Raw File
\title{Plot Two Time Series}
seqplot.ts (x, y, colx = "black", coly = "red", typex = "l",
            typey = "l", pchx = 1, pchy = 1, ltyx = "solid",
            ltyy = "solid", oma = c(6, 0, 5, 0), ann = par("ann"),
            xlab = "Time", ylab = deparse(substitute(x)), main = NULL)
  \item{x, y}{the time series}
  \item{colx, coly}{color code or name for the \code{x} and \code{y}
    series, see \code{\link{colors}}, \code{\link{palette}}.}
  \item{typex, typey}{what type of plot should be drawn for the \code{x}
    and \code{y} series, see \code{\link{plot}}.}
  \item{pchx, pchy}{character or integer code for kind of points/lines
    for the \code{x} and \code{y} series.}
  \item{ltyx, ltyy}{line type code for the \code{x} and \code{y} series,
    see \code{\link{lines}}.}
  \item{oma}{a vector giving the size of the outer margins in lines of
    text, see \code{\link{par}}.}
  \item{ann}{annotate the plots? See \code{\link{par}}.}
  \item{xlab, ylab}{titles for the x and y axis.}
  \item{main}{an overall title for the plot.}
  Plot two time series on the same plot frame. Unlike
  \code{\link{plot.ts}} the series can have different time bases,
  but they should have the same frequency. Unlike \code{\link{ts.plot}}
  the series can be plotted in different styles and for multivariate
  \code{x} and \code{y} the common variables are plotted together in a
  separate array element.
\author{A. Trapletti}
  \code{\link{ts}}, \code{\link{plot.ts}}
data (USeconomic)
x <- ts.union(log(M1), log(GNP), rs, rl)
m.ar <- ar (x, method = "ols", order.max = 5)
y <- predict (m.ar, x, n.ahead = 200, se.fit = F)
seqplot.ts (x, y)
\keyword{ts, hplot}
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