmp_path / "outtest.uvfits")
    ms_uv.write_uvfits(testfile, spoof_nonessential=True)
    assert ms_uv == uvfits_uv
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