#ifndef _cameraspecific_gui_h_ #define _cameraspecific_gui_h_ // BGMT Button codes as received by gui_main_task #define BGMT_WHEEL_UP 0 #define BGMT_WHEEL_DOWN 1 #define BGMT_WHEEL_LEFT 2 #define BGMT_WHEEL_RIGHT 3 #define BGMT_PRESS_SET 4 // same #define BGMT_UNPRESS_SET 5 // new, only in menu mode #define BGMT_MENU 6 // same #define BGMT_INFO 7 // new, old value for BGMT_DISP #define BGMT_PRESS_DISP 8 // new, old value for BGMT_Q #define BGMT_UNPRESS_DISP 9 // new, old value for BGMT_PLAY #define BGMT_PLAY 0xB // was 9 #define BGMT_TRASH 0xD // old value for BGMT_PRESS_ZOOM_OUT, was 0xA #define BGMT_Q_ALT 0x13 #define BGMT_Q 0x1C // was 8 #define BGMT_LV 0x1D // new #define BGMT_PRESS_RIGHT 0x23 // was 0x1a #define BGMT_UNPRESS_RIGHT 0x24 // was 0x1b #define BGMT_PRESS_LEFT 0x25 // was 0x1c #define BGMT_UNPRESS_LEFT 0x26 // was 0x1d #define BGMT_PRESS_UP 0x27 // was 0x1e #define BGMT_UNPRESS_UP 0x28 // was 0x1f #define BGMT_PRESS_DOWN 0x29 // was 0x20 #define BGMT_UNPRESS_DOWN 0x2A // was 0x21 #define BGMT_ISO 0x33 // new #define BGMT_PRESS_HALFSHUTTER 0x48 // was 0x3F, shared with magnify/zoom out #define GMT_OLC_INFO_CHANGED 0x61 // backtrace copyOlcDataToStorage call in gui_massive_event_loop #define GMT_LOCAL_DIALOG_REFRESH_LV 0x34 // event type = 2, gui code = 0x100000a1 in 600d #define GMT_LOCAL_UNAVI_FEED_BACK 0x36 // event type = 2, sent when Q menu disappears; look for StartUnaviFeedBackTimer // needed for correct shutdown from powersave modes #define GMT_GUICMD_START_AS_CHECK 89 #define GMT_GUICMD_OPEN_SLOT_COVER 85 #define GMT_GUICMD_LOCK_OFF 83 #define BGMT_FLASH_MOVIE (event->type == 0 && event->param == 0x61 && is_movie_mode() && event->arg == 9) #define BGMT_PRESS_FLASH_MOVIE (BGMT_FLASH_MOVIE && (*(int*)(event->obj) & 0x4000000)) #define BGMT_UNPRESS_FLASH_MOVIE (BGMT_FLASH_MOVIE && (*(int*)(event->obj) & 0x4000000) == 0) #define BGMT_PRESS_ZOOM_OUT 0x10 #define BGMT_UNPRESS_ZOOM_OUT 0x11 #define BGMT_PRESS_ZOOM_IN 0xe #define BGMT_UNPRESS_ZOOM_IN 0xf #define BTN_ZEBRAS_FOR_PLAYBACK BGMT_PRESS_DISP // what button to use for zebras in Play mode #define BTN_ZEBRAS_FOR_PLAYBACK_NAME "DISP" #endif