# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license using Test, Random function runtests(name, path, isolate=true; seed=nothing) old_print_setting = Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] = false try if isolate # Simple enough to type and random enough so that no one will hard # code it in the test mod_name = Symbol("Test", rand(1:100), "Main_", replace(name, '/' => '_')) m = @eval(Main, module $mod_name end) else m = Main end @eval(m, using Test, Random) let id = myid() wait(@spawnat 1 print_testworker_started(name, id)) end res_and_time_data = @timed @testset "$name" begin # Random.seed!(nothing) will fail seed != nothing && Random.seed!(seed) original_depot_path = copy(Base.DEPOT_PATH) original_load_path = copy(Base.LOAD_PATH) original_env = copy(ENV) original_project = Base.active_project() Base.include(m, "$path.jl") if Base.DEPOT_PATH != original_depot_path msg = "The `$(name)` test set mutated Base.DEPOT_PATH and did not restore the original values" @error( msg, original_depot_path, Base.DEPOT_PATH, testset_name = name, testset_path = path, ) error(msg) end if Base.LOAD_PATH != original_load_path msg = "The `$(name)` test set mutated Base.LOAD_PATH and did not restore the original values" @error( msg, original_load_path, Base.LOAD_PATH, testset_name = name, testset_path = path, ) error(msg) end if copy(ENV) != original_env msg = "The `$(name)` test set mutated ENV and did not restore the original values" @error( msg, testset_name = name, testset_path = path, ) throw_error_str = get(ENV, "JULIA_TEST_CHECK_MUTATED_ENV", "true") throw_error_b = parse(Bool, throw_error_str) if throw_error_b error(msg) end end if Base.active_project() != original_project msg = "The `$(name)` test set changed the active project and did not restore the original value" @error( msg, original_project, Base.active_project(), testset_name = name, testset_path = path, ) error(msg) end end rss = Sys.maxrss() #res_and_time_data[1] is the testset ts = res_and_time_data[1] passes, fails, errors, broken, c_passes, c_fails, c_errors, c_broken = Test.get_test_counts(ts) # simplify our stored data to just contain the counts res_and_time_data = (TestSetException(passes+c_passes, fails+c_fails, errors+c_errors, broken+c_broken, Test.filter_errors(ts)), res_and_time_data[2], res_and_time_data[3], res_and_time_data[4], res_and_time_data[5], rss) return res_and_time_data catch ex Test.TESTSET_PRINT_ENABLE[] = old_print_setting ex isa TestSetException || rethrow() return Any[ex] end end # looking in . messes things up badly filter!(x->x!=".", LOAD_PATH) # Support for Revise function revise_trackall() Revise.track(Core.Compiler) Revise.track(Base) for (id, mod) in Base.loaded_modules if id.name in STDLIBS Revise.track(mod) end end Revise.revise() end nothing # File is loaded via a remotecall to "include". Ensure it returns "nothing".