function curios(sys,task,method,options) %%% summary: curios - Clearing Up Reducibility of Input-Output Systems %%% project: emgr - EMpirical GRamian Framework ( ) %%% authors: Christian Himpe ( 0000-0003-2194-6754 ) %%% license: BSD-2-Clause (2019) global ODE; global STAGES; persistent EV; persistent ev; persistent SV; %% State-Space Structure if(isobject(sys)) sys = struct(sys); if(isfield(sys,'A')), [sys.a] = sys.A; end; if(isfield(sys,'B')), [sys.b] = sys.B; end; if(isfield(sys,'C')), [sys.c] = sys.C; end; if(isfield(sys,'D')), [sys.d] = sys.D; end; if(isfield(sys,'E')), [sys.e] = sys.E; end; sys.M = size(sys.b,2); sys.N = size(sys.a,2); sys.Q = size(sys.c,1); sys.dt = 1.0/sys.N; sys.Tf = 1.0; if(isfield(sys,'e') && not(isempty(sys.e))) [L,U,P] = lu(sys.e); sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) L\(U\(P*(sys.a*x + sys.b*u))); sys.F = @(x,u,p,t) L\(U\(P*(sys.a*x))) + sys.c'*u; else sys.f = @(x,u,p,t) sys.a*x + sys.b*u; sys.F = @(x,u,p,t) sys.a'*x + sys.c'*u; end if(not(isfield(sys,'d')) || isempty(sys.d) || sys.d==0) sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) sys.c*x; else sys.g = @(x,u,p,t) sys.c*x + sys.d*u; end end %% Default Arguments in = ones(sys.M,1); if(not(isfield(sys,'g'))), sys.g = 1; end if(not(isfield(sys,'p'))), sys.p = 0; end if(not(isfield(sys,'q'))), sys.q = 0; end if(not(isfield(sys,'ut'))), sys.ut = 'i'; end if(not(isfield(sys,'vt'))), sys.vt = @(t) in*((t<=sys.dt)./sys.dt); end if(not(isfield(sys,'us'))), = 0; end if(not(isfield(sys,'xs'))), sys.xs = zeros(sys.N,1); end if(not(isfield(sys,'um'))), = 1; end if(not(isfield(sys,'xm'))), sys.xm = 1; end %% Argument Check task = lower(task); method = lower(method); if(nargin<4 || isempty(options)), options = {'none'}; end %% Internal Argument setup sysdim = [sys.M,sys.N,sys.Q]; tdisc = [sys.dt,sys.Tf]; config = zeros(1,12); proj = ''; dp = @mtimes; %% Utility Library picked = @(name) any(strcmp(options,name)); gtimes = @(m) m*m'; rcumsum = @(v) flipud(cumsum(flipud(v(:)))); %% Input Library: if(picked('step')), sys.ut = 's'; end if(picked('chirp')), sys.ut = 'c'; end if(picked('random')), sys.ut = 'r'; end %% Kernel Library: DEG = 2; % Diagonal-ony Pseudo-kernel o_diag = @(x,y) sum(x.*y',2); % Trace-only pseudo kernel o_trac = @(x,y) sum(sum(x.*y')); % Time-weighted kernel if(picked('tweighted')), dp = @(x,y) bsxfun(@times,x,(sys.dt * [1:1:size(x,2)]).^DEG) * y; end % Polynomial kernel if(picked('polynomial')), dp = @(x,y) (x*y).^DEG + 1.0; end % Sigmoid kernel if(picked('sigmoid')), dp = @(x,y) tanh(x*y) + 1.0; end % Gaussian kernel if(picked('gauss')), dp = @(x,y) exp(-gtimes(x - y')); end % Second-order position kernel if(picked('position')), dp = @(x,y) x(1:sys.N/2,:)*y(:,1:sys.N/2); proj = 'secondo'; end % Second-order velocity kernel if(picked('velocity')), dp = @(x,y) x(sys.N/2+1:end,:)*y(:,sys.N/2+1:end); proj = 'secondo'; end %% Solver Library if(picked('rk1e')), STAGES = 1; end if(picked('rk45')), ODE = @rk45e; end %% Configuration Library if(picked('jacobi')), config(6) = 1; end if(picked('scaled')), config(6) = 2; end if(picked('nonsym')), config(7) = 1; end if(picked('active')), config(8) = 1; end if(picked('linpar')), config(9) = 1; end if(picked('logpar')), config(9) = 2; end if(picked('coarse')), config(10) = 1; end if(picked('steady')), config(1) = 1; end if(picked('final')), config(1) = 2; end if(picked('mean')), config(1) = 3; end if(picked('rms')), config(1) = 4; end if(picked('midr')), config(1) = 5; end if(picked('gmean')), config(1) = 6; end if(picked('linear')), config(2:3) = 1; end if(picked('log')), config(2:3) = 2; end if(picked('geom')), config(2:3) = 3; end if(picked('sparse')), config(2:3) = 4; end % Check for subplot configuration sc = cellfun(@(c) isnumeric(c) && numel(c)==3,options); if(any(sc)) subpl = options{sc}; options(sc) = []; if(isempty(options)), options = {'none'}; end else subpl = []; end if(picked('hold')), holding = 1; else, holding = 0; end %% Backend Setup [EMGR,mdf] = sel(); %% Print Welcome fprintf('\n'); disp('======== curios - Clearing Up Reducibility of Input-Output Systems ========'); fprintf(' backend: emgr %.1f%s\n',EMGR('version'),mdf) fprintf(' %s: %s \n',task,method); fprintf(' options: '); for k=1:numel(options)-1, fprintf([options{k},', ']); end fprintf([options{end},'\n']); fprintf(' system dims: %d input(s), %d states, %d output(s) \n',sys.M,sys.N,sys.Q); %% Main body tic; switch(task) %% State Reduction case 'state-reduction' switch(method) case 'controllability-truncation' WC = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = svd(WC); case 'observability-truncation' WO = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'o',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = svd(WO); case 'linear-direct-truncation' WX = EMGR(sys.f,sys.F,sysdim,tdisc,'y',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WX); case 'nonlinear-direct-truncation' if(picked('partitioned')) config(11) = ceil(sys.N/8); K = ceil(sys.N/config(11)); for k=1:K config(12) = k; wx{k} = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); end WX = cell2mat(wx); else WX = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); end [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WX); case 'linear-balanced-truncation' WC = EMGR(sys.f,1,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); WO = EMGR(sys.F,1,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WC,WO); case 'nonlinear-balanced-truncation' WC = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); WO = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'o',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WC,WO); case 'linear-dominant-subspaces' WX = EMGR(sys.f,sys.F,sysdim,tdisc,'y',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = svd(WX); UX = UX*DX; VX = VX*DX; proj = 'dominant'; case 'nonlinear-dominant-subspaces' WX = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = svd(WX); UX = UX*DX; VX = VX*DX; proj = 'dominant'; otherwise error('curios: unknown state-reduction method.'); end if(picked('gains')), [UX,DX,VX] = gains(sys,UX,DX,VX); end fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); [ord,err,nam] = assess(sys,UX,VX,[],[],proj); plot_error_1d(ord,err,nam,method,subpl); if(not(picked('noscore'))), morscore(ord{1},err{3},sys.N); end; %% Parameter Reduction case 'parameter-reduction' switch(method) case 'controllability-based' WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'s',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); case 'observability-based' WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'i',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); case 'minimality-based' if(picked('partitioned')) config(11) = ceil((sys.N+size(sys.p,1))/8); K = ceil((sys.N+size(sys.p,1))/config(11)); for k=1:K config(12) = k; wi{1,k} = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'j',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); end WI{1} = cell2mat(wi(1:ceil(sys.N/config(11)))); WI{2} = cell2mat(wi(ceil(sys.N/config(11))+1:end)); if(config(10)) WI{2} = -0.5*WI{2}'*WI{2}; else WI{2} = -0.5*WI{2}'*ainv(WI{1}+WI{1}')*WI{2}; end else WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'j',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); end otherwise error('curios: unknown parameter-reduction method.'); end [UP,DP,VP] = svd(WI{2}); fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); [ord,err,nam] = assess(sys,[],[],UP,UP,proj); plot_error_1d(ord,err,nam,method,subpl); if(not(picked('noscore'))), morscore(ord{2},err{3},size(sys.p,1)); end; %% Combined State and Parameter Reduction case 'combined-reduction' switch(method) case 'controllability-based' WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'s',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); WO = EMGR(sys.F,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WI{1},WO); case 'observability-based' WC = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'i',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WC,WI{1}); case 'minimality-based' if(picked('partitioned')) config(11) = ceil((sys.N+size(sys.p,1))/8); K = ceil((sys.N+size(sys.p,1))/config(11)); for k=1:K config(12) = k; wi{1,k} = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'j',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); end WI{1} = cell2mat(wi(1:ceil(sys.N/config(11)))); WI{2} = cell2mat(wi(ceil(sys.N/config(11))+1:end)); if(config(10)) WI{2} = -0.5*WI{2}'*WI{2}; else WI{2} = -0.5*WI{2}'*ainv(WI{1}+WI{1}')*WI{2}; end else WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'j',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); end if(picked('dominant')) [UX,DX,VX] = svd(WI{1}); UX = UX*DX; VX = VX*DX; proj = 'dominant'; else [UX,DX,VX] = balco(WI{1}); end otherwise error('curios: unknown combined-reduction method.'); end [UP,DP,VP] = svd(WI{2}); fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); [ord,err,nam] = assess(sys,UX,VX,UP,UP,proj); plot_error_2d(ord,err,nam,method,subpl); %% Sensitivity Analysis case 'sensitivity-analysis' switch(method) case 'input-state-based' WS = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'s',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm); case 'input-output-based' config(10) = 1; WS = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'s',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm); otherwise error('curios: unknown sensitivity-analysis method.'); end fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); plot_mag_1d(WS{2}./max(WS{2}),method,'sensitivity',holding,subpl); %% Parameter Identification case 'parameter-identification' switch(method) case 'state-output-based' WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'i',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); case 'input-output-based' WI = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'j',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); otherwise error('curios: unknown parameter-identification method.'); end EO = sort(abs(eig(WI{2})),'descend'); fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); plot_mag_1d(abs(EO)./max(EO),method,'identifiability',holding,subpl); %% Decentralized Control case 'decentralized-control' PM = zeros(sys.M,sys.Q); for m = 1:sys.M u0 = sparse(m,1,1,sys.M,1); f = @(x,u,p,t) sys.f(x,u0*u,p,t); for q = 1:sys.Q y0 = sparse(1,q,1,1,sys.Q); switch(method) case 'linear' F = @(x,u,p,t) sys.F(x,y0'*u,p,t); WXij = EMGR(f,F,[1,sys.N,1],tdisc,'y',sys.p,config,1,0,sys.xs,1,sys.xm,o_diag); case 'nonlinear' g = @(x,u,p,t) y0*sys.g(x,u0*u,p,t); WXij = EMGR(f,g,[1,sys.N,1],tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,1,0,sys.xs,1,sys.xm,o_diag); otherwise error('curios: unknown decentralized-control method.'); end PM(m,q) = sum(WXij.^2); if(picked('coherence')), PM(m,q) = sum(WXij)^2/PM(m,q); end end end PM = PM - min(PM(:)); PM = PM./max(PM(:)); fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); plot_iomat(PM,sys.M,sys.Q,method,subpl); %% Nonlinearity Quantification case 'nonlinearity-quantification' K = 20; nl = zeros(1,K); sc = linspace(0.1,2.0,K); switch(method) case 'input-based' for k = 1:K nl(k) = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,sc(k)*,sys.xm,o_trac); end case 'state-based' for k = 1:K nl(k) = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,sc(k)*,sc(k)*sys.xm,o_trac); end case 'output-based' for k = 1:K nl(k) = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'o',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sc(k)*sys.xm,o_trac); end otherwise error('curios: unknown nonlinearity-quantification method.'); end nl = abs(nl); nl = nl - min(nl); nl = nl./max(nl); fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); plot_mag_1d(nl,method,'nonlinearity',holding,subpl); %% State Index case 'state-index' switch(method) case 'controllability' w = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'c',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,o_diag); case 'observability' w = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'o',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,o_diag); case 'minimality' w = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,o_diag); otherwise error('curios: unknown state-index method.'); end fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); plot_mag_1d(abs(w)./max(abs(w)),method,task,holding,subpl); %% System Indices case 'system-index' if(not(picked('cached')) || isempty(EV)) WX = EMGR(sys.f,sys.g,sysdim,tdisc,'x',sys.p,config,sys.ut,,sys.xs,,sys.xm,dp); EV = eig(WX); [~,IX] = sort(abs(EV),'descend'); EV = real(EV(IX)); ev = EV; ev(abs(ev)<(eps*max(abs(ev)))) = 0; SV = svd(WX); end switch(method) case 'cauchy-index' in = sum(sign(ev)) - cumsum(sign(ev)); case 'system-entropy' in = 1.0 - ([1:sys.N]'*log(2*pi*exp(1)) + cumsum(log(abs(EV))))./(sys.N*log(2*pi*exp(1)) + sum(log(abs(EV)))); case 'system-gain' in = 1.0 - cumsum(EV)./sum(EV); in = in./max(in); case 'hinf-bound' in = 2.0 * rcumsum([abs(EV(2:end));0])./sum(abs(EV)); in = in./max(in); case 'hankel-bound' in = [abs(EV(2:end));0]./sum(abs(EV)); in = in./max(in); case 'energy-fraction' in = 1.0 - cumsum(SV)./sum(SV); in = in./max(in); case 'storage-efficiency' in = cumprod(abs(EV)).^(1.0./[1:numel(EV)]'); in = in./max(in); case 'ellipsoid-volume' in = sqrt(cumprod(abs(EV))); in = max(1e-16,in./max(in)); case 'nyquist-area' % = System-Norm in = 1.0 - sqrt(cumsum(EV.^2) ./ sum(EV.^2)); in = in./max(in); case 'io-coherence' in = 1.0 - abs((cumsum(EV).^2 * sum(EV.^2)) ./ (cumsum(EV.^2) * sum(EV).^2)); in = in./max(in); otherwise error('curios: unknown system-index method.'); end fprintf(' offline time: %.2f s\n',toc); plot_mag_1d(in,method,task,holding,subpl); otherwise error('Unknown Task!'); end %% Clean up ODE = []; STAGEC = []; fprintf('\n'); end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: select emgr backend function [EMGR,mdf] = sel() if(exist('OCTAVE_VERSION','builtin')) assert(exist('emgr_oct')==2,'emgr_oct not found! Get emgr at:'); EMGR = @emgr_oct; mdf = '-oct'; elseif(verLessThan('matlab','9.1')) assert(exist('emgr_lgc')==2,'emgr_lgc not found! Get emgr at:'); EMGR = @emgr_lgc; mdf = '-lgc'; else assert(exist('emgr')==2,'emgr not found! Get emgr at:'); EMGR = @emgr; mdf = ''; end end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: ainv (approximate inverse) function x = ainv(m) d = diag(m); k = find(abs(d)>sqrt(eps)); d(k) = 1.0./d(k); x = bsxfun(@times,m,-d); x = bsxfun(@times,x,d'); x(1:numel(d)+1:end) = d; end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: balco (Balancing Controllability and Observability) function [TR,HSV,TL] = balco(WC,WO) switch(nargin) case 1 [LO,EX,LC] = eig(WC,'vector'); [ex,IN] = sort(sqrt(abs(EX)),'descend'); LO = LO(:,IN)*diag(ex); LC = LC(:,IN)*diag(ex); case 2 [LC,EC] = eig(WC,'vector'); [ec,IN] = sort(sqrt(abs(EC)),'descend'); [LO,EO] = eig(WO,'vector'); [eo,IN] = sort(sqrt(abs(EO)),'descend'); LC = LC(:,IN)*diag(ec); LO = LO(:,IN)*diag(eo); end [U,HSV,V] = svd(LC'*LO); HSV = diag(HSV); y = sqrt(1.0./(HSV + 1e-14)); TR = LO*V*diag(y); TL = LC*U*diag(y); end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: gains (Balanced Gains Sorting) function [TR,HSV,TL] = gains(sys,tr,hs,tl) B = zeros(sys.N,sys.M); for k = 1:sys.M B(:,k) = sys.f(sys.xs,(1:sys.M==k)',sys.p,0); end C = sys.g(1,,sys.p,0); HSV = abs(sum((tr'*B).*(C*tl)',2)).*hs; [TMP,IX] = sort(HSV,'descend'); TL = tl(:,IX); TR = tr(:,IX); end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: assess (Assess Reduced Order Model) function [orders,errors,names] = assess(sys,UX,VX,UP,VP,m) global ODE; P = size(sys.p,1); Q = size(sys.q,2); if(not(isempty(UX)) && not(isempty(UP))) if(sys.N>10), xskip = round(sys.N./10); else, xskip = 1; end if(P>10), pskip = round(P./10); else, pskip = 1; end else if(sys.N>100), xskip = round(sys.N./100); else, xskip = 1; end if(P>100), pskip = round(P./100); else, pskip = 1; end end xtest = [1,xskip:xskip:min(size(UX,2),sys.N)-1]; ptest = [1,pskip:pskip:min(size(UP,2),P)-1]; if(isempty(UX) || isempty(VX)) UX = 1; VX = 1; xtest = 1; end if(isempty(UP) || isempty(VP)) UP = 1; VP = 1; ptest = 1; end l0norm = @(y) sum(prod(abs(y),1).^(1.0/size(y,1)),2); l1norm = @(y) norm(y(:),1); l2norm = @(y) norm(y(:),2); l8norm = @(y) norm(y(:),Inf); l0 = zeros(numel(xtest),numel(ptest)); l1 = zeros(numel(xtest),numel(ptest)); l2 = zeros(numel(xtest),numel(ptest)); l8 = zeros(numel(xtest),numel(ptest)); for q = 1:Q Y = ODE(sys.f,sys.g,[sys.dt,sys.Tf],sys.xs,@(t) + sys.vt(t),sys.q(:,q)); n0 = l0norm(Y); n1 = l1norm(Y); n2 = l2norm(Y); n8 = l8norm(Y); for n = xtest switch(m) case 'dominant' [ux,~,~] = svd([UX(:,1:n),VX(:,1:n)],'econ'); ux = ux(:,1:n); vx = ux'; case 'secondo' nn = numel(sys.xs)/2; ux = [UX(:,1:n),zeros(nn,n);zeros(nn,n),UX(:,1:n)]; vx = [VX(:,1:n),zeros(nn,n);zeros(nn,n),VX(:,1:n)]'; otherwise ux = UX(:,1:n); vx = VX(:,1:n)'; end ix = find(xtest==n); for p = ptest up = UP(:,1:p); vp = VP(:,1:p)'; ip = find(ptest==p); y = ODE(@(x,u,p,t) vx*sys.f(ux*x,u,up*p,t), ... @(x,u,p,t) sys.g(ux*x,u,up*p,t), ... [sys.dt,sys.Tf], vx*sys.xs, @(t) + sys.vt(t), vp*sys.q(:,q)); e0 = l0norm(Y - y) / n0; e1 = l1norm(Y - y) / n1; e2 = l2norm(Y - y) / n2; e8 = l8norm(Y - y) / n8; if(Q > 1) e0 = e0 .* e0; e1 = e1 .* e1; e2 = e2 .* e2; e8 = e8 .* e8; end l0(ix,ip) = l0(ix,ip) + e0; l1(ix,ip) = l1(ix,ip) + e1; l2(ix,ip) = l2(ix,ip) + e2; l8(ix,ip) = l8(ix,ip) + e8; end end end if(Q>1) l0 = sqrt(l0 ./ Q); l1 = sqrt(l1 ./ Q); l2 = sqrt(l2 ./ Q); l8 = sqrt(l8 ./ Q); end l0 = min(l0,1.0); l1 = min(l1,1.0); l2 = min(l2,1.0); l8 = min(l8,1.0); orders = {xtest, ptest}; errors = {l0, l1, l2, l8}; names = {'L_1 Error', 'L_2 Error', 'L_\infty Error', 'L_0 Error'}; end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: morscore (Model Reduction Scoring) function morscore(orders,errors,N) nx = orders./(N-1); ny = log10(errors)./16.0 + 1.0; if(nx(end)~=1), nx(end+1) = 1; ny(end+1) = ny(end); end; ms = 1.0 - trapz(nx(:),ny(:)); fprintf(' MOR score: %.2f',ms); text(0.5,0.5,num2str(ms,'%.2f'),'Units','normalized'); end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: rk45e (Embedded Runge Kutta 4th / 5th Solver) function y = rk45e(f,g,t,x0,u,p) [S,x] = ode45(@(t,x) f(x,u(t),p,t),[0,t(2)],x0,'InitialStep',t(1)); % Compute State Trajectory K = numel(S); z = g(x(1,:)',u(S(1)),p,S(1)); z(end,K) = 0; for k = 2:K tk = S(k); z(:,k) = g(x(k,:)',u(tk),p,tk); % Compute Output Trajectory end y = interp1(S,z',0:t(1):t(2))'; end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: plot_error_1d (1D Error Plot) function plot_error_1d(orders,errors,names,ident,subpl) if(orders{1}==1), dom = orders{2}; else, dom = orders{1}; end if(isempty(subpl)) figure('Name',ident,'NumberTitle','off'); else if(subpl(3)==1), figure; end subplot(subpl(1),subpl(2),subpl(3)); end semilogy(dom,errors{2},'r','linewidth',2); hold on; semilogy(dom,errors{3},'g','linewidth',2); semilogy(dom,errors{4},'b','linewidth',2); semilogy(dom,errors{1},'k--','linewidth',2); hold off; xlim([dom(1),dom(end)]); ylim([1e-16,1]); pbaspect([2,1,1]); if(isempty(subpl)) xlabel('Reduced Dimension'); ylabel('Relative Error'); legend(names{1},names{2},names{3},names{4},'location','northeast'); else set(gca,'Ytick',[]); set(gca,'Xtick',[]); if(subpl(3)<=subpl(2)), title(ident); end set([gca; findall(gca,'Type','text')],'FontSize',4); end set(gca,'YGrid','on'); end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: plot_error2d (2D Error Plot) function plot_error_2d(orders,errors,names,ident,subpl) if(isempty(subpl)) figure('Name',ident,'NumberTitle','off'); else if(subpl(3)==1), figure; end subplot(subpl(1),subpl(2),subpl(3)); end h = surf(orders{1},orders{2},min(1.0,errors{3})); set(gca,'ZScale','log'); set(h,'CData',log10(get(h,'CData'))); set(gca,'CLim',log10(get(gca,'ZLim'))); view(135,15); if(isempty(subpl)) zl = zlim(); zlim([zl(1),1]); ylabel('State Dimension') xlabel('Parameter Dimension'); zlabel('Relative Error'); else zlim([1e-16,1]); set(gca,'Ytick',[]); set(gca,'Xtick',[]); if(subpl(3)<=subpl(2)), title(ident); end set([gca; findall(gca,'Type','text')],'FontSize',4); end end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: plot_iomat (Plot Participation Matrix) function plot_iomat(PM,M,Q,ident,subpl) if(isempty(subpl)) figure('Name',ident,'NumberTitle','off'); else if(subpl(3)==1), figure; end subplot(subpl(1),subpl(2),subpl(3)); end imagesc(PM); if(isempty(subpl)) colorbar; set(gca,'XTick',1:1:M,'YTick',1:1:Q); else set(gca,'Ytick',[]); set(gca,'Xtick',[]); set(gca,'Ztick',[]); title(ident); end end %% LOCAL FUNCTION: plot_mag_1d (1D Magnitude Plot) function plot_mag_1d(mag,name,ident,holding,subpl) persistent c; if(isempty(c) || (not(holding) && not(isempty(c))) ) c = 1; end dom = numel(mag); if(holding) col = lines(11); hold on; else col = zeros(11,3); if(isempty(subpl)) figure('Name',ident,'NumberTitle','off'); else if(subpl(3)==1), figure; end subplot(subpl(1),subpl(2),subpl(3)); end end if(strcmp(name,'cauchy-index') || strcmp(name,'system-entropy')) plot(1:dom,mag,'Color',col(c,:),'linewidth',2,'DisplayName',name); else mag(mag==0) = min(mag(mag>0)); semilogy(1:dom,mag,'Color',col(c,:),'linewidth',2,'DisplayName',name); end if(holding) hold off; c = c + 1; end if(isempty(subpl)) legend show set(legend,'location','northeast'); else title(ident); end xlim([1,dom]); yl = ylim(); ylim([min([1e-4;yl(1);mag(:)]),max([1;yl(2);mag(:)])]); pbaspect([2,1,1]); set(gca,'YGrid','on'); end