\name{orthbasis} \alias{orthbasis} \title{ Orthonormal basis } \description{ Orthonormal basis from cenLR transformed data to isomLR transformated data. } \usage{ orthbasis(D) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{D}{ number of parts (variables) } } \details{ For the chosen balances for \dQuote{isomLR}, this is the orthonormal basis that transfers the data from centered logratio to isometric logratio. } \value{ the orthonormal basis. } \author{ Karel Hron, Matthias Templ } \seealso{ \code{\link{isomLR}}, \code{\link{cenLR}} } \examples{ data(expenditures) V <- orthbasis(ncol(expenditures)) xcen <- cenLR(expenditures)$x.clr xi <- as.matrix(xcen) %*% V xi2 <- isomLR(expenditures) all.equal(xi, xi2) } \keyword{ manip }