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Tip revision: 13e45eaa4f4a7f231224f1b8ca4dff03903d250b authored by Mark Clements on 31 August 2017, 20:37:09 UTC
version 1.4.0
Tip revision: 13e45ea
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction to the rstpm2 Package}
%\VignetteKeyword{survival, spline}



\title{Introduction to the \pkg{rstpm2} package}

\author{Mark~Clements\\Karolinska Institutet}


\Plaintitle{Introduction to the rstpm2 package}

  This vignette outlines the methods and provides some examples for
  link-based survival models as implemented in the \proglang{R}
  \pkg{rstpm2} package.


\Keywords{survival, splines}

\Plainkeywords{survival, splines}

  Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics\\
  Karolinska Institutet\\
  Email: \email{}


\section{Background and theory}

\emph{Link-based survival models} provide a flexible and general approach to modelling survival or time-to-event data. The survival function $S(t|x)$ to time $t$ for covariates $x$ is defined in terms of a link function $G$ and a linear prediction $\eta(t,x)$, such that

  S(t|x) &= G(\eta(t,x))

\noindent where $\eta$ is a function of both time $t$ and covariates $x$. The linear predictor can be constructed in a flexible manner. Royston and Parmar (2003) focused on time being modelled using natural splines for log-time, including left truncation and relative survival. We have implemented the Royston-Parmar model class and extended it in several ways, allowing for: (i) general parametric models for $\eta(t,x)$, including B-splines and natural splines for different transformations of time; (ii) general semi-parametric models for $\eta(t,x)$ including penalised smoothers together with unpenalised parametric functions; (iii) interval censoring; and (iv) frailties using Gamma and log-Normal distributions. Fully parametric models are estimated using maximum likelihood, while the semi-parametric models are estimated using maximum penalised likelihood with smoothing parameters selected using 
A more detailed theoretical development is available from the paper by Liu, Pawitan and Clements (available on request). 

Why would you want to use these models? 

\section{Mean survival}

This has a useful interpretation for causal inference.


fit <- stpm2(...)

\section{Cure models}

For cure, we use the melanoma dataset used by Andersson and colleagues
for cure models with Stata's stpm2 (see

Initially, we merge the patient data with the all cause mortality rates.

popmort2 <- transform(rstpm2::popmort,exitage=age,exityear=year,age=NULL,year=NULL)
colon2 <- within(rstpm2::colon, {
  status <- ifelse(surv_mm>120.5,1,status)
  tm <- pmin(surv_mm,120.5)/12
  exit <- dx+tm*365.25
  sex <- as.numeric(sex)
  exitage <- pmin(floor(age+tm),99)
  exityear <- floor(yydx+tm)
  ##year8594 <- (year8594=="Diagnosed 85-94")
colon2 <- merge(colon2,popmort2)
For comparisons, we fit the relative survival model without and with cure. 
%% <<results=hide>>=
fit0 <- stpm2(Surv(tm,status %in% 2:3)~I(year8594=="Diagnosed 85-94"),
              bhazard=colon2$rate, df=5)
summary(fit <- stpm2(Surv(tm,status %in% 2:3)~I(year8594=="Diagnosed 85-94"),
The estimate for the year parameter from the model without cure is within three significant
figures with that in Stata. For the predictions, the Stata model gives:
     |      surv   surv_lci   surv_uci |
  1. | .86108264   .8542898   .8675839 |
  2. | .79346526   .7850106   .8016309 |
  3. | .69674037   .6863196   .7068927 |
  4. | .86108264   .8542898   .8675839 |
  5. | .82212425   .8143227   .8296332 |
  6. | .86108264   .8542898   .8675839 |
We can estimate the proportion of failures prior to the last event time:
newdata.eof <- data.frame(year8594 = unique(colon2$year8594),
1-predict(fit0, newdata.eof, type="surv",
1-predict(fit, newdata.eof, type="surv",
predict(fit, newdata.eof, type="haz",
We can plot the predicted survival estimates:
plot(fit0,newdata=data.frame(year8594 = "Diagnosed 85-94", tm=tms), ylim=0:1,
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)", ylab="Relative survival")
plot(fit0,newdata=data.frame(year8594 = "Diagnosed 75-84",tm=tms),
## warnings: Predicted hazards less than zero for cure
plot(fit,newdata=data.frame(year8594 = "Diagnosed 85-94",tm=tms),
plot(fit,newdata=data.frame(year8594="Diagnosed 75-84",tm=tms),
legend("topright",c("85-94 without cure","75-84 without cure",
                    "85-94 with cure","75-84 with cure"),
       col=c(1,2,1,2), lty=c(1,1,2,2), bty="n")

And the hazard curves:

plot(fit0,newdata=data.frame(year8594 = "Diagnosed 85-94", tm=tms), 
     ylim=c(0,0.5), type="hazard",
     xlab="Time since diagnosis (years)",ylab="Excess hazard")
plot(fit0,newdata=data.frame(year8594 = "Diagnosed 75-84", tm=tms),
plot(fit,newdata=data.frame(year8594 = "Diagnosed 85-94", tm=tms),
plot(fit,newdata=data.frame(year8594="Diagnosed 75-84", tm=tms),
legend("topright",c("85-94 without cure","75-84 without cure",
                    "85-94 with cure","75-84 with cure"),
       col=c(1,2,1,2), lty=c(1,1,2,2), bty="n")


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