#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# Copyright 2018 Stéphane Caron
"""Polytope projection functions."""
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple
import cdd
import cvxopt
import numpy as np
from .bretl import compute_polygon as bretl_compute_polygon
def project_polyhedron(
proj: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
ineq: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
eq: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None,
canonicalize: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[List[np.ndarray], List[np.ndarray]]:
r"""Apply the affine projection :math:`y = E x + f` to a polyhedron.
The polyhedron is defined by:
.. math::
A x & \leq b \\
C x & = d
proj :
Pair (`E`, `f`) describing the affine projection.
ineq : pair of arrays
Pair (`A`, `b`) describing the inequality constraint.
eq : pair of arrays, optional
Pair (`C`, `d`) describing the equality constraint.
canonicalize : bool, optional
Apply equality constraints from `eq` to reduce the dimension of the
input polyhedron. May be a blessing or a curse, see notes below.
vertices : list of arrays
List of vertices of the projection.
rays : list of arrays
List of rays of the projection.
When the equality set `eq` of the input polytope is not empty, it is
usually faster to use these equality constraints to reduce the dimension of
the input polytope (cdd function: `canonicalize()`) before enumerating
vertices (cdd function: `get_generators()`). Yet, on some descriptions this
operation may be problematic: if it fails, or if you get empty outputs when
the output is supposed to be non-empty, you can try setting
See also
This webpage:
# the input [b, -A] to cdd.Matrix represents (b - A * x >= 0)
# see
(A, b) = ineq
b = b.reshape((b.shape[0], 1))
linsys = cdd.Matrix(np.hstack([b, -A]), number_type="float")
linsys.rep_type = cdd.RepType.INEQUALITY
# the input [d, -C] to cdd.Matrix.extend represents (d - C * x == 0)
# see
if eq is not None:
(C, d) = eq
d = d.reshape((d.shape[0], 1))
linsys.extend(np.hstack([d, -C]), linear=True)
if canonicalize:
# Convert from H- to V-representation
P = cdd.Polyhedron(linsys)
generators = P.get_generators()
if generators.lin_set:
print("Generators have linear set: {}".format(generators.lin_set))
V = np.array(generators)
# Project output wrenches to 2D set
(E, f) = proj
vertices, rays = [], []
free_coordinates = []
for i in range(V.shape[0]):
if generators.lin_set and i in generators.lin_set:
free_coordinates.append(list(V[i, 1:]).index(1.0))
elif V[i, 0] == 1: # vertex
vertices.append(, V[i, 1:]) + f)
else: # ray
rays.append(, V[i, 1:]))
return vertices, rays
def project_polytope(proj, ineq, eq=None, method="cdd", **kwargs):
r"""Apply the affine projection :math:`y = E x + f` to a polytope.
The polytope is defined by:
.. math::
A x & \leq b \\
C x & = d
proj : pair of arrays
Pair (`E`, `f`) describing the affine projection.
ineq : pair of arrays
Pair (`A`, `b`) describing the inequality constraint.
eq : pair of arrays, optional
Pair (`C`, `d`) describing the equality constraint.
method : string, optional
Choice between 'bretl' and 'cdd'.
vertices : list of arrays
List of vertices of the projection.
Additional keyword arguments can be provided when the method is 'bretl'.
They are passed directly to the corresponding function
The number of columns of all matrices `A`, `C` and `E` corresponds to the
dimension of the input space, while the number of lines of `E` corresponds
to the dimension of the output space.
if method == "bretl":
assert eq is not None, "Bretl method requires = constraints for now"
return project_polytope_bretl(proj, ineq, eq, **kwargs)
vertices, rays = project_polyhedron(proj, ineq, eq)
assert not rays, "Projection is not a polytope"
return vertices
def project_polytope_bretl(
proj: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
ineq: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
eq: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
max_radius: float = 1e5,
max_iter: int = 1000,
init_angle: Optional[float] = None,
) -> List[np.ndarray]:
r"""Project a polytope into a 2D polygon using the IP algorithm.
The incremental projection algorithm is detailed in [Bretl08]_. The 2D
affine projection :math:`y = E x + f` is applied to the polyhedron defined
.. math::
A x & \leq b \\
C x & = d
proj :
Pair (`E`, `f`) describing the affine projection.
ineq :
Pair (`A`, `b`) describing the inequality constraint.
eq :
Pair (`C`, `d`) describing the equality constraint.
max_radius :
Maximum distance from origin (in [m]) used to make sure the output
is bounded.
max_iter :
Maximum number of calls to the LP solver.
init_angle :
Angle in [rad] giving the direction of the initial ray cast.
List of vertices of the projected polygon.
(E, f), (A, b), (C, d) = proj, ineq, eq
assert E.shape[0] == f.shape[0] == 2
# Inequality constraints: A_ext * [ x u v ] <= b_ext iff
# (1) A * x <= b and (2) |u|, |v| <= max_radius
A_ext = np.zeros((A.shape[0] + 4, A.shape[1] + 2))
A_ext[:-4, :-2] = A
A_ext[-4, -2] = 1
A_ext[-3, -2] = -1
A_ext[-2, -1] = 1
A_ext[-1, -1] = -1
A_ext = cvxopt.matrix(A_ext)
b_ext = np.zeros(b.shape[0] + 4)
b_ext[:-4] = b
b_ext[-4:] = np.array([max_radius] * 4)
b_ext = cvxopt.matrix(b_ext)
# Equality constraints: C_ext * [ x u v ] == d_ext iff
# (1) C * x == d and (2) [ u v ] == E * x + f
C_ext = np.zeros((C.shape[0] + 2, C.shape[1] + 2))
C_ext[:-2, :-2] = C
C_ext[-2:, :-2] = E[:2]
C_ext[-2:, -2:] = np.array([[-1, 0], [0, -1]])
C_ext = cvxopt.matrix(C_ext)
d_ext = np.zeros(d.shape[0] + 2)
d_ext[:-2] = d
d_ext[-2:] = -f[:2]
d_ext = cvxopt.matrix(d_ext)
lp_obj = cvxopt.matrix(np.zeros(A.shape[1] + 2))
lp = lp_obj, A_ext, b_ext, C_ext, d_ext
polygon = bretl_compute_polygon(
lp, max_iter=max_iter, init_angle=init_angle
vertices_list = polygon.export_vertices()
vertices = [np.array([v.x, v.y]) for v in vertices_list]
return vertices
def project_point_to_polytope(
point: np.ndarray,
ineq: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
qpsolver: str,
) -> np.ndarray:
Projet a point onto a polytope in H-representation.
point :
Point to project.
ineq :
Pair (`A`, `b`) describing the inequality constraint.
qpsolver :
Name of the backend quadratic programming solver to use, to be picked
in ``qpsolvers.available_solvers``.
Projected point.
This function requires `qpsolvers <>`_.
from qpsolvers import solve_ls
except ImportError as e:
raise ImportError(
"This function requires qpsolvers: pip install qpsolvers"
) from e
P = np.eye(len(point))
return solve_ls(P, point, G=ineq[0], h=ineq[1], solver=qpsolver, **kwargs)