\name{datasets} \alias{FineRoot} \alias{ClaimTriangle} \alias{AutoClaim} \docType{data} \title{Data sets in the cplm pakcage} \description{The data sets included in package is described here.} \usage{ data(FineRoot) data(ClaimTriangle) data(AutoClaim) } \format{ \code{FineRoot}: a data set used for the study of the fine root length density of plants. It is a data frame with 511 records and 5 variables: \describe{ \item{\code{Plant}:}{identifier of the apple tree, 1-8} \item{\code{Stock}:}{root stokcing, one of three different root stocks: Mark, MM106 and M26} \item{\code{Spacing}:}{between-row \eqn{\times} within-row spacings, one of the following two: \eqn{4 \times 2} meters and \eqn{5 \times 3} meters} \item{\code{Zone}:}{inner or outer} \item{\code{RLD}:}{root length density} } \code{ClaimTriangle}: a data set from an insurance loss reserving triangle. It is a data frame with 55 records and 3 variables: \describe{ \item{\code{year}:}{the year when the accident occurs} \item{\code{lag}:}{development lag} \item{\code{increLoss}:}{incremental insurance loss in 1000s} } \code{AutoClaim}: a motor insurance data set retrieved from the SAS Enterprise Miner database. It is a data frame with 10296 records and 29 variables: \describe{ \item{\code{POLICYNO}:}{"character", the policy number} \item{\code{PLCYDATE}:}{"Date", policy effective date} \item{\code{CLM_FREQ5}:}{"integer", the number of claims in the past 5 years} \item{\code{CLM_AMT5}:}{"integer", the total claim amount in the past 5 years} \item{\code{CLM_AMT}:}{"integer", the claim amount in the current insured period} \item{\code{KIDSDRIV}:}{"integer", the number of driving children} \item{\code{TRAVTIME}:}{"integer", the distance to work} \item{\code{CAR_USE}:}{"factor", the primary use of the vehicle: "Commercial", "Private".} \item{\code{BLUEBOOK}:}{"integer", the value of the vehicle} \item{\code{RETAINED}:}{"integer", the number of years as a customer} \item{\code{NPOLICY}:}{"integer", the number of policies} \item{\code{CAR_TYPE}:}{"factor", the type of the car: "Panel Truck", "Pickup", "Sedan", "Sports Car", "SUV", "Van".} \item{\code{RED_CAR}:}{"factor", whether the color of the car is red: "no", "yes".} \item{\code{REVOLKED}:}{"factor", whether the dirver's license was invoked in the past 7 years: "No", "Yes",} \item{\code{MVR_PTS}:}{"integer", MVR violation records} \item{\code{CLM_FLAG}:}{"factor", whether a claim is reported: "No", "Yes".} \item{\code{AGE}:}{"integer", the age of the driver} \item{\code{HOMEKIDS}:}{"integer", the number of children} \item{\code{YOJ}:}{"integer", years at current job} \item{\code{INCOME}:}{"integer", annual income} \item{\code{GENDER}:}{"factor", the gender of the driver: "F", "M".} \item{\code{MARRIED}:}{"factor", married or not: "No", "Yes".} \item{\code{PARENT1}:}{"factor", single parent: "No", "Yes".} \item{\code{JOBCLASS}:}{"factor": "Unknown", "Blue Collar", "Clerical", "Doctor", "Home Maker", "Lawyer", "Manager", "Professional", "Student".} \item{\code{MAX_EDUC}:}{"factor", max education level:"